John Bowler f3728100d9 [libpng16] Corrected Android builds and corrected libpng.vers with symbol
prefixing This adds an API to set optimization options externally,
    providing an alternative and general solution for the non-portable
    run-time tests used by the ARM Neon code.  It also makes those tests
    compile and link on Android.
  The order of settings vs options in pnglibconf.h is reversed to allow
    settings to depend on options and options can now set (or override) the
    defaults for settings.
2013-03-04 16:26:31 -06:00

204 lines
5.5 KiB

#!/bin/awk -f
# scripts/dfn.awk - process a .dfn file
# last changed in libpng version 1.5.14 - February 4, 2013
# Copyright (c) 2013-2013 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
# This code is released under the libpng license.
# For conditions of distribution and use, see the disclaimer
# and license in png.h
# The output of this script is written to the file given by
# the variable 'out', which should be set on the command line.
# Error messages are printed to stdout and if any are printed
# the script will exit with error code 1.
out="/dev/null" # as a flag
out_count=0 # count of output lines
err=0 # set if an error occured
sort=0 # sort the output
# The output file must be specified before any input:
NR==1 && out == "/dev/null" {
print "out=output.file must be given on the command line"
# but continue without setting the error code, this allows the
# script to be checked easily
# Output can be sorted; two lines are recognized
# Do a very simple, slow, sort; notice that blank lines won't be
# output by this
for (entry in array) {
while (array[entry] != "") {
key = entry
value = array[key]
array[key] = ""
for (alt in array) {
if (array[alt] != "" && alt < key) {
array[key] = value
value = array[alt]
key = alt
array[alt] = ""
print value >out
/^[^"]*PNG_DFN *".*"[^"]*$/{
# A definition line, apparently correctly formated, extract the
# definition then replace any doubled "" that remain with a single
# double quote. Notice that the original doubled double quotes
# may have been split by tokenization
# Sometimes GCC splits the PNG_DFN lines, we know this has happened
# if the quotes aren't closed and must read another line. In this
# case it is essential to reject lines that start '#' because those
# are introduced #line directives.
if (lineno == "") lineno=NR
if (sub(/^[^"]*PNG_DFN *"/,"",line) != 1) {
print "line", lineno ": processing failed:"
print orig
} else {
# Now examine quotes within the value:
# @" - delete this and any following spaces
# "@ - delete this and any preceding spaces
# @' - replace this by a double quote
# This allows macro substitution by the C compiler thus:
# #define first_name John
# #define last_name Smith
# PNG_DFN"#define name @'@" first_name "@ @" last_name "@@'"
# Might get C preprocessed to:
# PNG_DFN "#define foo @'@" John "@ @" Smith "@@'"
# Which this script reduces to:
# #define name "John Smith"
while (1) {
# While there is an @" remove it and the next "@
if (line ~ /@"/) {
if (line ~ /@".*"@/) {
# Do this special case first to avoid swallowing extra spaces
# before or after the @ stuff:
if (!sub(/@" *"@/, "", line)) {
# Ok, do it in pieces - there has to be a non-space between the
# two. NOTE: really weird things happen if a leading @" is
# lost - the code will error out below (I believe).
if (!sub(/@" */, "", line) || !sub(/ *"@/, "", line)) {
print "line", lineno, ": internal error:", orig
exit 1
# There is no matching "@. Assume a split line
else while (1) {
if (getline nextline) {
# If the line starts with '#' it is a preprocesor line directive
# from cc -E, skip it:
if (nextline !~ /^#/) {
line = line " " nextline
} else {
# This is end-of-input - probably a missig "@ on the first line:
print "line", lineno ": unbalanced @\" ... \"@ pair"
# Keep going until all the @" have gone
# Attempt to remove a trailing " (not preceded by '@') - if this can
# be done stop now, if not assume a split line again
if (sub(/"[^"]*$/, "", line))
# Read another line
while (1) {
if (getline nextline) {
if (nextline !~ /^#/) {
line = line " " nextline
# Go back to stripping @" "@ pairs
} else {
print "line", lineno ": unterminated PNG_DFN string"
# Put any needed double quotes in (at the end, because these would otherwise
# interfere with the processing above.)
gsub(/@'/,"\"", line)
# Remove any trailing spaces (not really required, but for
# editorial consistency
sub(/ *$/, "", line)
# Remove trailing CR
$/, "", line)
if (sort) {
if (split(line, parts) < sort) {
print "line", lineno ": missing sort field:", line
} else
array[parts[sort]] = line
print line >out
print "line", NR, "incorrectly formated PNG_DFN line:"
print $0
err = 1
if (out_count > 0 || err > 0)
exit err
print "no definition lines found"
exit 1