2018-07-03 00:00:39 +00:00
# Protobuf Global Extension Registry
This file contains a global registry of known extensions for descriptor.proto,
so that any developer who wishes to use multiple 3rd party projects, each with
their own extensions, can be confident that there won't be collisions in
extension numbers.
If you need an extension number for your custom option (see [custom options](
2018-08-22 18:55:30 +00:00
please [send us a pull request](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/pulls) to
add an entry to this doc, or [create an issue](https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/issues)
2018-07-03 00:00:39 +00:00
with info about your project (name and website) so we can add an entry for you.
## Existing Registered Extensions
1. C# port of protocol buffers
2018-08-24 14:19:22 +00:00
* Website: https://github.com/jskeet/protobuf-csharp-port
2018-07-03 00:00:39 +00:00
* Extensions: 1000
1. Perl/XS port of protocol buffers
* Website: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-perlxs
* Extensions: 1001
1. Objective-C port of protocol buffers
* Website: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-objc
* Extensions: 1002
1. Google Wave Federation Protocol open-source release (FedOne)
* Website: http://code.google.com/p/wave-protocol
* Extensions: 1003
1. PHP code generator plugin
* Website: ???
* Extensions: 1004
1. GWT code generator plugin (third-party!)
* Website: http://code.google.com/p/protobuf-gwt/
* Extensions: 1005
1. Unix Domain RPC code generator plugin
* Website: http://go/udrpc
* Extensions: 1006
1. Object-C generator plugin (Plausible Labs)
* Website: http://www.plausible.coop
* Extensions: 1007
1. TBD (code42.com)
* Website: ???
* Extensions: 1008
1. Goby Underwater Autonomy Project
2018-08-24 21:10:24 +00:00
* Website: https://github.com/GobySoft/goby
2018-07-03 00:00:39 +00:00
* Extensions: 1009
1. Nanopb
* Website: http://kapsi.fi/~jpa/nanopb
* Extensions: 1010
1. Bluefin AUV Communication Extensions
* Website: http://www.bluefinrobotics.com
* Extensions: 1011
1. Dynamic Compact Control Language
2018-08-24 21:10:24 +00:00
* Website: http://github.com/GobySoft/dccl
2018-07-03 00:00:39 +00:00
* Extensions: 1012
1. ScaleOut StateServer® Native C++ API
* Website: http://www.scaleoutsoftware.com
* Extensions: 1013
1. FoundationDB SQL Layer
* Website: https://github.com/FoundationDB/sql-layer
* Extensions: 1014
1. Fender
* Website: https://github.com/hassox/fender
* Extensions: 1015
1. Vortex
* Website: http://www.prismtech.com/vortex
* Extensions: 1016
1. tresorit
* Website: https://tresorit.com/
* Extensions: 1017
1. CRIU (Checkpoint Restore In Userspace)
* Website: http://criu.org/Main_Page
* Extensions: 1018
1. protobuf-c
* Website: https://github.com/protobuf-c/protobuf-c
* Extensions: 1019
2020-11-01 17:46:19 +00:00
1. ScalaPB
* Website: https://scalapb.github.io/
2018-07-03 00:00:39 +00:00
* Extensions: 1020
1. protoc-gen-bq-schema
* Website: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/protoc-gen-bq-schema
* Extensions: 1021
1. grpc-gateway
* Website: https://github.com/gengo/grpc-gateway
* Extensions: 1022
1. Certificate Transparency
* Website: https://github.com/google/certificate-transparency
* Extensions: 1023
1. JUNOS Router Telemetry
* Website: http://www.juniper.net
* Extensions: 1024
1. Spine Event Engine
* Website: https://github.com/SpineEventEngine/core-java
* Extensions: 1025
1. Aruba cloud platform
* Website: ???
* Extensions: 1026 -> 1030
1. Voltha
* Website: ???
* Extensions: 1031 -> 1033
1. gator
* Website: ???
* Extensions: 1034
1. protoc-gen-flowtypes
* Website: https://github.com/tmc/grpcutil/tree/master/protoc-gen-flowtypes
* Extensions: 1035
1. ProfaneDB
* Website: https://gitlab.com/ProfaneDB/ProfaneDB
* Extensions: 1036
1. protobuf-net
* Website: https://github.com/mgravell/protobuf-net
* Extensions: 1037
1. FICO / StreamEngine
* Website: http://www.fico.com/
* Extensions: 1038
1. GopherJS
* Website: https://github.com/johanbrandhorst/protobuf
* Extensions: 1039
1. ygot
* Website: https://github.com/openconfig/ygot
* Extensions: 1040
1. go-grpcmw
* Website: https://github.com/MarquisIO/go-grpcmw
* Extensions: 1041
1. grpc-gateway protoc-gen-swagger
* Website: https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway
* Extensions: 1042
1. AN Message
* Website: TBD
* Extensions: 1043
1. protofire
* Website: https://github.com/ribrdb/protofire
* Extensions: 1044
1. Gravity
* Website: https://github.com/aphysci/gravity
* Extensions: 1045
1. SEMI Standards – I&C Technical Committee
* Website: http://downloads.semi.org/web/wstdsbal.nsf/9c2b317e76523cca88257641005a47f5/88a5863a580e323088256e7b00707489!OpenDocument
* Extensions: 1046
1. Elixir plugin
* Website: https://github.com/tony612/grpc-elixir
* Extensions: 1047
1. API client generators
* Website: ???
* Extensions: 1048-1056
2018-07-21 15:34:17 +00:00
1. Netifi Proteus
* Website: https://github.com/netifi-proteus
* Extensions: 1057
2018-08-24 21:10:24 +00:00
1. CGSN Mooring Project
* Website: https://bitbucket.org/ooicgsn/cgsn-mooring
* Extensions: 1058
2019-02-21 03:28:50 +00:00
2018-11-06 16:33:18 +00:00
1. Container Storage Interface
* Website: https://github.com/container-storage-interface/spec
* Extensions: 1059-1069
2018-08-24 21:10:24 +00:00
2019-06-11 13:26:25 +00:00
1. TwirpQL Plugin
* Website: https://twirpql.dev
* Extensions: 1070
2019-05-24 11:44:51 +00:00
1. Protoc-gen-validate
* Website: https://github.com/envoyproxy/protoc-gen-validate
2019-06-20 18:10:06 +00:00
* Extensions: 1071
2021-09-24 16:41:06 +00:00
1. Protokt
2021-07-26 18:11:02 +00:00
* Website: https://github.com/open-toast/protokt
Requesting extension id 1072
This library supports an idiomatic proto3 protobuf generator for kotlin.
The library will be open sourced by Toast Inc under the Apache2 license, and is currently used in production at Toast.
The following is the readme.md that will be released with the code by the end of Q4 2019.
Supports only the Protocol Buffers language version 3.
#### Features
- Clean data class generation
- Oneof types handled as sealed classes
- JavaDoc comments on generated code
- Deprecation option pass-through to Kotlin's `@Deprecated` annotation
- Protokt-specific options: non-null types, wrapper types, interface implementation,
and more
- Tight integration with Protobuf's Java library: compatibility with its well-known
types and usage of CodedInputStream and CodedOutputStream for best performance
#### Not yet implemented
- Kotlin native support
- Kotlin JS support
- Support for gRPC service generation
- Protobuf JSON support
See examples in [protokt-testing](https://github.com/toasttab/protokt/tree/master/protokt-testing).
### Generated Code
Generated code is placed in `<buildDir>/generated-sources/main/protokt`.
A simple example:
syntax = "proto3";
package com.protokt.sample;
message Sample {
string sample_field = 1;
will produce:
* Generated by protokt. Do not modify.
package com.protokt.sample
import com.toasttab.protokt.rt.*
data class Sample(
val sampleField: String,
val unknown: Map<Int, Unknown> = emptyMap()
) : KtMessage {
sampleField: String = ""
) : this(
override val messageSize by lazy { sizeof() }
override fun serialize(serializer: KtMessageSerializer) {
if (sampleField.isNotEmpty()) {
if (unknown.isNotEmpty()) {
private fun sizeof(): Int {
var res = 0
if (sampleField.isNotEmpty()) {
res += sizeof(Tag(1)) + sizeof(sampleField)
res += unknown.entries.sumBy { it.value.sizeof() }
return res
companion object Deserializer : KtDeserializer<Sample> {
override fun deserialize(deserializer: KtMessageDeserializer): Sample {
var sampleField = ""
val unknown = mutableMapOf<Int, Unknown>()
while (true) {
when (deserializer.readTag()) {
0 ->
return Sample(
10 -> sampleField = deserializer.readString()
else -> {
val unk = deserializer.readUnknown()
unknown[unk.fieldNum] = unknown[unk.fieldNum].let {
when (it) {
null -> unk
else ->
when (val v = it.value) {
is ListVal ->
Unknown(unk.fieldNum, ListVal(v.value + unk.value))
else ->
Unknown(unk.fieldNum, ListVal(listOf(v, unk.value)))
#### Runtime Notes
##### Package
The Kotlin package of a generated file can be overridden from protobuf package with the `(protokt).package` option:
syntax = "proto3";
import "protokt.proto";
package com.example;
option (protokt).package = "com.package";
##### Message
Each protokt message implements the `KtMessage` interface. `KtMessage` defines the `serialize()`
method and its overloads which can serialize to a byte array, a `KtMessageSerializer`, or on the JVM,
an `OutputStream`.
Each protokt message has a companion object `Deserializer` that implements the `KtDeserializer`
interface, which provides the `deserialize()` method and its overloads to construct an
instance of the message from a byte array, a Java InputStream, or others.
In order to enjoy the full benefits of Kotlin data classes, byte arrays are wrapped in the
protokt `Bytes` class, which provides appropriate `equals()` and `hashCode()` implementations.
##### Enums
Enum fields are generated as data classes with a single integer field. Kotlin enum classes are
closed and cannot retain unknown values, and protobuf requires that unknown enum values are
preserved for reserialization. This compromise exposes a constructor taking an integer, but the
`from(value: Int)` on an enum's `Deserializer` should be preferred as it avoids instantiation
when possible.
Other notes:
- `optimize_for` is ignored.
- `repeated` fields are deserialized to Lists.
- `map` fields are deserialized to Maps.
- `oneof` fields are represented as data class subtypes of a sealed base class with a single property.
### Extensions
See examples of each option in the [protokt-options](https://github.com/toasttab/protokt/tree/master/protokt-testing/protokt-options/src/main/proto)
module. All protokt-specific options require importing `protokt.proto` in the protocol file.
#### Wrapper Types
Sometimes a field on a protobuf message corresponds to a concrete nonprimitive type. In
standard protobuf the user would be responsible for this extra transformation, but the
protokt wrapper type option allows specification of a converter that will automatically
encode and decode custom types to protobuf primitives and well-known types. Some standard
types are implemented in
Wrap a field by invoking the `(protokt_property).wrap` option:
message DateWrapperMessage {
int64 date = 1 [
(protokt_property).wrap = "java.util.Date"
Converters implement the `Converter` interface:
interface Converter<S: Any, T: Any> {
val wrapper: KClass<S>
fun wrap(unwrapped: T): S
fun unwrap(wrapped: S): T
and protokt will reference the converter's methods to wrap and unwrap from protobuf primitives:
object DateConverter : Converter<Date, Long> {
override val wrapper = Date::class
override fun wrap(unwrapped: Long) =
override fun unwrap(wrapped: Date) =
data class WrapperModel(
val date: java.util.Date,
) : KtMessage {
override fun serialize(serializer: KtMessageSerializer) {
override fun deserialize(deserializer: KtMessageDeserializer): WrapperModel {
var date = 0L
while (true) {
when (deserializer.readTag()) {
0 ->
return WrapperModel(
Converters can also implement the `OptimizedSizeofConverter` interface adding `sizeof()`,
which allows them to optimize the calculation of the wrapper's size rather than unwrap
the object twice. For example, a UUID is always 16 bytes:
object UuidConverter : OptimizedSizeofConverter<UUID, ByteArray> {
override val wrapper = UUID::class
private val sizeofProxy = ByteArray(16)
override fun sizeof(wrapped: UUID) =
override fun wrap(unwrapped: ByteArray): UUID {
require(unwrapped.size == 16) {
"input must have size 16; had ${unwrapped.size}"
return ByteBuffer.wrap(unwrapped)
.run { UUID(long, long) }
override fun unwrap(wrapped: UUID) =
Rather than convert a UUID to a byte array both for size calculation and for serialization
(which is what a naïve implementation would do), UuidConverter always returns the size of a
constant 16-byte array.
If the wrapper type is in the same package as the generated protobuf message, then it
does not need a fully-qualified name. Custom wrapper type converters can be in the same module as
protobuf types that reference them. In order to use any wrapper type defined in
`protokt-extensions`, the module must be included as a dependency:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.toasttab.protokt:protokt-extensions:0.0.3'
#### Interface implementation
To avoid the need to create domain-specific objects from protobuf messages you can declare
that a protobuf message implements a custom interface with properties and default methods.
package com.protokt.sample
interface Model {
val id: String
package com.protokt.sample;
message ImplementsSampleMessage {
option (protokt_class).implements = "Model";
string id = 1;
If the wrapper interface is in the same package as the generated protobuf message, then it
does not need a fully-qualified name. Wrapper interfaces cannot be used by protobuf messages
in the same module that defines them; the dependency must be declared with`protoktExtensions`
in `build.gradle`:
dependencies {
protoktExtensions project(':api-module')
#### Nonnull fields
If there is a message that has no meaning whatsoever when a particular field is missing, you
can emulate proto2's `required` key word by using the `(protokt_oneof).non_null` option:
message Sample {
message NonNullSampleMessage {
Sample non_null_sample = 1 [
(protokt_property).non_null = true
Generated code will not have a nullable type so the field can be referenced without using
Kotlin's `!!`.
Oneof fields can also be declared non-null:
message NonNullSampleMessage {
oneof non_null_oneof {
option (protokt_oneof).non_null = true;
string message = 2;
Note that deserialization of a message with a non-nullable field will fail if the
message being decoded does not contain an instance of the required field.
#### BytesSlice
When reading messages that contain other serialized messages as `bytes` fields, protokt can
keep a reference to the originating byte array to prevent a large copy operation on
deserialization. This can be desirable when the wrapping message is a thin metadata shim and
doesn't include much memory overhead:
message SliceModel {
int64 version = 1;
bytes encoded_message = 2 [
(protokt_property).bytes_slice = true
### Usage
#### Gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "com.toasttab.protokt:protokt-gradle-plugin:0.0.3"
apply plugin: 'com.toasttab.protokt'
This will automatically download and install protokt, apply the Google protobuf plugin,
and configure all the necessary boilerplate. By default it will also add `protokt-runtime`
to the api scope of the project, and `protobuf-java` to the implementation scope.
If your project is pure Kotlin you may run into the following error:
Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
> error: no source files
To work around it, disable all `JavaCompile` tasks in the project:
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
enabled = false
compileJava.enabled = false
#### Command line code generation
protokt-codegen$ ./gradlew assemble [OR ./gradlew installDist]
protokt-codegen$ ./run-protokt.sh -h
protokt-codegen$ ./run-protokt.sh \
-out=../kotlin \
-pkg=com.toasttab.protokt.conformance \
-file=conformance.proto \
-cp=../build/libs/protokt-codegen-0.0.3-SNAPSHOT-all.jar \
### Contribution
To enable rapid development of the code generator, the protobuf conformance tests have been
compiled and included in the protokt-testing project. They run on Mac OS 10.14+ and Ubuntu
16.04 x86-64.
Publish the plugin to the integration repository:
protokt$ ./gradlew publishToIntegrationRepository
Then run the tests from `protokt-testing`:
protokt-testing$ ./gradlew protokt-conformance-tests:test
All integration tests can be run with:
protokt-testing$ ./gradlew test
2019-07-10 13:58:38 +00:00
* Extensions: 1072
2019-09-27 07:21:27 +00:00
1. Dart port of protocol buffers
* Website https://github.com/dart-lang/protobuf
* Extensions: 1073
2019-10-29 21:05:40 +00:00
1. Ocaml-protoc-plugin
* Website: https://github.com/issuu/ocaml-protoc-plugin
* Extensions: 1074
2019-12-05 23:00:56 +00:00
1. Analyze Re Graphene
* Website: https://analyzere.com
* Extensions: 1075
2019-12-17 02:15:44 +00:00
1. Wire since and until
* Website: https://square.github.io/wire/
* Extensions: 1076, 1077
2020-02-03 17:34:39 +00:00
1. Bazel, Failure Details
* Website: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel
* Extensions: 1078
2020-03-17 00:45:39 +00:00
1. grpc-graphql-gateway
* Website: https://github.com/ysugimoto/grpc-graphql-gateway
* Extensions: 1079
2020-03-17 01:14:57 +00:00
1. Cloudstate
* Website: https://cloudstate.io
* Extensions: 1080-1084
2020-03-19 21:20:01 +00:00
1. SummaFT protoc-plugins
* Website: https://summaft.com/
* Extensions: 1085
2020-04-01 22:22:04 +00:00
* Website: https://www.adlinktech.com/en/Edge-SDK-IoT
* Extensions: 1086
2020-08-04 15:09:43 +00:00
1. Wire wire_package
* Website: https://square.github.io/wire/
* Extensions: 1087
2020-09-25 17:58:25 +00:00
1. Confluent Schema Registry
* Website: https://github.com/confluentinc/schema-registry
* Extensions: 1088
2021-02-03 12:33:46 +00:00
2020-12-01 23:48:08 +00:00
1. ScalaPB Validate
* Website: https://scalapb.github.io/docs/validation
* Extension: 1089
2021-02-03 12:33:46 +00:00
2020-12-28 21:35:54 +00:00
1. Astounding (Currently Private)
2021-02-03 12:33:46 +00:00
* Website: https://github.com/PbPipes/Astounding
2020-12-28 21:35:54 +00:00
* Extension: 1090
2021-02-03 12:33:46 +00:00
1. Protoc-gen-psql
* Website: https://github.com/Intrinsec/protoc-gen-psql
2021-02-12 00:00:49 +00:00
* Extension: 1091-1101
2021-02-03 12:33:46 +00:00
1. Protoc-gen-sanitize
* Website: https://github.com/Intrinsec/protoc-gen-sanitize
2021-02-12 00:00:49 +00:00
* Extension: 1102-1106
2021-03-06 15:47:58 +00:00
1. Coach Client Connect (planned release in March 2021)
* Website: https://www.coachclientconnect.com
* Extension: 1107
2021-03-10 14:17:30 +00:00
1. Kratos API Errors
* Website: https://go-kratos.dev
* Extension: 1108
2021-05-26 19:19:33 +00:00
1. Glitchdot (Currently Private)
* Website: https://go.glitchdot.com
* Extension: 1109
2021-06-28 18:52:54 +00:00
1. eigr/protocol
* Website: https://eigr.io
2021-08-27 22:01:57 +00:00
* Extension: 1110-1114
1. Container Object Storage Interface (COSI)
* Website: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/container-object-storage-interface-spec
* Extension: 1115-1124
2021-09-20 22:17:07 +00:00
1. Protoc-gen-jsonschema
* Website: https://github.com/chrusty/protoc-gen-jsonschema
2021-09-23 21:09:32 +00:00
* Extension: 1125-1129