
1271 lines
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# this must be done outside any function
QT_BUILD_TREE = $$shadowed($$PWD)
# custom command line handling
defineTest(qtConfCommandline_qmakeArgs) {
contains(1, QMAKE_[A-Z0-9_]+ *[-+]?=.*) {
config.input.qmakeArgs += $$1
defineTest(qtConfCommandline_cxxstd) {
msvc: \
qtConfAddError("Command line option -c++std is not supported with MSVC compilers.")
arg = $${1}
val = $${2}
isEmpty(val): val = $$qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg()
!contains(val, "^-.*"):!isEmpty(val) {
contains(val, "(c\+\+)?11") {
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("c++14", "no")
} else: contains(val, "(c\+\+)?(14|1y)") {
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("c++14", "yes")
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("c++1z", "no")
} else: contains(val, "(c\+\+)?(1z)") {
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("c++14", "yes")
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("c++1z", "yes")
} else {
qtConfAddError("Invalid argument $$val to command line parameter $$arg")
} else {
qtConfAddError("Missing argument to command line parameter $$arg")
defineTest(qtConfCommandline_sanitize) {
arg = $${1}
val = $${2}
isEmpty(val): val = $$qtConfGetNextCommandlineArg()
!contains(val, "^-.*"):!isEmpty(val) {
equals(val, "address") {
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("sanitize_address", "yes")
} else: equals(val, "thread") {
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("sanitize_thread", "yes")
} else: equals(val, "memory") {
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("sanitize_memory", "yes")
} else: equals(val, "undefined") {
qtConfCommandlineSetInput("sanitize_undefined", "yes")
} else {
qtConfAddError("Invalid argument $$val to command line parameter $$arg")
} else {
qtConfAddError("Missing argument to command line parameter $$arg")
# callbacks
defineReplace(qtConfFunc_crossCompile) {
!isEmpty(config.input.sysroot): return(true)
spec = $$[QMAKE_SPEC]
!equals(spec, $$[QMAKE_XSPEC]): return(true)
defineReplace(qtConfFunc_licenseCheck) {
hasOpenSource = true
else: \
hasOpenSource = false
hasCommercial = true
else: \
hasCommercial = false
commercial = $$config.input.commercial
isEmpty(commercial) {
$$hasOpenSource {
$$hasCommercial {
logn("Selecting Qt Edition.")
logn("Type 'c' if you want to use the Commercial Edition.")
logn("Type 'o' if you want to use the Open Source Edition.")
for(ever) {
val = $$lower($$prompt("Which edition of Qt do you want to use? ", false))
equals(val, c) {
commercial = yes
QMAKE_SAVED_ARGS += -commercial
} else: equals(val, o) {
commercial = no
QMAKE_SAVED_ARGS += -opensource
} else {
} else {
commercial = no
} else {
!$$hasCommercial: \
qtConfFatalError("No license files and no licheck executables found." \
"Cannot proceed. Try re-installing Qt.")
commercial = yes
equals(commercial, no) {
!$$hasOpenSource: \
qtConfFatalError("This is the Qt Commercial Edition." \
"Cannot proceed with -opensource.")
logn("This is the Qt Open Source Edition.")
EditionString = "Open Source"
config.input.qt_edition = OpenSource
} else {
!$$hasCommercial: \
qtConfFatalError("This is the Qt Open Source Edition." \
"Cannot proceed with -commercial.")
!exists($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/.release-timestamp) {
# Build from git
logn("This is the Qt Commercial Edition.")
EditionString = "Commercial"
config.input.qt_edition = Commercial
} else {
# Build from a released source package
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Linux) {
!equals(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64): \
Licheck = licheck32
else: \
Licheck = licheck64
} else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin) {
Licheck = licheck_mac
} else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) {
Licheck = licheck.exe
} else {
qtConfFatalError("Host operating system not supported by this edition of Qt.")
!qtRunLoggedCommand("$$system_quote($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/bin/$$Licheck) \
$$system_quote($$eval(config.input.confirm-license)) \
$$system_quote($$QT_SOURCE_TREE) $$system_quote($$QT_BUILD_TREE) \
LicheckOutput, false): \
for (o, LicheckOutput) {
contains(o, "\\w+=.*"): \
else: \
config.input.qt_edition = $$Edition
config.input.qt_licheck = $$Licheck
config.input.qt_release_date = $$ReleaseDate
!isEmpty(config.input.confirm-license) {
logn("You have already accepted the terms of the $$EditionString license.")
affix = the
equals(commercial, no) {
theLicense = "GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 3"
showWhat = "Type 'L' to view the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 (LGPLv3)."
gpl2Ok = false
winrt {
notTheLicense = "Note: GPL version 2 is not available on WinRT."
} else: $$qtConfEvaluate("features.android-style-assets") {
notTheLicense = "Note: GPL version 2 is not available due to using Android style assets."
} else {
theLicense += "or the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2"
showWhat += "Type 'G' to view the GNU General Public License version 2 (GPLv2)."
gpl2Ok = true
affix = either
} else {
theLicense = $$cat($$QT_SOURCE_TREE/LICENSE.QT-LICENSE-AGREEMENT-4.0, lines)
theLicense = $$first(theLicense)
showWhat = "Type '?' to view the $${theLicense}."
msg = \
" " \
"You are licensed to use this software under the terms of" \
"the "$$theLicense"." \
$$notTheLicense \
" " \
$$showWhat \
"Type 'y' to accept this license offer." \
"Type 'n' to decline this license offer." \
" "
for(ever) {
logn($$join(msg, $$escape_expand(\\n)))
for(ever) {
val = $$lower($$prompt("Do you accept the terms of $$affix license? ", false))
equals(val, y)|equals(val, yes) {
QMAKE_SAVED_ARGS += -confirm-license
} else: equals(val, n)|equals(val, no) {
} else: equals(commercial, yes):equals(val, ?) {
} else: equals(commercial, no):equals(val, l) {
} else: equals(commercial, no):equals(val, g):$$gpl2Ok {
} else {
system("more $$system_quote($$system_path($$licenseFile))")
# custom tests
# this is meant for linux device specs only
defineTest(qtConfTest_machineTuple) {
qtRunLoggedCommand("$$QMAKE_CXX -dumpmachine", $${1}.tuple)|return(false)
$${1}.cache += tuple
defineTest(qtConfTest_verifySpec) {
qtConfTest_compile($$1): return(true)
qtConfFatalError("Cannot compile a minimal program. The toolchain or QMakeSpec is broken.", log)
defineTest(qtConfTest_architecture) {
!qtConfTest_compile($${1}): \
error("Could not determine $$eval($${1}.label). See config.log for details.")
test = $$eval($${1}.test)
test_out_dir = $$OUT_PWD/$$basename(QMAKE_CONFIG_TESTS_DIR)/$$test
unix:exists($$test_out_dir/arch): \
content = $$cat($$test_out_dir/arch, blob)
else: win32:exists($$test_out_dir/arch.exe): \
content = $$cat($$test_out_dir/arch.exe, blob)
else: android:exists($$test_out_dir/libarch.so): \
content = $$cat($$test_out_dir/libarch.so, blob)
else: \
error("$$eval($${1}.label) detection binary not found.")
arch_magic = ".*==Qt=magic=Qt== Architecture:([^\\0]*).*"
subarch_magic = ".*==Qt=magic=Qt== Sub-architecture:([^\\0]*).*"
buildabi_magic = ".*==Qt=magic=Qt== Build-ABI:([^\\0]*).*"
!contains(content, $$arch_magic)|!contains(content, $$subarch_magic)|!contains(content, $$buildabi_magic): \
error("$$eval($${1}.label) detection binary does not contain expected data.")
$${1}.arch = $$replace(content, $$arch_magic, "\\1")
$${1}.subarch = $$replace(content, $$subarch_magic, "\\1")
$${1}.subarch = $$split($${1}.subarch, " ")
$${1}.buildabi = $$replace(content, $$buildabi_magic, "\\1")
qtLog("Detected architecture: $$eval($${1}.arch) ($$eval($${1}.subarch))")
$${1}.cache += arch subarch buildabi
defineTest(qtConfTest_gnumake) {
make = $$qtConfFindInPath("gmake")
isEmpty(make): make = $$qtConfFindInPath("make")
!isEmpty(make) {
qtRunLoggedCommand("$$make -v", version)|return(false)
contains(version, "^GNU Make.*"): return(true)
defineTest(qtConfTest_detectPkgConfig) {
pkgConfig = $$getenv("PKG_CONFIG")
!isEmpty(pkgConfig): {
qtLog("Found pkg-config from environment variable: $$pkgConfig")
} else {
pkgConfig = $$QMAKE_PKG_CONFIG
!isEmpty(pkgConfig) {
qtLog("Found pkg-config from mkspec: $$pkgConfig")
} else {
pkgConfig = $$qtConfFindInPath("pkg-config")
isEmpty(pkgConfig): \
qtLog("Found pkg-config from path: $$pkgConfig")
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.cross_compile") {
# cross compiling, check that pkg-config is set up sanely
sysroot = $$config.input.sysroot
pkgConfigLibdir = $$getenv("PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR")
isEmpty(pkgConfigLibdir) {
isEmpty(sysroot) {
qtConfAddWarning("Cross compiling without sysroot. Disabling pkg-config")
!exists("$$sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig") {
qtConfAddWarning( \
"Disabling pkg-config since PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR is not set and" \
"the host's .pc files would be used (even if you set PKG_CONFIG_PATH)." \
"Set this variable to the directory that contains target .pc files" \
"for pkg-config to function correctly when cross-compiling or" \
"use -pkg-config to override this test.")
pkgConfigLibdir = $$sysroot/usr/lib/pkgconfig:$$sysroot/usr/share/pkgconfig
machineTuple = $$eval($${currentConfig}.tests.machineTuple.tuple)
!isEmpty(machineTuple): \
pkgConfigLibdir = "$$pkgConfigLibdir:$$sysroot/usr/lib/$$machineTuple/pkgconfig"
qtConfAddNote("PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR automatically set to $$pkgConfigLibdir")
pkgConfigSysrootDir = $$getenv("PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR")
isEmpty(pkgConfigSysrootDir) {
isEmpty(sysroot) {
qtConfAddWarning( \
"Disabling pkg-config since PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR is not set." \
"Set this variable to your sysroot for pkg-config to function correctly when" \
"cross-compiling or use -pkg-config to override this test.")
pkgConfigSysrootDir = $$sysroot
qtConfAddNote("PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR automatically set to $$pkgConfigSysrootDir")
$${1}.pkgConfigLibdir = $$pkgConfigLibdir
$${1}.pkgConfigSysrootDir = $$pkgConfigSysrootDir
$${1}.cache += pkgConfigLibdir pkgConfigSysrootDir
$${1}.pkgConfig = $$pkgConfig
$${1}.cache += pkgConfig
defineTest(qtConfTest_buildParts) {
parts = $$config.input.make
isEmpty(parts) {
parts = libs examples
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.developer-build"): \
parts += tests
!$$qtConfEvaluate("features.cross_compile"): \
parts += tools
parts -= $$config.input.nomake
# always add libs, as it's required to build Qt
parts *= libs
$${1}.value = $$parts
$${1}.cache = -
defineTest(qtConfTest_x86Simd) {
simd = $$section(1, ".", -1) # last component
$${1}.args = CONFIG+=add_cflags DEFINES+=NO_ATTRIBUTE SIMD=$$simd
$${1}.test = x86_simd
defineTest(qtConfTest_x86SimdAlways) {
configs =
fpfx = $${currentConfig}.features
tpfx = $${currentConfig}.tests
# Make a list of all passing features whose tests have type=x86Simd
for (f, $${tpfx}._KEYS_) {
!equals($${tpfx}.$${f}.type, "x86Simd"): \
equals($${fpfx}.$${f}.available, true): configs += $$f
$${1}.literal_args = SIMD=$$join(configs, " ")
# custom outputs
# this reloads the qmakespec as completely as reasonably possible.
defineTest(reloadSpec) {
bypassNesting() {
contains(f, .*/mkspecs/.*):\
!contains(f, .*/(qt_build_config|qt_parts|qt_configure|configure_base)\\.prf): \
# nobody's going to try to re-load the features above,
# so don't bother with being selective.
# loading it gets simulated below.
$$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs/features/device_config.prf \
# must be delayed until qdevice.pri is ready.
$$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs/features/mac/toolchain.prf \
# qdevice.pri gets written too late (and we can't write it early
# enough, as it's populated in stages, with later ones depending
# on earlier ones). so inject its variables manually.
for (l, $${currentConfig}.output.devicePro): \
# ensure pristine environment for configuration. again.
defineTest(qtConfOutput_prepareSpec) {
device = $$eval(config.input.device)
!isEmpty(device) {
devices = $$files($$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs/devices/*$$device*)
isEmpty(devices): \
qtConfFatalError("No device matching '$$device'.")
!count(devices, 1) {
err = "Multiple matches for device '$$device'. Candidates are:"
for (d, devices): \
err += " $$basename(d)"
XSPEC = $$relative_path($$devices, $$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs)
xspec = $$eval(config.input.xplatform)
!isEmpty(xspec) {
!exists($$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs/$$xspec/qmake.conf): \
qtConfFatalError("Invalid target platform '$$xspec'.")
XSPEC = $$xspec
isEmpty(XSPEC): \
QMAKESPEC = $$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs/$$XSPEC
notes = $$cat($$OUT_PWD/.config.notes, lines)
!isEmpty(notes): \
qtConfAddNote("Also available for $$notes")
# deviceOptions() below contains conditionals coming form the spec,
# so this cannot be delayed for a batch reload.
defineTest(qtConfOutput_prepareOptions) {
$${currentConfig}.output.devicePro += \
$$replace(config.input.device-option, "^([^=]+) *= *(.*)$", "\\1 = \\2")
darwin:!isEmpty(config.input.sdk) {
$${currentConfig}.output.devicePro += \
"QMAKE_MAC_SDK = $$val_escape(config.input.sdk)"
android {
sdk_root = $$eval(config.input.android-sdk)
isEmpty(sdk_root): \
sdk_root = $$getenv(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT)
isEmpty(sdk_root) {
for(ever) {
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Linux): \
sdk_root = $$(HOME)/Android/Sdk
else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin): \
sdk_root = $$(HOME)/Library/Android/sdk
else: \
!exists($$sdk_root): \
sdk_root =
isEmpty(sdk_root): \
qtConfFatalError("Cannot find Android SDK." \
"Please use -android-sdk option to specify one.")
ndk_root = $$eval(config.input.android-ndk)
isEmpty(ndk_root): \
ndk_root = $$getenv(ANDROID_NDK_ROOT)
isEmpty(ndk_root) {
for(ever) {
exists($$sdk_root/ndk-bundle) {
ndk_root = $$sdk_root/ndk-bundle
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Linux): \
ndk_root = $$(HOME)/Android/Sdk/ndk-bundle
else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin): \
ndk_root = $$(HOME)/Library/Android/sdk/ndk-bundle
else: \
!exists($$ndk_root): \
ndk_root =
isEmpty(ndk_root): \
qtConfFatalError("Cannot find Android NDK." \
"Please use -android-ndk option to specify one.")
ndk_tc_ver = $$eval(config.input.android-toolchain-version)
isEmpty(ndk_tc_ver): \
ndk_tc_ver = 4.9
!exists($$ndk_root/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-$$ndk_tc_ver/prebuilt/*): \
qtConfFatalError("Cannot detect Android NDK toolchain." \
"Please use -android-toolchain-version to specify it.")
ndk_tc_pfx = $$ndk_root/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-$$ndk_tc_ver/prebuilt
ndk_host = $$eval(config.input.android-ndk-host)
isEmpty(ndk_host): \
ndk_host = $$getenv(ANDROID_NDK_HOST)
isEmpty(ndk_host) {
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Linux) {
ndk_host_64 = linux-x86_64
ndk_host_32 = linux-x86
} else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin) {
ndk_host_64 = darwin-x86_64
ndk_host_32 = darwin-x86
} else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) {
ndk_host_64 = windows-x86_64
ndk_host_32 = windows
} else {
qtConfFatalError("Host operating system not supported by Android.")
!exists($$ndk_tc_pfx/$$ndk_host_64/*): ndk_host_64 =
!exists($$ndk_tc_pfx/$$ndk_host_32/*): ndk_host_32 =
equals(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64):!isEmpty(ndk_host_64) {
ndk_host = $$ndk_host_64
} else: equals(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86):!isEmpty(ndk_host_32) {
ndk_host = $$ndk_host_32
} else {
!isEmpty(ndk_host_64): \
ndk_host = $$ndk_host_64
else: !isEmpty(ndk_host_32): \
ndk_host = $$ndk_host_32
else: \
qtConfFatalError("Cannot detect the Android host." \
"Please use -android-ndk-host option to specify one.")
qtConfAddNote("Available Android host does not match host architecture.")
} else {
!exists($$ndk_tc_pfx/$$ndk_host/*): \
qtConfFatalError("Specified Android NDK host is invalid.")
target_arch = $$eval(config.input.android-arch)
isEmpty(target_arch): \
target_arch = armeabi-v7a
platform = $$eval(config.input.android-ndk-platform)
isEmpty(platform): \
platform = android-16 ### the windows configure disagrees ...
$${currentConfig}.output.devicePro += \
"DEFAULT_ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = $$val_escape(sdk_root)" \
"DEFAULT_ANDROID_NDK_ROOT = $$val_escape(ndk_root)" \
# if any settings were made, the spec will be reloaded later
# to make them take effect.
defineTest(qtConfOutput_machineTuple) {
$${currentConfig}.output.devicePro += \
"GCC_MACHINE_DUMP = $$eval($${currentConfig}.tests.machineTuple.tuple)"
# for completeness, one could reload the spec here,
# but no downstream users actually need that.
defineTest(qtConfOutput_commitOptions) {
# qdevice.pri needs to be written early, because the compile tests require it.
write_file($$QT_BUILD_TREE/mkspecs/qdevice.pri, $${currentConfig}.output.devicePro)|error()
# type (empty or 'host'), option name, default value
defineTest(processQtPath) {
out_var = config.rel_input.$${2}
path = $$eval(config.input.$${2})
isEmpty(path) {
$$out_var = $$3
} else {
path = $$absolute_path($$path, $$OUT_PWD)
rel = $$relative_path($$path, $$eval(config.input.$${1}prefix))
isEmpty(rel) {
$$out_var = .
} else: contains(rel, \.\..*) {
!equals(2, sysconfdir) {
PREFIX_COMPLAINTS += "-$$2 is not a subdirectory of -$${1}prefix."
!$$eval(have_$${1}prefix) {
$$out_var = $$path
} else {
$$out_var = $$rel
defineTest(addConfStr) {
QT_CONFIGURE_STRS += " \"$$1\\0\""
QT_CONFIGURE_STR_OFF = $$num_add($$QT_CONFIGURE_STR_OFF, $$str_size($$1), 1)
defineReplace(printInstallPath) {
val = $$eval(config.rel_input.$$2)
equals(val, $$3): return()
defineReplace(printInstallPaths) {
ret = \
$$printInstallPath(Documentation, docdir, doc) \
$$printInstallPath(Headers, headerdir, include) \
$$printInstallPath(Libraries, libdir, lib) \
$$printInstallPath(LibraryExecutables, libexecdir, $$DEFAULT_LIBEXEC) \
$$printInstallPath(Binaries, bindir, bin) \
$$printInstallPath(Plugins, plugindir, plugins) \
$$printInstallPath(Imports, importdir, imports) \
$$printInstallPath(Qml2Imports, qmldir, qml) \
$$printInstallPath(ArchData, archdatadir, .) \
$$printInstallPath(Data, datadir, .) \
$$printInstallPath(Translations, translationdir, translations) \
$$printInstallPath(Examples, examplesdir, examples) \
$$printInstallPath(Tests, testsdir, tests)
defineReplace(printHostPaths) {
ret = \
"HostPrefix=$$config.input.hostprefix" \
$$printInstallPath(HostBinaries, hostbindir, bin) \
$$printInstallPath(HostLibraries, hostlibdir, lib) \
$$printInstallPath(HostData, hostdatadir, .) \
"Sysroot=$$config.input.sysroot" \
"SysrootifyPrefix=$$qmake_sysrootify" \
"TargetSpec=$$XSPEC" \
defineTest(qtConfOutput_preparePaths) {
isEmpty(config.input.prefix) {
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.developer-build") {
config.input.prefix = $$QT_BUILD_TREE # In Development, we use sandboxed builds by default
} else {
win32: \
config.input.prefix = C:/Qt/Qt-$$[QT_VERSION]
else: \
config.input.prefix = /usr/local/Qt-$$[QT_VERSION]
have_prefix = false
} else {
config.input.prefix = $$absolute_path($$config.input.prefix, $$OUT_PWD)
have_prefix = true
isEmpty(config.input.extprefix) {
config.input.extprefix = $$config.input.prefix
!isEmpty(config.input.sysroot): \
qmake_sysrootify = true
else: \
qmake_sysrootify = false
} else {
config.input.extprefix = $$absolute_path($$config.input.extprefix, $$OUT_PWD)
qmake_sysrootify = false
isEmpty(config.input.hostprefix) {
$$qmake_sysrootify: \
config.input.hostprefix = $$config.input.sysroot$$config.input.extprefix
else: \
config.input.hostprefix = $$config.input.extprefix
have_hostprefix = false
} else {
isEqual(config.input.hostprefix, yes): \
config.input.hostprefix = $$QT_BUILD_TREE
else: \
config.input.hostprefix = $$absolute_path($$config.input.hostprefix, $$OUT_PWD)
have_hostprefix = true
win32: \
else: \
darwin: \
DEFAULT_SYSCONFDIR = /Library/Preferences/Qt
else: \
processQtPath("", headerdir, include)
processQtPath("", libdir, lib)
processQtPath("", bindir, bin)
processQtPath("", datadir, .)
!equals(config.rel_input.datadir, .): \
data_pfx = $$config.rel_input.datadir/
processQtPath("", docdir, $${data_pfx}doc)
processQtPath("", translationdir, $${data_pfx}translations)
processQtPath("", examplesdir, $${data_pfx}examples)
processQtPath("", testsdir, tests)
processQtPath("", archdatadir, .)
!equals(config.rel_input.archdatadir, .): \
archdata_pfx = $$config.rel_input.archdatadir/
processQtPath("", libexecdir, $${archdata_pfx}$$DEFAULT_LIBEXEC)
processQtPath("", plugindir, $${archdata_pfx}plugins)
processQtPath("", importdir, $${archdata_pfx}imports)
processQtPath("", qmldir, $${archdata_pfx}qml)
processQtPath("", sysconfdir, $$DEFAULT_SYSCONFDIR)
$$have_hostprefix {
processQtPath(host, hostbindir, bin)
processQtPath(host, hostlibdir, lib)
processQtPath(host, hostdatadir, .)
} else {
processQtPath(host, hostbindir, $$config.rel_input.bindir)
processQtPath(host, hostlibdir, $$config.rel_input.libdir)
processQtPath(host, hostdatadir, $$config.rel_input.archdatadir)
PREFIX_COMPLAINTS = "$$join(PREFIX_COMPLAINTS, "$$escape_expand(\\n)Note: ")"
PREFIX_COMPLAINTS += "Maybe you forgot to specify -prefix/-hostprefix?"
# populate qconfig.cpp (for qtcore)
$${currentConfig}.output.qconfigSource = \
"/* Installation date */" \
"static const char qt_configure_installation [12+11] = \"qt_instdate=2012-12-20\";" \
"" \
"/* Installation Info */" \
"static const char qt_configure_prefix_path_str [12+256] = \"qt_prfxpath=$$config.input.prefix\";" \
"static const char qt_configure_ext_prefix_path_str [12+256] = \"qt_epfxpath=$$config.input.extprefix\";" \
"static const char qt_configure_host_prefix_path_str [12+256] = \"qt_hpfxpath=$$config.input.hostprefix\";" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}endif" \
"" \
"static const short qt_configure_str_offsets[] = {" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}endif" \
"};" \
"static const char qt_configure_strs[] =" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}endif" \
";" \
"" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}define QT_CONFIGURE_SETTINGS_PATH \"$$config.rel_input.sysconfdir\"" \
"" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH} define QT_CONFIGURE_SYSROOTIFY_PREFIX $$qmake_sysrootify" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}endif" \
"" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}define QT_CONFIGURE_PREFIX_PATH qt_configure_prefix_path_str + 12" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH} define QT_CONFIGURE_EXT_PREFIX_PATH qt_configure_ext_prefix_path_str + 12" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH} define QT_CONFIGURE_HOST_PREFIX_PATH qt_configure_host_prefix_path_str + 12" \
# create bin/qt.conf. this doesn't use the regular file output
# mechanism, as the file is relied upon by configure tests.
cont = \
"[EffectivePaths]" \
"Prefix=.." \
"[DevicePaths]" \
"Prefix=$$config.input.prefix" \
$$printInstallPaths() \
"[Paths]" \
"Prefix=$$config.input.extprefix" \
$$printInstallPaths() \
cont += \
"[EffectiveSourcePaths]" \
write_file($$QT_BUILD_TREE/bin/qt.conf, cont)|error()
# if a sysroot was configured, the spec will be reloaded later,
# as some specs contain $$[SYSROOT] references.
defineTest(qtConfOutput_reloadSpec) {
!isEmpty($${currentConfig}.output.devicePro)| \
!isEmpty(config.input.sysroot): \
# toolchain.prf uses this.
dummy = $$qtConfEvaluate("features.cross_compile")
bypassNesting() {
$$[QT_HOST_DATA/src]/mkspecs/features/mac/toolchain.prf \
defineTest(qtConfOutput_shared) {
!$${2}: return()
# export this here, so later tests can use it
CONFIG += shared
defineTest(qtConfOutput_sanitizer) {
!$${2}: return()
# Export this here, so that WebEngine can access it at configure time.
CONFIG += sanitizer
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.sanitize_address"): CONFIG += sanitize_address
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.sanitize_thread"): CONFIG += sanitize_thread
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.sanitize_memory"): CONFIG += sanitize_memory
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.sanitize_undefined"): CONFIG += sanitize_undefined
defineTest(qtConfOutput_architecture) {
arch = $$qtConfEvaluate("tests.architecture.arch")
subarch = $$qtConfEvaluate('tests.architecture.subarch')
buildabi = $$qtConfEvaluate("tests.architecture.buildabi")
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.cross_compile") {
host_arch = $$qtConfEvaluate("tests.host_architecture.arch")
host_buildabi = $$qtConfEvaluate("tests.host_architecture.buildabi")
privatePro = \
"host_build {" \
" QT_CPU_FEATURES.$$host_arch = $$qtConfEvaluate('tests.host_architecture.subarch')" \
"} else {" \
" QT_CPU_FEATURES.$$arch = $$subarch" \
publicPro = \
"host_build {" \
" QT_ARCH = $$host_arch" \
" QT_BUILDABI = $$host_buildabi" \
" QT_TARGET_ARCH = $$arch" \
" QT_TARGET_BUILDABI = $$buildabi" \
"} else {" \
" QT_ARCH = $$arch" \
" QT_BUILDABI = $$buildabi" \
} else {
privatePro = \
"QT_CPU_FEATURES.$$arch = $$subarch"
publicPro = \
"QT_ARCH = $$arch" \
"QT_BUILDABI = $$buildabi"
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
$${currentConfig}.output.publicPro += $$publicPro
$${currentConfig}.output.privatePro += $$privatePro
# setup QT_ARCH and QT_CPU_FEATURES variables used by qtConfEvaluate
QT_ARCH = $$arch
QT_CPU_FEATURES.$$arch = $$subarch
defineTest(qtConfOutput_qreal) {
qreal = $$config.input.qreal
isEmpty(qreal): qreal = "double"
qreal_string = $$replace(qreal, [^a-zA-Z0-9], "_")
qtConfOutputVar(assign, "privatePro", "QT_COORD_TYPE", $$qreal)
!equals(qreal, "double") {
qtConfOutputSetDefine("publicHeader", "QT_COORD_TYPE", $$qreal)
qtConfOutputSetDefine("publicHeader", "QT_COORD_TYPE_STRING", "\"$$qreal_string\"")
defineTest(qtConfOutput_pkgConfig) {
!$${2}: return()
PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE = $$eval($${currentConfig}.tests.pkg-config.pkgConfig)
qtConfOutputVar(assign, "privatePro", "PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE", $$PKG_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE)
# this method also exports PKG_CONFIG_(LIB|SYSROOT)DIR, so that tests using pkgConfig will work correctly
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR = $$eval($${currentConfig}.tests.pkg-config.pkgConfigSysrootDir)
qtConfOutputVar(assign, "publicPro", "PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR", $$PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR)
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR = $$eval($${currentConfig}.tests.pkg-config.pkgConfigLibdir)
qtConfOutputVar(assign, "publicPro", "PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR", $$PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR)
defineTest(qtConfOutput_crossCompile) {
!$${2}: return()
# We need to preempt the output here, as subsequent tests rely on it
CONFIG += cross_compile
defineTest(qtConfOutput_useGoldLinker) {
!$${2}: return()
# We need to preempt the output here, so that qtConfTest_linkerSupportsFlag can work properly in qtbase
CONFIG += use_gold_linker
defineTest(qtConfOutput_debugAndRelease) {
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.debug") {
qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "CONFIG", "debug")
$${2}: qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "QT_CONFIG", "release")
qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "QT_CONFIG", "debug")
} else {
qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "CONFIG", "release")
$${2}: qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "QT_CONFIG", "debug")
qtConfOutputVar(append, "publicPro", "QT_CONFIG", "release")
defineTest(qtConfOutput_compilerFlags) {
# this output also exports the variables locally, so that subsequent compiler tests can use them
output =
!isEmpty(config.input.wflags) {
wflags = $$join(config.input.wflags, " -W", "-W")
output += \
"QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON += $$wflags" \
!isEmpty(config.input.defines) {
EXTRA_DEFINES += $$config.input.defines
output += "EXTRA_DEFINES += $$val_escape(config.input.defines)"
!isEmpty(config.input.includes) {
EXTRA_INCLUDEPATH += $$config.input.includes
output += "EXTRA_INCLUDEPATH += $$val_escape(config.input.includes)"
!isEmpty(config.input.lpaths) {
EXTRA_LIBDIR += $$config.input.lpaths
output += "EXTRA_LIBDIR += $$val_escape(config.input.lpaths)"
darwin:!isEmpty(config.input.fpaths) {
EXTRA_FRAMEWORKPATH += $$config.input.fpaths
output += "EXTRA_FRAMEWORKPATH += $$val_escape(config.input.fpaths)"
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
$${currentConfig}.output.privatePro += $$output
defineTest(qtConfOutput_gccSysroot) {
!$${2}: return()
# This variable also needs to be exported immediately, so the compilation tests
# can pick it up.
"\"QMAKE_CFLAGS += --sysroot=$$config.input.sysroot\"" \
"\"QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += --sysroot=$$config.input.sysroot\"" \
"\"QMAKE_LFLAGS += --sysroot=$$config.input.sysroot\""
# This one is for qtConfToolchainSupportsFlag().
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += --sysroot=$$config.input.sysroot
output = \
"!host_build {" \
" QMAKE_CFLAGS += --sysroot=\$\$[QT_SYSROOT]" \
" QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += --sysroot=\$\$[QT_SYSROOT]" \
" QMAKE_LFLAGS += --sysroot=\$\$[QT_SYSROOT]" \
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
$${currentConfig}.output.publicPro += $$output
defineTest(qtConfOutput_qmakeArgs) {
!$${2}: return()
$${currentConfig}.output.privatePro += "!host_build|!cross_compile {"
for (a, config.input.qmakeArgs) {
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
$${currentConfig}.output.privatePro += " $$a"
EXTRA_QMAKE_ARGS += $$system_quote($$a)
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
$${currentConfig}.output.privatePro += "}"
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
defineReplace(qtConfOutputPostProcess_publicPro) {
qt_version = $$[QT_VERSION]
output = \
$$1 \
"QT_VERSION = $$qt_version" \
"QT_MAJOR_VERSION = $$section(qt_version, '.', 0, 0)" \
"QT_MINOR_VERSION = $$section(qt_version, '.', 1, 1)" \
"QT_PATCH_VERSION = $$section(qt_version, '.', 2, 2)"
#libinfix and namespace
!isEmpty(config.input.qt_libinfix): output += "QT_LIBINFIX = $$config.input.qt_libinfix"
!isEmpty(config.input.qt_namespace): output += "QT_NAMESPACE = $$config.input.qt_namespace"
output += \
output += \
output += \
!isEmpty(QMAKE_MSC_VER) {
output += \
"QT_MSVC_MAJOR_VERSION = $$replace(QMAKE_MSC_FULL_VER, "(..)(..)(.*)", "\\1")" \
"QT_MSVC_MINOR_VERSION = $$format_number($$replace(QMAKE_MSC_FULL_VER, "(..)(..)(.*)", "\\2"))" \
"QT_MSVC_PATCH_VERSION = $$replace(QMAKE_MSC_FULL_VER, "(..)(..)(.*)", "\\3")"
!isEmpty(QMAKE_ICC_VER) {
output += \
"QT_ICC_MAJOR_VERSION = $$replace(QMAKE_ICC_VER, "(..)(..)", "\\1")" \
"QT_ICC_MINOR_VERSION = $$format_number($$replace(QMAKE_ICC_VER, "(..)(..)", "\\2"))" \
output += \
"QT_GHS_MAJOR_VERSION = $$replace(QMAKE_GHS_VERSION, "(.*)(.)(.)", "\\1")" \
"QT_GHS_MINOR_VERSION = $$replace(QMAKE_GHS_VERSION, "(.*)(.)(.)", "\\2")" \
"QT_GHS_PATCH_VERSION = $$replace(QMAKE_GHS_VERSION, "(.*)(.)(.)", "\\3")"
output += "QT_EDITION = $$config.input.qt_edition"
!contains(config.input.qt_edition, "(OpenSource|Preview)") {
output += \
"QT_LICHECK = $$config.input.qt_licheck" \
"QT_RELEASE_DATE = $$config.input.qt_release_date"
defineReplace(qtConfOutputPostProcess_privatePro) {
output = $$1
!isEmpty(config.input.external-hostbindir): \
output += "HOST_QT_TOOLS = $$val_escape(config.input.external-hostbindir)"
defineReplace(qtConfOutputPostProcess_publicHeader) {
qt_version = $$[QT_VERSION]
output = \
$$1 \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}define QT_VERSION_STR \"$$qt_version\"" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}define QT_VERSION_MAJOR $$section(qt_version, '.', 0, 0)" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}define QT_VERSION_MINOR $$section(qt_version, '.', 1, 1)" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}define QT_VERSION_PATCH $$section(qt_version, '.', 2, 2)"
!$$qtConfEvaluate("features.shared") {
output += \
"/* Qt was configured for a static build */" \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}if !defined(QT_SHARED) && !defined(QT_STATIC)" \
!isEmpty(config.input.qt_libinfix): \
output += "$${LITERAL_HASH}define QT_LIBINFIX \"$$eval(config.input.qt_libinfix)\""
# custom reporting
defineTest(qtConfReport_buildParts) {
qtConfReportPadded($${1}, $$qtConfEvaluate("tests.build_parts.value"))
defineReplace(qtConfReportArch) {
arch = $$qtConfEvaluate('tests.$${1}.arch')
subarch = $$qtConfEvaluate('tests.$${1}.subarch')
isEmpty(subarch): subarch = <none>
return("$$arch, CPU features: $$subarch")
defineTest(qtConfReport_buildTypeAndConfig) {
!$$qtConfEvaluate("features.cross_compile") {
qtConfAddReport("Build type: $$[QMAKE_SPEC] ($$qtConfReportArch(architecture))")
} else {
qtConfAddReport("Building on: $$[QMAKE_SPEC] ($$qtConfReportArch(host_architecture))")
qtConfAddReport("Building for: $$[QMAKE_XSPEC] ($$qtConfReportArch(architecture))")
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
qtConfAddReport("Configuration: $$eval($${currentConfig}.output.privatePro.append.CONFIG) $$eval($${currentConfig}.output.publicPro.append.QT_CONFIG)")
defineTest(qtConfReport_buildMode) {
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.force_debug_info"): \
release = "release (with debug info)"
else: \
release = "release"
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.debug") {
build_mode = "debug"
raw_build_mode = "debug"
} else {
build_mode = $$release
raw_build_mode = "release"
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.debug_and_release"): \
build_mode = "debug and $$release; default link: $$raw_build_mode"
$$qtConfEvaluate("features.release_tools"): \
build_mode = "$$build_mode; optimized tools"
qtConfReportPadded($$1, $$build_mode)
# ensure pristine environment for configuration
Modularize the new configure system (infrastructure part) This change implements the required infrastructure to modularize the new configuration system. This requires a hierarchy of configuration files, both for handling multiple repositories and for individual modules inside the same repository. When configuring, they all need to get loaded first, as command line processing needs to know about all possible command line options. When the command line has been processed, the individual configuration files need to get processed one after the other and independently from each other. Configure is now automatically invoked when building the a project tree's "root" project; this works with both modular and top-level builds of Qt (the latter with an according change in the super repo). As an immediate consequence, the -skip option moves to the super repo with a different implementation, as configuration is now done after the repo list is determined. The option belongs there anyway. This commit also adds an optional testDir entry to the json file. Like this, we can still have all configure tests in qtbase/config.tests and the configuration file in, e.g., corelib can reference those. The files section can now be left out as long as a 'module' entry is present, specifying the module name. The names of the files to generate can then be deduced from that name. We still need to be able to specify names directly for the global configuration files. qtConfig() now also queries features which are module-specific. As it is sometimes necessary to query the configuration of modules which should not be actually linked (and cannot in the case of subdirs projects), the new variable QT_FOR_CONFIG which allows specifying configuration-only dependencies is introduced. Done-with: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com> Change-Id: Id1b518a3aa34044748b87fb8fac14d79653f6b18 Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@qt.io> Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@theqtcompany.com>
2016-08-25 13:45:44 +00:00
# ... and cause them to be reloaded afterwards
"include(\$\$[QT_HOST_DATA/get]/mkspecs/qconfig.pri)" \
defineTest(createConfigStatus) {
cfg = $$relative_path($$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/configure, $$OUT_PWD)
ext =
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows) {
ext = .bat
cont = \
"$$system_quote($$system_path($$cfg)$$ext) -redo %*"
} else {
cont = \
"$${LITERAL_HASH}!/bin/sh" \
"exec $$system_quote($$cfg) -redo \"$@\""
write_file($$OUT_PWD/config.status$$ext, cont, exe)|error()