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** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
** Other Usage
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#include <QtTest/QtTest>
#include <QtXml/QtXml>
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
#include <QtGui/QFontDatabase>
//TESTED_FILES=gui/text/qcssparser.cpp gui/text/qcssparser_p.h
#include "private/qcssparser_p.h"
class tst_QCssParser : public QObject
public slots:
void initTestCase();
void cleanupTestCase();
private slots:
void scanner_data();
void scanner();
void term_data();
void term();
void expr_data();
void expr();
void import();
void media();
void page();
void ruleset();
void selector_data();
void selector();
void prio();
void escapes();
void malformedDeclarations_data();
void malformedDeclarations();
void invalidAtKeywords();
void marginValue();
void marginValue_data();
void colorValue_data();
void colorValue();
void styleSelector_data();
void styleSelector();
void specificity_data();
void specificity();
void specificitySort_data();
void specificitySort();
void rulesForNode_data();
void rulesForNode();
void shorthandBackgroundProperty_data();
void shorthandBackgroundProperty();
void pseudoElement_data();
void pseudoElement();
void gradient_data();
void gradient();
void extractFontFamily_data();
void extractFontFamily();
void extractBorder_data();
void extractBorder();
void noTextDecoration();
void quotedAndUnquotedIdentifiers();
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
int m_timesFontId;
void tst_QCssParser::initTestCase()
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
QFontDatabase fontDB;
m_timesFontId = -1;
if (!fontDB.families().contains("Times New Roman")) {
m_timesFontId = QFontDatabase::addApplicationFont("times.ttf");
QVERIFY(m_timesFontId != -1);
void tst_QCssParser::cleanupTestCase()
#if defined(Q_OS_WINCE)
if (m_timesFontId != -1)
void tst_QCssParser::scanner_data()
#if !defined(Q_OS_IRIX) && !defined(Q_OS_WINCE) && !defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN)
QDir d(QDir::current());
foreach (QFileInfo test, d.entryInfoList(QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot)) {
QString dir = test.absoluteFilePath() + QDir::separator();
<< dir + "input"
<< dir + "output"
static const char *tokenName(QCss::TokenType t)
switch (t) {
case QCss::NONE: return "NONE";
case QCss::S: return "S";
case QCss::CDO: return "CDO";
case QCss::CDC: return "CDC";
case QCss::INCLUDES: return "INCLUDES";
case QCss::DASHMATCH: return "DASHMATCH";
case QCss::LBRACE: return "LBRACE";
case QCss::PLUS: return "PLUS";
case QCss::GREATER: return "GREATER";
case QCss::COMMA: return "COMMA";
case QCss::STRING: return "STRING";
case QCss::INVALID: return "INVALID";
case QCss::IDENT: return "IDENT";
case QCss::HASH: return "HASH";
case QCss::LENGTH: return "LENGTH";
case QCss::NUMBER: return "NUMBER";
case QCss::FUNCTION: return "FUNCTION";
case QCss::COLON: return "COLON";
case QCss::SEMICOLON: return "SEMICOLON";
case QCss::RBRACE: return "RBRACE";
case QCss::SLASH: return "SLASH";
case QCss::MINUS: return "MINUS";
case QCss::DOT: return "DOT";
case QCss::STAR: return "STAR";
case QCss::LBRACKET: return "LBRACKET";
case QCss::RBRACKET: return "RBRACKET";
case QCss::EQUAL: return "EQUAL";
case QCss::LPAREN: return "LPAREN";
case QCss::RPAREN: return "RPAREN";
case QCss::OR: return "OR";
return "";
static void debug(const QVector<QCss::Symbol> &symbols, int index = -1)
qDebug() << "all symbols:";
for (int i = 0; i < symbols.count(); ++i)
qDebug() << "(" << i << "); Token:" << tokenName(symbols.at(i).token) << "; Lexem:" << symbols.at(i).lexem();
if (index != -1)
qDebug() << "failure at index" << index;
//static void debug(const QCss::Parser &p) { debug(p.symbols); }
void tst_QCssParser::scanner()
QFETCH(QString, input);
QFETCH(QString, output);
QFile inputFile(input);
QVector<QCss::Symbol> symbols;
QCss::Scanner::scan(QCss::Scanner::preprocess(QString::fromUtf8(inputFile.readAll())), &symbols);
QVERIFY(symbols.count() > 1);
QVERIFY(symbols.last().token == QCss::S);
QVERIFY(symbols.last().lexem() == QLatin1String("\n"));
symbols.remove(symbols.count() - 1, 1);
QFile outputFile(output);
QStringList lines;
while (!outputFile.atEnd()) {
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(outputFile.readLine());
if (line.endsWith(QLatin1Char('\n')))
if (lines.count() != symbols.count()) {
QCOMPARE(lines.count(), symbols.count());
for (int i = 0; i < lines.count(); ++i) {
QStringList l = lines.at(i).split(QChar::fromLatin1('|'));
QCOMPARE(l.count(), 2);
const QString expectedToken = l.at(0);
const QString expectedLexem = l.at(1);
QString actualToken = QString::fromLatin1(tokenName(symbols.at(i).token));
if (actualToken != expectedToken) {
debug(symbols, i);
QCOMPARE(actualToken, expectedToken);
if (symbols.at(i).lexem() != expectedLexem) {
debug(symbols, i);
QCOMPARE(symbols.at(i).lexem(), expectedLexem);
void tst_QCssParser::term_data()
QCss::Value val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Percentage;
val.variant = QVariant(double(200));
QTest::newRow("percentage") << true << "200%" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10px");
QTest::newRow("px") << true << "10px" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10cm");
QTest::newRow("cm") << true << "10cm" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10mm");
QTest::newRow("mm") << true << "10mm" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10pt");
QTest::newRow("pt") << true << "10pt" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10pc");
QTest::newRow("pc") << true << "10pc" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("42in");
QTest::newRow("inch") << true << "42in" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10deg");
QTest::newRow("deg") << true << "10deg" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10rad");
QTest::newRow("rad") << true << "10rad" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10grad");
QTest::newRow("grad") << true << "10grad" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10ms");
QTest::newRow("time") << true << "10ms" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10s");
QTest::newRow("times") << true << "10s" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10hz");
QTest::newRow("hz") << true << "10hz" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10khz");
QTest::newRow("khz") << true << "10khz" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10myunit");
QTest::newRow("dimension") << true << "10myunit" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Percentage;
val.type = QCss::Value::Percentage;
val.variant = QVariant(double(-200));
QTest::newRow("minuspercentage") << true << "-200%" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Length;
val.variant = QString("10em");
QTest::newRow("ems") << true << "10em" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::String;
val.variant = QVariant(QString("foo"));
QTest::newRow("string") << true << "\"foo\"" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Function;
val.variant = QVariant(QStringList() << "myFunc" << "23, (nested text)");
QTest::newRow("function") << true << "myFunc(23, (nested text))" << val;
QTest::newRow("function_failure") << false << "myFunction((blah)" << val;
QTest::newRow("function_failure2") << false << "+myFunc(23, (nested text))" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Color;
val.variant = QVariant(QColor("#12ff34"));
QTest::newRow("hexcolor") << true << "#12ff34" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Color;
val.variant = QVariant(QColor("#ffbb00"));
QTest::newRow("hexcolor2") << true << "#fb0" << val;
QTest::ignoreMessage(QtWarningMsg, "QCssParser::parseHexColor: Unknown color name '#cafebabe'");
QTest::newRow("hexcolor_failure") << false << "#cafebabe" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::Uri;
val.variant = QString("www.kde.org");
QTest::newRow("uri1") << true << "url(\"www.kde.org\")" << val;
QTest::newRow("uri2") << true << "url(www.kde.org)" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::KnownIdentifier;
val.variant = int(QCss::Value_Italic);
QTest::newRow("italic") << true << "italic" << val;
val.type = QCss::Value::KnownIdentifier;
val.variant = int(QCss::Value_Italic);
QTest::newRow("ItaLIc") << true << "ItaLIc" << val;
void tst_QCssParser::term()
QFETCH(bool, parseSuccess);
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QCss::Value, expectedValue);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::Value val;
QCOMPARE(parser.parseTerm(&val), parseSuccess);
if (parseSuccess) {
QCOMPARE(int(val.type), int(expectedValue.type));
if (val.variant != expectedValue.variant) {
qDebug() << "val.variant:" << val.variant << "expectedValue.variant:" << expectedValue.variant;
QCOMPARE(val.variant, expectedValue.variant);
void tst_QCssParser::expr_data()
QTest::addColumn<QVector<QCss::Value> >("expectedValues");
QVector<QCss::Value> values;
QCss::Value val;
QCss::Value comma;
comma.type = QCss::Value::TermOperatorComma;
val.type = QCss::Value::Identifier;
val.variant = QLatin1String("foo");
values << val;
values << comma;
val.variant = QLatin1String("bar");
values << val;
values << comma;
val.variant = QLatin1String("baz");
values << val;
QTest::newRow("list") << true << "foo, bar, baz" << values;
void tst_QCssParser::expr()
QFETCH(bool, parseSuccess);
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QVector<QCss::Value>, expectedValues);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QVector<QCss::Value> values;
QCOMPARE(parser.parseExpr(&values), parseSuccess);
if (parseSuccess) {
QCOMPARE(values.count(), expectedValues.count());
for (int i = 0; i < values.count(); ++i) {
QCOMPARE(int(values.at(i).type), int(expectedValues.at(i).type));
QCOMPARE(values.at(i).variant, expectedValues.at(i).variant);
void tst_QCssParser::import()
QCss::Parser parser("@import \"plainstring\";");
QCss::ImportRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.href, QString("plainstring"));
parser = QCss::Parser("@import url(\"www.kde.org\") print/*comment*/,screen;");
QCOMPARE(rule.href, QString("www.kde.org"));
QCOMPARE(rule.media.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(0), QString("print"));
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(1), QString("screen"));
void tst_QCssParser::media()
QCss::Parser parser("@media print/*comment*/,screen /*comment to ignore*/{ }");
QCss::MediaRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.media.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(0), QString("print"));
QCOMPARE(rule.media.at(1), QString("screen"));
void tst_QCssParser::page()
QCss::Parser parser("@page :first/*comment to ignore*/{ }");
QCss::PageRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selector, QString("first"));
void tst_QCssParser::ruleset()
QCss::Parser parser("p/*foo*/{ }");
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("p"));
QCss::Parser parser("p/*comment*/,div{ }");
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("p"));
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("div"));
QCss::Parser parser(":before, :after { }");
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.at(0).name, QString("before"));
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(1).basicSelectors.at(0).pseudos.at(0).name, QString("after"));
void tst_QCssParser::selector_data()
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "p";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfPreceeds;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic = QCss::BasicSelector();
basic.elementName = "div";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("comment") << QString("p/* */+ div") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = QString();
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("any") << QString("*") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("element") << QString("e") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfAncestor;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic.elementName = "f";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::NoRelation;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("descendant") << QString("e f") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfParent;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic.elementName = "f";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::NoRelation;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("parent") << QString("e > f") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::Pseudo pseudo;
pseudo.name = "first-child";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("first-child") << QString("e:first-child") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::Pseudo pseudo;
pseudo.name = "c";
pseudo.function = "lang";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("lang") << QString("e:lang(c)") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::MatchNextSelectorIfPreceeds;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
basic.elementName = "f";
basic.relationToNext = QCss::BasicSelector::NoRelation;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("precede") << QString("e + f") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "foo";
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr") << QString("e[foo]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "foo";
attrSel.value = "warning";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchEqual;
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr-equal") << QString("e[foo=\"warning\"]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "foo";
attrSel.value = "warning";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchContains;
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr-contains") << QString("e[foo~=\"warning\"]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "lang";
attrSel.value = "en";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchBeginsWith;
basic.attributeSelectors << attrSel;
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("attr-contains") << QString("e[lang|=\"en\"]") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "div";
QCss::AttributeSelector attrSel;
attrSel.name = "class";
attrSel.valueMatchCriterium = QCss::AttributeSelector::MatchContains;
attrSel.value = "warning";
attrSel.value = "foo";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("class") << QString("div.warning.foo") << sel;
QCss::Selector sel;
QCss::BasicSelector basic;
basic.elementName = "e";
basic.ids << "myid";
sel.basicSelectors << basic;
QTest::newRow("id") << QString("e#myid") << sel;
void tst_QCssParser::selector()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QCss::Selector, expectedSelector);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::Selector selector;
QCOMPARE(selector.basicSelectors.count(), expectedSelector.basicSelectors.count());
for (int i = 0; i < selector.basicSelectors.count(); ++i) {
const QCss::BasicSelector sel = selector.basicSelectors.at(i);
const QCss::BasicSelector expectedSel = expectedSelector.basicSelectors.at(i);
QCOMPARE(sel.elementName, expectedSel.elementName);
QCOMPARE(int(sel.relationToNext), int(expectedSel.relationToNext));
QCOMPARE(sel.pseudos.count(), expectedSel.pseudos.count());
for (int i = 0; i < sel.pseudos.count(); ++i) {
QCOMPARE(sel.pseudos.at(i).name, expectedSel.pseudos.at(i).name);
QCOMPARE(sel.pseudos.at(i).function, expectedSel.pseudos.at(i).function);
QCOMPARE(sel.attributeSelectors.count(), expectedSel.attributeSelectors.count());
for (int i = 0; i < sel.attributeSelectors.count(); ++i) {
QCOMPARE(sel.attributeSelectors.at(i).name, expectedSel.attributeSelectors.at(i).name);
QCOMPARE(sel.attributeSelectors.at(i).value, expectedSel.attributeSelectors.at(i).value);
QCOMPARE(int(sel.attributeSelectors.at(i).valueMatchCriterium), int(expectedSel.attributeSelectors.at(i).valueMatchCriterium));
void tst_QCssParser::prio()
QCss::Parser parser("!important");
QCss::Parser parser("!impOrTAnt");
QCss::Parser parser("!\"important\"");
QCOMPARE(parser.index, 0);
QCss::Parser parser("!importbleh");
QCOMPARE(parser.index, 0);
void tst_QCssParser::escapes()
QCss::Parser parser("\\hello");
QCOMPARE(parser.lexem(), QString("hello"));
void tst_QCssParser::malformedDeclarations_data()
QTest::newRow("1") << QString("p { color:green }");
QTest::newRow("2") << QString("p { color:green; color } /* malformed declaration missing ':', value */");
QTest::newRow("3") << QString("p { color:red; color; color:green } /* same with expected recovery */");
QTest::newRow("4") << QString("p { color:green; color: } /* malformed declaration missing value */");
QTest::newRow("5") << QString("p { color:red; color:; color:green } /* same with expected recovery */");
QTest::newRow("6") << QString("p { color:green; color{;color:maroon} } /* unexpected tokens { } */");
QTest::newRow("7") << QString("p { color:red; color{;color:maroon}; color:green } /* same with recovery */");
void tst_QCssParser::malformedDeclarations()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleRule rule;
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("p"));
QVERIFY(rule.declarations.count() >= 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.last().d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.last().d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.last().d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.last().d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("green"));
void tst_QCssParser::invalidAtKeywords()
QCss::Parser parser(""
"@three-dee {"
" @background-lighting {"
" azimuth: 30deg;"
" elevation: 190deg;"
" }"
" h1 { color: red }"
"h1 { color: blue }");
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.at(0).basicSelectors.at(0).elementName, QString("h1"));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.at(0).d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.at(0).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(rule.declarations.at(0).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(rule.declarations.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("blue"));
void tst_QCssParser::colorValue_data()
QTest::newRow("identifier") << "color: black" << QColor("black");
QTest::newRow("string") << "color: \"green\"" << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("hexcolor") << "color: #12af0e" << QColor(0x12, 0xaf, 0x0e);
QTest::newRow("functional1") << "color: rgb(21, 45, 73)" << QColor(21, 45, 73);
QTest::newRow("functional2") << "color: rgb(100%, 0%, 100%)" << QColor(0xff, 0, 0xff);
QTest::newRow("rgba") << "color: rgba(10, 20, 30, 40)" << QColor(10, 20, 30, 40);
QTest::newRow("rgb") << "color: rgb(10, 20, 30, 40)" << QColor(10, 20, 30, 40);
QTest::newRow("hsl") << "color: hsv(10, 20, 30)" << QColor::fromHsv(10, 20, 30, 255);
QTest::newRow("hsla") << "color: hsva(10, 20, 30, 40)" << QColor::fromHsv(10, 20, 30, 40);
QTest::newRow("invalid1") << "color: rgb(why, does, it, always, rain, on, me)" << QColor();
QTest::newRow("invalid2") << "color: rgba(i, meant, norway)" << QColor();
QTest::newRow("role") << "color: palette(base)" << qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Base);
QTest::newRow("role2") << "color: palette( window-text ) " << qApp->palette().color(QPalette::WindowText);
QTest::newRow("transparent") << "color: transparent" << QColor(Qt::transparent);
void tst_QCssParser::colorValue()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QColor, expectedColor);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::Declaration decl;
const QColor col = decl.colorValue();
QVERIFY(expectedColor.isValid() == col.isValid());
QCOMPARE(col, expectedColor);
class DomStyleSelector : public QCss::StyleSelector
inline DomStyleSelector(const QDomDocument &doc, const QCss::StyleSheet &sheet)
: doc(doc)
virtual QStringList nodeNames(NodePtr node) const { return QStringList(reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->tagName()); }
virtual QString attribute(NodePtr node, const QString &name) const { return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->attribute(name); }
virtual bool hasAttribute(NodePtr node, const QString &name) const { return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->hasAttribute(name); }
virtual bool hasAttributes(NodePtr node) const { return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->hasAttributes(); }
virtual bool isNullNode(NodePtr node) const {
return reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->isNull();
virtual NodePtr parentNode(NodePtr node) const {
NodePtr parent;
parent.ptr = new QDomElement(reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->parentNode().toElement());
return parent;
virtual NodePtr duplicateNode(NodePtr node) const {
NodePtr n;
n.ptr = new QDomElement(*reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr));
return n;
virtual NodePtr previousSiblingNode(NodePtr node) const {
NodePtr sibling;
sibling.ptr = new QDomElement(reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr)->previousSiblingElement());
return sibling;
virtual void freeNode(NodePtr node) const {
delete reinterpret_cast<QDomElement *>(node.ptr);
QDomDocument doc;
void tst_QCssParser::marginValue_data()
QFont f;
int ex = QFontMetrics(f).xHeight();
int em = QFontMetrics(f).height();
QTest::newRow("one value") << "margin: 1px" << "1 1 1 1";
QTest::newRow("two values") << "margin: 1px 2px" << "1 2 1 2";
QTest::newRow("three value") << "margin: 1px 2px 3px" << "1 2 3 2";
QTest::newRow("four values") << "margin: 1px 2px 3px 4px" << "1 2 3 4";
QTest::newRow("default px") << "margin: 1 2 3 4" << "1 2 3 4";
QTest::newRow("no unit") << "margin: 1 2 3 4" << "1 2 3 4";
QTest::newRow("em") << "margin: 1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(ex).arg(2*ex).arg(3*ex).arg(4*ex);
QTest::newRow("ex") << "margin: 1 2em 3px 4ex" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(1).arg(2*em).arg(3).arg(4*ex);
ex = QFontMetrics(f).xHeight();
em = QFontMetrics(f).height();
QTest::newRow("em2") << "font: bold 20pt; margin: 1ex 2ex 3ex 4ex" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(ex).arg(2*ex).arg(3*ex).arg(4*ex);
QTest::newRow("ex2") << "margin: 1 2em 3px 4ex; font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold;" << QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(1).arg(2*em).arg(3).arg(4*ex);
QTest::newRow("crap") << "margin: crap" << "0 0 0 0";
void tst_QCssParser::marginValue()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QString, expectedMargin);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rules.at(0).declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor v(decls);
int m[4];
int p[4];
int spacing;
v.extractBox(m, p, &spacing);
QString str = QString("%1 %2 %3 %4").arg(m[0]).arg(m[1]).arg(m[2]).arg(m[3]);
QCOMPARE(str, expectedMargin);
void tst_QCssParser::styleSelector_data()
QTest::newRow("plain") << true << QString("p") << QString("<p />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noplain") << false << QString("bar") << QString("<p />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("class") << true << QString(".foo") << QString("<p class=\"foo\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noclass") << false << QString(".bar") << QString("<p class=\"foo\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("attrset") << true << QString("[justset]") << QString("<p justset=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("notattrset") << false << QString("[justset]") << QString("<p otherattribute=\"blub\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("attrmatch") << true << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noattrmatch") << false << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"xyz\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("contains") << true << QString("[foo~=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"baz bleh bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("notcontains") << false << QString("[foo~=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"test\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("beingswith") << true << QString("[foo|=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar-bleh\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("notbeingswith") << false << QString("[foo|=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bleh-bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("attr2") << true << QString("[bar=foo]") << QString("<p bleh=\"bar\" bar=\"foo\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal1") << true << QString("*") << QString("<p />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal3") << false << QString("*[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bleh\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal4") << true << QString("*[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal5") << false << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bleh\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal6") << true << QString("[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("universal7") << true << QString(".charfmt1") << QString("<p class=\"charfmt1\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("id") << true << QString("#blub") << QString("<p id=\"blub\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("noid") << false << QString("#blub") << QString("<p id=\"other\" />") << QString();
QTest::newRow("childselector") << true << QString("parent > child")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector2") << false << QString("parent > child")
<< QString("<child><parent /></child>")
<< QString("child/parent");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector3") << false << QString("parent > child")
<< QString("<parent><intermediate><child /></intermediate></parent>")
<< QString("parent/intermediate/child");
QTest::newRow("childselector2") << true << QString("parent[foo=bar] > child")
<< QString("<parent foo=\"bar\"><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector4") << false << QString("parent[foo=bar] > child")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nochildselector5") << false << QString("parent[foo=bar] > child")
<< QString("<parent foo=\"bar\"><parent><child /></parent></parent>")
<< QString("parent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("childselectors") << true << QString("grandparent > parent > child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><child /></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("descendant") << true << QString("grandparent child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><child /></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nodescendant") << false << QString("grandparent child")
<< QString("<other><parent><child /></parent></other>")
<< QString("other/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("descendant2") << true << QString("grandgrandparent grandparent child")
<< QString("<grandgrandparent><inbetween><grandparent><parent><child /></parent></grandparent></inbetween></grandgrandparent>")
<< QString("grandgrandparent/inbetween/grandparent/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("combined") << true << QString("grandparent parent > child")
<< QString("<grandparent><inbetween><parent><child /></parent></inbetween></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/inbetween/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("combined2") << true << QString("grandparent > parent child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><inbetween><child /></inbetween></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/inbetween/child");
QTest::newRow("combined3") << true << QString("grandparent > parent child")
<< QString("<grandparent><parent><inbetween><child /></inbetween></parent></grandparent>")
<< QString("grandparent/parent/inbetween/child");
QTest::newRow("nocombined") << false << QString("grandparent parent > child")
<< QString("<inbetween><parent><child /></parent></inbetween>")
<< QString("inbetween/parent/child");
QTest::newRow("nocombined2") << false << QString("grandparent parent > child")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("previoussibling") << true << QString("p1 + p2")
<< QString("<p1 /><p2 />")
<< QString("p2");
QTest::newRow("noprevioussibling") << false << QString("p2 + p1")
<< QString("<p1 /><p2 />")
<< QString("p2");
QTest::newRow("ancestry_firstmismatch") << false << QString("parent child[foo=bar]")
<< QString("<parent><child /></parent>")
<< QString("parent/child");
QTest::newRow("unknown-pseudo") << false << QString("p:enabled:foobar") << QString("<p/>") << QString();
void tst_QCssParser::styleSelector()
QFETCH(bool, match);
QFETCH(QString, selector);
QFETCH(QString, xml);
QFETCH(QString, elementToCheck);
QString css = QString("%1 { background-color: green }").arg(selector);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QDomDocument doc;
xml.prepend("<!DOCTYPE test><test>");
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement();
if (elementToCheck.isEmpty()) {
e = e.firstChildElement();
} else {
QStringList path = elementToCheck.split(QLatin1Char('/'));
do {
e = e.namedItem(path.takeFirst()).toElement();
} while (!path.isEmpty());
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = testSelector.declarationsForNode(n);
if (match) {
QCOMPARE(decls.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->propertyId), int(QCss::BackgroundColor));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("green"));
} else {
void tst_QCssParser::specificity_data()
QTest::newRow("universal") << QString("*") << 0;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos1") << QString("foo") << 1;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos2") << QString("foo *[blah]") << 1 + (1 * 0x10);
// should strictly speaking be '2', but we don't support pseudo-elements yet,
// only pseudo-classes
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos3") << QString("li:first-line") << 1 + (1 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos4") << QString("ul li") << 2;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos5") << QString("ul ol+li") << 3;
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos6") << QString("h1 + *[rel=up]") << 1 + (1 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos7") << QString("ul ol li.red") << 3 + (1 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("elements+pseudos8") << QString("li.red.level") << 1 + (2 * 0x10);
QTest::newRow("id") << QString("#x34y") << 1 * 0x100;
void tst_QCssParser::specificity()
QFETCH(QString, selector);
QString css = QString("%1 { }").arg(selector);
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count() + sheet.idIndex.count() , 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ? sheet.styleRules.at(0)
: (!sheet.nameIndex.isEmpty()) ? *sheet.nameIndex.begin()
: *sheet.idIndex.begin();
QCOMPARE(rule.selectors.count(), 1);
QTEST(rule.selectors.at(0).specificity(), "specificity");
void tst_QCssParser::specificitySort_data()
QTest::newRow("universal1") << QString("*") << QString("p") << QString("<p />");
QTest::newRow("attr") << QString("p") << QString("p[foo=bar]") << QString("<p foo=\"bar\" />");
QTest::newRow("id") << QString("p") << QString("#hey") << QString("<p id=\"hey\" />");
QTest::newRow("id2") << QString("[id=hey]") << QString("#hey") << QString("<p id=\"hey\" />");
QTest::newRow("class") << QString("p") << QString(".hey") << QString("<p class=\"hey\" />");
void tst_QCssParser::specificitySort()
QFETCH(QString, firstSelector);
QFETCH(QString, secondSelector);
QFETCH(QString, xml);
firstSelector.append(" { color: green; }");
secondSelector.append(" { color: red; }");
QDomDocument doc;
xml.prepend("<!DOCTYPE test><test>");
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
QString css;
if (i == 0)
css = firstSelector + secondSelector;
css = secondSelector + firstSelector;
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = testSelector.declarationsForNode(n);
QCOMPARE(decls.count(), 2);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("green"));
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(1).d->propertyId), int(QCss::Color));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.count(), 1);
QCOMPARE(int(decls.at(1).d->values.at(0).type), int(QCss::Value::Identifier));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), QString("red"));
void tst_QCssParser::rulesForNode_data()
QTest::newRow("universal1") << QString("<p/>") << QString("* { color: red }")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Unspecified << 1 << "red" << "";
QTest::newRow("basic") << QString("<p/>") << QString("p:enabled { color: red; bg:blue; }")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Enabled << 2 << "red" << "blue";
QTest::newRow("single") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } *:hover { color: white }")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Hover << 1 << "white" << "";
QTest::newRow("multisel") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } p:hover { color: gray } *:hover { color: white } ")
<< (quint64)QCss::PseudoClass_Hover << 2 << "white" << "gray";
QTest::newRow("multisel2") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } p:hover:focus { color: gray } *:hover { color: white } ")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Hover|QCss::PseudoClass_Focus) << 2 << "white" << "gray";
QTest::newRow("multisel3-diffspec") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:enabled { color: red; } p:hover:focus { color: gray } *:hover { color: white } ")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Hover) << 1 << "white" << "";
QTest::newRow("!-1") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:checked:!hover { color: red; } p:checked:hover { color: gray } p:checked { color: white }")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Hover|QCss::PseudoClass_Checked) << 2 << "white" << "gray";
QTest::newRow("!-2") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:checked:!hover:!pressed { color: red; } p:!checked:hover { color: gray } p:!focus { color: blue }")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Focus) << 0 << "" << "";
QTest::newRow("!-3") << QString("<p/>")
<< QString("p:checked:!hover:!pressed { color: red; } p:!checked:hover { color: gray } p:!focus { color: blue; }")
<< quint64(QCss::PseudoClass_Pressed) << 1 << "blue" << "";
void tst_QCssParser::rulesForNode()
QFETCH(QString, xml);
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(quint64, pseudoClass);
QFETCH(int, declCount);
QFETCH(QString, value0);
QFETCH(QString, value1);
QDomDocument doc;
xml.prepend("<!DOCTYPE test><test>");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls;
for (int i = 0; i < rules.count(); i++) {
const QCss::Selector &selector = rules.at(i).selectors.at(0);
quint64 negated = 0;
quint64 cssClass = selector.pseudoClass(&negated);
if ((cssClass == QCss::PseudoClass_Unspecified)
|| ((((cssClass & pseudoClass) == cssClass)) && ((negated & pseudoClass) == 0)))
decls += rules.at(i).declarations;
QVERIFY(decls.count() == declCount);
if (declCount > 0)
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), value0);
if (declCount > 1)
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.at(0).variant.toString(), value1);
void tst_QCssParser::shorthandBackgroundProperty_data()
QTest::newRow("simple color") << "background: red" << QBrush(QColor("red")) << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("plain color") << "background-color: red" << QBrush(QColor("red")) << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("palette color") << "background-color: palette(mid)" << qApp->palette().mid() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("multiple") << "background: url(chess.png) blue repeat-y" << QBrush(QColor("blue")) << QString("chess.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_Y) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("plain alignment") << "background-position: center" << QBrush() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignCenter);
QTest::newRow("plain alignment2") << "background-position: left top" << QBrush() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
QTest::newRow("plain alignment3") << "background-position: left" << QBrush() << QString() << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
QTest::newRow("multi") << "background: left url(blah.png) repeat-x" << QBrush() << QString("blah.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_X) << int(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
QTest::newRow("multi2") << "background: url(blah.png) repeat-x top" << QBrush() << QString("blah.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_X) << int(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter);
QTest::newRow("multi3") << "background: url(blah.png) top right" << QBrush() << QString("blah.png") << int(QCss::Repeat_XY) << int(Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignRight);
void tst_QCssParser::shorthandBackgroundProperty()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rules.at(0).declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor v(decls);
QBrush brush;
QString image;
QCss::Repeat repeat = QCss::Repeat_XY;
Qt::Alignment alignment = Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignLeft;
QCss::Origin origin = QCss::Origin_Padding;
QCss::Attachment attachment;
QCss::Origin ignoredOrigin;
v.extractBackground(&brush, &image, &repeat, &alignment, &origin, &attachment, &ignoredOrigin);
QFETCH(QBrush, expectedBrush);
QVERIFY(expectedBrush.color() == brush.color());
QTEST(image, "expectedImage");
QTEST(int(repeat), "expectedRepeatValue");
QTEST(int(alignment), "expectedAlignment");
//QTBUG-9674 : a second evaluation should give the same results
QVERIFY(v.extractBackground(&brush, &image, &repeat, &alignment, &origin, &attachment, &ignoredOrigin));
QVERIFY(expectedBrush.color() == brush.color());
QTEST(image, "expectedImage");
QTEST(int(repeat), "expectedRepeatValue");
QTEST(int(alignment), "expectedAlignment");
void tst_QCssParser::pseudoElement_data()
// QComboBox::dropDown { border-image: blah; }
QTest::newRow("no pseudo-elements") << QString("dummy:hover { color: red }") << "" << 1;
QTest::newRow("no pseudo-elements") << QString("dummy:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (1)") << QString("dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 1;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (2)") << QString("dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "x" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (2)") << QString("whatever::pe:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (3)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "x" << 0;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (4)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red } dummy { x:y }") << "" << 2;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (5)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red }") << "pe" << 1;
QTest::newRow("1 pseudo-element (6)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe:hover { color: red } dummy::pe:checked { x: y} ") << "pe" << 2;
QTest::newRow("2 pseudo-elements (1)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe1:hover { color: red } dummy::pe2:checked { x: y} ")
<< "" << 1;
QTest::newRow("2 pseudo-elements (1)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe1:hover { color: red } dummy::pe2:checked { x: y} ")
<< "pe1" << 1;
QTest::newRow("2 pseudo-elements (2)")
<< QString("dummy { color: white; } dummy::pe1:hover { color: red } dummy::pe2:checked { x: y} ")
<< "pe2" << 1;
void tst_QCssParser::pseudoElement()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QString, pseudoElement);
QFETCH(int, declCount);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls;
for (int i = 0; i < rules.count(); i++) {
const QCss::Selector& selector = rules.at(i).selectors.at(0);
if (pseudoElement.compare(selector.pseudoElement(), Qt::CaseInsensitive) != 0)
decls += rules.at(i).declarations;
QVERIFY(decls.count() == declCount);
void tst_QCssParser::gradient_data()
QTest::newRow("color-string") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1:1, y1:2, x2:3, y2:4, "
"stop:0.2 red, stop:0.5 green)" << "linear" << QPointF(1, 2) << QPointF(3, 4)
<< 0 << qreal(0.2) << QColor("red") << qreal(0.5) << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("color-#") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, "
"spread: reflect, stop:0.2 #123, stop:0.5 #456)" << "linear" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
<< 1 << qreal(0.2) << QColor("#123") << qreal(0.5) << QColor("#456");
QTest::newRow("color-rgb") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, "
"spread: reflect, stop:0.2 rgb(1, 2, 3), stop:0.5 rgba(1, 2, 3, 4))" << "linear" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
<< 1 << qreal(0.2) << QColor(1, 2, 3) << qreal(0.5) << QColor(1, 2, 3, 4);
QTest::newRow("color-spaces") <<
"selection-background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1 :0,x2:0, y2 : 1 , "
"spread: reflect, stop:0.2 rgb(1, 2, 3), stop: 0.5 rgba(1, 2, 3, 4))" << "linear" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
<< 1 << qreal(0.2) << QColor(1, 2, 3) << qreal(0.5) << QColor(1, 2, 3, 4);
QTest::newRow("conical gradient") <<
"selection-background-color: qconicalgradient(cx: 4, cy : 2, angle: 23, "
"spread: repeat, stop:0.2 rgb(1, 2, 3), stop:0.5 rgba(1, 2, 3, 4))" << "conical" << QPointF(4, 2) << QPointF()
<< 2 << qreal(0.2) << QColor(1, 2, 3) << qreal(0.5) << QColor(1, 2, 3, 4);
/* wont pass: stop values are expected to be sorted
QTest::newRow("unsorted-stop") <<
"selection-background: lineargradient(x1:0, y1:0, x2:0, y2:1, "
"stop:0.5 green, stop:0.2 red)" << QPointF(0, 0) << QPointF(0, 1)
0 << 0.2 << QColor("red") << 0.5 << QColor("green");
void tst_QCssParser::gradient()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(QString, type);
QFETCH(QPointF, finalStop);
QFETCH(QPointF, start);
QFETCH(int, spread);
QFETCH(qreal, stop0); QFETCH(QColor, color0);
QFETCH(qreal, stop1); QFETCH(QColor, color1);
QDomDocument doc;
QVERIFY(doc.setContent(QLatin1String("<!DOCTYPE test><test> <dummy/> </test>")));
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
DomStyleSelector testSelector(doc, sheet);
QDomElement e = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement();
QCss::StyleSelector::NodePtr n;
n.ptr = &e;
QVector<QCss::StyleRule> rules = testSelector.styleRulesForNode(n);
QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rules.at(0).declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor ve(decls);
QBrush fg, sfg;
QBrush sbg, abg;
QVERIFY(ve.extractPalette(&fg, &sfg, &sbg, &abg));
if (type == "linear") {
QVERIFY(sbg.style() == Qt::LinearGradientPattern);
const QLinearGradient *lg = static_cast<const QLinearGradient *>(sbg.gradient());
QCOMPARE(lg->start(), start);
QCOMPARE(lg->finalStop(), finalStop);
} else if (type == "conical") {
QVERIFY(sbg.style() == Qt::ConicalGradientPattern);
const QConicalGradient *cg = static_cast<const QConicalGradient *>(sbg.gradient());
QCOMPARE(cg->center(), start);
const QGradient *g = sbg.gradient();
QCOMPARE(g->spread(), QGradient::Spread(spread));
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(0).first == stop0);
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(0).second == color0);
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(1).first == stop1);
QVERIFY(g->stops().at(1).second == color1);
void tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily_data()
if (QFontInfo(QFont("Times New Roman")).family() != "Times New Roman")
QSKIP("'Times New Roman' font not found ", SkipAll);
QTest::newRow("quoted-family-name") << "font-family: 'Times New Roman'" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("unquoted-family-name") << "font-family: Times New Roman" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("unquoted-family-name2") << "font-family: Times New Roman" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("multiple") << "font-family: Times New Roman , foobar, 'baz'" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("multiple2") << "font-family: invalid, Times New Roman " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("invalid") << "font-family: invalid" << QFontInfo(QFont("invalid font")).family();
QTest::newRow("shorthand") << "font: 12pt Times New Roman" << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("shorthand multiple quote") << "font: 12pt invalid, \"Times New Roman\" " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("shorthand multiple") << "font: 12pt invalid, Times New Roman " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("invalid spaces") << "font-family: invalid spaces, Times New Roman " << QString("Times New Roman");
QTest::newRow("invalid spaces quotes") << "font-family: 'invalid spaces', 'Times New Roman' " << QString("Times New Roman");
void tst_QCssParser::extractFontFamily()
QFETCH(QString, css);
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor extractor(decls);
int adjustment = 0;
QFont fnt;
extractor.extractFont(&fnt, &adjustment);
QFontInfo info(fnt);
QTEST(info.family(), "expectedFamily");
void tst_QCssParser::extractBorder_data()
QTest::newRow("all values") << "border: 2px solid green" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("palette") << "border: 2px solid palette(highlight)" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Highlight);
QTest::newRow("just width") << "border: 2px" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor();
QTest::newRow("just style") << "border: solid" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor();
QTest::newRow("just color") << "border: green" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("width+style") << "border: 2px solid" << 2 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor();
QTest::newRow("style+color") << "border: solid green" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Solid << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("width+color") << "border: 3px green" << 3 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor("green");
QTest::newRow("groove style") << "border: groove" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Groove << QColor();
QTest::newRow("ridge style") << "border: ridge" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Ridge << QColor();
QTest::newRow("double style") << "border: double" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Double << QColor();
QTest::newRow("inset style") << "border: inset" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Inset << QColor();
QTest::newRow("outset style") << "border: outset" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Outset << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dashed style") << "border: dashed" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Dashed << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dotted style") << "border: dotted" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_Dotted << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dot-dash style") << "border: dot-dash" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_DotDash << QColor();
QTest::newRow("dot-dot-dash style") << "border: dot-dot-dash" << 0 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_DotDotDash << QColor();
QTest::newRow("top-width+color") << "border-top: 3px green" << 3 << (int)QCss::BorderStyle_None << QColor("green");
void tst_QCssParser::extractBorder()
QFETCH(QString, css);
QFETCH(int, expectedTopWidth);
QFETCH(int, expectedTopStyle);
QFETCH(QColor, expectedTopColor);
css.prepend("dummy {");
QCss::Parser parser(css);
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor extractor(decls);
int widths[4];
QBrush colors[4];
QCss::BorderStyle styles[4];
QSize radii[4];
extractor.extractBorder(widths, colors, styles, radii);
QVERIFY(widths[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopWidth);
QVERIFY(styles[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopStyle);
QVERIFY(colors[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopColor);
//QTBUG-9674 : a second evaluation should give the same results
QVERIFY(extractor.extractBorder(widths, colors, styles, radii));
QVERIFY(widths[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopWidth);
QVERIFY(styles[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopStyle);
QVERIFY(colors[QCss::TopEdge] == expectedTopColor);
void tst_QCssParser::noTextDecoration()
QCss::Parser parser("dummy { text-decoration: none; }");
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCss::ValueExtractor extractor(decls);
int adjustment = 0;
QFont f;
QVERIFY(extractor.extractFont(&f, &adjustment));
void tst_QCssParser::quotedAndUnquotedIdentifiers()
QCss::Parser parser("foo { font-style: \"italic\"; font-weight: bold }");
QCss::StyleSheet sheet;
QCOMPARE(sheet.styleRules.count() + sheet.nameIndex.count(), 1);
QCss::StyleRule rule = (!sheet.styleRules.isEmpty()) ?
sheet.styleRules.at(0) : *sheet.nameIndex.begin();
const QVector<QCss::Declaration> decls = rule.declarations;
QCOMPARE(decls.size(), 2);
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.first().type, QCss::Value::String);
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->property, QLatin1String("font-style"));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(0).d->values.first().toString(), QLatin1String("italic"));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.first().type, QCss::Value::KnownIdentifier);
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->property, QLatin1String("font-weight"));
QCOMPARE(decls.at(1).d->values.first().toString(), QLatin1String("bold"));
#include "tst_qcssparser.moc"