24 lines
778 B
24 lines
778 B
CONFIG += qttest_p4
SOURCES += tst_qaccessibility_mac.cpp
TARGET = tst_qaccessibility_mac
RESOURCES = qaccessibility_mac.qrc
# this setup should support both building as an autotest
# (where uilib isn't built by default), and when running shadow
# builds (where QTDIR points to the build directory).
# autotest + shadow build is not supported :)
exists($$(QTDIR)/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/uilib.pri) {
include($$(QTDIR)/tools/designer/src/lib/uilib/uilib.pri, "", true)
INCLUDEPATH += $$(QTDIR)/tools/designer/src/uitools
SOURCES += $$(QTDIR)/tools/designer/src/uitools/quiloader.cpp
HEADERS += $$(QTDIR)/tools/designer/src/uitools/quiloader.h
} else {
CONFIG += uitools
QT += xml
LIBS += -framework ApplicationServices -framework Carbon