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# W A R N I N G
# -------------
# This file is not part of the Qt API. It exists purely as an
# implementation detail. It may change from version to version
# without notice, or even be removed.
# We mean it.
equals(TEMPLATE, app): TEMPLATE = aux
isEmpty(TARGETPATH): error("Must set TARGETPATH (QML import name)")
qmldir_path = $$OUT_PWD
write_file($${qmldir_path}/qmldir, DYNAMIC_QMLDIR)|error("Aborting.")
} else {
qmldir_path = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_
qmldir_file = $${qmldir_path}/qmldir
fq_qml_files =
for(qmlf, QML_FILES): fq_qml_files += $$absolute_path($$qmlf, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_)
fq_aux_qml_files =
for(qmlf, AUX_QML_FILES): fq_aux_qml_files += $$absolute_path($$qmlf, $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_)
static: \
CONFIG += builtin_resources
else: \
CONFIG += install_qml_files
builtin_resources {
URITARGET = $$replace(URI, "\\.", "_")
# In static builds, the QML engine reads also the qmldir file from the resources.
static: $${URITARGET}.files = $$qmldir_file
# Ensure the QML files are included in the resources.
$${URITARGET}.files += $$fq_qml_files
# qt-project.org/imports is the path used for locating imports inside the resources
$${URITARGET}.prefix = /qt-project.org/imports/$$TARGETPATH
# Install rules
qmldir.base = $$qmldir_path
qmldir.files = $$qmldir_file
qmldir.path = $$[QT_INSTALL_QML]/$$TARGETPATH
INSTALLS += qmldir
qmlfiles.base = $$_PRO_FILE_PWD_
qmlfiles.files = $$fq_aux_qml_files
install_qml_files: qmlfiles.files += $$fq_qml_files
qmlfiles.path = $${qmldir.path}
INSTALLS += qmlfiles
!debug_and_release|!build_all|CONFIG(release, debug|release) {
!prefix_build {
COPIES += qmldir qmlfiles
} else {
# For non-installed static builds, tools need qmldir and plugins.qmltypes
# files in the build dir
qml2build.files = $$qmldir_file $$fq_aux_qml_files
qml2build.path = $$DESTDIR
COPIES += qml2build