2020-08-13 15:37:47 +00:00
# qt_configure_file(OUTPUT output-file <INPUT input-file | CONTENT content>)
# input-file is relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}
# output-file is relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
# This function is similar to file(GENERATE OUTPUT) except it writes the content
# to the file at configure time, rather than at generate time. Once CMake 3.18 is released, it can use file(CONFIGURE) in its implmenetation. Until then, it
# uses configure_file() with a generic input file as source, when used with the CONTENT signature.
function ( qt_configure_file )
qt_parse_all_arguments ( arg "qt_configure_file" "" "OUTPUT;INPUT;CONTENT" "" ${ ARGN } )
if ( NOT arg_OUTPUT )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "No output file provided to qt_configure_file." )
endif ( )
if ( arg_CONTENT )
set ( template_name "QtFileConfigure.txt.in" )
# When building qtbase, use the source template file.
# Otherwise use the installed file.
# This should work for non-prefix and superbuilds as well.
if ( QtBase_SOURCE_DIR )
set ( input_file "${QtBase_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/${template_name}" )
else ( )
set ( input_file "${Qt6_DIR}/${template_name}" )
endif ( )
set ( __qt_file_configure_content "${arg_CONTENT}" )
elseif ( arg_INPUT )
set ( input_file "${arg_INPUT}" )
else ( )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "No input value provided to qt_configure_file." )
endif ( )
configure_file ( "${input_file}" "${arg_OUTPUT}" @ONLY )
endfunction ( )
# A version of cmake_parse_arguments that makes sure all arguments are processed and errors out
# with a message about ${type} having received unknown arguments.
macro ( qt_parse_all_arguments result type flags options multiopts )
cmake_parse_arguments ( ${ result } "${flags}" "${options}" "${multiopts}" ${ ARGN } )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "Unknown arguments were passed to ${type} (${${result}_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS})." )
endif ( )
endmacro ( )
# Print all variables defined in the current scope.
macro ( qt_debug_print_variables )
cmake_parse_arguments ( __arg "DEDUP" "" "MATCH;IGNORE" ${ ARGN } )
message ( "Known Variables:" )
get_cmake_property ( __variableNames VARIABLES )
list ( SORT __variableNames )
if ( __arg_DEDUP )
list ( REMOVE_DUPLICATES __variableNames )
endif ( )
foreach ( __var ${ __variableNames } )
set ( __ignore OFF )
foreach ( __i ${ __arg_IGNORE } )
if ( __var MATCHES "${__i}" )
set ( __ignore ON )
break ( )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( __ignore )
continue ( )
endif ( )
set ( __show OFF )
foreach ( __i ${ __arg_MATCH } )
if ( __var MATCHES "${__i}" )
set ( __show ON )
break ( )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
if ( __show )
message ( " ${__var}=${${__var}}." )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
endmacro ( )
macro ( assert )
if ( ${ ARGN } )
else ( )
message ( FATAL_ERROR "ASSERT: ${ARGN}." )
endif ( )
endmacro ( )
# Takes a list of path components and joins them into one path separated by forward slashes "/",
# and saves the path in out_var.
function ( qt_path_join out_var )
string ( JOIN "/" path ${ ARGN } )
set ( ${ out_var } ${ path } PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
# qt_remove_args can remove arguments from an existing list of function
# arguments in order to pass a filtered list of arguments to a different function.
# Parameters:
# out_var: result of remove all arguments specified by ARGS_TO_REMOVE from ALL_ARGS
# ARGS_TO_REMOVE: Arguments to remove.
# ALL_ARGS: All arguments supplied to cmake_parse_arguments or
# qt_parse_all_arguments
# from which ARGS_TO_REMOVE should be removed from. We require all the
# arguments or we can't properly identify the range of the arguments detailed
# ARGS: Arguments passed into the function, usually ${ARGV}
# E.g.:
# We want to forward all arguments from foo to bar, execpt ZZZ since it will
# trigger an error in bar.
# foo(target BAR .... ZZZ .... WWW ...)
# bar(target BAR.... WWW...)
# function(foo target)
# qt_parse_all_arguments(arg "" "" "BAR;ZZZ;WWW ${ARGV})
# qt_remove_args(forward_args
# ARGS_TO_REMOVE ${target} ZZZ
# ALL_ARGS ${target} BAR ZZZ WWW
# )
# bar(${target} ${forward_args})
# endfunction()
function ( qt_remove_args out_var )
cmake_parse_arguments ( arg "" "" "ARGS_TO_REMOVE;ALL_ARGS;ARGS" ${ ARGN } )
set ( result ${ arg_ARGS } )
foreach ( arg IN LISTS arg_ARGS_TO_REMOVE )
# find arg
list ( FIND result ${ arg } find_result )
if ( NOT find_result EQUAL -1 )
# remove arg
list ( REMOVE_AT result ${ find_result } )
list ( LENGTH result result_len )
list ( GET result ${ find_result } arg_current )
2020-10-27 10:25:34 +00:00
# remove values until we hit another arg or the end of the list
2020-08-13 15:37:47 +00:00
while ( NOT ${ arg_current } IN_LIST arg_ALL_ARGS AND find_result LESS result_len )
list ( REMOVE_AT result ${ find_result } )
list ( LENGTH result result_len )
2020-10-27 10:25:34 +00:00
if ( NOT find_result EQUAL result_len )
list ( GET result ${ find_result } arg_current )
endif ( )
2020-08-13 15:37:47 +00:00
endwhile ( )
endif ( )
endforeach ( )
set ( ${ out_var } "${result}" PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )
# Creates a regular expression that exactly matches the given string
# Found in https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/issues/18580
function ( qt_re_escape out_var str )
string ( REGEX REPLACE "([][+.*()^])" "\\\\\\1" regex "${str}" )
set ( ${ out_var } ${ regex } PARENT_SCOPE )
endfunction ( )