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** Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** All rights reserved.
** Contact: Nokia Corporation (qt-info@nokia.com)
** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
** Other Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
#include "symmake.h"
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qhash.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
// Included from tools/shared
#include <symbian/epocroot_p.h>
#define RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_MMP "/resource/apps"
#define REGISTRATION_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_HW "/private/10003a3f/import/apps"
#define PLUGIN_COMMON_DEF_FILE_FOR_MMP "./plugin_common.def"
#define BLD_INF_TAG_PLATFORMS "prj_platforms"
#define BLD_INF_TAG_MMPFILES "prj_mmpfiles"
#define BLD_INF_TAG_TESTMMPFILES "prj_testmmpfiles"
#define BLD_INF_TAG_EXTENSIONS "prj_extensions"
#define BLD_INF_TAG_TESTEXTENSIONS "prj_testextensions"
#define MMP_UID "UID"
#define DEFINE_REPLACE_REGEXP "[^A-Z0-9_]"
QString SymbianMakefileGenerator::fixPathForMmp(const QString& origPath, const QDir& parentDir)
static QString epocRootStr;
if (epocRootStr.isEmpty()) {
epocRootStr = qt_epocRoot();
QFileInfo efi(epocRootStr);
if (!efi.exists() || epocRootStr.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to resolve epocRoot '%s' to real dir on current drive, defaulting to '/' for mmp paths\n", qPrintable(qt_epocRoot()));
epocRootStr = "/";
} else {
epocRootStr = efi.absoluteFilePath();
if (!epocRootStr.endsWith("/"))
epocRootStr += "/";
epocRootStr += "epoc32/";
QString resultPath = origPath;
// Make it relative, unless it starts with "%epocroot%/epoc32/"
if (resultPath.startsWith(epocRootStr, Qt::CaseInsensitive)) {
resultPath.replace(epocRootStr, "/epoc32/", Qt::CaseInsensitive);
} else {
resultPath = parentDir.relativeFilePath(resultPath);
resultPath = QDir::cleanPath(resultPath);
if (resultPath.isEmpty())
resultPath = ".";
return resultPath;
QString SymbianMakefileGenerator::absolutizePath(const QString& origPath)
// Prepend epocroot to any paths beginning with "/epoc32/"
QString resultPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(origPath);
if (resultPath.startsWith("/epoc32/", Qt::CaseInsensitive))
resultPath = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(qt_epocRoot()) + resultPath.mid(1);
QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(resultPath));
// Since origPath can be something given in HEADERS, we need to check if we are dealing
// with a file or a directory. In case the origPath doesn't yet exist, isFile() returns
// false and we default to assuming it is a dir.
if (fi.isFile()) {
resultPath = fi.absolutePath();
} else {
resultPath = fi.absoluteFilePath();
resultPath = QDir::cleanPath(resultPath);
return resultPath;
SymbianMakefileGenerator::SymbianMakefileGenerator() : MakefileGenerator(), SymbianCommonGenerator(this) { }
SymbianMakefileGenerator::~SymbianMakefileGenerator() { }
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeHeader(QTextStream &t)
t << "// ============================================================================" << endl;
t << "// * Makefile for building: " << escapeFilePath(var("TARGET")) << endl;
t << "// * Generated by qmake (" << qmake_version() << ") (Qt " QT_VERSION_STR ") on: ";
t << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl;
t << "// * This file is generated by qmake and should not be modified by the" << endl;
t << "// * user." << endl;
t << "// * Project: " << fileFixify(project->projectFile()) << endl;
t << "// * Template: " << var("TEMPLATE") << endl;
t << "// ============================================================================" << endl;
t << endl;
// Defining define for bld.inf
QString shortProFilename = project->projectFile();
shortProFilename.replace(0, shortProFilename.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, QString(""));
shortProFilename.replace(Option::pro_ext, QString(""));
QString bldinfDefine = shortProFilename;
bldinfDefine = bldinfDefine.toUpper();
// replace anything not alphanumeric with underscore
QRegExp replacementMask(DEFINE_REPLACE_REGEXP);
bldinfDefine.replace(replacementMask, QLatin1String("_"));
t << "#define " << bldinfDefine << endl << endl;
bool SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t)
if(!project->values("QMAKE_FAILED_REQUIREMENTS").isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Project files not generated because all requirements are not met:\n\t%s\n",
return false;
QString numberOfIcons;
QString iconFile;
QMap<QString, QStringList> userRssRules;
readRssRules(numberOfIcons, iconFile, userRssRules);
SymbianLocalizationList symbianLocalizationList;
// Generate pkg files if there are any actual files to deploy
bool generatePkg = false;
if (targetType == TypeExe) {
generatePkg = true;
} else {
foreach(QString item, project->values("DEPLOYMENT")) {
// ### Qt 5: remove .sources, inconsistent with INSTALLS
if (!project->values(item + ".sources").isEmpty() ||
!project->values(item + ".files").isEmpty()) {
generatePkg = true;
if (generatePkg) {
generatePkgFile(iconFile, true, symbianLocalizationList);
writeBldInfContent(t, generatePkg, iconFile);
// Generate empty wrapper makefile here, because wrapper makefile must exist before writeMkFile,
// but all required data is not yet available.
bool isPrimaryMakefile = true;
QString wrapperFileName = Option::output_dir + QLatin1Char('/') + QLatin1String("Makefile");
QString outputFileName = fileInfo(Option::output.fileName()).fileName();
if (outputFileName != BLD_INF_FILENAME) {
? outputFileName.mid(sizeof(BLD_INF_FILENAME))
: outputFileName);
isPrimaryMakefile = false;
QFile wrapperMakefile(wrapperFileName);
if (wrapperMakefile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
generatedFiles << wrapperFileName;
} else {
return false;
if (targetType == TypeSubdirs) {
// If we have something to deploy, generate extension makefile for just that, since
// normal extension makefile is not getting generated and we need emulator deployment to be done.
if (generatePkg)
writeMkFile(wrapperFileName, true);
writeWrapperMakefile(wrapperMakefile, isPrimaryMakefile);
return true;
writeMkFile(wrapperFileName, false);
QString absoluteMmpFileName = Option::output_dir + QLatin1Char('/') + mmpFileName;
writeMmpFile(absoluteMmpFileName, symbianLocalizationList);
if (targetType == TypeExe) {
if (!project->isActiveConfig("no_icon")) {
writeRssFile(numberOfIcons, iconFile);
writeWrapperMakefile(wrapperMakefile, isPrimaryMakefile);
return true;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::init()
if (0 != project->values("QMAKE_PLATFORM").size())
platform = varGlue("QMAKE_PLATFORM", "", " ", "");
if (0 == project->values("QMAKESPEC").size())
project->values("QMAKE_LIBS") += escapeFilePaths(project->values("LIBS"));
project->values("QMAKE_LIBS_PRIVATE") += escapeFilePaths(project->values("LIBS_PRIVATE"));
// Disallow renaming of bld.inf.
project->values("MAKEFILE") += BLD_INF_FILENAME;
// .mmp
mmpFileName = fixedTarget;
if (targetType == TypeExe)
else if (targetType == TypeDll || targetType == TypePlugin)
else if (targetType == TypeLib)
uid2 = project->first("TARGET.UID2");
uid2 = uid2.trimmed();
QString SymbianMakefileGenerator::getTargetExtension()
QString ret;
if (targetType == TypeExe) {
} else if (targetType == TypeLib) {
} else if (targetType == TypeDll || targetType == TypePlugin) {
} else if (targetType == TypeSubdirs) {
// Not actually usable, so return empty
} else {
// If nothing else set, default to exe
return ret;
QString SymbianMakefileGenerator::generateUID3()
QString target = project->first("TARGET");
QString currPath = qmake_getpwd();
return generate_test_uid(target);
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::initMmpVariables()
QStringList sysincspaths;
QStringList srcincpaths;
QStringList srcpaths;
srcpaths << project->values("SOURCES") << project->values("GENERATED_SOURCES");
srcpaths << project->values("UNUSED_SOURCES") << project->values("UI_SOURCES_DIR");
srcpaths << project->values("UI_DIR");
QDir current = QDir::current();
QString absolutizedCurrent = absolutizePath(".");
for (int j = 0; j < srcpaths.size(); ++j) {
QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(srcpaths.at(j)));
// Sometimes sources have other than *.c* files (e.g. *.moc); prune them.
if (fi.suffix().startsWith("c")) {
if (fi.filePath().length() > fi.fileName().length()) {
appendIfnotExist(srcincpaths, fi.path());
sources[absolutizePath(fi.path())] += fi.fileName();
} else {
sources[absolutizedCurrent] += fi.fileName();
appendIfnotExist(srcincpaths, absolutizedCurrent);
QStringList incpaths;
incpaths << project->values("INCLUDEPATH");
incpaths << QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::HeadersPath);
incpaths << project->values("HEADERS");
incpaths << srcincpaths;
incpaths << project->values("UI_HEADERS_DIR");
incpaths << project->values("UI_DIR");
for (int j = 0; j < incpaths.size(); ++j) {
QString includepath = absolutizePath(incpaths.at(j));
appendIfnotExist(sysincspaths, includepath);
appendAbldTempDirs(sysincspaths, includepath);
// Remove duplicate include path entries
QStringList temporary;
for (int i = 0; i < sysincspaths.size(); ++i) {
QString origPath = sysincspaths.at(i);
QFileInfo origPathInfo(fileInfo(origPath));
bool bFound = false;
for (int j = 0; j < temporary.size(); ++j) {
QString tmpPath = temporary.at(j);
QFileInfo tmpPathInfo(fileInfo(tmpPath));
if (origPathInfo.absoluteFilePath() == tmpPathInfo.absoluteFilePath()) {
bFound = true;
if (!tmpPathInfo.isRelative() && origPathInfo.isRelative()) {
// We keep the relative notation
temporary << origPath;
if (!bFound)
temporary << origPath;
sysincspaths << temporary;
systeminclude.insert("SYSTEMINCLUDE", sysincspaths);
// Check MMP_RULES for singleton keywords that are overridden
QStringList overridableMmpKeywords;
QStringList restrictableMmpKeywords;
QStringList restrictedMmpKeywords;
bool inResourceBlock = false;
overridableMmpKeywords << QLatin1String(MMP_TARGETTYPE) << QLatin1String(MMP_EPOCHEAPSIZE);
restrictableMmpKeywords << QLatin1String(MMP_TARGET) << QLatin1String(MMP_SECUREID)
<< QLatin1String(MMP_OPTION) << QLatin1String(MMP_LINKEROPTION)
<< QLatin1String(MMP_EPOCSTACKSIZE) << QLatin1String(MMP_UID)
<< QLatin1String(MMP_VENDORID) << QLatin1String(MMP_VERSION);
foreach (QString item, project->values("MMP_RULES")) {
if (project->values(item).isEmpty()) {
handleMmpRulesOverrides(item, inResourceBlock, restrictedMmpKeywords,
restrictableMmpKeywords, overridableMmpKeywords);
} else {
foreach (QString itemRow, project->values(item)) {
handleMmpRulesOverrides(itemRow, inResourceBlock, restrictedMmpKeywords,
restrictableMmpKeywords, overridableMmpKeywords);
if (restrictedMmpKeywords.size()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Restricted statements detected in MMP_RULES:\n"
" (%s)\n"
" Use corresponding qmake variable(s) instead.\n",
qPrintable(restrictedMmpKeywords.join(", ")));
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::handleMmpRulesOverrides(QString &checkString,
bool &inResourceBlock,
QStringList &restrictedMmpKeywords,
const QStringList &restrictableMmpKeywords,
const QStringList &overridableMmpKeywords)
QString simplifiedString = checkString.simplified();
if (!inResourceBlock && simplifiedString.startsWith(MMP_START_RESOURCE, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
inResourceBlock = true;
else if (inResourceBlock && simplifiedString.startsWith(MMP_END_RESOURCE, Qt::CaseInsensitive))
inResourceBlock = false;
// Allow restricted and overridable items in RESOURCE blocks as those do not actually
// override anything.
if (!inResourceBlock) {
appendKeywordIfMatchFound(overriddenMmpKeywords, overridableMmpKeywords, simplifiedString);
appendKeywordIfMatchFound(restrictedMmpKeywords, restrictableMmpKeywords, simplifiedString);
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::appendKeywordIfMatchFound(QStringList &list,
const QStringList &keywordList,
QString &checkString)
// Check if checkString starts with any supplied keyword and
// add the found keyword to list if it does.
foreach (QString item, keywordList) {
if (checkString.startsWith(QString(item).append(" "), Qt::CaseInsensitive)
|| checkString.compare(item, Qt::CaseInsensitive) == 0) {
appendIfnotExist(list, item);
bool SymbianMakefileGenerator::removeDuplicatedStrings(QStringList &stringList)
QStringList tmpStringList;
for (int i = 0; i < stringList.size(); ++i) {
QString string = stringList.at(i);
if (tmpStringList.contains(string))
stringList = tmpStringList;
return true;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileHeader(QTextStream &t)
t << "// ==============================================================================" << endl;
t << "// Generated by qmake (" << qmake_version() << ") (Qt " QT_VERSION_STR ") on: ";
t << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate) << endl;
t << "// This file is generated by qmake and should not be modified by the" << endl;
t << "// user." << endl;
t << "// Name : " << mmpFileName << endl;
t << "// ==============================================================================" << endl << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFile(QString &filename, const SymbianLocalizationList &symbianLocalizationList)
QFile ft(filename);
if (ft.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
generatedFiles << ft.fileName();
QTextStream t(&ft);
writeMmpFileResourcePart(t, symbianLocalizationList);
QDir current = QDir::current();
for (QMap<QString, QStringList>::iterator it = sources.begin(); it != sources.end(); ++it) {
QStringList values = it.value();
QString currentSourcePath = it.key();
if (values.size())
t << "SOURCEPATH \t" << fixPathForMmp(currentSourcePath, current) << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
QString sourceFileName = values.at(i);
t << "SOURCE\t\t" << sourceFileName << endl;
t << endl;
t << endl;
if (!project->isActiveConfig("static") && !project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) {
} else {
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileMacrosPart(QTextStream& t)
t << endl;
QStringList &defines = project->values("DEFINES");
if (defines.size())
t << "// Qt Macros" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < defines.size(); ++i) {
QString def = defines.at(i);
addMacro(t, def);
// These are required in order that all methods will be correctly exported e.g from qtestlib
QStringList &exp_defines = project->values("PRL_EXPORT_DEFINES");
if (exp_defines.size())
t << endl << "// Qt Export Defines" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < exp_defines.size(); ++i) {
QString def = exp_defines.at(i);
addMacro(t, def);
t << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::addMacro(QTextStream& t, const QString& value)
t << "MACRO\t\t" << value << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileTargetPart(QTextStream& t)
bool skipTargetType = overriddenMmpKeywords.contains(MMP_TARGETTYPE);
bool skipEpocHeapSize = overriddenMmpKeywords.contains(MMP_EPOCHEAPSIZE);
if (targetType == TypeExe) {
t << MMP_TARGET "\t\t" << fixedTarget << ".exe" << endl;
if (!skipTargetType) {
if (project->isActiveConfig("stdbinary"))
t << MMP_TARGETTYPE "\t\tSTDEXE" << endl;
t << MMP_TARGETTYPE "\t\tEXE" << endl;
} else if (targetType == TypeDll || targetType == TypePlugin) {
t << MMP_TARGET "\t\t" << fixedTarget << ".dll" << endl;
if (!skipTargetType) {
if (project->isActiveConfig("stdbinary"))
t << MMP_TARGETTYPE "\t\tSTDDLL" << endl;
t << MMP_TARGETTYPE "\t\tDLL" << endl;
} else if (targetType == TypeLib) {
t << MMP_TARGET "\t\t" << fixedTarget << ".lib" << endl;
if (!skipTargetType) {
if (project->isActiveConfig("stdbinary"))
t << MMP_TARGETTYPE "\t\tSTDLIB" << endl;
t << MMP_TARGETTYPE "\t\tLIB" << endl;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unexpected targettype (%d) in SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileTargetPart\n", targetType);
t << endl;
t << MMP_UID "\t\t" << uid2 << " " << uid3 << endl;
if (0 != project->values("TARGET.SID").size()) {
t << MMP_SECUREID "\t\t" << project->values("TARGET.SID").join(" ") << endl;
} else {
if (0 == uid3.size())
t << MMP_SECUREID "\t\t0" << endl;
t << MMP_SECUREID "\t\t" << uid3 << endl;
// default value used from mkspecs is 0
if (0 != project->values("TARGET.VID").size()) {
t << MMP_VENDORID "\t\t" << project->values("TARGET.VID").join(" ") << endl;
t << endl;
if (0 != project->first("TARGET.EPOCSTACKSIZE").size())
t << MMP_EPOCSTACKSIZE "\t\t" << project->first("TARGET.EPOCSTACKSIZE") << endl;
if (!skipEpocHeapSize && 0 != project->values("TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE").size())
t << MMP_EPOCHEAPSIZE "\t\t" << project->values("TARGET.EPOCHEAPSIZE").join(" ") << endl;
if (0 != project->values("TARGET.EPOCALLOWDLLDATA").size())
if (targetType == TypePlugin && !project->isActiveConfig("stdbinary")) {
// Use custom def file for Qt plugins
t << endl;
Application registration resource files should be installed to the
\private\10003a3f\import\apps directory.
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileResourcePart(QTextStream& t, const SymbianLocalizationList &symbianLocalizationList)
if ((targetType == TypeExe) &&
!project->isActiveConfig("no_icon")) {
QString locTarget = fixedTarget;
t << "SOURCEPATH\t\t\t. " << endl;
t << "LANG SC "; // no endl
SymbianLocalizationListIterator iter(symbianLocalizationList);
while (iter.hasNext()) {
const SymbianLocalization &loc = iter.next();
t << loc.symbianLanguageCode << " "; // no endl
t << endl;
t << MMP_START_RESOURCE "\t\t" << locTarget << endl;
t << "HEADER" << endl;
t << MMP_END_RESOURCE << endl << endl;
QString regTarget = fixedTarget;
t << "SOURCEPATH\t\t\t." << endl;
t << MMP_START_RESOURCE "\t\t" << regTarget << endl;
if (isForSymbianSbsv2())
t << "DEPENDS " << fixedTarget << ".rsg" << endl;
t << MMP_END_RESOURCE << endl << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileSystemIncludePart(QTextStream& t)
QDir current = QDir::current();
for (QMap<QString, QStringList>::iterator it = systeminclude.begin(); it != systeminclude.end(); ++it) {
QStringList values = it.value();
for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) {
QString handledPath = values.at(i);
t << "SYSTEMINCLUDE\t\t" << fixPathForMmp(handledPath, current) << endl;
t << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileIncludePart(QTextStream& t)
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileLibraryPart(QTextStream& t)
QStringList &libs = project->values("LIBS");
libs << project->values("QMAKE_LIBS") << project->values("QMAKE_LIBS_PRIVATE");
for (int i = 0; i < libs.size(); ++i) {
QString lib = libs.at(i);
// The -L flag is uninteresting, since all symbian libraries exist in the same directory.
if (lib.startsWith("-l")) {
lib.remove(0, 2);
QString mmpStatement;
if (lib.endsWith(".lib")) {
mmpStatement = "STATICLIBRARY\t";
} else {
if (lib.endsWith(".dll"))
mmpStatement = "LIBRARY\t\t";
t << mmpStatement << lib << ".lib" << endl;
t << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileCapabilityPart(QTextStream& t)
if (0 != project->first("TARGET.CAPABILITY").size()) {
QStringList &capabilities = project->values("TARGET.CAPABILITY");
t << MMP_CAPABILITY "\t\t";
for (int i = 0; i < capabilities.size(); ++i) {
QString cap = capabilities.at(i);
t << cap << " ";
} else {
t << MMP_CAPABILITY "\t\tNone";
t << endl << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileConditionalOptions(QTextStream& t,
const QString &optionType,
const QString &optionTag,
const QString &variableBase)
foreach(QString compilerVersion, project->values("VERSION_FLAGS." + optionTag)) {
QStringList currentValues = project->values(variableBase + "." + compilerVersion);
if (currentValues.size()) {
t << "#if defined(" << compilerVersion << ")" << endl;
t << optionType << " " << optionTag << " " << currentValues.join(" ") << endl;
t << "#endif" << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileSimpleOption(QTextStream& t,
const QString &optionType,
const QString &optionTag,
const QString &options)
QString trimmedOptions = options.trimmed();
if (!trimmedOptions.isEmpty())
t << optionType << " " << optionTag << " " << trimmedOptions << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::appendMmpFileOptions(QString &options, const QStringList &list)
if (list.size()) {
options.append(list.join(" "));
options.append(" ");
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileCompilerOptionPart(QTextStream& t)
QStringList keywords = project->values("MMP_OPTION_KEYWORDS");
QStringList commonCxxFlags = project->values(VAR_CXXFLAGS);
QStringList commonCFlags = project->values(VAR_CFLAGS);
QStringList commonLFlags = project->values(VAR_LFLAGS);
foreach(QString item, keywords) {
QString compilerOption;
QString linkerOption;
appendMmpFileOptions(compilerOption, project->values(VAR_CXXFLAGS "." + item));
appendMmpFileOptions(compilerOption, project->values(VAR_CFLAGS "." + item));
appendMmpFileOptions(compilerOption, commonCxxFlags);
appendMmpFileOptions(compilerOption, commonCFlags);
appendMmpFileOptions(linkerOption, project->values(VAR_LFLAGS "." + item));
appendMmpFileOptions(linkerOption, commonLFlags);
writeMmpFileSimpleOption(t, MMP_OPTION, item, compilerOption);
writeMmpFileSimpleOption(t, MMP_LINKEROPTION, item, linkerOption);
writeMmpFileConditionalOptions(t, MMP_OPTION, item, VAR_CXXFLAGS);
writeMmpFileConditionalOptions(t, MMP_LINKEROPTION, item, VAR_LFLAGS);
t << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileBinaryVersionPart(QTextStream& t)
QString applicationVersion = project->first("VERSION");
QStringList verNumList = applicationVersion.split('.');
uint major = 0;
uint minor = 0;
uint patch = 0;
bool success = false;
if (verNumList.size() > 0) {
major = verNumList[0].toUInt(&success);
if (success && verNumList.size() > 1) {
minor = verNumList[1].toUInt(&success);
if (success && verNumList.size() > 2) {
patch = verNumList[2].toUInt(&success);
QString mmpVersion;
if (success && major <= 0xFFFF && minor <= 0xFF && patch <= 0xFF) {
// Symbian binary version only has major and minor components, so compress
// Qt's minor and patch values into the minor component. Since Symbian's minor
// component is a 16 bit value, only allow 8 bits for each to avoid overflow.
.append(QString::number((minor << 8) + patch));
} else {
if (!applicationVersion.isEmpty())
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid VERSION string: %s\n", qPrintable(applicationVersion));
mmpVersion = "10.0"; // Default binary version for symbian is 10.0
t << MMP_VERSION " " << mmpVersion << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeMmpFileRulesPart(QTextStream& t)
foreach(QString item, project->values("MMP_RULES")) {
t << endl;
// If there is no stringlist defined for a rule, use rule name directly
// This is convenience for defining single line mmp statements
if (project->values(item).isEmpty()) {
t << item << endl;
} else {
foreach(QString itemRow, project->values(item)) {
t << itemRow << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::writeBldInfContent(QTextStream &t, bool addDeploymentExtension, const QString &iconFile)
// Read user defined bld inf rules
QMap<QString, QStringList> userBldInfRules;
for (QMap<QString, QStringList>::iterator it = project->variables().begin(); it != project->variables().end(); ++it) {
if (it.key().startsWith(BLD_INF_RULES_BASE)) {
QString newKey = it.key().mid(sizeof(BLD_INF_RULES_BASE) - 1);
if (newKey.isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Empty BLD_INF_RULES key encountered\n");
QStringList newValues;
QStringList values = it.value();
foreach(QString item, values) {
// If there is no stringlist defined for a rule, use rule name directly
// This is convenience for defining single line statements
if (project->values(item).isEmpty()) {
newValues << item;
} else {
foreach(QString itemRow, project->values(item)) {
newValues << itemRow;
userBldInfRules.insert(newKey, newValues);
// Add includes of subdirs bld.inf files
QString currentPath = qmake_getpwd();
QDir directory(currentPath);
const QStringList &subdirs = project->values("SUBDIRS");
foreach(QString item, subdirs) {
bool fromFile = false;
QString fixedItem;
if (!project->isEmpty(item + ".file")) {
fixedItem = project->first(item + ".file");
fromFile = true;
} else if (!project->isEmpty(item + ".subdir")) {
fixedItem = project->first(item + ".subdir");
fromFile = false;
} else {
fixedItem = item;
fromFile = item.endsWith(Option::pro_ext);
QString condition;
if (!project->isEmpty(item + ".condition"))
condition = project->first(item + ".condition");
QFileInfo subdir(fileInfo(fixedItem));
QString relativePath = directory.relativeFilePath(fixedItem);
QString fullProName = subdir.absoluteFilePath();
QString bldinfFilename;
QString subdirFileName;
if (fromFile) {
subdirFileName = subdir.completeBaseName();
} else {
subdirFileName = subdir.fileName();
if (subdir.isDir()) {
// Subdir is a regular project
bldinfFilename = relativePath + QString("/") + QString(BLD_INF_FILENAME);
fullProName += QString("/") + subdirFileName + Option::pro_ext;
} else {
// Subdir is actually a .pro file
if (relativePath.contains("/")) {
// .pro not in same directory as parent .pro
relativePath.remove(relativePath.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, relativePath.length());
bldinfFilename = relativePath;
} else {
// .pro and parent .pro in same directory
bldinfFilename = QString("./");
bldinfFilename += QString(BLD_INF_FILENAME ".") + subdirFileName;
QString uid = generate_uid(fullProName);
QString bldinfDefine = QString("BLD_INF_") + subdirFileName + QString("_") + uid;
bldinfDefine = bldinfDefine.toUpper();
// replace anything not alphanumeric with underscore
QRegExp replacementMask(DEFINE_REPLACE_REGEXP);
bldinfDefine.replace(replacementMask, QLatin1String("_"));
if (!condition.isEmpty())
t << "#if defined(" << condition << ")" << endl;
t << "#ifndef " << bldinfDefine << endl;
t << "\t#include \"" << bldinfFilename << "\"" << endl;
t << "#endif" << endl;
if (!condition.isEmpty())
t << "#endif" << endl;
// Add supported project platforms
t << endl << BLD_INF_TAG_PLATFORMS << endl << endl;
if (0 != project->values("SYMBIAN_PLATFORMS").size())
t << project->values("SYMBIAN_PLATFORMS").join(" ") << endl;
QStringList userItems = userBldInfRules.value(BLD_INF_TAG_PLATFORMS);
foreach(QString item, userItems)
t << item << endl;
t << endl;
// Add project mmps and old style extension makefiles
QString mmpTag;
if (project->isActiveConfig(SYMBIAN_TEST_CONFIG))
mmpTag = QLatin1String(BLD_INF_TAG_MMPFILES);
t << endl << mmpTag << endl << endl;
writeBldInfMkFilePart(t, addDeploymentExtension);
if (targetType != TypeSubdirs)
t << mmpFileName << endl;
userItems = userBldInfRules.value(mmpTag);
foreach(QString item, userItems)
t << item << endl;
QString extensionTag;
if (project->isActiveConfig(SYMBIAN_TEST_CONFIG))
extensionTag = QLatin1String(BLD_INF_TAG_TESTEXTENSIONS);
extensionTag = QLatin1String(BLD_INF_TAG_EXTENSIONS);
t << endl << extensionTag << endl << endl;
// Generate extension rules
writeBldInfExtensionRulesPart(t, iconFile);
userItems = userBldInfRules.value(extensionTag);
foreach(QString item, userItems)
t << item << endl;
// Add rest of the user defined content
for (QMap<QString, QStringList>::iterator it = userBldInfRules.begin(); it != userBldInfRules.end(); ++it) {
t << endl << endl << it.key() << endl << endl;
userItems = it.value();
foreach(QString item, userItems)
t << item << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::appendIfnotExist(QStringList &list, QString value)
if (!list.contains(value))
list += value;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::appendIfnotExist(QStringList &list, QStringList values)
foreach(QString item, values)
appendIfnotExist(list, item);
QString SymbianMakefileGenerator::removeTrailingPathSeparators(QString &file)
QString ret = file;
if (ret.endsWith(QDir::separator())) {
ret.remove(ret.length() - 1, 1);
return ret;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::generateCleanCommands(QTextStream& t,
const QStringList& toClean,
const QString& cmd,
const QString& cmdOptions,
const QString& itemPrefix,
const QString& itemSuffix)
for (int i = 0; i < toClean.size(); ++i) {
QString item = toClean.at(i);
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN)
t << "\t-@ if EXIST \"" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(item) << "\" ";
t << cmd << " " << cmdOptions << " \"" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(item) << "\"" << endl;
t << "\t-if test -e " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(item) << "; then ";
t << cmd << " " << cmdOptions << " " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(item) << "; fi" << endl;
void SymbianMakefileGenerator::generateDistcleanTargets(QTextStream& t)
t << "dodistclean:" << endl;
const QStringList &subdirs = project->values("SUBDIRS");
foreach(QString item, subdirs) {
bool fromFile = false;
QString fixedItem;
if (!project->isEmpty(item + ".file")) {
fixedItem = project->first(item + ".file");
fromFile = true;
} else if (!project->isEmpty(item + ".subdir")) {
fixedItem = project->first(item + ".subdir");
fromFile = false;
} else {
fromFile = item.endsWith(Option::pro_ext);
fixedItem = item;
QFileInfo fi(fileInfo(fixedItem));
if (!fromFile) {
t << "\t-$(MAKE) -f \"" << Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fi.absoluteFilePath() + "/Makefile") << "\" dodistclean" << endl;
} else {
QString itemName = fi.fileName();
int extIndex = itemName.lastIndexOf(Option::pro_ext);
if (extIndex)
fixedItem = fi.absolutePath() + "/" + QString("Makefile.") + itemName.mid(0, extIndex);
t << "\t-$(MAKE) -f \"" << Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fixedItem) << "\" dodistclean" << endl;
generatedFiles << Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileInfo(Option::output.fileName()).absoluteFilePath()); // bld.inf
generatedFiles << project->values("QMAKE_INTERNAL_PRL_FILE"); // Add generated prl files for cleanup
generatedFiles << project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN"); // Add any additional files marked for distclean
QStringList fixedFiles;
QStringList fixedDirs;
foreach(QString item, generatedFiles) {
QString fixedItem = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileInfo(item).absoluteFilePath());
if (!fixedFiles.contains(fixedItem)) {
fixedFiles << fixedItem;
foreach(QString item, generatedDirs) {
QString fixedItem = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(fileInfo(item).absoluteFilePath());
if (!fixedDirs.contains(fixedItem)) {
fixedDirs << fixedItem;
generateCleanCommands(t, fixedFiles, "$(DEL_FILE)", "", "", "");
generateCleanCommands(t, fixedDirs, "$(DEL_DIR)", "", "", "");
t << endl;
t << "distclean: clean dodistclean" << endl;
t << endl;
// Returns a string that can be used as a dependency to loc file on other targets
QString SymbianMakefileGenerator::generateLocFileTarget(QTextStream& t, const QString& locCmd)
QString locFile;
if (targetType == TypeExe && !project->isActiveConfig("no_icon")) {
locFile = Option::fixPathToLocalOS(generateLocFileName());
t << locFile << QLatin1String(": ") << project->values("SYMBIAN_MATCHED_TRANSLATIONS").join(" ") << endl;
t << locCmd << endl;
t << endl;
locFile += QLatin1Char(' ');
return locFile;