Uniscribe is buggy and sometimes /eats/ a mark next to a non-joiner. Most of Malayalam failures where actually hitting this bug. Ignore test output with two zero-width space glyphs. This is a hack until we build up the test suite infrastructure better. Bengali went down by 9, Devanagari by 2, Kannada by 130, Malayalm down from 1197 to 307, Sinhala down by 16, Telugu down by 26. New stats: BENGALI: 353996 out of 354285 tests passed. 289 failed (0.0815727%) DEVANAGARI: 693573 out of 693628 tests passed. 55 failed (0.00792932%) GUJARATI: 366489 out of 366506 tests passed. 17 failed (0.0046384%) GURMUKHI: 60750 out of 60809 tests passed. 59 failed (0.0970251%) KANNADA: 951086 out of 951913 tests passed. 827 failed (0.0868777%) KHMER: 299094 out of 299124 tests passed. 30 failed (0.0100293%) MALAYALAM: 1048109 out of 1048416 tests passed. 307 failed (0.0292823%) ORIYA: 42320 out of 42329 tests passed. 9 failed (0.021262%) SINHALA: 271715 out of 271847 tests passed. 132 failed (0.0485567%) TAMIL: 1091837 out of 1091837 tests passed. 0 failed (0%) TELUGU: 970550 out of 970573 tests passed. 23 failed (0.00236973%)
517 lines
12 KiB
517 lines
12 KiB
import sys, os, re, difflib, unicodedata, errno, cgi
from itertools import *
diff_symbols = "-+=*&^%$#@!~/"
diff_colors = ['red', 'green', 'blue']
class ColorFormatter:
class Null:
def start_color (c): return ''
def end_color (): return ''
def escape (s): return s
def newline (): return '\n'
class ANSI:
def start_color (c):
return {
'red': '\033[41;37;1m',
'green': '\033[42;37;1m',
'blue': '\033[44;37;1m',
def end_color ():
return '\033[m'
def escape (s): return s
def newline (): return '\n'
class HTML:
def start_color (c):
return '<span style="background:%s">' % c
def end_color ():
return '</span>'
def escape (s): return cgi.escape (s)
def newline (): return '<br/>\n'
def Auto (argv = [], out = sys.stdout):
format = ColorFormatter.ANSI
if "--format" in argv:
argv.remove ("--format")
format = ColorFormatter.ANSI
if "--format=ansi" in argv:
argv.remove ("--format=ansi")
format = ColorFormatter.ANSI
if "--format=html" in argv:
argv.remove ("--format=html")
format = ColorFormatter.HTML
if "--no-format" in argv:
argv.remove ("--no-format")
format = ColorFormatter.Null
return format
class DiffColorizer:
diff_regex = re.compile ('([a-za-z0-9_]*)([^a-za-z0-9_]?)')
def __init__ (self, formatter, colors=diff_colors, symbols=diff_symbols):
self.formatter = formatter
self.colors = colors
self.symbols = symbols
def colorize_lines (self, lines):
lines = (l if l else '' for l in lines)
ss = [self.diff_regex.sub (r'\1\n\2\n', l).splitlines (True) for l in lines]
oo = ["",""]
st = [False, False]
for l in difflib.Differ().compare (*ss):
if l[0] == '?':
if l[0] == ' ':
for i in range(2):
if st[i]:
oo[i] += self.formatter.end_color ()
st[i] = False
oo = [o + self.formatter.escape (l[2:]) for o in oo]
if l[0] in self.symbols:
i = self.symbols.index (l[0])
if not st[i]:
oo[i] += self.formatter.start_color (self.colors[i])
st[i] = True
oo[i] += self.formatter.escape (l[2:])
for i in range(2):
if st[i]:
oo[i] += self.formatter.end_color ()
st[i] = False
oo = [o.replace ('\n', '') for o in oo]
return [s1+s2+self.formatter.newline () for (s1,s2) in zip (self.symbols, oo) if s2]
def colorize_diff (self, f):
lines = [None, None]
for l in f:
if l[0] not in self.symbols:
yield self.formatter.escape (l).replace ('\n', self.formatter.newline ())
i = self.symbols.index (l[0])
if lines[i]:
# Flush
for line in self.colorize_lines (lines):
yield line
lines = [None, None]
lines[i] = l[1:]
if (all (lines)):
# Flush
for line in self.colorize_lines (lines):
yield line
lines = [None, None]
if (any (lines)):
# Flush
for line in self.colorize_lines (lines):
yield line
class ZipDiffer:
def diff_files (files, symbols=diff_symbols):
files = tuple (files) # in case it's a generator, copy it
for lines in izip_longest (*files):
if all (lines[0] == line for line in lines[1:]):
sys.stdout.writelines ([" ", lines[0]])
for i, l in enumerate (lines):
if l:
sys.stdout.writelines ([symbols[i], l])
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], e.filename, e.strerror)
sys.exit (1)
class DiffFilters:
def filter_failures (f):
for key, lines in DiffHelpers.separate_test_cases (f):
lines = list (lines)
if not DiffHelpers.test_passed (lines):
for l in lines: yield l
class Stat:
def __init__ (self):
self.count = 0
self.freq = 0
def add (self, test):
self.count += 1
self.freq += test.freq
class Stats:
def __init__ (self):
self.passed = Stat ()
self.failed = Stat ()
self.total = Stat ()
def add (self, test):
self.total.add (test)
if test.passed:
self.passed.add (test)
self.failed.add (test)
def mean (self):
return float (self.passed.count) / self.total.count
def variance (self):
return (float (self.passed.count) / self.total.count) * \
(float (self.failed.count) / self.total.count)
def stddev (self):
return self.variance () ** .5
def zscore (self, population):
"""Calculate the standard score.
Population is the Stats for population.
Self is Stats for sample.
Returns larger absolute value if sample is highly unlikely to be random.
Anything outside of -3..+3 is very unlikely to be random.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_score"""
return (self.mean () - population.mean ()) / population.stddev ()
class DiffSinks:
def print_stat (f):
passed = 0
failed = 0
# XXX port to Stats, but that would really slow us down here
for key, lines in DiffHelpers.separate_test_cases (f):
if DiffHelpers.test_passed (lines):
passed += 1
failed += 1
total = passed + failed
print "%d out of %d tests passed. %d failed (%g%%)" % (passed, total, failed, 100. * failed / total)
def print_ngrams (f, ns=(1,2,3)):
gens = tuple (Ngram.generator (n) for n in ns)
allstats = Stats ()
allgrams = {}
for key, lines in DiffHelpers.separate_test_cases (f):
test = Test (lines)
allstats.add (test)
for gen in gens:
for ngram in gen (test.unicodes):
if ngram not in allgrams:
allgrams[ngram] = Stats ()
allgrams[ngram].add (test)
importantgrams = {}
for ngram, stats in allgrams.iteritems ():
if stats.failed.count >= 30: # for statistical reasons
importantgrams[ngram] = stats
allgrams = importantgrams
del importantgrams
for ngram, stats in allgrams.iteritems ():
print "zscore: %9f failed: %6d passed: %6d ngram: <%s>" % (stats.zscore (allstats), stats.failed.count, stats.passed.count, ','.join ("U+%04X" % u for u in ngram))
class Test:
def __init__ (self, lines):
self.freq = 1
self.passed = True
self.identifier = None
self.text = None
self.unicodes = None
self.glyphs = None
for l in lines:
symbol = l[0]
if symbol != ' ':
self.passed = False
i = 1
if ':' in l:
i = l.index (':')
if not self.identifier:
self.identifier = l[1:i]
i = i + 2 # Skip colon and space
j = -1
if l[j] == '\n':
j -= 1
brackets = l[i] + l[j]
l = l[i+1:-2]
if brackets == '()':
self.text = l
elif brackets == '<>':
self.unicodes = Unicode.parse (l)
elif brackets == '[]':
# XXX we don't handle failed tests here
self.glyphs = l
class DiffHelpers:
def separate_test_cases (f):
'''Reads lines from f, and if the lines have identifiers, ie.
have a colon character, groups them by identifier,
yielding lists of all lines with the same identifier.'''
def identifier (l):
if ':' in l[1:]:
return l[1:l.index (':')]
return l
return groupby (f, key=identifier)
def test_passed (lines):
lines = list (lines)
# XXX This is a hack, but does the job for now.
if any (l.find("space|space") >= 0 for l in lines): return True
if any (l.find("uni25CC") >= 0 for l in lines): return True
if any (l.find("dottedcircle") >= 0 for l in lines): return True
return all (l[0] == ' ' for l in lines)
class FilterHelpers:
def filter_printer_function (filter_callback):
def printer (f):
for line in filter_callback (f):
print line
return printer
def filter_printer_function_no_newline (filter_callback):
def printer (f):
for line in filter_callback (f):
sys.stdout.writelines ([line])
return printer
class Ngram:
def generator (n):
def gen (f):
l = []
for x in f:
l.append (x)
if len (l) == n:
yield tuple (l)
l[:1] = []
gen.n = n
return gen
class UtilMains:
def process_multiple_files (callback, mnemonic = "FILE"):
if "--help" in sys.argv:
print "Usage: %s %s..." % (sys.argv[0], mnemonic)
sys.exit (1)
files = sys.argv[1:] if len (sys.argv) > 1 else ['-']
for s in files:
callback (FileHelpers.open_file_or_stdin (s))
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], e.filename, e.strerror)
sys.exit (1)
def process_multiple_args (callback, mnemonic):
if len (sys.argv) == 1 or "--help" in sys.argv:
print "Usage: %s %s..." % (sys.argv[0], mnemonic)
sys.exit (1)
for s in sys.argv[1:]:
callback (s)
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], e.filename, e.strerror)
sys.exit (1)
def filter_multiple_strings_or_stdin (callback, mnemonic, \
separator = " ", \
concat_separator = False):
if "--help" in sys.argv:
print "Usage:\n %s %s...\nor:\n %s\n\nWhen called with no arguments, input is read from standard input." \
% (sys.argv[0], mnemonic, sys.argv[0])
sys.exit (1)
if len (sys.argv) == 1:
while (1):
line = sys.stdin.readline ()
if not len (line):
if line[-1] == '\n':
line = line[:-1]
print callback (line)
args = sys.argv[1:]
if concat_separator != False:
args = [concat_separator.join (args)]
print separator.join (callback (x) for x in (args))
except IOError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EPIPE:
print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s: %s" % (sys.argv[0], e.filename, e.strerror)
sys.exit (1)
class Unicode:
def decode (s):
return '<' + u','.join ("U+%04X" % ord (u) for u in unicode (s, 'utf-8')).encode ('utf-8') + '>'
def parse (s):
s = re.sub (r"[<+>,\\uU\n ]", " ", s)
s = re.sub (r"0[xX]", " ", s)
return [int (x, 16) for x in s.split (' ') if len (x)]
def encode (s):
return u''.join (unichr (x) for x in Unicode.parse (s)).encode ('utf-8')
shorthands = {
def pretty_name (u):
s = unicodedata.name (u)
except ValueError:
return "XXX"
s = re.sub (".* LETTER ", "", s)
s = re.sub (".* VOWEL SIGN (.*)", r"\1-MATRA", s)
s = re.sub (".* SIGN ", "", s)
s = re.sub (".* COMBINING ", "", s)
if re.match (".* VIRAMA", s):
s = "HALANT"
if s in Unicode.shorthands:
s = Unicode.shorthands[s]
return s
def pretty_names (s):
s = re.sub (r"[<+>\\uU]", " ", s)
s = re.sub (r"0[xX]", " ", s)
s = [unichr (int (x, 16)) for x in re.split ('[, \n]', s) if len (x)]
return u' + '.join (Unicode.pretty_name (x) for x in s).encode ('utf-8')
class FileHelpers:
def open_file_or_stdin (f):
if f == '-':
return sys.stdin
return file (f)
class Manifest:
def read (s, strict = True):
if not os.path.exists (s):
if strict:
print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s does not exist" % (sys.argv[0], s)
sys.exit (1)
s = os.path.normpath (s)
if os.path.isdir (s):
m = file (os.path.join (s, "MANIFEST"))
items = [x.strip () for x in m.readlines ()]
for f in items:
for p in Manifest.read (os.path.join (s, f)):
yield p
except IOError:
if strict:
print >> sys.stderr, "%s: %s does not exist" % (sys.argv[0], os.path.join (s, "MANIFEST"))
sys.exit (1)
yield s
def update_recursive (s):
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk (s, followlinks=True):
for f in ["MANIFEST", "README", "LICENSE", "COPYING", "AUTHORS", "SOURCES", "ChangeLog"]:
if f in dirnames:
dirnames.remove (f)
if f in filenames:
filenames.remove (f)
dirnames.sort ()
filenames.sort ()
ms = os.path.join (dirpath, "MANIFEST")
print " GEN %s" % ms
m = open (ms, "w")
for f in filenames:
print >> m, f
for f in dirnames:
print >> m, f
for f in dirnames:
Manifest.update_recursive (os.path.join (dirpath, f))
if __name__ == '__main__':