<li><atarget="test"href="mob_mediaquery.htm">MEDIA-QUERY, BASIC</a>: produces message indicating browser class (desktop/touch/low-end mobile)</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="mob_layout.htm">MEDIA-QUERY, LAYOUT</a>: same, but produces various skeletal layouts using media query criteria; large 3-column layout must appear only on desktop browser</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="mob_condjs.htm">MEDIA-QUERY, STYLEMEDIA</a>: Same as #1, but JS produces corresponding message via StyleMedia API</li>
<h3>2. Selectors</h3>
<li><atarget="test"href="layout_link-fmt.htm">SELECTOR, ATTRIBUTE PREFIX/SUFFIX</a>: links appear w/different icons based on URL prefix/suffix; linebreaks should not appear within inline links</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="form_tapper.htm">SELECTOR, FORMS, TAP</a>: radio/checkbox inputs can be tapped (only 1 at a time within 'radio' set; any number within 'checkbox' set)</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="form_toggler.htm">SELECTOR, FORMS, TOGGLE</a>: radio/checkbox inputs can be toggled (only 1 at a time within 'radio' inputs; any number within 'checkbox' inputs); 2 "binary" examples at bottom use custom text</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="layout_tbl-keyhole.htm">SELECTOR, NAVIGATIONAL, TABLE</a>: pressing "view listings" displays stacked table rows, one at a time</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_sel-nth.htm">SELECTOR, POSITIONAL</a>: displays 4x6 icon grid, implemted via nth-of-type()</li>
<h3>3. Visual Effects</h3>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_backgrounds.htm">CSS, BACKGROUNDS</a>: selected accordion tabs display both gradient background and icon; unselected only displays icon; uses scaleY transition</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_shadow.htm">CSS, BOX-SHADOW, PLAIN</a>: nav element has shadow; icons appear smaller while pressed</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_gradientBack.htm">CSS, GRADIENT, BACKGROUND</a>: background fades vertically from light to dark</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_gradientBackStop.htm">CSS, GRADIENT, BACKGROUND, COLOR-STOP</a>: as you scroll down page, background fades vertically from dark to light and back to dark again</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_gradientButton.htm">CSS, GRADIENT, BUTTON</a>: buttons appear with vertical shading, appearing w/inverted gradient when pressed</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_grad-radial.htm">CSS, GRADIENT, RADIAL</a>: touching within box produces colorful *splat* effect for duration of touch</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_mask-grad.htm">CSS, MASK, GRADIENT</a>: images appear w/gradient; touching them removes gradient</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_mask-img.htm">CSS, MASK, IMAGE</a>: image fills screen but fades to black around the edges</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_reflect.htm">CSS, REFLECTION</a>: heading and image both appear w/mirror reflections along bottom</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_scroll.htm">CSS, SCROLLBARS</a>: code block scrollable via big buttons</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="css3_multicol.htm">ANIMATION, KEYFRAME, BANNER</a>: banner scrolls through 5 colorful items</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="anim_tabbedSkew.htm">ANIMATION, TRANSFORM, SKEWED TABS</a>: touching parts of cube displays different tabbed text</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="anim_accord.htm">ANIMATION, TRANSITION, CHAINED, ACCORDION</a>: tapping icon animates in collapsed accordions; tapping them animates in display of subheads; tapping anywhere else reverses animation sequence, collapsing back to initial icon</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="anim_panel.htm">ANIMATION, TRANSITION, MAX-WIDTH, PANEL</a>: pressing icon animates to expand panel of choices; pressing anywhere collapses panel back down to initial icon</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="anim_skew.htm">ANIMATION, TRANSITION, SKEW</a>: tapping items causes them to wipe off right edge w/skew effect; remainder re-pack vertically; touching each category icon removes non-matching items and drops down matching ones</li>
<li><atarget="test"href="anim_gallery.htm">ANIMATION, TRANSITION, TRANSLATE, GALLERY</a>: tapping images adjacent to main image animates them in; tapping current image flips to display text; w/text displaying, tapping adjacent image animates both effects @ same time</li>
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