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## Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
## Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
## This file is part of the build configuration tools of the Qt Toolkit.
## GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
## This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
## License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
## appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
## General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
## In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
## rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
## version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
## Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
## and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
## file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
## Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
## http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
## Other Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
## conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
# Synchronizes Qt header files - internal development tool.
# use packages -------------------------------------------------------
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use Cwd;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
use English qw(-no_match_vars );
my $normalizePath_fixDrive = ($^O eq "msys" ? 1 : 0);
# Syntax: normalizePath(\$path)
# Params: Reference to a path that's going to be normalized.
# Purpose: Converts the path into a form that can be used as include
# path from C++ sources and qmake's .pro files.
# Only relevant on Windows.
# Returns: -none-
sub normalizePath {
my $s = shift;
$$s =~ s=\\=/=g;
if ($normalizePath_fixDrive && $$s =~ m,^/([a-zA-Z])/(.*),) {
$$s = lc($1) . ":/$2";
# set output basedir to be where ever syncqt is run from
our $out_basedir = getcwd();
our $basedir;
our $quoted_basedir;
# Make sure we use Windows line endings for chomp and friends on Windows.
$INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR = "\r\n" if ($^O eq "msys");
my $qtbasedir = dirname(dirname($0));
normalizePath(\$qtbasedir) if (defined $qtbasedir);
# will be defined based on the modules sync.profile
our (%modules, %moduleheaders, @allmoduleheadersprivate, %classnames, %modulepris, %explicitheaders, %deprecatedheaders);
our @qpa_headers = ();
# global variables (modified by options)
my $isunix = 0;
my $module = 0;
my $showonly = 0;
my $verbose_level = 1;
my $remove_stale = 1;
my $force_win = 0;
my $force_relative = 0;
my $check_includes = 0;
my $copy_headers = 0;
my $create_uic_class_map = 0;
my $create_private_headers = 1;
my @modules_to_sync ;
$force_relative = 1 if ( -d "/System/Library/Frameworks" );
# functions ----------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax: showUsage()
# Params: -none-
# Purpose: Show the usage of the script.
# Returns: -none-
sub showUsage
print "$0 usage:\n";
print " <module directory> Specifies which module to sync header files for (required for shadow builds!)\n\n";
print " -copy Copy headers instead of include-fwd(default: " . ($copy_headers ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -remove-stale Removes stale headers (default: " . ($remove_stale ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -relative Force relative symlinks (default: " . ($force_relative ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -windows Force platform to Windows (default: " . ($force_win ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -showonly Show action but not perform (default: " . ($showonly ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -outdir <PATH> Specify output directory for sync (default: $out_basedir)\n";
print " -qtdir <PATH> Set the path to QtBase (detected: " . (defined $qtbasedir ? $qtbasedir : "-none-") . ")\n";
print " -quiet Only report problems, not activity (same as -verbose 0)\n";
print " -v, -verbose <level> Sets the verbosity level (max. 4) (default: $verbose_level)\n";
print " The short form increases the level by +1\n";
print " -separate-module <NAME>:<PROFILEDIR>:<HEADERDIR>\n";
print " Create headers for <NAME> with original headers in\n";
print " <HEADERDIR> relative to <PROFILEDIR> \n";
print " -private Force copy private headers (default: " . ($create_private_headers ? "yes" : "no") . ")\n";
print " -help This help\n";
exit 0;
# Syntax: checkUnix()
# Params: -none-
# Purpose: Check if script runs on a Unix system or not. Cygwin
# systems are _not_ detected as Unix systems.
# Returns: 1 if a unix system, else 0.
sub checkUnix {
my ($r) = 0;
if ( $force_win != 0) {
return 0;
} elsif ( -f "/bin/uname" ) {
$r = 1;
(-f "\\bin\\uname") && ($r = 0);
} elsif ( -f "/usr/bin/uname" ) {
$r = 1;
(-f "\\usr\\bin\\uname") && ($r = 0);
if($r) {
$_ = $Config{'osname'};
$r = 0 if( /(ms)|(cyg)win/i );
return $r;
sub checkRelative {
my ($dir) = @_;
return 0 if($dir =~ /^\//);
return 0 if(!checkUnix() && $dir =~ /[a-zA-Z]:[\/\\]/);
return 1;
# Syntax: classNames(iheader)
# Params: iheader, string, filename to parse for classname "symlinks"
# Purpose: Scans through iheader to find all classnames that should be
# synced into library's include structure.
# Returns: List of all class names in a file.
sub classNames {
my @ret;
my ($iheader) = @_;
my $classname = $classnames{basename($iheader)};
push @ret, $classname if ($classname);
my $parsable = "";
if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
while(<F>) {
my $line = $_;
chomp $line;
chop $line if ($line =~ /\r$/);
if($line =~ /^\#/) {
if($line =~ /\\$/) {
while($line = <F>) {
chomp $line;
last unless($line =~ /\\$/);
return @ret if($line =~ m/^#pragma qt_sync_stop_processing/);
push(@ret, $1) if($line =~ m/^#pragma qt_class\(([^)]*)\)[\r\n]*$/);
$line = 0;
if($line) {
$line =~ s,//.*$,,; #remove c++ comments
$line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^Q_[A-Z_]*\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
$line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_HEADER[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
$line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_(BEGIN|END)_NAMESPACE(_[A-Z]+)*[\r\n]*$/); #qt macro
$line .= ";" if($line =~ m/^QT_MODULE\(.*\)[\r\n]*$/); # QT_MODULE macro
$parsable .= " " . $line;
my $last_definition = 0;
my @namespaces;
for(my $i = 0; $i < length($parsable); $i++) {
my $definition = 0;
my $character = substr($parsable, $i, 1);
if($character eq "/" && substr($parsable, $i+1, 1) eq "*") { #I parse like this for greedy reasons
for($i+=2; $i < length($parsable); $i++) {
my $end = substr($parsable, $i, 2);
if($end eq "*/") {
$last_definition = $i+2;
} elsif($character eq "{") {
my $brace_depth = 1;
my $block_start = $i + 1;
BLOCK: for($i+=1; $i < length($parsable); $i++) {
my $ignore = substr($parsable, $i, 1);
if($ignore eq "{") {
} elsif($ignore eq "}") {
unless($brace_depth) {
for(my $i2 = $i+1; $i2 < length($parsable); $i2++) {
my $end = substr($parsable, $i2, 1);
if($end eq ";" || $end ne " ") {
$definition = substr($parsable, $last_definition, $block_start - $last_definition) . "}";
$i = $i2 if($end eq ";");
$last_definition = $i + 1;
last BLOCK;
} elsif($character eq ";") {
$definition = substr($parsable, $last_definition, $i - $last_definition + 1);
$last_definition = $i + 1;
} elsif($character eq "}") {
# a naked } must be a namespace ending
# if it's not a namespace, it's eaten by the loop above
pop @namespaces;
$last_definition = $i + 1;
if (substr($parsable, $last_definition, $i - $last_definition + 1) =~ m/ namespace ([^ ]*) /
&& substr($parsable, $i+1, 1) eq "{") {
push @namespaces, $1;
# Eat the opening { so that the condensing loop above doesn't see it
$last_definition = $i + 1;
if($definition) {
$definition =~ s=[\n\r]==g;
my @symbols;
if($definition =~ m/^ *typedef *.*\(\*([^\)]*)\)\(.*\);$/) {
push @symbols, $1;
} elsif($definition =~ m/^ *typedef +(.*) +([^ ]*);$/) {
push @symbols, $2;
} elsif($definition =~ m/^ *(template *<.*> *)?(class|struct) +([^ ]* +)?([^<\s]+) ?(<[^>]*> ?)?\s*((,|:)\s*(public|protected|private) *.*)? *\{\}$/) {
push @symbols, $4;
} elsif($definition =~ m/^ *Q_DECLARE_.*ITERATOR\((.*)\);$/) {
push @symbols, "Q" . $1 . "Iterator";
push @symbols, "QMutable" . $1 . "Iterator";
our $publicclassregexp;
foreach my $symbol (@symbols) {
$symbol = (join("::", @namespaces) . "::" . $symbol) if (scalar @namespaces);
if ($symbol =~ /^Q[^:]*$/ # no-namespace, starting with Q
|| $symbol =~ /^Phonon::/) { # or in the Phonon namespace
push @ret, $symbol;
} elsif (defined($publicclassregexp)) {
push @ret, $symbol if ($symbol =~ $publicclassregexp);
return @ret;
sub make_path {
my ($dir, $lib, $be_verbose) = @_;
unless(-e $dir) {
mkpath $dir;
$dir = "<outbase>" . substr($dir, length($out_basedir)) if ($be_verbose < 3);
print "$lib: mkpath $dir\n" if ($be_verbose > 1);
# Syntax: syncHeader(header, iheader, copy, timestamp)
# Params: header, string, filename to create "symlink" for
# iheader, string, destination name of symlink
# copy, forces header to be a copy of iheader
# timestamp, the requested modification time if copying
# Purpose: Syncronizes header to iheader
# Returns: 1 if successful, else 0.
sub syncHeader {
my ($lib, $header, $iheader, $copy, $ts) = @_;
return copyFile($lib, $iheader, $header) if($copy);
unless(-e $header) {
my $header_dir = dirname($header);
make_path($header_dir, $lib, $verbose_level);
#write it
my $iheader_out = fixPaths($iheader, $header_dir);
open(HEADER, ">$header") || die "Could not open $header for writing: $!\n";
print HEADER "#include \"$iheader_out\"\n";
close HEADER;
if(defined($ts)) {
utime(time, $ts, $header) or die "$iheader, $header";
return 1;
return 0;
# Syntax: fixPaths(file, dir)
# Params: file, string, filepath to be made relative to dir
# dir, string, dirpath for point of origin
# Purpose: file is made relative (if possible) of dir.
# Returns: String with the above applied conversion.
sub cleanupPath {
my ($file) = @_;
while ($file =~ s,/[^/]+/\.\./,/,) {}
return $file;
sub fixPaths {
my ($file, $dir) = @_;
my $out = File::Spec->abs2rel(cleanupPath($file), cleanupPath($dir));
$out =~ s,\\,/,g;
return $out;
# Syntax: fileContents(filename)
# Params: filename, string, filename of file to return contents
# Purpose: Get the contents of a file.
# Returns: String with contents of the file, or empty string if file
# doens't exist.
# Warning: Dies if it does exist but script cannot get read access.
sub fileContents {
my ($filename) = @_;
my $filecontents = "";
if (-e $filename) {
open(I, "< $filename") || die "Could not open $filename for reading, read block?";
local $/;
binmode I;
$filecontents = <I>;
close I;
return $filecontents;
# Syntax: fileCompare(file1, file2)
# Params: file1, string, filename of first file
# file2, string, filename of second file
# Purpose: Determines if files are equal, and which one is newer.
# Returns: 0 if files are equal no matter the timestamp, -1 if file1
# is newer, 1 if file2 is newer.
sub fileCompare {
my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
my $file1contents = fileContents($file1);
my $file2contents = fileContents($file2);
if (! -e $file1) { return 1; }
if (! -e $file2) { return -1; }
return $file1contents ne $file2contents ? (stat($file2))[9] <=> (stat($file1))[9] : 0;
# Syntax: copyFile(file, ifile)
# Params: file, string, filename to create duplicate for
# ifile, string, destination name of duplicate
# Purpose: Keeps files in sync so changes in the newer file will be
# written to the other.
# Returns: 1 if files were synced, else 0.
# Warning: Dies if script cannot get write access.
sub copyFile
my ($lib, $file,$ifile, $copy,$knowdiff,$filecontents,$ifilecontents) = @_;
# Bi-directional synchronization
open( I, "< " . $file ) || die "Could not open $file for reading";
local $/;
binmode I;
$filecontents = <I>;
close I;
if ( open(I, "< " . $ifile) ) {
local $/;
binmode I;
$ifilecontents = <I>;
close I;
$copy = fileCompare($file, $ifile);
$knowdiff = 0,
} else {
$copy = -1;
$knowdiff = 1;
if ( $knowdiff || ($filecontents ne $ifilecontents) ) {
if ( $copy > 0 ) {
my $file_dir = dirname($file);
make_path($file_dir, $lib, $verbose_level);
open(O, "> " . $file) || die "Could not open $file for writing (no write permission?)";
local $/;
binmode O;
print O $ifilecontents;
close O;
utime time, (stat($ifile))[9], $file;
return 1;
} elsif ( $copy < 0 ) {
my $ifile_dir = dirname($ifile);
make_path($ifile_dir, $lib, $verbose_level);
open(O, "> " . $ifile) || die "Could not open $ifile for writing (no write permission?)";
local $/;
binmode O;
print O $filecontents;
close O;
utime time, (stat($file))[9], $ifile;
return 1;
return 0;
# Syntax: symlinkFile(file, ifile)
# Params: file, string, filename to create "symlink" for
# ifile, string, destination name of symlink
# Purpose: File is symlinked to ifile (or copied if filesystem doesn't
# support symlink).
# Returns: 1 on success, else 0.
sub symlinkFile
my ($lib, $file, $ifile) = @_;
if ($isunix) {
print "$lib: symlink created for $file " if ($verbose_level);
if ( $force_relative && ($ifile =~ /^$quoted_basedir/)) {
my $t = getcwd();
my $c = -1;
my $p = "../";
$t =~ s-^$quoted_basedir/--;
$p .= "../" while( ($c = index( $t, "/", $c + 1)) != -1 );
$file =~ s-^$quoted_basedir/-$p-;
print " ($file)\n" if($verbose_level);
print "\n" if($verbose_level);
return symlink($file, $ifile);
return copyFile($lib, $file, $ifile);
# Syntax: findFiles(dir, match, descend)
# Params: dir, string, directory to search for name
# match, string, regular expression to match in dir
# descend, integer, 0 = non-recursive search
# 1 = recurse search into subdirectories
# Purpose: Finds files matching a regular expression.
# Returns: List of matching files.
# Examples:
# findFiles("/usr","\.cpp$",1) - finds .cpp files in /usr and below
# findFiles("/tmp","^#",0) - finds #* files in /tmp
sub findFiles {
my ($dir,$match,$descend) = @_;
my ($file,$p,@files);
($dir eq "") && ($dir = ".");
if ( opendir(D,$dir) ) {
if ( $dir eq "." ) {
$dir = "";
} else {
($dir =~ /\/$/) || ($dir .= "/");
foreach $file ( sort readdir(D) ) {
next if ( $file =~ /^\.\.?$/ );
$p = $file;
($file =~ /$match/) && (push @files, $p);
if ( $descend && -d $p && ! -l $p ) {
push @files, &findFiles($p,$match,$descend);
return @files;
# Syntax: loadSyncProfile()
# Purpose: Locates the sync.profile.
# Returns: Hashmap of module name -> directory.
sub loadSyncProfile {
my ($srcbase, $outbase) = @_;
if ($verbose_level) {
print("<srcbase> = $$srcbase \n");
print("<outbase> = $$outbase \n");
my $syncprofile = "$$srcbase/sync.profile";
my $result;
unless ($result = do "$syncprofile") {
die "syncqt couldn't parse $syncprofile: $@" if $@;
die "syncqt couldn't execute $syncprofile: $!" unless defined $result;
return $result;
sub basePrettify {
my ($arg) = @_;
$$arg =~ s,^\Q$basedir\E,<srcbase>,;
$$arg =~ s,^\Q$out_basedir\E,<outbase>,;
sub cleanPath {
my ($arg) = @_;
while ($arg =~ s,[^/]+/\.\.(/|$),,) {}
return $arg;
sub locateSyncProfile
my ($directory) = @_;
$directory = abs_path($directory);
while (1) {
my $file = $directory."/sync.profile";
return $file if (-e $file);
my $odir = $directory;
$directory = dirname($directory);
return undef if ($directory eq $odir);
sub isQpaHeader
my ($header) = @_;
foreach my $qpa_header (@qpa_headers) {
return 1 if ($header =~ $qpa_header);
return 0;
# check if this is an in-source build, and if so use that as the basedir too
$basedir = locateSyncProfile($out_basedir);
if ($basedir) {
$basedir = dirname($basedir) ;
$quoted_basedir = "\Q$basedir";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# "main" function
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
while ( @ARGV ) {
my $var = 0;
my $val = 0;
my $arg = shift @ARGV;
if ($arg eq "-h" || $arg eq "-help" || $arg eq "-?" || $arg eq "?") {
$var = "show_help";
$val = "yes";
} elsif($arg eq "-copy") {
$var = "copy";
$val = "yes";
} elsif($arg eq "-o" || $arg eq "-outdir") {
$var = "output";
$val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif($arg eq "-showonly" || $arg eq "-remove-stale" || $arg eq "-windows" ||
$arg eq "-relative" || $arg eq "-check-includes") {
$var = substr($arg, 1);
$val = "yes";
} elsif($arg =~ /^-no-(.*)$/) {
$var = $1;
$val = "no";
#these are for commandline compat
} elsif($arg eq "-inc") {
$var = "output";
$val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif($arg eq "-module") {
$var = "module";
$val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif($arg eq "-separate-module") {
$var = "separate-module";
$val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif($arg eq "-show") {
$var = "showonly";
$val = "yes";
} elsif($arg eq "-quiet") {
$var = "verbose";
$val = "0";
} elsif($arg eq "-v") {
$var = "verbose";
$val = "yes";
} elsif($arg eq "-verbose") {
$var = "verbose";
$val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif($arg eq "-private") {
$var = "create_private_headers";
$val = "yes";
} elsif($arg eq "-qtdir") {
$var = "qtdir";
$val = shift @ARGV;
} elsif($arg =~/^-/) {
print "Unknown option: $arg\n\n" if(!$var);
} else {
$basedir = locateSyncProfile($arg);
die "Could not find a sync.profile for '$arg'\n" if (!$basedir);
$basedir = dirname($basedir);
$quoted_basedir = "\Q$basedir";
$var = "ignore";
#do something
if(!$var || $var eq "show_help") {
print "Unknown option: $arg\n\n" if(!$var);
} elsif ($var eq "copy") {
if($val eq "yes") {
} elsif($showonly) {
} elsif ($var eq "showonly") {
if($val eq "yes") {
} elsif($showonly) {
} elsif ($var eq "verbose") {
if($val eq "yes") {
} elsif($val eq "no" && $verbose_level) {
} else {
$verbose_level = int($val);
} elsif ($var eq "check-includes") {
if($val eq "yes") {
} elsif($check_includes) {
} elsif ($var eq "remove-stale") {
if($val eq "yes") {
} elsif($remove_stale) {
} elsif ($var eq "windows") {
if($val eq "yes") {
} elsif($force_win) {
} elsif ($var eq "relative") {
if($val eq "yes") {
} elsif($force_relative) {
} elsif ($var eq "module") {
print "module :$val:\n" if($verbose_level);
die "No such module: $val" unless(defined $modules{$val});
push @modules_to_sync, $val;
} elsif ($var eq "separate-module") {
my ($module, $prodir, $headerdir) = split(/:/, $val);
$modules{$module} = $prodir;
push @modules_to_sync, $module;
$moduleheaders{$module} = $headerdir;
$create_uic_class_map = 0;
} elsif ($var eq "qtdir") {
if($val) {
$qtbasedir = $val;
} else {
die "The -qtdir option requires an argument";
} elsif ($var eq "output") {
my $outdir = $val;
if(checkRelative($outdir)) {
$out_basedir = getcwd();
chomp $out_basedir;
$out_basedir .= "/" . $outdir;
} else {
$out_basedir = $outdir;
die "Cannot automatically detect/use provided path to QtBase's build directory!\n" .
"QTDIR detected/provided: " . (defined $qtbasedir ? $qtbasedir : "-none-") . "\n" .
"Please use the -qtdir option to provide the correct path.\nsyncqt failed"
if (!$qtbasedir || !-d "$qtbasedir/mkspecs");
# if we have no $basedir we cannot be sure which sources you want, so die
die "Could not find any sync.profile for your module!\nPass <module directory> to syncqt to sync your header files.\nsyncqt failed" if (!$basedir);
my $class_lib_map_contents = "";
our @ignore_headers = ();
our @ignore_for_master_contents = ();
our @ignore_for_include_check = ();
our @ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check = ();
our @ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check = ();
our @ignore_for_qt_module_check = ();
our %inject_headers = ();
# load the module's sync.profile here, before we can
loadSyncProfile(\$basedir, \$out_basedir);
@modules_to_sync = keys(%modules) if($#modules_to_sync == -1);
my %allmoduleheadersprivate = map { $_ => 1 } @allmoduleheadersprivate;
$isunix = checkUnix; #cache checkUnix
my $qt_version = fileContents($qtbasedir."/mkspecs/qconfig.pri");
if (length($qt_version)) {
$qt_version =~ s,.*^QT_VERSION\h*=\h*(\S+).*,$1,sm;
} else {
$qt_version = fileContents($basedir."/src/corelib/global/qglobal.h");
$qt_version =~ s,.*^#\h*define\h+QT_VERSION_STR\h+"([^"]+)".*,$1,sm;
foreach my $lib (@modules_to_sync) {
#iteration info
my $dir = $modules{$lib};
my $project = $dir;
$project =~ s,/([^/]+)$,/$1/$1.pro,;
my $module_version = fileContents($project);
$module_version = $qt_version unless ($module_version =~ s,.*^VERSION\h*=\h*(\S+).*,$1,sm);
# Backwards compatibility for modules with checked in .pri files.
if (defined $modulepris{$lib} and -e "$modulepris{$lib}") {
my $content = fileContents($modulepris{$lib});
my @version_rows = grep(/QT\..*\.VERSION/, split('\n', $content));
if(@version_rows) {
# We only pick the first one, since each module need a separate .pri file
$module_version = $version_rows[0];
chomp $module_version;
$module_version =~ s/^\s*QT\..*\.VERSION\s*=\s*([^#]+).*$/$1/;
$module_version =~ s/\s+$//;
my $pathtoheaders = "";
$pathtoheaders = $moduleheaders{$lib} if ($moduleheaders{$lib});
my $allheadersprivate = 0;
$allheadersprivate = 1 if $allmoduleheadersprivate{$lib};
#information used after the syncing
my $pri_install_classes = "";
my $pri_install_files = "";
my $pri_install_pfiles = "";
my $pri_install_qpafiles = "";
#remove the old files
if($remove_stale) {
my %injections = ();
for my $p (keys %inject_headers) {
next unless ($p =~ /^\Q$dir\E(\/|$)/);
my $sp = $p;
$sp =~ s,^\Q$basedir\E/,$out_basedir/,;
for my $n (@{$inject_headers{$p}}) {
$injections{$sp."/".$n} = 1;
my @subdirs = ("$out_basedir/include/$lib");
foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
if (opendir DIR, $subdir) {
foreach my $t (sort readdir(DIR)) {
my $file = "$subdir/$t";
if(-d $file) {
push @subdirs, $file unless($t eq "." || $t eq "..");
} else {
my @files = ($file);
#push @files, "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t" if(-e "$out_basedir/include/Qt/$t");
foreach my $file (@files) {
my $remove_file = 0;
if(open(F, "<$file")) {
while(my $line = <F>) {
chomp $line;
if($line =~ /^\#include \"([^\"]*)\"$/) {
my $include = $1;
$include = $subdir . "/" . $include unless(substr($include, 0, 1) eq "/");
$remove_file = 1 unless(-e $include or defined $injections{cleanPath($include)});
} else {
$remove_file = 0;
unlink $file if($remove_file);
closedir DIR;
#create the new ones
foreach my $current_dir (split(/;/, $dir)) {
my @headers_paths = split(/;/, $pathtoheaders);
if (@headers_paths) {
@headers_paths = map { "$current_dir/$_" } @headers_paths;
} else {
push @headers_paths, $current_dir;
foreach my $headers_dir (@headers_paths) {
#calc subdirs
my @subdirs = ($headers_dir);
foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
if ($subdir =~ /\/doc$/) {
opendir DIR, $subdir or next;
foreach my $t (sort readdir(DIR)) {
push @subdirs, "$subdir/$t" if(-d "$subdir/$t" && !($t eq ".") &&
!($t eq "..") && !($t eq ".obj") &&
!($t eq ".moc") && !($t eq ".rcc") &&
!($t eq ".uic") && !($t eq "build"));
closedir DIR;
#calc files and "copy" them
foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
my @headers = findFiles($subdir, "^[-a-z0-9_]*\\.h\$" , 0);
if (defined $inject_headers{$subdir}) {
foreach my $if (@{$inject_headers{$subdir}}) {
@headers = grep(!/^\Q$if\E$/, @headers); #in case we configure'd previously
push @headers, "*".$if;
my $header_dirname = "";
foreach my $header (@headers) {
my $shadow = ($header =~ s/^\*//);
$header = 0 if($header =~ /^ui_.*.h/);
foreach (@ignore_headers) {
$header = 0 if($header eq $_);
if($header) {
my $header_copies = 0;
#figure out if it is a public header
my $public_header = $header;
Expose QPA API under qpa/* The main reasons for doing this are: 1. _qpa.h end up in the master QtGui include file. QtGui is meant for userland applications. qpa code is neither binary nor source compatible. Inadvertant use of QPA api makes the user code binary-incompatible. 2. syncqt creates forwarding headers for non-private header files. This gives people the impression that this is public API. As discussed on the mailing list, even though QPA api is internal and subject to change, it needs to treated differently from private headers since they will be used by in-qtbase and out-of-qtbase plugins. This commit does the following: 1. The _qpa in QPA header files is dropped. 2. syncqt now treats any file with qplatform prefix as a special file and moves it to qpa/ directory. The recommended way of using QPA API in plugins is: #include <qpa/qplatformfoo.h>. This allows the user include QPA API from multiple modules (for example, qplatformfoo might be in QtPrintSupport) 3. The user needs to explicitly add QT += <module>-private to get access to the qpa api. 4. Creates compat headers for the olden style qplatformfoo_qpa.h and QPlatformFoo includes. This commit does not change the cpp filenames. This requires a more careful merging of existing non qpa cpp files and existing cpp files on a case by case basis. This can be done at anytime. The following files are not renamed as part of this changed but will be fixed as part of a future change: src/gui/kernel/qgenericpluginfactory_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qgenericplugin_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_qpa.h files were renamed using for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa.h/.h}"; done for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa_p.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa_p.h/_p.h}"; done includes were renamed using script for file in `find . -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.mm"`; do sed -i -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)>,#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)",#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.* "\(qplatform.*\)_qpa.h",#include <qpa/\L\1.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(qplatform.*\)_qpa_p.h",#include <qpa/\L\1_p.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)>,#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)",#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ $file done Change-Id: I04a350314a45746e3911f54b3b21ad03315afb67 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Samuel Rødal <samuel.rodal@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Sean Harmer <sean.harmer@kdab.com> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Gunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@nokia.com>
2012-04-26 23:33:35 +00:00
my $qpa_header = 0;
if(isQpaHeader($public_header)) {
Expose QPA API under qpa/* The main reasons for doing this are: 1. _qpa.h end up in the master QtGui include file. QtGui is meant for userland applications. qpa code is neither binary nor source compatible. Inadvertant use of QPA api makes the user code binary-incompatible. 2. syncqt creates forwarding headers for non-private header files. This gives people the impression that this is public API. As discussed on the mailing list, even though QPA api is internal and subject to change, it needs to treated differently from private headers since they will be used by in-qtbase and out-of-qtbase plugins. This commit does the following: 1. The _qpa in QPA header files is dropped. 2. syncqt now treats any file with qplatform prefix as a special file and moves it to qpa/ directory. The recommended way of using QPA API in plugins is: #include <qpa/qplatformfoo.h>. This allows the user include QPA API from multiple modules (for example, qplatformfoo might be in QtPrintSupport) 3. The user needs to explicitly add QT += <module>-private to get access to the qpa api. 4. Creates compat headers for the olden style qplatformfoo_qpa.h and QPlatformFoo includes. This commit does not change the cpp filenames. This requires a more careful merging of existing non qpa cpp files and existing cpp files on a case by case basis. This can be done at anytime. The following files are not renamed as part of this changed but will be fixed as part of a future change: src/gui/kernel/qgenericpluginfactory_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qgenericplugin_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_qpa.h files were renamed using for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa.h/.h}"; done for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa_p.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa_p.h/_p.h}"; done includes were renamed using script for file in `find . -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.mm"`; do sed -i -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)>,#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)",#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.* "\(qplatform.*\)_qpa.h",#include <qpa/\L\1.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(qplatform.*\)_qpa_p.h",#include <qpa/\L\1_p.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)>,#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)",#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ $file done Change-Id: I04a350314a45746e3911f54b3b21ad03315afb67 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Samuel Rødal <samuel.rodal@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Sean Harmer <sean.harmer@kdab.com> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Gunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@nokia.com>
2012-04-26 23:33:35 +00:00
$public_header = 0;
$qpa_header = 1;
} elsif($allheadersprivate || $public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
$public_header = 0;
} else {
foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
$public_header = 0 if($header eq $_);
my $iheader = $subdir . "/" . $header;
$iheader =~ s/^\Q$basedir\E/$out_basedir/ if ($shadow);
my @classes = $public_header ? classNames($iheader) : ();
if($showonly) {
print "$header [$lib]\n";
foreach(@classes) {
print "SYMBOL: $_\n";
} else {
my $ts = (stat($iheader))[9];
#find out all the places it goes..
my @headers;
if ($public_header) {
@headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header" );
foreach my $full_class (@classes) {
my $header_base = basename($header);
# Strip namespaces:
my $class = $full_class;
$class =~ s/^.*:://;
# if ($class =~ m/::/) {
# class =~ s,::,/,g;
# }
if (defined $explicitheaders{$lib}{$class}) {
$header_copies++ if(syncHeader($lib, "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$explicitheaders{$lib}{$class}", 0, $ts));
} else {
$class_lib_map_contents .= "QT_CLASS_LIB($full_class, $lib, $header_base)\n";
$header_copies++ if(syncHeader($lib, "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0, $ts));
# KDE-Compat headers for Phonon
if ($lib eq "phonon") {
$header_copies++ if (syncHeader($lib, "$out_basedir/include/phonon_compat/Phonon/$class", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0, $ts));
if ($explicitheaders{$lib}{basename($header)}) {
$header_copies++ if(syncHeader($lib, "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$explicitheaders{$lib}{basename($header)}", "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$header", 0, $ts));
Expose QPA API under qpa/* The main reasons for doing this are: 1. _qpa.h end up in the master QtGui include file. QtGui is meant for userland applications. qpa code is neither binary nor source compatible. Inadvertant use of QPA api makes the user code binary-incompatible. 2. syncqt creates forwarding headers for non-private header files. This gives people the impression that this is public API. As discussed on the mailing list, even though QPA api is internal and subject to change, it needs to treated differently from private headers since they will be used by in-qtbase and out-of-qtbase plugins. This commit does the following: 1. The _qpa in QPA header files is dropped. 2. syncqt now treats any file with qplatform prefix as a special file and moves it to qpa/ directory. The recommended way of using QPA API in plugins is: #include <qpa/qplatformfoo.h>. This allows the user include QPA API from multiple modules (for example, qplatformfoo might be in QtPrintSupport) 3. The user needs to explicitly add QT += <module>-private to get access to the qpa api. 4. Creates compat headers for the olden style qplatformfoo_qpa.h and QPlatformFoo includes. This commit does not change the cpp filenames. This requires a more careful merging of existing non qpa cpp files and existing cpp files on a case by case basis. This can be done at anytime. The following files are not renamed as part of this changed but will be fixed as part of a future change: src/gui/kernel/qgenericpluginfactory_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qgenericplugin_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_qpa.h files were renamed using for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa.h/.h}"; done for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa_p.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa_p.h/_p.h}"; done includes were renamed using script for file in `find . -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.mm"`; do sed -i -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)>,#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)",#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.* "\(qplatform.*\)_qpa.h",#include <qpa/\L\1.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(qplatform.*\)_qpa_p.h",#include <qpa/\L\1_p.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)>,#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)",#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ $file done Change-Id: I04a350314a45746e3911f54b3b21ad03315afb67 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Samuel Rødal <samuel.rodal@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Sean Harmer <sean.harmer@kdab.com> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Gunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@nokia.com>
2012-04-26 23:33:35 +00:00
} elsif ($create_private_headers && !$qpa_header) {
@headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$module_version/$lib/private/$header" );
Expose QPA API under qpa/* The main reasons for doing this are: 1. _qpa.h end up in the master QtGui include file. QtGui is meant for userland applications. qpa code is neither binary nor source compatible. Inadvertant use of QPA api makes the user code binary-incompatible. 2. syncqt creates forwarding headers for non-private header files. This gives people the impression that this is public API. As discussed on the mailing list, even though QPA api is internal and subject to change, it needs to treated differently from private headers since they will be used by in-qtbase and out-of-qtbase plugins. This commit does the following: 1. The _qpa in QPA header files is dropped. 2. syncqt now treats any file with qplatform prefix as a special file and moves it to qpa/ directory. The recommended way of using QPA API in plugins is: #include <qpa/qplatformfoo.h>. This allows the user include QPA API from multiple modules (for example, qplatformfoo might be in QtPrintSupport) 3. The user needs to explicitly add QT += <module>-private to get access to the qpa api. 4. Creates compat headers for the olden style qplatformfoo_qpa.h and QPlatformFoo includes. This commit does not change the cpp filenames. This requires a more careful merging of existing non qpa cpp files and existing cpp files on a case by case basis. This can be done at anytime. The following files are not renamed as part of this changed but will be fixed as part of a future change: src/gui/kernel/qgenericpluginfactory_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qgenericplugin_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_qpa.h files were renamed using for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa.h/.h}"; done for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa_p.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa_p.h/_p.h}"; done includes were renamed using script for file in `find . -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.mm"`; do sed -i -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)>,#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)",#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.* "\(qplatform.*\)_qpa.h",#include <qpa/\L\1.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(qplatform.*\)_qpa_p.h",#include <qpa/\L\1_p.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)>,#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)",#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ $file done Change-Id: I04a350314a45746e3911f54b3b21ad03315afb67 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Samuel Rødal <samuel.rodal@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Sean Harmer <sean.harmer@kdab.com> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Gunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@nokia.com>
2012-04-26 23:33:35 +00:00
} elsif ($create_private_headers) {
@headers = ( "$out_basedir/include/$lib/$module_version/$lib/qpa/$header" );
Expose QPA API under qpa/* The main reasons for doing this are: 1. _qpa.h end up in the master QtGui include file. QtGui is meant for userland applications. qpa code is neither binary nor source compatible. Inadvertant use of QPA api makes the user code binary-incompatible. 2. syncqt creates forwarding headers for non-private header files. This gives people the impression that this is public API. As discussed on the mailing list, even though QPA api is internal and subject to change, it needs to treated differently from private headers since they will be used by in-qtbase and out-of-qtbase plugins. This commit does the following: 1. The _qpa in QPA header files is dropped. 2. syncqt now treats any file with qplatform prefix as a special file and moves it to qpa/ directory. The recommended way of using QPA API in plugins is: #include <qpa/qplatformfoo.h>. This allows the user include QPA API from multiple modules (for example, qplatformfoo might be in QtPrintSupport) 3. The user needs to explicitly add QT += <module>-private to get access to the qpa api. 4. Creates compat headers for the olden style qplatformfoo_qpa.h and QPlatformFoo includes. This commit does not change the cpp filenames. This requires a more careful merging of existing non qpa cpp files and existing cpp files on a case by case basis. This can be done at anytime. The following files are not renamed as part of this changed but will be fixed as part of a future change: src/gui/kernel/qgenericpluginfactory_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qgenericplugin_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_qpa.h files were renamed using for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa.h/.h}"; done for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa_p.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa_p.h/_p.h}"; done includes were renamed using script for file in `find . -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.mm"`; do sed -i -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)>,#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)",#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.* "\(qplatform.*\)_qpa.h",#include <qpa/\L\1.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(qplatform.*\)_qpa_p.h",#include <qpa/\L\1_p.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)>,#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)",#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ $file done Change-Id: I04a350314a45746e3911f54b3b21ad03315afb67 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Samuel Rødal <samuel.rodal@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Sean Harmer <sean.harmer@kdab.com> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Gunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@nokia.com>
2012-04-26 23:33:35 +00:00
foreach(@headers) { #sync them
$header_copies++ if(syncHeader($lib, $_, $iheader, $copy_headers && !$shadow, $ts));
if($public_header) {
#deal with the install directives
if($public_header) {
my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
foreach my $class (@classes) {
# Strip namespaces:
$class =~ s/^.*:://;
# if ($class =~ m/::/) {
# $class =~ s,::,/,g;
# }
my $class_header = fixPaths("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$class",
$current_dir) . " ";
$pri_install_classes .= $class_header
unless($pri_install_classes =~ $class_header);
if ($explicitheaders{$lib}{basename($iheader)}) {
my $compat_header = fixPaths("$out_basedir/include/$lib/$explicitheaders{$lib}{basename($iheader)}", $current_dir) . " ";
$pri_install_files .= $compat_header unless($pri_install_files =~ $compat_header);
$pri_install_files.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
elsif ($qpa_header) {
my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
$pri_install_qpafiles.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
else {
my $pri_install_iheader = fixPaths($iheader, $current_dir);
$pri_install_pfiles.= "$pri_install_iheader ";;
if ($verbose_level && $header_copies) {
my $new_header_dirname = dirname($iheader);
basePrettify(\$new_header_dirname) if ($new_header_dirname && $verbose_level < 2);
my $header_base = basename($iheader);
if ($verbose_level < 3) {
my $line_prefix = ",";
if ($new_header_dirname ne $header_dirname) {
$line_prefix = "$lib: created fwd-include header(s) for $new_header_dirname/ {";
$line_prefix = " }\n".$line_prefix if ($header_dirname);
$header_dirname = $new_header_dirname;
} else {
$line_prefix = ",";
print "$line_prefix $header_base ($header_copies)";
} else { # $verbose_level >= 3
basePrettify(\$iheader) if ($verbose_level == 3);
print "$lib: created $header_copies fwd-include headers for $iheader\n";
print " }\n" if ($header_dirname && $verbose_level > 0 && $verbose_level < 3);
unless($showonly) {
# create deprecated headers
my $first = 1;
while (my ($header, $include) = each %{$deprecatedheaders{$lib}}) {
my $public_header = 0;
$public_header = 1 unless ($allheadersprivate || ($header =~ /_p\.h$/));
next unless ($public_header || $create_private_headers);
my $header_path = "$out_basedir/include/$lib/";
unless ($public_header) {
$header_path .= "$module_version/$lib/private/";
$header_path .= "$header";
unless (-e $header_path) {
my $guard = "DEPRECATED_HEADER_" . $lib . "_" . $header;
$guard =~ s/([^a-zA-Z0-9_])/_/g;
my $header_dir = dirname($header_path);
make_path($header_dir, $lib, $verbose_level);
open(HEADER, ">$header_path") || die "Could not open $header_path for writing: $!\n";
print HEADER "#ifndef $guard\n";
print HEADER "#define $guard\n";
my $warning = "Header <$lib/";
$warning .= "private/" unless ($public_header);
$warning .= "$header> is deprecated. Please include <$include> instead.";
print HEADER "#if defined(__GNUC__)\n";
print HEADER "# warning $warning\n";
print HEADER "#elif defined(_MSC_VER)\n";
print HEADER "# pragma message (\"$warning\")\n";
print HEADER "#endif\n";
print HEADER "#include <$include>\n";
if ($public_header) {
print HEADER "#if 0\n";
print HEADER "#pragma qt_no_master_include\n";
print HEADER "#endif\n";
print HEADER "#endif\n";
close HEADER;
if ($verbose_level < 3) {
my $line_prefix = ",";
$line_prefix = "$lib: created deprecated header(s) {" if ($first);
print "$line_prefix $header";
} else {
print "$lib: created deprecated header $header => $include\n";
$first = 0;
my $addendum = fixPaths($header_path, $dir) . " ";
if ($public_header) {
$pri_install_files .= $addendum;
} else {
$pri_install_pfiles .= $addendum;
if ($verbose_level < 3) {
print " }\n" unless ($first);
# module version header
my $vheader = "$out_basedir/include/$lib/".lc($lib)."version.h";
my $VHeader = "$out_basedir/include/$lib/${lib}Version";
syncHeader($lib, $VHeader, $vheader, 0);
$pri_install_files .= fixPaths($vheader, $dir) . " ";
$pri_install_classes .= fixPaths($VHeader, $dir) . " ";
# KDE-Compat master header for Phonon
if ($lib eq "phonon") {
syncHeader($lib, "$out_basedir/include/phonon_compat/Phonon/Phonon", "$out_basedir/include/phonon/phonon", 0);
#handle the headers.pri for each module
my $headers_pri_contents = "";
$headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_files\n";
$headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.HEADER_CLASSES = $pri_install_classes\n";
$headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.PRIVATE_HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_pfiles\n";
$headers_pri_contents .= "SYNCQT.QPA_HEADER_FILES = $pri_install_qpafiles\n";
my $headers_pri_file = "$out_basedir/include/$lib/headers.pri";
if(-e $headers_pri_file) {
open HEADERS_PRI_FILE, "<$headers_pri_file";
local $/;
my $old_headers_pri_contents = <HEADERS_PRI_FILE>;
$old_headers_pri_contents =~ s/\r//g; # remove \r's , so comparison is ok on all platforms
$headers_pri_file = 0 if($old_headers_pri_contents eq $headers_pri_contents);
if($headers_pri_file) {
my $headers_pri_dir = dirname($headers_pri_file);
make_path($headers_pri_dir, $lib, $verbose_level);
open HEADERS_PRI_FILE, ">$headers_pri_file";
print HEADERS_PRI_FILE $headers_pri_contents;
print "$lib: created headers.pri file\n" if($verbose_level);
unless($showonly || !$create_uic_class_map) {
my $class_lib_map = "$out_basedir/src/tools/uic/qclass_lib_map.h";
if(-e $class_lib_map) {
open CLASS_LIB_MAP, "<$class_lib_map";
local $/;
binmode CLASS_LIB_MAP;
my $old_class_lib_map_contents = <CLASS_LIB_MAP>;
$old_class_lib_map_contents =~ s/\r//g; # remove \r's , so comparison is ok on all platforms
$class_lib_map = 0 if($old_class_lib_map_contents eq $class_lib_map_contents);
if($class_lib_map) {
my $class_lib_map_dir = dirname($class_lib_map);
make_path($class_lib_map_dir, "<outdir>", $verbose_level);
open CLASS_LIB_MAP, ">$class_lib_map";
print CLASS_LIB_MAP $class_lib_map_contents;
if($check_includes) {
for my $lib (keys(%modules)) {
#calc subdirs
my @subdirs = ($modules{$lib});
foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
opendir DIR, $subdir or die "Huh, directory ".$subdir." cannot be opened.";
foreach my $t (sort readdir(DIR)) {
push @subdirs, "$subdir/$t" if(-d "$subdir/$t" && !($t eq ".") &&
!($t eq "..") && !($t eq ".obj") &&
!($t eq ".moc") && !($t eq ".rcc") &&
!($t eq ".uic") && !($t eq "build"));
closedir DIR;
foreach my $subdir (@subdirs) {
my $header_skip_qt_module_test = 0;
foreach(@ignore_for_qt_module_check) {
foreach (split(/;/, $_)) {
$header_skip_qt_module_test = 1 if ($subdir =~ /^$_/);
my @headers = findFiles($subdir, "^[-a-z0-9_]*\\.h\$" , 0);
foreach my $header (@headers) {
my $header_skip_qt_begin_header_test = 0;
my $header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test = 0;
$header = 0 if($header =~ /^ui_.*.h/);
foreach (@ignore_headers) {
$header = 0 if($header eq $_);
if($header) {
my $public_header = $header;
if($public_header =~ /_p.h$/ || $public_header =~ /_pch.h$/) {
$public_header = 0;
} elsif (isQpaHeader($public_header)) {
Expose QPA API under qpa/* The main reasons for doing this are: 1. _qpa.h end up in the master QtGui include file. QtGui is meant for userland applications. qpa code is neither binary nor source compatible. Inadvertant use of QPA api makes the user code binary-incompatible. 2. syncqt creates forwarding headers for non-private header files. This gives people the impression that this is public API. As discussed on the mailing list, even though QPA api is internal and subject to change, it needs to treated differently from private headers since they will be used by in-qtbase and out-of-qtbase plugins. This commit does the following: 1. The _qpa in QPA header files is dropped. 2. syncqt now treats any file with qplatform prefix as a special file and moves it to qpa/ directory. The recommended way of using QPA API in plugins is: #include <qpa/qplatformfoo.h>. This allows the user include QPA API from multiple modules (for example, qplatformfoo might be in QtPrintSupport) 3. The user needs to explicitly add QT += <module>-private to get access to the qpa api. 4. Creates compat headers for the olden style qplatformfoo_qpa.h and QPlatformFoo includes. This commit does not change the cpp filenames. This requires a more careful merging of existing non qpa cpp files and existing cpp files on a case by case basis. This can be done at anytime. The following files are not renamed as part of this changed but will be fixed as part of a future change: src/gui/kernel/qgenericpluginfactory_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qgenericplugin_qpa.h src/gui/kernel/qwindowsysteminterface_qpa.h files were renamed using for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa.h/.h}"; done for x in `find . -name "qplatform*_qpa_p.h"`; do git mv $x "${x/_qpa_p.h/_p.h}"; done includes were renamed using script for file in `find . -name "*.h" -or -name "*.cpp" -or -name "*.mm"`; do sed -i -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)>,#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\)\?\(QPlatform.*\)",#include <qpa/\L\2.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.* "\(qplatform.*\)_qpa.h",#include <qpa/\L\1.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(qplatform.*\)_qpa_p.h",#include <qpa/\L\1_p.h>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*<\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)>,#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ -e 's,.*#.*include.*"\(Qt.*/\|Qt.*/private/\|private/\)\?\(qplatform.*\)_qpa\(.*\)",#include <qpa/\2\3>,g' \ $file done Change-Id: I04a350314a45746e3911f54b3b21ad03315afb67 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Samuel Rødal <samuel.rodal@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Friedemann Kleint <Friedemann.Kleint@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Sean Harmer <sean.harmer@kdab.com> Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <lars.knoll@nokia.com> Reviewed-by: Gunnar Sletta <gunnar.sletta@nokia.com>
2012-04-26 23:33:35 +00:00
$public_header = 0;
} else {
foreach (@ignore_for_master_contents) {
$public_header = 0 if($header eq $_);
if($public_header) {
foreach (@ignore_for_include_check) {
$public_header = 0 if($header eq $_);
foreach(@ignore_for_qt_begin_header_check) {
$header_skip_qt_begin_header_test = 1 if ($header eq $_);
foreach(@ignore_for_qt_begin_namespace_check) {
$header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test = 1 if ($header eq $_);
my $iheader = $subdir . "/" . $header;
if($public_header) {
if(open(F, "<$iheader")) {
my $qt_begin_header_found = 0;
my $qt_end_header_found = 0;
my $qt_begin_namespace_found = 0;
my $qt_end_namespace_found = 0;
my $line;
while($line = <F>) {
chomp $line;
my $output_line = 1;
if($line =~ /^ *\# *pragma (qt_no_included_check|qt_sync_stop_processing)/) {
} elsif($line =~ /^ *\# *include/) {
my $include = $line;
if($line =~ /<.*>/) {
$include =~ s,.*<(.*)>.*,$1,;
} elsif($line =~ /".*"/) {
$include =~ s,.*"(.*)".*,$1,;
} else {
$include = 0;
if($include) {
for my $trylib (keys(%modules)) {
if(-e "$out_basedir/include/$trylib/$include") {
print "$lib: WARNING: $iheader includes $include when it should include $trylib/$include\n";
} elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_HEADER\s*$/) {
$qt_begin_header_found = 1;
} elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_HEADER\s*$/) {
$qt_end_header_found = 1;
} elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
$qt_begin_namespace_found = 1;
} elsif ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0 and $line =~ /^QT_END_NAMESPACE\s*$/) {
$qt_end_namespace_found = 1;
if ($header_skip_qt_begin_header_test == 0) {
if ($qt_begin_header_found == 0) {
print "$lib: WARNING: $iheader does not include QT_BEGIN_HEADER\n";
if ($qt_begin_header_found && $qt_end_header_found == 0) {
print "$lib: WARNING: $iheader has QT_BEGIN_HEADER but no QT_END_HEADER\n";
if ($header_skip_qt_begin_namespace_test == 0) {
if ($qt_begin_namespace_found == 0) {
print "$lib: WARNING: $iheader does not include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE\n";
if ($qt_begin_namespace_found && $qt_end_namespace_found == 0) {
print "$lib: WARNING: $iheader has QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE but no QT_END_NAMESPACE\n";
exit 0;