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#!/usr/bin/env python3
## Copyright (C) 2018 The Qt Company Ltd.
## Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
## This file is part of the plugins of the Qt Toolkit.
## Commercial License Usage
## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
## and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
## information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
## General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
## Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
## included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
## information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
## be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
from argparse import ArgumentParser
import os.path
import re
import io
import typing
import pyparsing as pp
from helper import map_qt_library, map_qt_base_library, featureName, \
substitute_platform, substitute_libs
def _parse_commandline():
parser = ArgumentParser(description='Generate CMakeLists.txt files from .'
'pro files.')
parser.add_argument('--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true',
help='Turn on all debug output')
parser.add_argument('--debug-parser', dest='debug_parser',
help='Print debug output from qmake parser.')
parser.add_argument('--debug-parse-result', dest='debug_parse_result',
help='Dump the qmake parser result.')
dest='debug_parse_dictionary', action='store_true',
help='Dump the qmake parser result as dictionary.')
parser.add_argument('--debug-pro-structure', dest='debug_pro_structure',
help='Dump the structure of the qmake .pro-file.')
dest='debug_full_pro_structure', action='store_true',
help='Dump the full structure of the qmake .pro-file '
'(with includes).')
parser.add_argument('files', metavar='<.pro/.pri file>', type=str,
nargs='+', help='The .pro/.pri file to process')
return parser.parse_args()
def spaces(indent: int) -> str:
return ' ' * indent
def map_to_file(f: str, top_dir: str, current_dir: str,
want_absolute_path: bool = False) -> typing.Optional[str]:
if f == '$$NO_PCH_SOURCES':
return None
if f.startswith('$$PWD/') or f == '$$PWD': # INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD
return os.path.join(os.path.relpath(current_dir, top_dir), f[6:])
if f.startswith('$$OUT_PWD/'):
return "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BUILD_DIR}/" + f[10:]
if f.startswith('$$QT_SOURCE_TREE'):
return "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" + f[17:]
if f.startswith("./"):
return os.path.join(current_dir, f)
if want_absolute_path and not os.path.isabs(f):
return os.path.join(current_dir, f)
return f
def map_source_to_cmake(source: str, base_dir: str,
vpath: typing.List[str]) -> str:
if not source or source == '$$NO_PCH_SOURCES':
return ''
if source.startswith('$$PWD/'):
return source[6:]
if source == '.':
if source.startswith('$$QT_SOURCE_TREE/'):
return "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/" + source[17:]
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(base_dir, source)):
return source
for v in vpath:
fullpath = os.path.join(v, source)
if os.path.exists(fullpath):
relpath = os.path.relpath(fullpath, base_dir)
return relpath
print(' XXXX: Source {}: Not found.'.format(source))
return '{}-NOTFOUND'.format(source)
def map_source_to_fs(base_dir: str, file: str,
source: str) -> str:
if source is None or source == '$$NO_PCH_SOURCES':
return ''
if source.startswith('$$PWD/'):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), source[6:])
if source.startswith('$$QT_SOURCE_TREE/'):
return os.path.join('.', source[17:])
if source.startswith('${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/'):
return os.path.join('.', source[22:])
if source.startswith('${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/'):
return os.path.join(base_dir, source[28:])
return os.path.join(base_dir, source)
class Operation:
def __init__(self, value):
if isinstance(value, list):
self._value = value
self._value = [str(value), ]
def process(self, input):
def __repr__(self):
class AddOperation(Operation):
def process(self, input):
return input + self._value
def __repr__(self):
return '+({})'.format(','.join(self._value))
class UniqueAddOperation(Operation):
def process(self, input):
result = input
for v in self._value:
if v not in result:
result += [v, ]
return result
def __repr__(self):
return '*({})'.format(self._value)
class SetOperation(Operation):
def process(self, input):
return self._value
def __repr__(self):
return '=({})'.format(self._value)
class RemoveOperation(Operation):
def __init__(self, value):
def process(self, input):
input_set = set(input)
result = []
for v in self._value:
if v in input_set:
result += ['-{}'.format(v), ]
return result
def __repr__(self):
return '-({})'.format(self._value)
class Scope:
def __init__(self, parent_scope: typing.Optional['Scope'],
file: typing.Optional[str] = None, condition: str = '',
base_dir: str = '') -> None:
if parent_scope:
self._parent = None # type: typing.Optional[Scope]
self._basedir = base_dir
if file:
self._currentdir = os.path.dirname(file)
if not self._currentdir:
self._currentdir = '.'
if not self._basedir:
self._basedir = self._currentdir
self._file = file
self._condition = map_condition(condition)
self._children = [] # type: typing.List[Scope]
self._operations = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[Operation]]
self._visited_keys = set() # type: typing.Set[str]
def reset_visited_keys(self):
self._visited_keys = set()
def merge(self, other: 'Scope') -> None:
for c in other._children:
for key in other._operations.keys():
if key in self._operations:
self._operations[key] += other._operations[key]
self._operations[key] = other._operations[key]
def basedir(self) -> str:
return self._basedir
def currentdir(self) -> str:
return self._currentdir
def FromDict(parent_scope: typing.Optional['Scope'],
file: str, statements, cond: str = '', base_dir: str = ''):
scope = Scope(parent_scope, file, cond, base_dir)
for statement in statements:
if isinstance(statement, list): # Handle skipped parts...
assert not statement
operation = statement.get('operation', None)
if operation:
key = statement.get('key', '')
value = statement.get('value', [])
assert key != ''
or key.endswith('_HEADERS') \
or key.endswith('_SOURCES'):
value = [map_to_file(v, scope.basedir(),
scope.currentdir()) for v in value]
if operation == '=':
scope._append_operation(key, SetOperation(value))
elif operation == '-=':
scope._append_operation(key, RemoveOperation(value))
elif operation == '+=':
scope._append_operation(key, AddOperation(value))
elif operation == '*=':
scope._append_operation(key, UniqueAddOperation(value))
print('Unexpected operation "{}" in scope with '
'condition {}.'.format(operation, cond))
condition = statement.get('condition', None)
if condition:
Scope.FromDict(scope, file,
statement.get('statements'), condition,
else_statements = statement.get('else_statements')
if else_statements:
Scope.FromDict(scope, file, else_statements,
'NOT ' + condition, scope.basedir())
loaded = statement.get('loaded')
if loaded:
scope._append_operation('_LOADED', UniqueAddOperation(loaded))
option = statement.get('option', None)
if option:
scope._append_operation('_OPTION', UniqueAddOperation(option))
included = statement.get('included', None)
if included:
return scope
def _append_operation(self, key: str, op: Operation) -> None:
if key in self._operations:
self._operations[key] = [op, ]
def file(self) -> str:
return self._file or ''
def cMakeListsFile(self) -> str:
return os.path.join(self.basedir(), 'CMakeLists.txt')
def condition(self) -> str:
return self._condition
def _add_child(self, scope: 'Scope') -> None:
scope._parent = self
def children(self) -> typing.List['Scope']:
return self._children
def dump(self, *, indent: int = 0) -> None:
ind = ' ' * indent
if self._condition == '':
print('{}Scope {} in "{}".'.format(ind, self._file, self._basedir))
print('{}Scope {} in "{}" with condition: "{}".'
.format(ind, self._file, self._basedir, self._condition))
print('{} Keys:'.format(ind))
keys = self._operations.keys()
if not keys:
print('{} -- NONE --'.format(ind))
for k in sorted(keys):
print('{} {} = "{}"'.format(ind, k, self._operations.get(k, [])))
print('{} Children:'.format(ind))
if not self._children:
print('{} -- NONE --'.format(ind))
for c in self._children:
c.dump(indent=indent + 1)
def keys(self):
return self._operations.keys()
def visited_keys(self):
return self._visited_keys;
def get(self, key: str, default=None) -> typing.List[str]:
result = [] # type: typing.List[str]
for op in self._operations.get(key, []):
result = op.process(result)
return result
def getString(self, key: str, default: str = '') -> str:
v = self.get(key, default)
if len(v) == 0:
return default
assert len(v) == 1
return v[0]
def getTemplate(self) -> str:
return self.getString('TEMPLATE', 'app')
def _rawTemplate(self) -> str:
return self.getString('TEMPLATE')
def getTarget(self) -> str:
return self.getString('TARGET') \
or os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.file()))[0]
def getIncludes(self) -> typing.List[str]:
return self.get('_INCLUDED', [])
class QmakeParser:
def __init__(self, *, debug: bool = False) -> None:
self._Grammar = self._generate_grammar(debug)
def _generate_grammar(self, debug: bool):
# Define grammar:
pp.ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')
LC = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal('\\') + pp.LineEnd())
EOL = pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(pp.pythonStyleComment()) + pp.LineEnd())
Identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphas + '_', bodyChars=pp.alphanums+'_-./')
Substitution \
= pp.Combine(pp.Literal('$')
+ (((pp.Literal('$') + Identifier
+ pp.Optional(pp.nestedExpr()))
| (pp.Literal('(') + Identifier + pp.Literal(')'))
| (pp.Literal('{') + Identifier + pp.Literal('}'))
| (pp.Literal('$') + pp.Literal('{')
+ Identifier + pp.Optional(pp.nestedExpr())
+ pp.Literal('}'))
| (pp.Literal('$') + pp.Literal('[') + Identifier
+ pp.Literal(']'))
# Do not match word ending in '\' since that breaks line
# continuation:-/
LiteralValuePart = pp.Word(pp.printables, excludeChars='$#{}()')
SubstitutionValue \
= pp.Combine(pp.OneOrMore(Substitution | LiteralValuePart
| pp.Literal('$')))
Value = (pp.QuotedString(quoteChar='"', escChar='\\')
| SubstitutionValue)
Values = pp.ZeroOrMore(Value)('value')
Op = pp.Literal('=') | pp.Literal('-=') | pp.Literal('+=') \
| pp.Literal('*=')
Operation = Identifier('key') + Op('operation') + Values('value')
Load = pp.Keyword('load') + pp.Suppress('(') \
+ Identifier('loaded') + pp.Suppress(')')
Include = pp.Keyword('include') + pp.Suppress('(') \
+ pp.CharsNotIn(':{=}#)\n')('included') + pp.Suppress(')')
Option = pp.Keyword('option') + pp.Suppress('(') \
+ Identifier('option') + pp.Suppress(')')
DefineTest = pp.Suppress(pp.Keyword('defineTest')
+ pp.Suppress('(') + Identifier
+ pp.Suppress(')')
+ pp.nestedExpr(opener='{', closer='}')
+ pp.LineEnd()) # ignore the whole thing...
ForLoop = pp.Suppress(pp.Keyword('for') + pp.nestedExpr()
+ pp.nestedExpr(opener='{', closer='}',
+ pp.LineEnd()) # ignore the whole thing...
FunctionCall = pp.Suppress(Identifier + pp.nestedExpr())
Scope = pp.Forward()
Statement = pp.Group(Load | Include | Option | DefineTest
| ForLoop | FunctionCall | Operation)
StatementLine = Statement + EOL
StatementGroup = pp.ZeroOrMore(StatementLine | Scope | EOL)
Block = pp.Suppress('{') + pp.Optional(EOL) \
+ pp.ZeroOrMore(EOL | Statement + EOL | Scope) \
+ pp.Optional(Statement) + pp.Optional(EOL) \
+ pp.Suppress('}') + pp.Optional(EOL)
Condition = pp.Optional(pp.White()) + pp.CharsNotIn(':{=}#\\\n')
Condition.setParseAction(lambda x: ' '.join(x).strip())
SingleLineScope = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal(':')) \
+ pp.Group(Scope | Block | StatementLine)('statements')
MultiLineScope = Block('statements')
SingleLineElse = pp.Suppress(pp.Literal(':')) \
+ pp.Group(Scope | StatementLine)('else_statements')
MultiLineElse = pp.Group(Block)('else_statements')
Else = pp.Suppress(pp.Keyword('else')) \
+ (SingleLineElse | MultiLineElse)
Scope <<= pp.Group(Condition('condition')
+ (SingleLineScope | MultiLineScope)
+ pp.Optional(Else))
if debug:
for ename in 'EOL Identifier Substitution SubstitutionValue ' \
'LiteralValuePart Value Values SingleLineScope ' \
'MultiLineScope Scope SingleLineElse ' \
'MultiLineElse Else Condition Block ' \
'StatementGroup Statement Load Include Option ' \
'DefineTest ForLoop FunctionCall Operation'.split():
expr = locals()[ename]
Grammar = StatementGroup('statements')
return Grammar
def parseFile(self, file: str):
print('Parsing \"{}\"...'.format(file))
result = self._Grammar.parseFile(file, parseAll=True)
except pp.ParseException as pe:
print(' '*(pe.col-1) + '^')
raise pe
return result
def parseProFile(file: str, *, debug=False):
parser = QmakeParser(debug=debug)
return parser.parseFile(file)
def map_condition(condition: str) -> str:
condition = condition.replace('!', 'NOT ')
condition = condition.replace('&&', ' AND ')
condition = condition.replace('|', ' OR ')
condition = condition.replace('==', ' STREQUAL ')
condition = condition.replace('NOT NOT', '') # remove double negation
cmake_condition = ''
for part in condition.split():
# some features contain e.g. linux, that should not be
# turned upper case
feature = re.match(r"(qtConfig|qtHaveModule)\(([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\)",
if feature:
if (feature.group(1) == "qtHaveModule"):
part = 'TARGET {}'.format(map_qt_base_library(
part = 'QT_FEATURE_' + featureName(feature.group(2))
part = substitute_platform(part)
part = part.replace('true', 'ON')
part = part.replace('false', 'OFF')
cmake_condition += ' ' + part
return cmake_condition.strip()
def handle_subdir(scope: Scope, cm_fh: typing.IO[str], *,
indent: int = 0) -> None:
assert scope.getTemplate() == 'subdirs'
ind = ' ' * indent
for sd in scope.get('SUBDIRS', []):
full_sd = os.path.join(scope.basedir(), sd)
if os.path.isdir(full_sd):
cm_fh.write('{}add_subdirectory({})\n'.format(ind, sd))
elif os.path.isfile(full_sd):
subdir_result = parseProFile(full_sd, debug=False)
subdir_scope \
= Scope.FromDict(scope, full_sd,
'', scope.basedir())
cmakeify_scope(subdir_scope, cm_fh, indent=indent + 1)
elif sd.startswith('-'):
cm_fh.write('{}### remove_subdirectory'
'("{}")\n'.format(ind, sd[1:]))
print(' XXXX: SUBDIR {} in {}: '
'Not found.'.format(sd, scope.file()))
for c in scope.children():
cond = c.condition()
if cond == 'else':
elif cond:
cm_fh.write('\n{}if({})\n'.format(ind, cond))
handle_subdir(c, cm_fh, indent=indent + 1)
if cond:
def sort_sources(sources) -> typing.List[str]:
to_sort = {} # type: typing.Dict[str, typing.List[str]]
for s in sources:
if s is None:
dir = os.path.dirname(s)
base = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(s))[0]
if base.endswith('_p'):
base = base[:-2]
sort_name = os.path.join(dir, base)
array = to_sort.get(sort_name, [])
to_sort[sort_name] = array
lines = []
for k in sorted(to_sort.keys()):
lines.append(' '.join(sorted(to_sort[k])))
return lines
def write_header(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], name: str,
typename: str, *, indent: int = 0):
cm_fh.write('{}## {} {}:\n'.format(spaces(indent), name, typename))
def write_scope_header(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], *, indent: int = 0):
cm_fh.write('\n{}## Scopes:\n'.format(spaces(indent)))
def write_sources_section(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], scope: Scope, *,
indent: int = 0, known_libraries=set()) -> typing.Set[str]:
ind = spaces(indent)
plugin_type = scope.get('PLUGIN_TYPE')
if plugin_type:
cm_fh.write('{} TYPE {}\n'.format(ind, plugin_type[0]))
sources = scope.get('SOURCES') + scope.get('HEADERS') \
+ scope.get('OBJECTIVE_SOURCES') + scope.get('NO_PCH_SOURCES') \
+ scope.get('FORMS')
resources = scope.get('RESOURCES')
if resources:
qrc_only = True
for r in resources:
if not r.endswith('.qrc'):
qrc_only = False
if not qrc_only:
print(' XXXX Ignoring non-QRC file resources.')
sources += resources
vpath = scope.get('VPATH')
sources = [map_source_to_cmake(s, scope.basedir(), vpath) for s in sources]
if sources:
cm_fh.write('{} SOURCES\n'.format(ind))
for l in sort_sources(sources):
cm_fh.write('{} {}\n'.format(ind, l))
defines = scope.get('DEFINES')
if defines:
cm_fh.write('{} DEFINES\n'.format(ind))
for d in defines:
d = d.replace('=\\\\\\"$$PWD/\\\\\\"',
cm_fh.write('{} {}\n'.format(ind, d))
includes = scope.get('INCLUDEPATH')
if includes:
cm_fh.write('{} INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES\n'.format(ind))
for i in includes:
i = i.rstrip('/') or ('/')
cm_fh.write('{} {}\n'.format(ind, i))
dependencies = [map_qt_library(q) for q in scope.get('QT')
if map_qt_library(q) not in known_libraries]
dependencies += [map_qt_library(q) for q in scope.get('QT_FOR_PRIVATE')
if map_qt_library(q) not in known_libraries]
dependencies += scope.get('QMAKE_USE_PRIVATE') \
+ scope.get('LIBS_PRIVATE') + scope.get('LIBS')
if dependencies:
cm_fh.write('{} LIBRARIES\n'.format(ind))
is_framework = False
for d in dependencies:
if d == '-framework':
is_framework = True
if is_framework:
d = '${FW%s}' % d
if d.startswith('-l'):
d = d[2:]
if d.startswith('-'):
d = '# Remove: {}'.format(d[1:])
d = substitute_libs(d)
cm_fh.write('{} {}\n'.format(ind, d))
is_framework = False
return set(scope.keys()) - scope.visited_keys()
def is_simple_condition(condition: str) -> bool:
return ' ' not in condition or (condition.startswith('NOT ') and ' ' not in condition[4:])
def write_ignored_keys(scope: Scope, ignored_keys, indent) -> str:
result = ''
for k in sorted(ignored_keys):
if k == '_INCLUDED' or k == 'TARGET' or k == 'QMAKE_DOCS':
# All these keys are actually reported using "non-standard" means:-)
values = scope.get(k)
value_string = '<EMPTY>' if not values else '"' + '" "'.join(scope.get(k)) + '"'
result += '{}# {} = {}\n'.format(indent, k, value_string)
return result
def write_extend_target(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], target: str,
scope: Scope, parent_condition: str = '',
previous_condition: str = '', *,
indent: int = 0) -> str:
total_condition = scope.condition()
if total_condition == 'else':
assert previous_condition, \
"Else branch without previous condition in: %s" % scope.file()
if previous_condition.startswith('NOT '):
total_condition = previous_condition[4:]
elif is_simple_condition(previous_condition):
total_condition = 'NOT {}'.format(previous_condition)
total_condition = 'NOT ({})'.format(previous_condition)
if parent_condition:
if not total_condition:
total_condition = parent_condition
if is_simple_condition(parent_condition) and is_simple_condition(total_condition):
total_condition = '{} AND {}'.format(parent_condition,
elif is_simple_condition(total_condition):
total_condition = '({}) AND {}'.format(parent_condition, total_condition)
elif is_simple_condition(parent_condition):
total_condition = '{} AND ({})'.format(parent_condition, total_condition)
total_condition = '({}) AND ({})'.format(parent_condition, total_condition)
extend_qt_io_string = io.StringIO()
ignored_keys = write_sources_section(extend_qt_io_string, scope)
extend_qt_string = extend_qt_io_string.getvalue()
ignored_keys_report = write_ignored_keys(scope, ignored_keys, spaces(indent + 1))
if extend_qt_string and ignored_keys_report:
ignored_keys_report = '\n' + ignored_keys_report
extend_scope = '\n{}extend_target({} CONDITION {}\n' \
'{}{})\n'.format(spaces(indent), target, total_condition,
extend_qt_string, ignored_keys_report)
if not extend_qt_string:
if ignored_keys_report:
# Comment out the generated extend_target call because there
# no sources were found, but keep it commented for
# informational purposes.
extend_scope = ''.join(['#' + line for line in
extend_scope = '' # Nothing to report, so don't!
children = scope.children()
if children:
prev_condition = ''
for c in children:
prev_condition = write_extend_target(cm_fh, target, c,
return total_condition
def write_main_part(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], name: str, typename: str,
cmake_function: str, scope: Scope, *,
extra_lines: typing.List[str] = [],
indent: int = 0,
**kwargs: typing.Any):
write_header(cm_fh, name, typename, indent=indent)
cm_fh.write('{}{}({}\n'.format(spaces(indent), cmake_function, name))
for extra_line in extra_lines:
cm_fh.write('{} {}\n'.format(spaces(indent), extra_line))
ignored_keys = write_sources_section(cm_fh, scope, indent=indent, **kwargs)
ignored_keys_report = write_ignored_keys(scope, ignored_keys, spaces(indent + 1))
if ignored_keys_report:
# Footer:
# Scopes:
if not scope.children():
write_scope_header(cm_fh, indent=indent)
for c in scope.children():
write_extend_target(cm_fh, name, c, '', indent=indent)
def write_module(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], scope: Scope, *,
indent: int = 0) -> None:
module_name = scope.getTarget()
assert module_name.startswith('Qt')
extra = []
if 'static' in scope.get('CONFIG'):
if 'no_module_headers' in scope.get('CONFIG'):
write_main_part(cm_fh, module_name[2:], 'Module', 'add_qt_module', scope,
extra_lines=extra, indent=indent,
known_libraries={'Qt::Core', })
if 'qt_tracepoints' in scope.get('CONFIG'):
tracepoints = map_to_file(scope.getString('TRACEPOINT_PROVIDER'),
scope.basedir(), scope.currentdir())
cm_fh.write('\n\n{}qt_create_tracepoints({} {})\n'
.format(spaces(indent), module_name[2:], tracepoints))
def write_tool(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], scope: Scope, *,
indent: int = 0) -> None:
tool_name = scope.getTarget()
write_main_part(cm_fh, tool_name, 'Tool', 'add_qt_tool', scope,
indent=indent, known_libraries={'Qt::Core', })
def write_test(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], scope: Scope, *,
indent: int = 0) -> None:
test_name = scope.getTarget()
assert test_name
write_main_part(cm_fh, test_name, 'Test', 'add_qt_test', scope,
indent=indent, known_libraries={'Qt::Core', 'Qt::Test', })
def write_binary(cm_fh: typing.IO[str], scope: Scope,
gui: bool = False, *, indent: int = 0) -> None:
binary_name = scope.getTarget()
assert binary_name
extra = ['GUI', ] if gui else []
write_main_part(cm_fh, binary_name, 'Binary', 'add_qt_executable', scope,
extra_lines=extra, indent=indent,
known_libraries={'Qt::Core', })
def write_plugin(cm_fh, scope, *, indent: int = 0):
plugin_name = scope.getTarget()
assert plugin_name
write_main_part(cm_fh, plugin_name, 'Plugin', 'add_qt_plugin', scope,
indent=indent, known_libraries={'QtCore', })
def handle_app_or_lib(scope: Scope, cm_fh: typing.IO[str], *,
indent: int = 0) -> None:
assert scope.getTemplate() in ('app', 'lib')
is_lib = scope.getTemplate() == 'lib'
is_plugin = any('qt_plugin' == s for s in scope.get('_LOADED', []))
if is_lib or 'qt_module' in scope.get('_LOADED', []):
write_module(cm_fh, scope, indent=indent)
elif is_plugin:
write_plugin(cm_fh, scope, indent=indent)
elif 'qt_tool' in scope.get('_LOADED', []):
write_tool(cm_fh, scope, indent=indent)
if 'testcase' in scope.get('CONFIG') \
or 'testlib' in scope.get('CONFIG'):
write_test(cm_fh, scope, indent=indent)
gui = 'console' not in scope.get('CONFIG')
write_binary(cm_fh, scope, gui, indent=indent)
docs = scope.getString("QMAKE_DOCS")
if docs:
map_to_file(docs, scope.basedir(),
def cmakeify_scope(scope: Scope, cm_fh: typing.IO[str], *,
indent: int = 0) -> None:
template = scope.getTemplate()
if template == 'subdirs':
handle_subdir(scope, cm_fh, indent=indent)
elif template in ('app', 'lib'):
handle_app_or_lib(scope, cm_fh, indent=indent)
print(' XXXX: {}: Template type {} not yet supported.'
.format(scope.file(), template))
def generate_cmakelists(scope: Scope) -> None:
with open(scope.cMakeListsFile(), 'w') as cm_fh:
assert scope.file()
cm_fh.write('# Generated from {}.\n\n'
cmakeify_scope(scope, cm_fh)
def do_include(scope: Scope, *, debug: bool = False) -> None:
for c in scope.children():
for i in scope.getIncludes():
dir = scope.basedir()
include_file = i
if not include_file:
if '/3rdparty/' in include_file:
print(' ****: Ignoring include file in 3rdparty: {}.'.format(include_file))
if not os.path.isfile(include_file):
print(' XXXX: Failed to include {}.'.format(include_file))
include_result = parseProFile(include_file, debug=debug)
include_scope \
= Scope.FromDict(None, include_file,
'', dir) # This scope will be merged into scope, so no parent_scope!
def main() -> None:
args = _parse_commandline()
debug_parsing = args.debug_parser or args.debug
for file in args.files:
parseresult = parseProFile(file, debug=debug_parsing)
if args.debug_parse_result or args.debug:
print('\n\n#### Parser result:')
print('\n#### End of parser result.\n')
if args.debug_parse_dictionary or args.debug:
print('\n\n####Parser result dictionary:')
print('\n#### End of parser result dictionary.\n')
file_scope = Scope.FromDict(None, file,
if args.debug_pro_structure or args.debug:
print('\n\n#### .pro/.pri file structure:')
print('\n#### End of .pro/.pri file structure.\n')
do_include(file_scope, debug=debug_parsing)
if args.debug_full_pro_structure or args.debug:
print('\n\n#### Full .pro/.pri file structure:')
print('\n#### End of full .pro/.pri file structure.\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':