Generate more compact code to resolve the QOpenGLFunctions
Use a similar mechanism as in QOpenGLVersionFunctions and resolve the methods in a loop. This requires some macro magic but significantly reduces the size of the generated code. Change-Id: If5f5e5551af0d1aed4b4ce7ce82932d8988dab59 Reviewed-by: Laszlo Agocs <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,6 +55,24 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcGLES3, "qt.opengl.es3")
#define QT_OPENGL_COUNT_FUNCTIONS(ret, name, args) +1
#define QT_OPENGL_FUNCTION_NAMES(ret, name, args) \
#define QT_OPENGL_FLAGS(ret, name, args) \
void CLASS::init(QOpenGLContext *context) \
{ \
const int flags[] = { FUNCTIONS(QT_OPENGL_FLAGS) 0 }; \
const char *name = names; \
for (int i = 0; i < FUNCTIONS(QT_OPENGL_COUNT_FUNCTIONS); ++i) { \
functions[i] = ::getProcAddress(context, name, flags[i]); \
name += strlen(name) + 1; \
} \
\class QOpenGLFunctions
\brief The QOpenGLFunctions class provides cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 2.0 API.
@ -2149,9 +2167,6 @@ Func resolveWithFallback(QOpenGLContext *context, const char *name, int policy,
#define RESOLVE(name, policy) \
resolve(context, "gl"#name, policy, name)
#define RESOLVE_WITH_FALLBACK(name, policy) \
resolveWithFallback(context, "gl"#name, policy, qopenglfSpecial##name)
#ifndef QT_OPENGL_ES_2
// some fallback functions
@ -2159,14 +2174,14 @@ static void QOPENGLF_APIENTRY qopenglfSpecialClearDepthf(GLclampf depth)
QOpenGLContext *context = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
QOpenGLFunctionsPrivateEx *funcs = qt_gl_functions(context);
funcs->ClearDepth((GLdouble) depth);
funcs->f.ClearDepth((GLdouble) depth);
static void QOPENGLF_APIENTRY qopenglfSpecialDepthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar)
QOpenGLContext *context = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
QOpenGLFunctionsPrivateEx *funcs = qt_gl_functions(context);
funcs->DepthRange((GLdouble) zNear, (GLdouble) zFar);
funcs->f.DepthRange((GLdouble) zNear, (GLdouble) zFar);
static void QOPENGLF_APIENTRY qopenglfSpecialGetShaderPrecisionFormat(GLenum shadertype, GLenum precisiontype, GLint* range, GLint* precision)
@ -2192,240 +2207,31 @@ static void QOPENGLF_APIENTRY qopenglfSpecialReleaseShaderCompiler()
#endif // !QT_OPENGL_ES_2
#if !defined(QT_OPENGL_ES_2) && !defined(QT_OPENGL_DYNAMIC)
// Special translation functions for ES-specific calls on desktop GL
static void QOPENGLF_APIENTRY qopenglfTranslateClearDepthf(GLclampf depth)
QOpenGLFunctionsPrivate::QOpenGLFunctionsPrivate(QOpenGLContext *c)
static void QOPENGLF_APIENTRY qopenglfTranslateDepthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar)
::glDepthRange(zNear, zFar);
#endif // !ES && !DYNAMIC
QOpenGLFunctionsPrivate::QOpenGLFunctionsPrivate(QOpenGLContext *)
/* Assign a pointer to an above defined static function
* which on first call resolves the function from the current
* context, assigns it to the member variable and executes it
* (see Resolver template) */
#ifndef QT_OPENGL_ES_2
QOpenGLContext *context = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
// The GL1 functions may not be queriable via getProcAddress().
if (QGuiApplicationPrivate::platformIntegration()->hasCapability(QPlatformIntegration::AllGLFunctionsQueryable)) {
// The platform plugin supports resolving these.
BindTexture = RESOLVE(BindTexture, 0);
BlendFunc = RESOLVE(BlendFunc, 0);
Clear = RESOLVE(Clear, 0);
ClearColor = RESOLVE(ClearColor, 0);
ClearDepthf = RESOLVE_WITH_FALLBACK(ClearDepthf, 0);
ClearStencil = RESOLVE(ClearStencil, 0);
ColorMask = RESOLVE(ColorMask, 0);
CopyTexImage2D = RESOLVE(CopyTexImage2D, 0);
CopyTexSubImage2D = RESOLVE(CopyTexSubImage2D, 0);
CullFace = RESOLVE(CullFace, 0);
DeleteTextures = RESOLVE(DeleteTextures, 0);
DepthFunc = RESOLVE(DepthFunc, 0);
DepthMask = RESOLVE(DepthMask, 0);
DepthRangef = RESOLVE_WITH_FALLBACK(DepthRangef, 0);
Disable = RESOLVE(Disable, 0);
DrawArrays = RESOLVE(DrawArrays, 0);
DrawElements = RESOLVE(DrawElements, 0);
Enable = RESOLVE(Enable, 0);
Finish = RESOLVE(Finish, 0);
Flush = RESOLVE(Flush, 0);
FrontFace = RESOLVE(FrontFace, 0);
GenTextures = RESOLVE(GenTextures, 0);
GetBooleanv = RESOLVE(GetBooleanv, 0);
GetError = RESOLVE(GetError, 0);
GetFloatv = RESOLVE(GetFloatv, 0);
GetIntegerv = RESOLVE(GetIntegerv, 0);
GetString = RESOLVE(GetString, 0);
GetTexParameterfv = RESOLVE(GetTexParameterfv, 0);
GetTexParameteriv = RESOLVE(GetTexParameteriv, 0);
Hint = RESOLVE(Hint, 0);
IsEnabled = RESOLVE(IsEnabled, 0);
IsTexture = RESOLVE(IsTexture, 0);
LineWidth = RESOLVE(LineWidth, 0);
PixelStorei = RESOLVE(PixelStorei, 0);
PolygonOffset = RESOLVE(PolygonOffset, 0);
ReadPixels = RESOLVE(ReadPixels, 0);
Scissor = RESOLVE(Scissor, 0);
StencilFunc = RESOLVE(StencilFunc, 0);
StencilMask = RESOLVE(StencilMask, 0);
StencilOp = RESOLVE(StencilOp, 0);
TexImage2D = RESOLVE(TexImage2D, 0);
TexParameterf = RESOLVE(TexParameterf, 0);
TexParameterfv = RESOLVE(TexParameterfv, 0);
TexParameteri = RESOLVE(TexParameteri, 0);
TexParameteriv = RESOLVE(TexParameteriv, 0);
TexSubImage2D = RESOLVE(TexSubImage2D, 0);
Viewport = RESOLVE(Viewport, 0);
} else {
// Use the functions directly. This requires linking QtGui to an OpenGL implementation.
BindTexture = ::glBindTexture;
BlendFunc = ::glBlendFunc;
Clear = ::glClear;
ClearColor = ::glClearColor;
ClearDepthf = qopenglfTranslateClearDepthf;
ClearStencil = ::glClearStencil;
ColorMask = ::glColorMask;
CopyTexImage2D = ::glCopyTexImage2D;
CopyTexSubImage2D = ::glCopyTexSubImage2D;
CullFace = ::glCullFace;
DeleteTextures = ::glDeleteTextures;
DepthFunc = ::glDepthFunc;
DepthMask = ::glDepthMask;
DepthRangef = qopenglfTranslateDepthRangef;
Disable = ::glDisable;
DrawArrays = ::glDrawArrays;
DrawElements = ::glDrawElements;
Enable = ::glEnable;
Finish = ::glFinish;
Flush = ::glFlush;
FrontFace = ::glFrontFace;
GenTextures = ::glGenTextures;
GetBooleanv = ::glGetBooleanv;
GetError = ::glGetError;
GetFloatv = ::glGetFloatv;
GetIntegerv = ::glGetIntegerv;
GetString = ::glGetString;
GetTexParameterfv = ::glGetTexParameterfv;
GetTexParameteriv = ::glGetTexParameteriv;
Hint = ::glHint;
IsEnabled = ::glIsEnabled;
IsTexture = ::glIsTexture;
LineWidth = ::glLineWidth;
PixelStorei = ::glPixelStorei;
PolygonOffset = ::glPolygonOffset;
ReadPixels = ::glReadPixels;
Scissor = ::glScissor;
StencilFunc = ::glStencilFunc;
StencilMask = ::glStencilMask;
StencilOp = ::glStencilOp;
TexImage2D = reinterpret_cast<void (*)(GLenum, GLint, GLint, GLsizei, GLsizei, GLint, GLenum, GLenum, const GLvoid *)>(glTexImage2D);
TexImage2D = glTexImage2D;
// setup fallbacks in case some methods couldn't get resolved
if (!f.ClearDepthf)
f.ClearDepthf = qopenglfSpecialClearDepthf;
if (!f.DepthRangef)
f.DepthRangef = qopenglfSpecialDepthRangef;
if (!f.GetShaderPrecisionFormat)
f.GetShaderPrecisionFormat = qopenglfSpecialGetShaderPrecisionFormat;
if (!f.IsProgram)
f.IsProgram = qopenglfSpecialIsProgram;
if (!f.IsShader)
f.IsShader = qopenglfSpecialIsShader;
if (!f.ReleaseShaderCompiler)
f.ReleaseShaderCompiler = qopenglfSpecialReleaseShaderCompiler;
TexParameterf = ::glTexParameterf;
TexParameterfv = ::glTexParameterfv;
TexParameteri = ::glTexParameteri;
TexParameteriv = ::glTexParameteriv;
TexSubImage2D = ::glTexSubImage2D;
Viewport = ::glViewport;
// This should not happen.
qFatal("QOpenGLFunctions: Dynamic OpenGL builds do not support platforms with insufficient function resolving capabilities");
ActiveTexture = RESOLVE(ActiveTexture, 0);
AttachShader = RESOLVE(AttachShader, 0);
BindAttribLocation = RESOLVE(BindAttribLocation, 0);
BindBuffer = RESOLVE(BindBuffer, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BindFramebuffer = RESOLVE(BindFramebuffer, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BindRenderbuffer = RESOLVE(BindRenderbuffer, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BlendColor = RESOLVE(BlendColor, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BlendEquation = RESOLVE(BlendEquation, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BlendEquationSeparate = RESOLVE(BlendEquationSeparate, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BlendFuncSeparate = RESOLVE(BlendFuncSeparate, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BufferData = RESOLVE(BufferData, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
BufferSubData = RESOLVE(BufferSubData, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
CheckFramebufferStatus = RESOLVE(CheckFramebufferStatus, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
CompileShader = RESOLVE(CompileShader, 0);
CompressedTexImage2D = RESOLVE(CompressedTexImage2D, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
CompressedTexSubImage2D = RESOLVE(CompressedTexSubImage2D, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
CreateProgram = RESOLVE(CreateProgram, 0);
CreateShader = RESOLVE(CreateShader, 0);
DeleteBuffers = RESOLVE(DeleteBuffers, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
DeleteFramebuffers = RESOLVE(DeleteFramebuffers, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
DeleteProgram = RESOLVE(DeleteProgram, 0);
DeleteRenderbuffers = RESOLVE(DeleteRenderbuffers, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
DeleteShader = RESOLVE(DeleteShader, 0);
DetachShader = RESOLVE(DetachShader, 0);
DisableVertexAttribArray = RESOLVE(DisableVertexAttribArray, 0);
EnableVertexAttribArray = RESOLVE(EnableVertexAttribArray, 0);
FramebufferRenderbuffer = RESOLVE(FramebufferRenderbuffer, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
FramebufferTexture2D = RESOLVE(FramebufferTexture2D, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GenBuffers = RESOLVE(GenBuffers, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GenerateMipmap = RESOLVE(GenerateMipmap, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GenFramebuffers = RESOLVE(GenFramebuffers, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GenRenderbuffers = RESOLVE(GenRenderbuffers, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GetActiveAttrib = RESOLVE(GetActiveAttrib, 0);
GetActiveUniform = RESOLVE(GetActiveUniform, 0);
GetAttachedShaders = RESOLVE(GetAttachedShaders, 0);
GetAttribLocation = RESOLVE(GetAttribLocation, 0);
GetBufferParameteriv = RESOLVE(GetBufferParameteriv, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv = RESOLVE(GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GetProgramiv = RESOLVE(GetProgramiv, 0);
GetProgramInfoLog = RESOLVE(GetProgramInfoLog, 0);
GetRenderbufferParameteriv = RESOLVE(GetRenderbufferParameteriv, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GetShaderiv = RESOLVE(GetShaderiv, 0);
GetShaderInfoLog = RESOLVE(GetShaderInfoLog, 0);
GetShaderPrecisionFormat = RESOLVE_WITH_FALLBACK(GetShaderPrecisionFormat, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
GetShaderSource = RESOLVE(GetShaderSource, 0);
GetUniformfv = RESOLVE(GetUniformfv, 0);
GetUniformiv = RESOLVE(GetUniformiv, 0);
GetUniformLocation = RESOLVE(GetUniformLocation, 0);
GetVertexAttribfv = RESOLVE(GetVertexAttribfv, 0);
GetVertexAttribiv = RESOLVE(GetVertexAttribiv, 0);
GetVertexAttribPointerv = RESOLVE(GetVertexAttribPointerv, 0);
IsBuffer = RESOLVE(IsBuffer, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
IsFramebuffer = RESOLVE(IsFramebuffer, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
IsProgram = RESOLVE_WITH_FALLBACK(IsProgram, 0);
IsRenderbuffer = RESOLVE(IsRenderbuffer, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
IsShader = RESOLVE_WITH_FALLBACK(IsShader, 0);
LinkProgram = RESOLVE(LinkProgram, 0);
ReleaseShaderCompiler = RESOLVE_WITH_FALLBACK(ReleaseShaderCompiler, 0);
RenderbufferStorage = RESOLVE(RenderbufferStorage, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
SampleCoverage = RESOLVE(SampleCoverage, ResolveOES | ResolveEXT);
ShaderBinary = RESOLVE(ShaderBinary, 0);
ShaderSource = RESOLVE(ShaderSource, 0);
StencilFuncSeparate = RESOLVE(StencilFuncSeparate, ResolveEXT);
StencilMaskSeparate = RESOLVE(StencilMaskSeparate, ResolveEXT);
StencilOpSeparate = RESOLVE(StencilOpSeparate, ResolveEXT);
Uniform1f = RESOLVE(Uniform1f, 0);
Uniform1fv = RESOLVE(Uniform1fv, 0);
Uniform1i = RESOLVE(Uniform1i, 0);
Uniform1iv = RESOLVE(Uniform1iv, 0);
Uniform2f = RESOLVE(Uniform2f, 0);
Uniform2fv = RESOLVE(Uniform2fv, 0);
Uniform2i = RESOLVE(Uniform2i, 0);
Uniform2iv = RESOLVE(Uniform2iv, 0);
Uniform3f = RESOLVE(Uniform3f, 0);
Uniform3fv = RESOLVE(Uniform3fv, 0);
Uniform3i = RESOLVE(Uniform3i, 0);
Uniform3iv = RESOLVE(Uniform3iv, 0);
Uniform4f = RESOLVE(Uniform4f, 0);
Uniform4fv = RESOLVE(Uniform4fv, 0);
Uniform4i = RESOLVE(Uniform4i, 0);
Uniform4iv = RESOLVE(Uniform4iv, 0);
UniformMatrix2fv = RESOLVE(UniformMatrix2fv, 0);
UniformMatrix3fv = RESOLVE(UniformMatrix3fv, 0);
UniformMatrix4fv = RESOLVE(UniformMatrix4fv, 0);
UseProgram = RESOLVE(UseProgram, 0);
ValidateProgram = RESOLVE(ValidateProgram, 0);
VertexAttrib1f = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib1f, 0);
VertexAttrib1fv = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib1fv, 0);
VertexAttrib2f = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib2f, 0);
VertexAttrib2fv = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib2fv, 0);
VertexAttrib3f = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib3f, 0);
VertexAttrib3fv = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib3fv, 0);
VertexAttrib4f = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib4f, 0);
VertexAttrib4fv = RESOLVE(VertexAttrib4fv, 0);
VertexAttribPointer = RESOLVE(VertexAttribPointer, 0);
ClearDepth = RESOLVE(ClearDepth, 0);
DepthRange = RESOLVE(DepthRange, 0);
#endif // !QT_OPENGL_ES_2
\class QOpenGLExtraFunctions
\brief The QOpenGLExtraFunctions class provides cross-platform access to the OpenGL ES 3.0 and 3.1 API.
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue
Block a user