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qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWAppKit AppKit)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWAssetsLibrary AssetsLibrary)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWAudioToolbox AudioToolbox)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWApplicationServices ApplicationServices)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCarbon Carbon)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCoreFoundation CoreFoundation)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCoreServices CoreServices)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCoreGraphics CoreGraphics)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCoreText CoreText)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCoreVideo CoreVideo)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWDiskArbitration DiskArbitration)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWFoundation Foundation)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWIOBluetooth IOBluetooth)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWIOKit IOKit)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWIOSurface IOSurface)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWImageIO ImageIO)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWMetal Metal)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWMobileCoreServices MobileCoreServices)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWQuartzCore QuartzCore)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWSecurity Security)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWSystemConfiguration SystemConfiguration)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWUIKit UIKit)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCoreLocation CoreLocation)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWCoreMotion CoreMotion)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWWatchKit WatchKit)
qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework(FWGameController GameController)
# Given framework_name == 'IOKit', sets non-cache variable 'FWIOKit' to '-framework IOKit' in
# the calling directory scope if the framework is found, or 'IOKit-NOTFOUND'.
function(qt_internal_find_apple_system_framework out_var framework_name)
# To avoid creating many FindFoo.cmake files for each apple system framework, populate each
# FWFoo variable with '-framework Foo' instead of an absolute path to the framework. This makes
# the generated CMake target files relocatable, so that Xcode SDK absolute paths are not
# hardcoded, like with Xcode11.app on the CI.
# We might revisit this later.
set(cache_var_name "${out_var}Internal")
find_library(${cache_var_name} "${framework_name}")
if(${cache_var_name} AND ${cache_var_name} MATCHES ".framework$")
set(${out_var} "-framework ${framework_name}" PARENT_SCOPE)
set(${out_var} "${out_var}-NOTFOUND" PARENT_SCOPE)
# Copy header files to QtXYZ.framework/Versions/A/Headers/
# Use this function for header files that
# - are not added as source files to the target
# - are not marked as PUBLIC_HEADER
# - or are private and supposed to end up in the 6.7.8/QtXYZ/private subdir.
function(qt_copy_framework_headers target)
get_target_property(is_fw ${target} FRAMEWORK)
if(NOT "${is_fw}")
cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
get_target_property(fw_version ${target} FRAMEWORK_VERSION)
get_target_property(fw_bundle_version ${target} MACOSX_FRAMEWORK_BUNDLE_VERSION)
get_target_property(fw_dir ${target} LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
get_target_property(fw_name ${target} OUTPUT_NAME)
set(fw_headers_dir ${fw_dir}/${fw_name}.framework/Versions/${fw_version}/Headers/)
Merge main and private targets of the internal modules In cmake, targets are used as an entity for modules. This causes a number of problems when we want to manipulate a module as a separate entity with properties associated with it. The _qt_internal_module_interface_name target property is introduced to represent the module entity. All modules write a name to this property, which will subsequently expand into the module name matched with the module name in qmake. The 'qt_internal_module_info' function is responsible for providing the correct values ​​for the module properties used when working with a module target. Unlike qmake, for internal modules in cmake it is expected that the Private suffix will be specified explicitly. In case the user wants to have a different module name, an additional argument MODULE_INTERFACE_NAME of the qt_internal_add_module function is introduced. This also changes the way how target dependencies are collected and resolved. Since the 'Private' suffix no longer means an unique identifier of the module 'Private' part, we look for the both Private and non-Private package names when resolving dependencies. TODO: This change doesn't affect the existing internal modules, so to keep compatibility with the existing code the existing internal modules create 'Private' aliases. The code that provides backward compatibility must be removed once all internal modules will get the proper names. Taks-number: QTBUG-87775 Change-Id: Ib4f28341506fb2e73eee960a709e24c42bbcd5ec Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <alexandru.croitor@qt.io>
2021-04-06 16:57:11 +00:00
# The module name might be different of the actual target name.
get_target_property(module_interface_name ${target} _qt_module_interface_name)
set(module "Qt${module_interface_name}")
set(module "Qt${target}")
Merge main and private targets of the internal modules In cmake, targets are used as an entity for modules. This causes a number of problems when we want to manipulate a module as a separate entity with properties associated with it. The _qt_internal_module_interface_name target property is introduced to represent the module entity. All modules write a name to this property, which will subsequently expand into the module name matched with the module name in qmake. The 'qt_internal_module_info' function is responsible for providing the correct values ​​for the module properties used when working with a module target. Unlike qmake, for internal modules in cmake it is expected that the Private suffix will be specified explicitly. In case the user wants to have a different module name, an additional argument MODULE_INTERFACE_NAME of the qt_internal_add_module function is introduced. This also changes the way how target dependencies are collected and resolved. Since the 'Private' suffix no longer means an unique identifier of the module 'Private' part, we look for the both Private and non-Private package names when resolving dependencies. TODO: This change doesn't affect the existing internal modules, so to keep compatibility with the existing code the existing internal modules create 'Private' aliases. The code that provides backward compatibility must be removed once all internal modules will get the proper names. Taks-number: QTBUG-87775 Change-Id: Ib4f28341506fb2e73eee960a709e24c42bbcd5ec Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <alexandru.croitor@qt.io>
2021-04-06 16:57:11 +00:00
string(APPEND fw_headers_dir "${fw_bundle_version}/${module}/private/")
Merge main and private targets of the internal modules In cmake, targets are used as an entity for modules. This causes a number of problems when we want to manipulate a module as a separate entity with properties associated with it. The _qt_internal_module_interface_name target property is introduced to represent the module entity. All modules write a name to this property, which will subsequently expand into the module name matched with the module name in qmake. The 'qt_internal_module_info' function is responsible for providing the correct values ​​for the module properties used when working with a module target. Unlike qmake, for internal modules in cmake it is expected that the Private suffix will be specified explicitly. In case the user wants to have a different module name, an additional argument MODULE_INTERFACE_NAME of the qt_internal_add_module function is introduced. This also changes the way how target dependencies are collected and resolved. Since the 'Private' suffix no longer means an unique identifier of the module 'Private' part, we look for the both Private and non-Private package names when resolving dependencies. TODO: This change doesn't affect the existing internal modules, so to keep compatibility with the existing code the existing internal modules create 'Private' aliases. The code that provides backward compatibility must be removed once all internal modules will get the proper names. Taks-number: QTBUG-87775 Change-Id: Ib4f28341506fb2e73eee960a709e24c42bbcd5ec Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <alexandru.croitor@qt.io>
2021-04-06 16:57:11 +00:00
string(APPEND fw_headers_dir "${fw_bundle_version}/${module}/qpa/")
get_filename_component(in_file_path ${hdr} ABSOLUTE)
get_filename_component(in_file_name ${hdr} NAME)
set(out_file_path ${fw_headers_dir}${in_file_name})
OUTPUT ${out_file_path}
DEPENDS ${in_file_path}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory "${fw_headers_dir}"
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "${in_file_path}" "${fw_headers_dir}")
list(APPEND out_files ${out_file_path})
get_target_property(fw_copied_headers ${target} QT_COPIED_FRAMEWORK_HEADERS)
if(NOT fw_copied_headers)
set(fw_copied_headers "")
list(APPEND fw_copied_headers ${out_files})
set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES QT_COPIED_FRAMEWORK_HEADERS "${fw_copied_headers}")
function(qt_finalize_framework_headers_copy target)
get_target_property(target_type ${target} TYPE)
get_target_property(is_fw ${target} FRAMEWORK)
if(NOT "${is_fw}")
get_target_property(headers ${target} QT_COPIED_FRAMEWORK_HEADERS)
# Hack to create the "Headers" symlink in the framework:
# Create a fake header file and copy it into the framework by marking it as PUBLIC_HEADER.
# CMake now takes care of creating the symlink.
set(fake_header ${target}_fake_header.h)
file(GENERATE OUTPUT ${fake_header} CONTENT "// ignore this file\n"
CONDITION "$<CONFIG:${main_config}>")
string(PREPEND fake_header "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/")
target_sources(${target} PRIVATE ${fake_header})
set_source_files_properties(${fake_header} PROPERTIES GENERATED ON)
set_property(TARGET ${target} APPEND PROPERTY PUBLIC_HEADER ${fake_header})
# Add a target, e.g. Core_framework_headers, that triggers the header copy.
add_custom_target(${target}_framework_headers DEPENDS ${headers})
add_dependencies(${target} ${target}_framework_headers)