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Some of the changes listed in this file include issue tracking numbers
corresponding to tasks in the Qt Bug Tracker:
Each of these identifiers can be entered in the bug tracker to obtain more
information about a particular change.
* Source incompatible changes *
- QSslCertificate::subjectInfo() and QSslCertificate::issuerInfo() now
return a QStringList instead of a QString
- QSslCertificate::isValid() has been deprecated. Originally it only checked
the certificate dates, but later checking for blacklisting was added. Now
there's a more specific QSslCertificate::isBlacklisted() method.
- Unite clipping support has been removed from QPainter. The alternative is
to unite QRegion's and using the result on QPainter.
- QLibrary::resolve() now returns a function pointer instead of a void
- QSslCertificate::alternateSubjectNames() is deprecated (but can be enabled
QSslCertificate::subjectAlternativeNames() instead.
- QLibraryInfo::buildKey() has been removed. Likewise, the QT_BUILD_KEY
preprocessor #define has also been removed. The build-key is obsolete
and is no longer necessary.
- QCoreApplication::translate() will no longer return the source text when
the translation is empty. Use lrelease -removeidentical for optimization.
- Qt::escape() is deprecated (but can be enabled via
QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE), use QString::toHtmlEscaped() instead.
- QMetaType::construct() has been renamed to QMetaType::create().
- QTestLib:
* The QTRY_VERIFY and QTRY_COMPARE macros have been moved into QTestLib.
These macros formerly lived in tests/shared/util.h but are now provided
by including the <QtTest/QtTest> header.
* The QTEST_NOOP_MAIN macro has been removed from the API. If a test is
known at compile-time to be inapplicable for a particular build it should
be omitted via .pro file logic, or the test should call QSKIP in the
initTestCase() method to skip the entire test and report a meaningful
explanation in the test log.
* The DEPENDS_ON macro has been removed from the API. This macro did nothing
and misled some users to believe that they could make test functions depend
on each other or impose an execution order on test functions.
* The QSKIP macro no longer has the "mode" parameter, which caused problems
for calculating test metrics, as the SkipAll mode hid information about
what test data was skipped. Calling QSKIP in a test function now behaves
like SkipSingle -- skipping a non-data-driven test function or skipping
only the current data row of a data-driven test function. Every skipped
data row is now reported in the test log.
* The QTest::qExec(QObject*, const QStringList&) overload has been removed
from the API. This function was not used in any of Qt's autotests and did
not provide significant benefits over QTest::qExec(QObject*, int, char**).
- The QSsl::TlsV1 enum value was renamed to QSsl::TlsV1_0 .
- QAccessible:
* Internal QAccessible::State enum value HasInvokeExtension removed
- QAccessibleInterface:
* The "child" integer parameters have been removed. This moves the api
to be closer to IAccessible2.
This means several functions lose their integer parameter:
text(Text t, int child) -> text(Text t), rect(int child) -> rect()
setText(Text t, int child, const QString &text) -> setText(Text t, const QString &text)
role(int child) -> role(), state(int child) -> state()
relationTo(int child, const QAccessibleInterface *other, int otherChild) ->
relationTo(const QAccessibleInterface *other)
* Accessible-Action related functions have been removed. QAccessibleInterface
subclasses are expected to implement the QAccessibleActionInterface instead.
These functions have been removed:
QAccessibleInterface::userActionCount, QAccessibleInterface::actionText,
- QAccessibleEvent also loses the child parameter.
QAccessibleEvent(Type type, int child) -> QAccessibleEvent(Type type)
QAccessibleEvent::child() removed.
- QAccessibleActionInterface:
* Refactored to be based on action names. All functions have been changed from using
int parameters to strings.
- QSound has been moved from QtGui to QtMultimedia
Extend touch events. The capability flags indicate which information is valid in the touch points. Previously there was no way to tell if e.g. the value returned by pressure() is actually the value provided by the driver/device or it is just something bogus due to pressure not being supported. The points' flags return information about the individual touch points. One use case is to differentiate between touches made by finger and pen. Velocity, if available, is now also exposed. Each touch point can now contain an additional list of "raw" positions. These points are not reported individually but are taken into account in some way by the underlying device and drivers to generate the final, "accurate" touch point. In case the underlying drivers expose these additional positions, they are made available in the lists returned by the touch points' rawScreenPosition(). The raw positions are only available in screen coordinates to prevent wasting time with mapping from global positions in applications that do not use this data. Instead, apps can query the QWindow to which the touch event was sent via QTouchEvent::window() and can call mapFromGlobal() manually if they need local raw positions. The capability and device type information is now held in a new QTouchDevice class. Each touch event will contain only a pointer to one of the global QTouchDevice instances. On top of type and capability, the new class also contains a name which can be used to differentiate between multiple touch input devices (i.e. to tell from which one a given QTouchEvent originates from). The introduction of QTouchDevice has three implications: The QTouchEvent constructor and QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent need to be changed (to pass a QTouchDevice pointer instead of merely a device type value), and each platform or generic plug-in is now responsible for registering one or more devices using the new API QWindowSystemInterface::registerTouchDevice. Change-Id: Ic1468d3e43933d8b5691d75aa67c43e1bc7ffe3e Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com>
2011-11-27 15:42:23 +00:00
- QTouchEvent:
* The DeviceType enum and deviceType() have been deprecated due to
the introduction of QTouchDevice.
* The signature of the constructor has changed. It now takes a
QTouchDevice pointer instead of just a DeviceType value.
* TouchPointState no longer includes TouchPointStateMask and
TouchPointPrimary. The primary flag is now stored together with
other touch point flags and is accessible through
TouchPoint::isPrimary() or TouchPoint::flags(). As a result the
internally used state mask is no longer necessary.
* QWidget *widget() has been removed and is replaced by QObject
*target() in order to avoid QWidget dependencies.
- QWindowSystemInterface:
* The signature of all handleTouchEvent() variants have changed,
taking a QTouchDevice* instead of just a DeviceType value.
Platform or generic plug-ins have to create and register at least
one QTouchDevice before sending the first touch event.
* The event type parameter is removed from handleTouchEvent().
* General *
General Improvements
- The directory structure of the qtbase unit-tests has been reworked to
more closely match the directory structure of the code under test.
Integration tests have been moved to tests/auto/integrationtests.
Third party components
* Library *
* drop a bogus QChar::NoCategory enum value; the proper QChar::Other_NotAssigned
value is returned for an unassigned codepoints now.
* layoutAboutToBeChanged is no longer emitted by QAbstractItemModel::beginMoveRows.
layoutChanged is no longer emitted by QAbstractItemModel::endMoveRows. Proxy models
should now also connect to (and disconnect from) the rowsAboutToBeMoved and
rowsMoved signals.
* Accessibility has been refactored. The hierachy of accessible objects is implemented via
proper parent/child functions instead of using navigate which has been deprecated for this purpose.
Table and cell interfaces have been added to qaccessible2.h
Extend touch events. The capability flags indicate which information is valid in the touch points. Previously there was no way to tell if e.g. the value returned by pressure() is actually the value provided by the driver/device or it is just something bogus due to pressure not being supported. The points' flags return information about the individual touch points. One use case is to differentiate between touches made by finger and pen. Velocity, if available, is now also exposed. Each touch point can now contain an additional list of "raw" positions. These points are not reported individually but are taken into account in some way by the underlying device and drivers to generate the final, "accurate" touch point. In case the underlying drivers expose these additional positions, they are made available in the lists returned by the touch points' rawScreenPosition(). The raw positions are only available in screen coordinates to prevent wasting time with mapping from global positions in applications that do not use this data. Instead, apps can query the QWindow to which the touch event was sent via QTouchEvent::window() and can call mapFromGlobal() manually if they need local raw positions. The capability and device type information is now held in a new QTouchDevice class. Each touch event will contain only a pointer to one of the global QTouchDevice instances. On top of type and capability, the new class also contains a name which can be used to differentiate between multiple touch input devices (i.e. to tell from which one a given QTouchEvent originates from). The introduction of QTouchDevice has three implications: The QTouchEvent constructor and QWindowSystemInterface::handleTouchEvent need to be changed (to pass a QTouchDevice pointer instead of merely a device type value), and each platform or generic plug-in is now responsible for registering one or more devices using the new API QWindowSystemInterface::registerTouchDevice. Change-Id: Ic1468d3e43933d8b5691d75aa67c43e1bc7ffe3e Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com>
2011-11-27 15:42:23 +00:00
* Touch events and points have been extended to hold additional
information like capability flags, point-specific flags, velocity,
and raw positions.
* QWidget::setInputContext() is removed. Input contexts are now platform
* QHostAddress::isLoopback() API added. Returns true if the address is
one of the IP loopback addresses.
* QSslCertificate::serialNumber() now always returns the serial number in
hexadecimal format.
* [QTBUG-20615] Autotests can now log test output to multiple destinations
and log formats simultaneously.
* Database Drivers *
* Platform Specific Changes *
Qt for Linux/X11
Qt for Windows
* Accessibility framework uses IAccessible2
Qt for Mac OS X
Qt for Embedded Linux
Qt for Windows CE
* Compiler Specific Changes *
* Tools *
- Build System
- Assistant
- Designer
- Linguist
- rcc
- moc
* [QTBUG-20785] The moc now has a -b<file> option to #include an additional
file at the beginning of the generated file.
- uic
- uic3
- qmake
* QMAKE_MOC_OPTIONS variable is now available for passing additional parameters
to the moc.
- configure
- qtconfig
* Plugins *
* Important Behavior Changes *