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Raw Normal View History

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#include <private/qhighdpiscaling_p.h>
#include <qpa/qplatformscreen.h>
#include <QtTest/QtTest>
class tst_QHighDpiScaling: public QObject
private slots:
void factor();
void scale();
// Emulate the case of a High DPI secondary screen
class MyPlatformScreen : public QPlatformScreen
QRect geometry() const override { return QRect(3840, 0, 3840, 1920); }
QRect availableGeometry() const override { return geometry(); }
int depth() const override { return 32; }
QImage::Format format() const override { return QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied; }
void tst_QHighDpiScaling::factor()
// Verfy that QHighDpiScaling::factor() does not crash on nullptr contexts.
QPoint fakeNativePosition = QPoint(5, 5);
QPlatformScreen *screenContext = nullptr;
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(screenContext) >= 0);
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(screenContext, &fakeNativePosition) >= 0);
QPlatformScreen *platformScreenContext = nullptr;
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(platformScreenContext) >= 0);
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(platformScreenContext, &fakeNativePosition) >= 0);
QWindow *windowContext = nullptr;
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(windowContext) >= 0);
QVERIFY(QHighDpiScaling::factor(windowContext, &fakeNativePosition) >= 0);
// QTBUG-77255: Test some scaling overloads
void tst_QHighDpiScaling::scale()
QScopedPointer<QPlatformScreen> screen(new MyPlatformScreen);
qreal nativeValue = 10;
const qreal value = QHighDpi::fromNativePixels(nativeValue, screen.data());
QCOMPARE(value, qreal(5));
QCOMPARE(QHighDpi::toNativePixels(value, screen.data()), nativeValue);
// 10, 10 within screen should translate to 5,5 with origin preserved
const QPoint nativePoint = screen->geometry().topLeft() + QPoint(10, 10);
const QPoint point = QHighDpi::fromNativePixels(nativePoint, screen.data());
QCOMPARE(point, QPoint(3845, 5));
QCOMPARE(QHighDpi::toNativePixels(point, screen.data()), nativePoint);
const QPointF nativePointF(nativePoint);
const QPointF pointF = QHighDpi::fromNativePixels(nativePointF, screen.data());
QCOMPARE(pointF, QPointF(3845, 5));
QCOMPARE(QHighDpi::toNativePixels(pointF, screen.data()), nativePointF);
#include "tst_qhighdpiscaling.moc"