Add test for API symmetry of QString/Ref, QLatin1String, QChar

At the moment, only checks the relational operators, where
it already found some which do not compile. In order to
simplify the test, the missing operators are supplied by
the test harness until they are fixed in the library.

Change-Id: Ief5daefa68f15de5f8e559c9378ed83b715b69ee
Reviewed-by: Lars Knoll <>
This commit is contained in:
Marc Mutz 2015-12-11 15:48:33 +01:00
parent a7fc1cef91
commit 032efc2cb2
4 changed files with 204 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
CONFIG += testcase
TARGET = tst_qstringapisymmetry
QT = core testlib
SOURCES = tst_qstringapisymmetry.cpp
contains(QT_CONFIG,c++14): CONFIG += c++14

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@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
** Copyright (C) 2015 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB, a KDAB Group company,, author Marc Mutz <>
** Contact:
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met:
#include <QString>
#include <QChar>
#include <QStringRef>
#include <QLatin1String>
#include <QTest>
template <typename T>
QString toQString(const T &t) { return QString(t); }
QString toQString(const QStringRef &ref) { return ref.toString(); }
// FIXME: these are missing at the time of writing, add them, then remove the dummies here:
#define MAKE_RELOP(op, A1, A2) \
static bool operator op (const A1 &lhs, const A2 &rhs) \
{ return toQString(lhs) op toQString(rhs); } \
#define MAKE_LESS_ETC(A1, A2) \
MAKE_RELOP(<, A1, A2) \
MAKE_RELOP(>, A1, A2) \
MAKE_RELOP(<=, A1, A2) \
MAKE_RELOP(>=, A1, A2) \
MAKE_RELOP(==, QChar, QLatin1String)
MAKE_RELOP(!=, QChar, QLatin1String)
MAKE_LESS_ETC(QChar, QLatin1String)
MAKE_LESS_ETC(QChar, QStringRef)
MAKE_LESS_ETC(QStringRef, QChar)
MAKE_LESS_ETC(QString, QStringRef)
MAKE_LESS_ETC(QStringRef, QString)
MAKE_LESS_ETC(QStringRef, QLatin1String)
MAKE_LESS_ETC(QLatin1String, QStringRef)
class tst_QStringApiSymmetry : public QObject
void compare_data(bool hasConceptOfNullAndEmpty=true);
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
void compare_impl() const;
private Q_SLOTS:
// test all combinations of {QChar, QStringRef, QString, QLatin1String}
void compare_QChar_QChar_data() { compare_data(false); }
void compare_QChar_QChar() { compare_impl<QChar, QChar>(); }
void compare_QChar_QStringRef_data() { compare_data(false); }
void compare_QChar_QStringRef() { compare_impl<QChar, QStringRef>(); }
void compare_QChar_QString_data() { compare_data(false); }
void compare_QChar_QString() { compare_impl<QChar, QString>(); }
void compare_QChar_QLatin1String_data() { compare_data(false); }
void compare_QChar_QLatin1String() { compare_impl<QChar, QLatin1String>(); }
void compare_QStringRef_QChar_data() { compare_data(false); }
void compare_QStringRef_QChar() { compare_impl<QStringRef, QChar>(); }
void compare_QStringRef_QStringRef_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QStringRef_QStringRef() { compare_impl<QStringRef, QStringRef>(); }
void compare_QStringRef_QString_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QStringRef_QString() { compare_impl<QStringRef, QString>(); }
void compare_QStringRef_QLatin1String_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QStringRef_QLatin1String() { compare_impl<QStringRef, QLatin1String>(); }
void compare_QString_QChar_data() { compare_data(false); }
void compare_QString_QChar() { compare_impl<QString, QChar>(); }
void compare_QString_QStringRef_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QString_QStringRef() { compare_impl<QString, QStringRef>(); }
void compare_QString_QString_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QString_QString() { compare_impl<QString, QString>(); }
void compare_QString_QLatin1String_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QString_QLatin1String() { compare_impl<QString, QLatin1String>(); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QChar_data() { compare_data(false); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QChar() { compare_impl<QLatin1String, QChar>(); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QStringRef_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QStringRef() { compare_impl<QLatin1String, QStringRef>(); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QString_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QString() { compare_impl<QLatin1String, QString>(); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QLatin1String_data() { compare_data(); }
void compare_QLatin1String_QLatin1String() { compare_impl<QLatin1String, QLatin1String>(); }
void tst_QStringApiSymmetry::compare_data(bool hasConceptOfNullAndEmpty)
if (hasConceptOfNullAndEmpty) {
QTest::newRow("null <> null") << QStringRef() << QLatin1String()
<< QStringRef() << QLatin1String()
<< 0 << 0;
static const QString empty("");
QTest::newRow("null <> empty") << QStringRef() << QLatin1String()
<< QStringRef(&empty) << QLatin1String("")
<< 0 << 0;
#define ROW(lhs, rhs) \
do { \
static const QString pinned[] = { \
QString(QLatin1String(lhs)), \
QString(QLatin1String(rhs)), \
}; \
QTest::newRow("'" lhs "' <> '" rhs "'") \
<< QStringRef(&pinned[0]) << QLatin1String(lhs) \
<< QStringRef(&pinned[1]) << QLatin1String(rhs) \
<< qstrcmp(lhs, rhs) << qstricmp(lhs, rhs); \
} while (false)
ROW("", "0");
ROW("0", "");
ROW("0", "1");
ROW("0", "0");
#undef ROW
template <typename String> String make(const QStringRef &sf, QLatin1String l1);
template <> QChar make(const QStringRef &sf, QLatin1String)
{ return sf.isEmpty() ? QChar(QLatin1Char('\0')) :; }
template <> QStringRef make(const QStringRef &sf, QLatin1String) { return sf; }
template <> QString make(const QStringRef &sf, QLatin1String) { return sf.toString(); }
template <> QLatin1String make(const QStringRef &, QLatin1String l1) { return l1; }
template <typename LHS, typename RHS>
void tst_QStringApiSymmetry::compare_impl() const
QFETCH(QStringRef, lhsUnicode);
QFETCH(QLatin1String, lhsLatin1);
QFETCH(QStringRef, rhsUnicode);
QFETCH(QLatin1String, rhsLatin1);
QFETCH(int, caseSensitiveCompareResult);
const LHS lhs = make<LHS>(lhsUnicode, lhsLatin1);
const RHS rhs = make<RHS>(rhsUnicode, rhsLatin1);
#define CHECK(op) \
do { if (caseSensitiveCompareResult op 0) { \
QVERIFY(lhs op rhs); \
} else { \
QVERIFY(!(lhs op rhs)); \
} } while (false)
#undef CHECK
#include "tst_qstringapisymmetry.moc"

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@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ SUBDIRS=\
qstl \
qstring \
qstring_no_cast_from_bytearray \
qstringapisymmetry \
qstringbuilder \
qstringiterator \
qstringlist \