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** Copyright (C) 2013 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/legal
** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
** conditions see http://qt.digia.com/licensing. For further information
** use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Digia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Digia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU General Public License version 3.0 requirements will be
** met: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# error PROEVALUATOR_FULL is incompatible with PROEVALUATOR_THREAD_SAFE due to cache() implementation
#include "qmakeparser.h"
#include "ioutils.h"
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qlinkedlist.h>
#include <qset.h>
#include <qstack.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
# include <qprocess.h>
class QMakeGlobals;
class QMAKE_EXPORT QMakeHandler : public QMakeParserHandler
enum {
SourceEvaluator = 0x10,
EvalWarnLanguage = SourceEvaluator | WarningMessage | WarnLanguage,
EvalWarnDeprecated = SourceEvaluator | WarningMessage | WarnDeprecated,
EvalError = ErrorMessage | SourceEvaluator
// error(), warning() and message() from .pro file
virtual void fileMessage(const QString &msg) = 0;
enum EvalFileType { EvalProjectFile, EvalIncludeFile, EvalConfigFile, EvalFeatureFile, EvalAuxFile };
virtual void aboutToEval(ProFile *parent, ProFile *proFile, EvalFileType type) = 0;
virtual void doneWithEval(ProFile *parent) = 0;
// We use a QLinkedList based stack instead of a QVector based one (QStack), so that
// the addresses of value maps stay constant. The qmake generators rely on that.
class QMAKE_EXPORT ProValueMapStack : public QLinkedList<ProValueMap>
inline void push(const ProValueMap &t) { append(t); }
inline ProValueMap pop() { return takeLast(); }
ProValueMap &top() { return last(); }
const ProValueMap &top() const { return last(); }
class QMAKE_EXPORT QMakeEvaluator
enum LoadFlag {
LoadProOnly = 0,
LoadPreFiles = 1,
LoadPostFiles = 2,
LoadAll = LoadPreFiles|LoadPostFiles,
LoadSilent = 0x10,
LoadHidden = 0x20
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(LoadFlags, LoadFlag)
static void initStatics();
static void initFunctionStatics();
QMakeEvaluator(QMakeGlobals *option, QMakeParser *parser,
QMakeHandler *handler);
void setExtraVars(const ProValueMap &extraVars) { m_extraVars = extraVars; }
void setExtraConfigs(const ProStringList &extraConfigs) { m_extraConfigs = extraConfigs; }
void setOutputDir(const QString &outputDir) { m_outputDir = outputDir; }
ProStringList values(const ProKey &variableName) const;
ProStringList &valuesRef(const ProKey &variableName);
ProString first(const ProKey &variableName) const;
ProString propertyValue(const ProKey &val) const;
ProString dirSep() const { return m_dirSep; }
bool isHostBuild() const { return m_hostBuild; }
enum VisitReturn {
static ALWAYS_INLINE VisitReturn returnBool(bool b)
{ return b ? ReturnTrue : ReturnFalse; }
static ALWAYS_INLINE uint getBlockLen(const ushort *&tokPtr);
ProString getStr(const ushort *&tokPtr);
ProKey getHashStr(const ushort *&tokPtr);
void evaluateExpression(const ushort *&tokPtr, ProStringList *ret, bool joined);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void skipStr(const ushort *&tokPtr);
static ALWAYS_INLINE void skipHashStr(const ushort *&tokPtr);
void skipExpression(const ushort *&tokPtr);
void loadDefaults();
bool prepareProject(const QString &inDir);
bool loadSpecInternal();
bool loadSpec();
void initFrom(const QMakeEvaluator &other);
void setupProject();
void evaluateCommand(const QString &cmds, const QString &where);
VisitReturn visitProFile(ProFile *pro, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type,
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn visitProBlock(ProFile *pro, const ushort *tokPtr);
VisitReturn visitProBlock(const ushort *tokPtr);
VisitReturn visitProLoop(const ProKey &variable, const ushort *exprPtr,
const ushort *tokPtr);
void visitProFunctionDef(ushort tok, const ProKey &name, const ushort *tokPtr);
void visitProVariable(ushort tok, const ProStringList &curr, const ushort *&tokPtr);
ALWAYS_INLINE const ProKey &map(const ProString &var) { return map(var.toKey()); }
const ProKey &map(const ProKey &var);
ProValueMap *findValues(const ProKey &variableName, ProValueMap::Iterator *it);
void setTemplate();
ProStringList split_value_list(const QString &vals, const ProFile *source = 0);
ProStringList expandVariableReferences(const ProString &value, int *pos = 0, bool joined = false);
ProStringList expandVariableReferences(const ushort *&tokPtr, int sizeHint = 0, bool joined = false);
QString currentFileName() const;
QString currentDirectory() const;
ProFile *currentProFile() const;
QString resolvePath(const QString &fileName) const
{ return QMakeInternal::IoUtils::resolvePath(currentDirectory(), fileName); }
VisitReturn evaluateFile(const QString &fileName, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type,
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn evaluateFileChecked(const QString &fileName, QMakeHandler::EvalFileType type,
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn evaluateFeatureFile(const QString &fileName, bool silent = false);
VisitReturn evaluateFileInto(const QString &fileName,
ProValueMap *values, // output-only
LoadFlags flags);
VisitReturn evaluateConfigFeatures();
void message(int type, const QString &msg) const;
void evalError(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeHandler::EvalError, msg); }
void languageWarning(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeHandler::EvalWarnLanguage, msg); }
void deprecationWarning(const QString &msg) const
{ message(QMakeHandler::EvalWarnDeprecated, msg); }
QList<ProStringList> prepareFunctionArgs(const ushort *&tokPtr);
ProStringList evaluateFunction(const ProFunctionDef &func,
const QList<ProStringList> &argumentsList, VisitReturn *ok);
VisitReturn evaluateBoolFunction(const ProFunctionDef &func,
const QList<ProStringList> &argumentsList,
const ProString &function);
ProStringList evaluateExpandFunction(const ProKey &function, const ushort *&tokPtr);
VisitReturn evaluateConditionalFunction(const ProKey &function, const ushort *&tokPtr);
ProStringList evaluateBuiltinExpand(int func_t, const ProKey &function, const ProStringList &args);
VisitReturn evaluateBuiltinConditional(int func_t, const ProKey &function, const ProStringList &args);
bool evaluateConditional(const QString &cond, const QString &where, int line = -1);
void checkRequirements(const ProStringList &deps);
void updateMkspecPaths();
void updateFeaturePaths();
bool isActiveConfig(const QString &config, bool regex = false);
void populateDeps(
const ProStringList &deps, const ProString &prefix, const ProStringList &suffixes,
QHash<ProKey, QSet<ProKey> > &dependencies,
ProValueMap &dependees, ProStringList &rootSet) const;
VisitReturn writeFile(const QString &ctx, const QString &fn, QIODevice::OpenMode mode,
const QString &contents);
void runProcess(QProcess *proc, const QString &command) const;
QByteArray getCommandOutput(const QString &args) const;
static void removeEach(ProStringList *varlist, const ProStringList &value);
QMakeEvaluator *m_caller;
bool m_cumulative;
int m_skipLevel;
enum { m_cumulative = 0 };
enum { m_skipLevel = 0 };
void debugMsgInternal(int level, const char *fmt, ...) const;
void traceMsgInternal(const char *fmt, ...) const;
static QString formatValue(const ProString &val, bool forceQuote = false);
static QString formatValueList(const ProStringList &vals, bool commas = false);
static QString formatValueListList(const QList<ProStringList> &vals);
const int m_debugLevel;
ALWAYS_INLINE void debugMsgInternal(int, const char *, ...) const {}
ALWAYS_INLINE void traceMsgInternal(const char *, ...) const {}
enum { m_debugLevel = 0 };
struct Location {
Location() : pro(0), line(0) {}
Location(ProFile *_pro, ushort _line) : pro(_pro), line(_line) {}
void clear() { pro = 0; line = 0; }
ProFile *pro;
ushort line;
Location m_current; // Currently evaluated location
QStack<Location> m_locationStack; // All execution location changes
QStack<ProFile *> m_profileStack; // Includes only
ProValueMap m_extraVars;
ProStringList m_extraConfigs;
QString m_outputDir;
int m_listCount;
bool m_valuemapInited;
bool m_hostBuild;
QString m_qmakespec;
QString m_qmakespecName;
QString m_superfile;
QString m_conffile;
QString m_cachefile;
QString m_sourceRoot;
QString m_buildRoot;
QStringList m_qmakepath;
QStringList m_qmakefeatures;
QStringList m_mkspecPaths;
QStringList m_featureRoots;
ProString m_dirSep;
ProFunctionDefs m_functionDefs;
ProStringList m_returnValue;
ProValueMapStack m_valuemapStack; // VariableName must be us-ascii, the content however can be non-us-ascii.
QString m_tmp1, m_tmp2, m_tmp3, m_tmp[2]; // Temporaries for efficient toQString
mutable QString m_mtmp;
QMakeGlobals *m_option;
QMakeParser *m_parser;
QMakeHandler *m_handler;