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<td ><b><font size="+2">A Joint Development Effort</font></b></td>
<h4>OASIS XML Conformance Subcommittee<br/>Second Edition (Working Draft)<br/>15 March 2001</h4>
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<th width=20%><font color=yellow size=+1>Filename</font>
<th width=15%><font color=yellow size=+1>Collection</font>
<th width=15%><font color=yellow size=+1>Action</font>
<th width=50%><font color=yellow size=+1>Rationale</font>
<th width=10%><font color=yellow size=+1>Status</font>
<td>/ibm directory</td>
<td>Additional 1000 tests contributed by IBM</td>
<td>Test was in error - was inadvertently included in the test suite</td>
<td>Changed test description to "The public ID has a tab character, which is disallowed"</td>
<td>Changed test description to "The XML declaration is improperly terminated"</td>
<td>Canonical output file changed -- characters coming from character references are not normalized.</td>
<td>Canonical output file changed -- characters coming from character references are not normalized.</td>
<td>James Clark</td>
<td>no change</td>
<td>Question regarding canonical output - W3C WG clarification confirms that the canonical output was okay.</td>
<td>James Clark</td>
<td>Changed canonical output. Line break normalization only happens when parsing
external parsed entities, including the document entity. See 2.11 XML 1.0 Second Edition. </td>
<td>James Clark</td>
<td>no change</td>
<td>Test description indicates that it is not well-formed. W3C WG indicates that PE refs in attribute
values are simply not recognized. See 4.4.1 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>No longer relevant. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>Typo -- changed almage to aImage</td>
<td>Typo -- changed aIndrect to aIndirect</td>
<td>Constraints tested are no longer valid. See 2.12 XML 1.0 Second Edition</td>
<td>valid-sa-012, o-p04pass1, o-p05pass1, p-08pass1</td>
<td>James Clark, OASIS/NIST</td>
<td>Conform to XML but not to XML Namespaces spec. In testcases.dtd, added a NAMESPACE attribute on
the TEST element to indicate whether or not the test conforms to the XML Namespaces spec.</td>
<td>valid-sa-065, valid-sa-100, o-p73pass1, cond01.xml, cond02.xml, decl01.xml, dtd07.dtd, encoding07.xml</td>
<td>SUN, OASIS/NIST, James Clark</td>
<td>no change</td>
<td>Tests define general entities which are not used, and which are either malformed or missing.
W3C Core WG confirms that entities only need to be expanded if they are used. If they are not used,
it doesn't matter whether or not they are well-formed. See Section 2.1.
<td>empty, <br>inv-not-sa14</td>
<td>CDATA section containing only whitespace does not match the nonterminal S. See Section 3 Logical
Structure, VC: Element Valid, item 2</td>
<td>Literals are quoted with double quotes but appear in the output file with single quotes.
Modified Second Canonical Form to surround literals with single quotes.</td>
<td>Fuji Xerox</td>
<td>These files refer to spec.dtd which is missing. Include right version with the test suite.</td>
<td>Four of James Clark's tests</td>
<td>James Clark</td>
<td>These tests have NOTATIONS and need a DOCTYPE in canonical form 2. Output files were modified.</td>
<td>No change</td>
<td>Tests are standalone, but need to read the external subset to produce the
right canonical XML. XML processors need not read the external subset if the file is standalone. If
your processor produces Second Canonical Form, then it must read the external subset to match the
supplied output file.
<td>invalid--003 - invalid--006</td>
<td>James Clark</td>
<td>Changed test description from entity declaration to element declaration.</td>
<td>inv-not-sa02, inv-not-sa08</td>
<td>no change</td>
<td>Have character references to whitespace characters in a tokenized attribute. W3C Core WG confirms
that files are invalid.
<td>no change</td>
<td>Comment indicated that the file was classified as Invalid, but seems to be valid. The root element 'doc'
is not declared, so the file is invalid.</td>
<td>Description is erroneous. File is well-formed but not valid. Updated test description to indicate
that a document must conform to the constraints expressed in a dtd to be valid.</td>
<td>001.xml, 001.ent</td>
<td>James Clark</td>
<td>no change</td>
<td>Section 4.3.2 applies, not the validity constraint. Comment indicates that test should change to not-wf
instead of invalid. W3C Core WG confirms that file is invalid -- spec is confusing and will be clarified.</td>
<td>Errata [E2] imposes a VC on productions [58] and [59]. No duplicate tokens are permitted.
<td>attr11.xml, attr12.xml</td>
<td>Files marked invalid, but are actually valid. The tests refer to "Attribute Default Legal" VC but this VC
is only about lexical constraints. The two tests pass the lexical test, and since the default attributes in
error are not effectively used, because the instance documents specify a value for these attributes, the fact
that they refer to an undeclared entity does not matter. Changed tests to effectively make them invalid with
respect to the VC that they claim to test.
Please forward all comments/suggestions/bugs to <a href="mailto:mbrady@nist.gov">&lt;mbrady@nist.gov&gt;</a>
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