/* * Copyright © 2018 Adobe Systems Incorporated. * * This is part of HarfBuzz, a text shaping library. * * Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without * license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this * software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the * above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in * all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN * IF THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH * DAMAGE. * * THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. * * Adobe Author(s): Michiharu Ariza */ #ifndef HB_OT_CFF2_TABLE_HH #define HB_OT_CFF2_TABLE_HH #include "hb-ot-cff-common.hh" #include "hb-subset-cff2.hh" namespace CFF { /* * CFF2 -- Compact Font Format (CFF) Version 2 * https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/typography/opentype/spec/cff2 */ #define HB_OT_TAG_cff2 HB_TAG('C','F','F','2') typedef CFFIndex CFF2Index; template struct CFF2IndexOf : CFFIndexOf {}; typedef CFF2Index CFF2CharStrings; typedef FDArray CFF2FDArray; typedef Subrs CFF2Subrs; typedef FDSelect3_4 FDSelect4; typedef FDSelect3_4_Range FDSelect4_Range; struct CFF2FDSelect { inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c, unsigned int fdcount) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely (c->check_struct (this) && (format == 0 || format == 3 || format == 4) && (format == 0)? u.format0.sanitize (c, fdcount): ((format == 3)? u.format3.sanitize (c, fdcount): u.format4.sanitize (c, fdcount)))); } inline bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const CFF2FDSelect &src, unsigned int num_glyphs) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); unsigned int size = src.get_size (num_glyphs); CFF2FDSelect *dest = c->allocate_size (size); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return_trace (false); memcpy (dest, &src, size); return_trace (true); } inline unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { return get_size (num_glyphs); } inline unsigned int get_size (unsigned int num_glyphs) const { unsigned int size = format.static_size; if (format == 0) size += u.format0.get_size (num_glyphs); else if (format == 3) size += u.format3.get_size (); else size += u.format4.get_size (); return size; } inline hb_codepoint_t get_fd (hb_codepoint_t glyph) const { if (this == &Null(CFF2FDSelect)) return 0; if (format == 0) return u.format0.get_fd (glyph); else if (format == 3) return u.format3.get_fd (glyph); else return u.format4.get_fd (glyph); } HBUINT8 format; union { FDSelect0 format0; FDSelect3 format3; FDSelect4 format4; } u; DEFINE_SIZE_MIN (2); }; struct CFF2VariationStore { inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (likely (c->check_struct (this)) && varStore.sanitize (c)); } inline bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c, const CFF2VariationStore *varStore) { TRACE_SERIALIZE (this); unsigned int size_ = varStore->get_size (); CFF2VariationStore *dest = c->allocate_size (size_); if (unlikely (dest == nullptr)) return_trace (false); memcpy (dest, varStore, size_); return_trace (true); } inline unsigned int get_size (void) const { return HBUINT16::static_size + size; } HBUINT16 size; VariationStore varStore; DEFINE_SIZE_MIN (2 + VariationStore::min_size); }; struct CFF2TopDictValues : TopDictValues { inline void init (void) { TopDictValues::init (); vstoreOffset = 0; FDSelectOffset = 0; } inline void fini (void) { TopDictValues::fini (); } inline unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (void) const { unsigned int size = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getNumValues (); i++) { OpCode op = getValue (i).op; switch (op) { case OpCode_vstore: case OpCode_FDSelect: size += OpCode_Size (OpCode_longintdict) + 4 + OpCode_Size (op); break; default: size += TopDictValues::calculate_serialized_op_size (getValue (i)); break; } } return size; } unsigned int vstoreOffset; unsigned int FDSelectOffset; }; struct CFF2TopDictOpSet : TopDictOpSet { static inline bool process_op (OpCode op, NumInterpEnv& env, CFF2TopDictValues& dictval) { switch (op) { case OpCode_FontMatrix: { DictVal val; val.init (); dictval.addOp (op, env.substr); env.clear_args (); } break; case OpCode_vstore: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_uint (dictval.vstoreOffset))) return false; env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_FDSelect: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_uint (dictval.FDSelectOffset))) return false; env.clear_args (); break; default: if (unlikely (!SUPER::process_op (op, env, dictval))) return false; /* Record this operand below if stack is empty, otherwise done */ if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return true; } dictval.addOp (op, env.substr); return true; } typedef TopDictOpSet SUPER; }; struct CFF2FontDictValues : DictValues { inline void init (void) { DictValues::init (); privateDictInfo.init (); } inline void fini (void) { DictValues::fini (); } TableInfo privateDictInfo; }; struct CFF2FontDictOpSet : DictOpSet { static inline bool process_op (OpCode op, NumInterpEnv& env, CFF2FontDictValues& dictval) { switch (op) { case OpCode_Private: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_uint (dictval.privateDictInfo.offset))) return false; if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_uint (dictval.privateDictInfo.size))) return false; env.clear_args (); break; default: if (unlikely (!SUPER::process_op (op, env))) return false; if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return true; } dictval.addOp (op, env.substr); return true; } private: typedef DictOpSet SUPER; }; template struct CFF2PrivateDictValues_Base : DictValues { inline void init (void) { DictValues::init (); subrsOffset = 0; localSubrs = &Null(CFF2Subrs); vsindex = 0; } inline void fini (void) { DictValues::fini (); } inline unsigned int calculate_serialized_size (void) const { unsigned int size = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < DictValues::getNumValues; i++) if (DictValues::getValue (i).op == OpCode_Subrs) size += OpCode_Size (OpCode_shortint) + 2 + OpCode_Size (OpCode_Subrs); else size += DictValues::getValue (i).str.len; return size; } unsigned int subrsOffset; const CFF2Subrs *localSubrs; unsigned int vsindex; }; typedef CFF2PrivateDictValues_Base CFF2PrivateDictValues_Subset; typedef CFF2PrivateDictValues_Base CFF2PrivateDictValues; struct CFF2PrivateDictOpSet : DictOpSet { static inline bool process_op (OpCode op, NumInterpEnv& env, CFF2PrivateDictValues& dictval) { NumDictVal val; val.init (); switch (op) { case OpCode_StdHW: case OpCode_StdVW: case OpCode_BlueScale: case OpCode_BlueShift: case OpCode_BlueFuzz: case OpCode_ExpansionFactor: case OpCode_LanguageGroup: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_num (val.single_val))) return false; env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_BlueValues: case OpCode_OtherBlues: case OpCode_FamilyBlues: case OpCode_FamilyOtherBlues: case OpCode_StemSnapH: case OpCode_StemSnapV: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_delta (val.multi_val))) return false; env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_Subrs: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_uint (dictval.subrsOffset))) return false; env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_vsindexdict: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_uint (dictval.vsindex))) return false; break; case OpCode_blenddict: break; default: if (unlikely (!DictOpSet::process_op (op, env))) return false; if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return true; break; } dictval.addOp (op, env.substr, val); return true; } }; struct CFF2PrivateDictOpSet_Subset : DictOpSet { static inline bool process_op (OpCode op, NumInterpEnv& env, CFF2PrivateDictValues_Subset& dictval) { switch (op) { case OpCode_BlueValues: case OpCode_OtherBlues: case OpCode_FamilyBlues: case OpCode_FamilyOtherBlues: case OpCode_StdHW: case OpCode_StdVW: case OpCode_BlueScale: case OpCode_BlueShift: case OpCode_BlueFuzz: case OpCode_StemSnapH: case OpCode_StemSnapV: case OpCode_LanguageGroup: case OpCode_ExpansionFactor: env.clear_args (); break; case OpCode_blenddict: env.clear_args (); return true; case OpCode_Subrs: if (unlikely (!env.argStack.check_pop_uint (dictval.subrsOffset))) return false; env.clear_args (); break; default: if (unlikely (!SUPER::process_op (op, env))) return false; if (!env.argStack.is_empty ()) return true; break; } dictval.addOp (op, env.substr); return true; } private: typedef DictOpSet SUPER; }; typedef DictInterpreter CFF2TopDict_Interpreter; typedef DictInterpreter CFF2FontDict_Interpreter; }; /* namespace CFF */ namespace OT { using namespace CFF; struct cff2 { static const hb_tag_t tableTag = HB_OT_TAG_cff2; inline bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const { TRACE_SANITIZE (this); return_trace (c->check_struct (this) && likely (version.major == 2)); } template struct accelerator_templ_t { inline void init (hb_face_t *face) { topDict.init (); fontDicts.init (); privateDicts.init (); this->blob = sc.reference_table (face); /* setup for run-time santization */ sc.init (this->blob); sc.start_processing (); const OT::cff2 *cff2 = this->blob->template as (); if (cff2 == &Null(OT::cff2)) { fini (); return; } { /* parse top dict */ ByteStr topDictStr (cff2 + cff2->topDict, cff2->topDictSize); if (unlikely (!topDictStr.sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } CFF2TopDict_Interpreter top_interp; top_interp.env.init (topDictStr); if (unlikely (!top_interp.interpret (topDict))) { fini (); return; } } globalSubrs = &StructAtOffset (cff2, cff2->topDict + cff2->topDictSize); varStore = &StructAtOffsetOrNull (cff2, topDict.vstoreOffset); charStrings = &StructAtOffsetOrNull (cff2, topDict.charStringsOffset); fdArray = &StructAtOffsetOrNull (cff2, topDict.FDArrayOffset); fdSelect = &StructAtOffsetOrNull (cff2, topDict.FDSelectOffset); if (((varStore != &Null(CFF2VariationStore)) && unlikely (!varStore->sanitize (&sc))) || (charStrings == &Null(CFF2CharStrings)) || unlikely (!charStrings->sanitize (&sc)) || (fdArray == &Null(CFF2FDArray)) || unlikely (!fdArray->sanitize (&sc)) || (((fdSelect != &Null(CFF2FDSelect)) && unlikely (!fdSelect->sanitize (&sc, fdArray->count))))) { fini (); return; } num_glyphs = charStrings->count; if (num_glyphs != sc.get_num_glyphs ()) { fini (); return; } if (varStore != &Null(CFF2VariationStore)) region_count = varStore->varStore.get_region_count (); else region_count = 0; fdCount = fdArray->count; privateDicts.resize (fdCount); /* parse font dicts and gather private dicts */ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fdCount; i++) { const ByteStr fontDictStr = (*fdArray)[i]; if (unlikely (!fontDictStr.sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } CFF2FontDictValues *font; CFF2FontDict_Interpreter font_interp; font_interp.env.init (fontDictStr); font = fontDicts.push (); if (unlikely (!font_interp.interpret (*font))) { fini (); return; } const ByteStr privDictStr (StructAtOffsetOrNull (cff2, font->privateDictInfo.offset), font->privateDictInfo.size); if (unlikely (!privDictStr.sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } DictInterpreter priv_interp; priv_interp.env.init(privDictStr); if (unlikely (!priv_interp.interpret (privateDicts[i]))) { fini (); return; } privateDicts[i].localSubrs = &StructAtOffsetOrNull (privDictStr.str, privateDicts[i].subrsOffset); if (privateDicts[i].localSubrs != &Null(CFF2Subrs) && unlikely (!privateDicts[i].localSubrs->sanitize (&sc))) { fini (); return; } } } inline void fini (void) { sc.end_processing (); fontDicts.fini (); privateDicts.fini (); hb_blob_destroy (blob); blob = nullptr; } inline bool is_valid (void) const { return blob != nullptr; } inline bool get_extents (hb_codepoint_t glyph, hb_glyph_extents_t *extents) const { // XXX: TODO if (glyph >= num_glyphs) return false; return true; } protected: hb_blob_t *blob; hb_sanitize_context_t sc; public: CFF2TopDictValues topDict; const CFF2Subrs *globalSubrs; const CFF2VariationStore *varStore; const CFF2CharStrings *charStrings; const CFF2FDArray *fdArray; const CFF2FDSelect *fdSelect; unsigned int fdCount; hb_vector_t fontDicts; hb_vector_t privateDicts; unsigned int num_glyphs; unsigned int region_count; }; typedef accelerator_templ_t accelerator_t; typedef accelerator_templ_t accelerator_subset_t; inline bool subset (hb_subset_plan_t *plan) const { hb_blob_t *cff2_prime = nullptr; bool success = true; if (hb_subset_cff2 (plan, &cff2_prime)) { success = success && plan->add_table (HB_OT_TAG_cff2, cff2_prime); } else { success = false; } hb_blob_destroy (cff2_prime); return success; } public: FixedVersion version; /* Version of CFF2 table. set to 0x0200u */ OffsetTo topDict; /* headerSize = Offset to Top DICT. */ HBUINT16 topDictSize; /* Top DICT size */ public: DEFINE_SIZE_STATIC (5); }; } /* namespace OT */ #endif /* HB_OT_CFF2_TABLE_HH */