Preliminary support for sparse files

This commit is contained in:
Yann Collet 2015-03-11 19:42:37 +01:00
parent e3f33d2579
commit 12ab41571e
4 changed files with 74 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -143,10 +143,11 @@ test-lz4: lz4 datagen
./datagen -g16KB | ./lz4 -9 | ./lz4 -vdq > $(VOID)
./datagen | ./lz4 | ./lz4 -vdq > $(VOID)
./datagen -g6M -P100 | ./lz4 -9BD | ./lz4 -vdq > $(VOID)
./datagen -g17M | ./lz4 -9v | ./lz4 -vdq > $(VOID)
./datagen -g17M | ./lz4 -9v | ./lz4 -dq > $(VOID)
./datagen -g256MB | ./lz4 -vqB4D | ./lz4 -vdq > $(VOID)
./datagen -g6GB | ./lz4 -vqB5D | ./lz4 -vdq > $(VOID)
# test frame concatenation with null-length frame
@echo *** test frame concatenation ***
@echo -n > empty.test
@echo hi > nonempty.test
cat nonempty.test empty.test nonempty.test > orig.test
@ -158,12 +159,16 @@ test-lz4: lz4 datagen
@rm *.test
@echo frame concatenation test completed
# test frame concatenation with null-length frame
@echo test multiple input files
@echo *** test multiple input files ***
@./datagen -s1 > file1
@./datagen -s2 > file2
@./datagen -s3 > file3
./lz4 -f -m file1 file2 file3
@rm file1 file2 file3 file1.lz4 file2.lz4 file3.lz4
@echo *** test sparse file support ***
./datagen -g50M -P100 | ./lz4 -B4 | ./lz4 -dvX > tmp
ls -ls tmp
@rm tmp
test-lz4c: lz4c datagen

View File

@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ static int usage_advanced(void)
DISPLAY( " -BD : Block dependency (improve compression ratio)\n");
/* DISPLAY( " -BX : enable block checksum (default:disabled)\n"); *//* Option currently inactive */
DISPLAY( " -Sx : disable stream checksum (default:enabled)\n");
DISPLAY( " -X : enable sparse file (default:disabled)(experimental)\n");
DISPLAY( "Benchmark arguments :\n");
DISPLAY( " -b : benchmark file(s)\n");
DISPLAY( " -i# : iteration loops [1-9](default : 3), benchmark mode only\n");
@ -390,6 +391,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
/* Modify Stream properties */
case 'S': if (argument[1]=='x') { LZ4IO_setStreamChecksumMode(0); argument++; break; } else { badusage(); }
/* Enable Sparse File support (experimental) */
case 'X': LZ4IO_setSparseFile(1); break;
/* Benchmark */
case 'b': bench=1; multiple_inputs=1;
if (inFileNames == NULL)

View File

@ -104,11 +104,13 @@
* Macros
#define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
#define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (displayLevel>=l) { \
if ((LZ4IO_GetMilliSpan(g_time) > refreshRate) || (displayLevel>=4)) \
#define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); }
static int g_displayLevel = 0; /* 0 : no display ; 1: errors ; 2 : + result + interaction + warnings ; 3 : + progression; 4 : + information */
#define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { \
if ((LZ4IO_GetMilliSpan(g_time) > refreshRate) || (g_displayLevel>=4)) \
{ g_time = clock(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \
if (displayLevel>=4) fflush(stdout); } }
if (g_displayLevel>=4) fflush(stdout); } }
static const unsigned refreshRate = 150;
static clock_t g_time = 0;
@ -116,12 +118,12 @@ static clock_t g_time = 0;
* Local Parameters
static int displayLevel = 0; /* 0 : no display ; 1: errors ; 2 : + result + interaction + warnings ; 3 : + progression; 4 : + information */
static int overwrite = 1;
static int globalBlockSizeId = LZ4S_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT;
static int blockChecksum = 0;
static int streamChecksum = 1;
static int blockIndependence = 1;
static int g_overwrite = 1;
static int g_blockSizeId = LZ4S_BLOCKSIZEID_DEFAULT;
static int g_blockChecksum = 0;
static int g_streamChecksum = 1;
static int g_blockIndependence = 1;
static int g_sparseFileSupport = 0;
static const int minBlockSizeID = 4;
static const int maxBlockSizeID = 7;
@ -158,8 +160,8 @@ static const int maxBlockSizeID = 7;
/* Default setting : overwrite = 1; return : overwrite mode (0/1) */
int LZ4IO_setOverwrite(int yes)
overwrite = (yes!=0);
return overwrite;
g_overwrite = (yes!=0);
return g_overwrite;
/* blockSizeID : valid values : 4-5-6-7 */
@ -167,35 +169,42 @@ int LZ4IO_setBlockSizeID(int bsid)
static const int blockSizeTable[] = { 64 KB, 256 KB, 1 MB, 4 MB };
if ((bsid < minBlockSizeID) || (bsid > maxBlockSizeID)) return -1;
globalBlockSizeId = bsid;
return blockSizeTable[globalBlockSizeId-minBlockSizeID];
g_blockSizeId = bsid;
return blockSizeTable[g_blockSizeId-minBlockSizeID];
int LZ4IO_setBlockMode(LZ4IO_blockMode_t blockMode)
blockIndependence = (blockMode == LZ4IO_blockIndependent);
return blockIndependence;
g_blockIndependence = (blockMode == LZ4IO_blockIndependent);
return g_blockIndependence;
/* Default setting : no checksum */
int LZ4IO_setBlockChecksumMode(int xxhash)
blockChecksum = (xxhash != 0);
return blockChecksum;
g_blockChecksum = (xxhash != 0);
return g_blockChecksum;
/* Default setting : checksum enabled */
int LZ4IO_setStreamChecksumMode(int xxhash)
streamChecksum = (xxhash != 0);
return streamChecksum;
g_streamChecksum = (xxhash != 0);
return g_streamChecksum;
/* Default setting : 0 (no notification) */
int LZ4IO_setNotificationLevel(int level)
displayLevel = level;
return displayLevel;
g_displayLevel = level;
return g_displayLevel;
/* Default setting : 0 (disabled) */
int LZ4IO_setSparseFile(int enable)
g_sparseFileSupport = enable;
return g_sparseFileSupport;
static unsigned LZ4IO_GetMilliSpan(clock_t nPrevious)
@ -242,12 +251,12 @@ static int get_fileHandle(const char* input_filename, const char* output_filenam
if (*pfoutput!=0)
if (!overwrite)
if (!g_overwrite)
char ch;
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Warning : %s already exists\n", output_filename);
DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Overwrite ? (Y/N) : ");
if (displayLevel <= 1) EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", output_filename); /* No interaction possible */
if (g_displayLevel <= 1) EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", output_filename); /* No interaction possible */
ch = (char)getchar();
if ((ch!='Y') && (ch!='y')) EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", output_filename);
@ -299,7 +308,7 @@ int LZ4IO_compressFilename_Legacy(const char* input_filename, const char* output
if (compressionlevel < 3) compressionFunction = LZ4_compress; else compressionFunction = LZ4_compressHC;
get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
if ((displayLevel==2) && (compressionlevel==1)) displayLevel=3;
if ((g_displayLevel==2) && (compressionlevel==1)) g_displayLevel=3;
/* Allocate Memory */
in_buff = (char*)malloc(LEGACY_BLOCKSIZE);
@ -374,18 +383,18 @@ int LZ4IO_compressFilename(const char* input_filename, const char* output_filena
/* Init */
start = clock();
memset(&prefs, 0, sizeof(prefs));
if ((displayLevel==2) && (compressionLevel>=3)) displayLevel=3;
if ((g_displayLevel==2) && (compressionLevel>=3)) g_displayLevel=3;
errorCode = LZ4F_createCompressionContext(&ctx, LZ4F_VERSION);
if (LZ4F_isError(errorCode)) EXM_THROW(30, "Allocation error : can't create LZ4F context : %s", LZ4F_getErrorName(errorCode));
get_fileHandle(input_filename, output_filename, &finput, &foutput);
blockSize = LZ4S_GetBlockSize_FromBlockId (globalBlockSizeId);
blockSize = LZ4S_GetBlockSize_FromBlockId (g_blockSizeId);
/* Set compression parameters */
prefs.autoFlush = 1;
prefs.compressionLevel = compressionLevel;
prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = (blockMode_t)blockIndependence;
prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = (blockSizeID_t)globalBlockSizeId;
prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (contentChecksum_t)streamChecksum;
prefs.frameInfo.blockMode = (blockMode_t)g_blockIndependence;
prefs.frameInfo.blockSizeID = (blockSizeID_t)g_blockSizeId;
prefs.frameInfo.contentChecksumFlag = (contentChecksum_t)g_streamChecksum;
/* Allocate Memory */
in_buff = (char*)malloc(blockSize);
@ -541,8 +550,8 @@ static unsigned long long decodeLegacyStream(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
static unsigned long long decodeLZ4S(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
unsigned long long filesize = 0;
char* inBuff;
char* outBuff;
void* inBuff;
void* outBuff;
# define HEADERMAX 20
char headerBuff[HEADERMAX];
size_t sizeCheck, nextToRead, outBuffSize, inBuffSize;
@ -569,8 +578,8 @@ static unsigned long long decodeLZ4S(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
/* Allocate Memory */
outBuffSize = LZ4IO_setBlockSizeID(frameInfo.blockSizeID);
inBuffSize = outBuffSize + 4;
inBuff = (char*)malloc(inBuffSize);
outBuff = (char*)malloc(outBuffSize);
inBuff = malloc(inBuffSize);
outBuff = malloc(outBuffSize);
if (!inBuff || !outBuff) EXM_THROW(65, "Allocation error : not enough memory");
/* Main Loop */
@ -590,6 +599,20 @@ static unsigned long long decodeLZ4S(FILE* finput, FILE* foutput)
filesize += decodedBytes;
/* Write Block */
if (g_sparseFileSupport)
size_t* sPtr = (size_t*)outBuff;
size_t toCheckLength = decodedBytes / sizeof(size_t);
size_t checked;
size_t skippedLength;
int seekResult;
for (checked=0; (checked < toCheckLength) && (sPtr[checked] == 0); checked++) ;
skippedLength = checked * sizeof(size_t);
if (skippedLength == decodedBytes) skippedLength--; /* ensure 1 byte at least is written */
seekResult = fseek(foutput, skippedLength, SEEK_CUR);
if (seekResult != 0) EXM_THROW(68, "Skip error (sparse file)\n");
decodedBytes -= skippedLength;
sizeCheck = fwrite(outBuff, 1, decodedBytes, foutput);
if (sizeCheck != decodedBytes) EXM_THROW(68, "Write error : cannot write decoded block\n");

View File

@ -70,11 +70,15 @@ int LZ4IO_setBlockSizeID(int blockSizeID);
typedef enum { LZ4IO_blockLinked=0, LZ4IO_blockIndependent} LZ4IO_blockMode_t;
int LZ4IO_setBlockMode(LZ4IO_blockMode_t blockMode);
/* Default setting : no checksum */
/* Default setting : no block checksum */
int LZ4IO_setBlockChecksumMode(int xxhash);
/* Default setting : checksum enabled */
/* Default setting : stream checksum enabled */
int LZ4IO_setStreamChecksumMode(int xxhash);
/* Default setting : 0 (no notification) */
int LZ4IO_setNotificationLevel(int level);
/* Default setting : 0 (disabled) */
int LZ4IO_setSparseFile(int enable);