macOS: Remove support for surface-backed views
Our deployment target is 10.14, which enables layer-backing by default, and our layer-backing support nowadays is stable enough that we don't need to maintain any of the old code paths for compatibility. The wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface property on NSView is only relevant for surface-backed views, so we no longer need to deal with it. Change-Id: I8aef4ac99371113d463ac35eee648a8a2fd1ea72 Reviewed-by: Timur Pocheptsov <> Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -58,21 +58,6 @@ protected:
QCFType<CGColorSpaceRef> colorSpace() const;
class QNSWindowBackingStore : public QCocoaBackingStore
QNSWindowBackingStore(QWindow *window);
void resize(const QSize &size, const QRegion &staticContents) override;
void flush(QWindow *, const QRegion &, const QPoint &) override;
bool windowHasUnifiedToolbar() const;
QImage::Format format() const override;
void redrawRoundedBottomCorners(CGRect) const;
class QCALayerBackingStore : public QObject, public QCocoaBackingStore
@ -64,276 +64,6 @@ QCFType<CGColorSpaceRef> QCocoaBackingStore::colorSpace() const
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QNSWindowBackingStore::QNSWindowBackingStore(QWindow *window)
: QCocoaBackingStore(window)
// Choose an appropriate window depth based on the requested surface format.
// On deep color displays the default bit depth is 16-bit, so unless we need
// that level of precision we opt out of it (and the expensive RGB32 -> RGB64
// conversions that come with it if our backingstore depth does not match).
NSWindow *nsWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window->handle())->view().window;
auto colorSpaceName = NSColorSpaceFromDepth(nsWindow.depthLimit);
static const int kDefaultBitDepth = 8;
auto surfaceFormat = window->requestedFormat();
auto bitsPerSample = qMax(kDefaultBitDepth, qMax(surfaceFormat.redBufferSize(),
qMax(surfaceFormat.greenBufferSize(), surfaceFormat.blueBufferSize())));
// NSBestDepth does not seem to guarantee a window depth deep enough for the
// given bits per sample, even if documented as such. For example, requesting
// 10 bits per sample will not give us a 16-bit format, even if that's what's
// available. Work around this by manually bumping the bit depth.
bitsPerSample = !(bitsPerSample & (bitsPerSample - 1))
? bitsPerSample : qNextPowerOfTwo(bitsPerSample);
auto bestDepth = NSBestDepth(colorSpaceName, bitsPerSample, 0, NO, nullptr);
// Disable dynamic depth limit, otherwise our depth limit will be overwritten
// by AppKit if the window moves to a screen with a different depth. We call
// this before setting the depth limit, as the call will reset the depth to 0.
[nsWindow setDynamicDepthLimit:NO];
qCDebug(lcQpaBackingStore) << "Using" << NSBitsPerSampleFromDepth(bestDepth)
<< "bit window depth for" << nsWindow;
nsWindow.depthLimit = bestDepth;
bool QNSWindowBackingStore::windowHasUnifiedToolbar() const
return static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window()->handle())->m_drawContentBorderGradient;
QImage::Format QNSWindowBackingStore::format() const
if (windowHasUnifiedToolbar())
return QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied;
return QRasterBackingStore::format();
void QNSWindowBackingStore::resize(const QSize &size, const QRegion &staticContents)
qCDebug(lcQpaBackingStore) << "Resize requested to" << size;
QRasterBackingStore::resize(size, staticContents);
// The window shadow rendered by AppKit is based on the shape/content of the
// NSWindow surface. Technically any flush of the backingstore can result in
// a potentially new shape of the window, and would need a shadow invalidation,
// but this is likely too expensive to do at every flush for the few cases where
// clients change the shape dynamically. One case where we do know that the shadow
// likely needs invalidation, if the window has partially transparent content,
// is after a resize, where AppKit's default shadow may be based on the previous
// window content.
QCocoaWindow *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window()->handle());
if (cocoaWindow->isContentView() && !cocoaWindow->isOpaque())
cocoaWindow->m_needsInvalidateShadow = true;
Flushes the given \a region from the specified \a window onto the
The \a window is the top level window represented by this backingstore,
or a non-transient child of that window.
If the \a window is a child window, the \a region will be in child window
coordinates, and the \a offset will be the child window's offset in relation
to the backingstore's top level window.
void QNSWindowBackingStore::flush(QWindow *window, const QRegion ®ion, const QPoint &offset)
if (m_image.isNull())
// Use local pool so that any stale image references are cleaned up after flushing
QMacAutoReleasePool pool;
const QWindow *topLevelWindow = this->window();
Q_ASSERT(topLevelWindow->handle() && window->handle());
Q_ASSERT(!topLevelWindow->handle()->isForeignWindow() && !window->handle()->isForeignWindow());
QNSView *topLevelView = qnsview_cast(static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(topLevelWindow->handle())->view());
QNSView *view = qnsview_cast(static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window->handle())->view());
if (lcQpaBackingStore().isDebugEnabled()) {
QString targetViewDescription;
if (view != topLevelView) {
QDebug targetDebug(&targetViewDescription);
targetDebug << "onto" << topLevelView << "at" << offset;
qCDebug(lcQpaBackingStore) << "Flushing" << region << "of" << view << qPrintable(targetViewDescription);
// Normally a NSView is drawn via drawRect, as part of the display cycle in the
// main runloop, via setNeedsDisplay and friends. AppKit will lock focus on each
// individual view, starting with the top level and then traversing any subviews,
// calling drawRect for each of them. This pull model results in expose events
// sent to Qt, which result in drawing to the backingstore and flushing it.
// Qt may also decide to paint and flush the backingstore via e.g. timers,
// or other events such as mouse events, in which case we're in a push model.
// If there is no focused view, it means we're in the latter case, and need
// to manually flush the NSWindow after drawing to its graphic context.
const bool drawingOutsideOfDisplayCycle = ![NSView focusView];
// We also need to ensure the flushed view has focus, so that the graphics
// context is set up correctly (coordinate system, clipping, etc). Outside
// of the normal display cycle there is no focused view, as explained above,
// so we have to handle it manually. There's also a corner case inside the
// normal display cycle due to way QWidgetRepaintManager composits native child
// widgets, where we'll get a flush of a native child during the drawRect of
// its parent/ancestor, and the parent/ancestor being the one locked by AppKit.
// In this case we also need to lock and unlock focus manually.
const bool shouldHandleViewLockManually = [NSView focusView] != view;
if (shouldHandleViewLockManually && !QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS([view lockFocusIfCanDraw])) {
qWarning() << "failed to lock focus of" << view;
const qreal devicePixelRatio = m_image.devicePixelRatio();
// If the flushed window is a content view, and we're filling the drawn area
// completely, or it doesn't have a window background we need to preserve,
// we can get away with copying instead of blending the backing store.
QCocoaWindow *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(window->handle());
const NSCompositingOperation compositingOperation = cocoaWindow->isContentView()
&& (cocoaWindow->isOpaque() || view.window.backgroundColor == NSColor.clearColor)
? NSCompositingOperationCopy : NSCompositingOperationSourceOver;
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
static bool debugBackingStoreFlush = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The current contexts is typically a NSWindowGraphicsContext, but can be
// NSBitmapGraphicsContext e.g. when debugging the view hierarchy in Xcode.
// If we need to distinguish things here in the future, we can use e.g.
// [NSGraphicsContext drawingToScreen], or the attributes of the context.
NSGraphicsContext *graphicsContext = [NSGraphicsContext currentContext];
Q_ASSERT_X(graphicsContext, "QCocoaBackingStore",
"Focusing the view should give us a current graphics context");
// Tag backingstore image with color space based on the window.
// Note: This does not copy the underlying image data.
QCFType<CGImageRef> cgImage = CGImageCreateCopyWithColorSpace(
QCFType<CGImageRef>(m_image.toCGImage()), colorSpace());
// Create temporary image to use for blitting, without copying image data
NSImage *backingStoreImage = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithCGImage:cgImage size:NSZeroSize] autorelease];
QRegion clippedRegion = region;
for (QWindow *w = window; w; w = w->parent()) {
if (!w->mask().isEmpty()) {
clippedRegion &= w == window ? w->mask()
: w->mask().translated(window->mapFromGlobal(w->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0))));
for (const QRect &viewLocalRect : clippedRegion) {
QPoint backingStoreOffset = viewLocalRect.topLeft() + offset;
QRect backingStoreRect(backingStoreOffset * devicePixelRatio, viewLocalRect.size() * devicePixelRatio);
if (graphicsContext.flipped) // Flip backingStoreRect to match graphics context
backingStoreRect.moveTop(m_image.height() - (backingStoreRect.y() + backingStoreRect.height()));
CGRect viewRect = viewLocalRect.toCGRect();
[backingStoreImage drawInRect:viewRect fromRect:backingStoreRect.toCGRect()
operation:compositingOperation fraction:1.0 respectFlipped:YES hints:nil];
#ifdef QT_DEBUG
if (Q_UNLIKELY(debugBackingStoreFlush)) {
[[NSColor colorWithCalibratedRed:drand48() green:drand48() blue:drand48() alpha:0.3] set];
[NSBezierPath fillRect:viewRect];
if (drawingOutsideOfDisplayCycle) {
[[[NSColor magentaColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.5] set];
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:viewLocalRect.topLeft().toCGPoint()
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (shouldHandleViewLockManually)
QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS([view unlockFocus]);
if (drawingOutsideOfDisplayCycle) {
redrawRoundedBottomCorners([view convertRect:region.boundingRect().toCGRect() toView:nil]);
QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS([view.window flushWindow]);
// Done flushing to NSWindow backingstore
QCocoaWindow *topLevelCocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(topLevelWindow->handle());
if (Q_UNLIKELY(topLevelCocoaWindow->m_needsInvalidateShadow)) {
qCDebug(lcQpaBackingStore) << "Invalidating window shadow for" << topLevelCocoaWindow;
[topLevelView.window invalidateShadow];
topLevelCocoaWindow->m_needsInvalidateShadow = false;
When drawing outside of the display cycle, which Qt Widget does a lot,
we end up drawing over the NSThemeFrame, losing the rounded corners of
windows in the process.
To work around this, until we've enabled updates via setNeedsDisplay and/or
enabled layer-backed views, we ask the NSWindow to redraw the bottom corners
if they intersect with the flushed region.
This is the same logic used internally by e.g [NSView displayIfNeeded],
[NSRulerView _scrollToMatchContentView], and [NSClipView _immediateScrollToPoint:],
as well as the workaround used by WebKit to fix a similar bug:
void QNSWindowBackingStore::redrawRoundedBottomCorners(CGRect windowRect) const
NSWindow *window = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(this->window()->handle())->nativeWindow();
static SEL intersectBottomCornersWithRect = NSSelectorFromString(
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"_%s%s:", "intersectBottomCorners", "WithRect"]);
if (NSMethodSignature *signature = [window methodSignatureForSelector:intersectBottomCornersWithRect]) {
NSInvocation *invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
|||| = window;
invocation.selector = intersectBottomCornersWithRect;
[invocation setArgument:&windowRect atIndex:2];
[invocation invoke];
NSRect cornerOverlap = NSZeroRect;
[invocation getReturnValue:&cornerOverlap];
if (!NSIsEmptyRect(cornerOverlap)) {
static SEL maskRoundedBottomCorners = NSSelectorFromString(
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"_%s%s:", "maskRounded", "BottomCorners"]);
if ((signature = [window methodSignatureForSelector:maskRoundedBottomCorners])) {
invocation = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:signature];
|||| = window;
invocation.selector = maskRoundedBottomCorners;
[invocation setArgument:&cornerOverlap atIndex:2];
[invocation invoke];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
QCALayerBackingStore::QCALayerBackingStore(QWindow *window)
: QCocoaBackingStore(window)
@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ private:
static NSOpenGLPixelFormat *pixelFormatForSurfaceFormat(const QSurfaceFormat &format);
bool setDrawable(QPlatformSurface *surface);
void prepareDrawable(QCocoaWindow *platformWindow);
void updateSurfaceFormat();
NSOpenGLContext *m_context = nil;
@ -393,8 +393,6 @@ bool QCocoaGLContext::setDrawable(QPlatformSurface *surface)
if (view == QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS(m_context.view))
return true;
// Setting the drawable may happen on a separate thread as a result of
// a call to makeCurrent, so we need to set up the observers before we
// associate the view with the context. That way we will guarantee that
@ -410,12 +408,8 @@ bool QCocoaGLContext::setDrawable(QPlatformSurface *surface)
if (view.layer) {
m_updateObservers.append(QMacNotificationObserver(view, NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification, updateCallback));
m_updateObservers.append(QMacNotificationObserver(view.window, NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification, updateCallback));
} else {
m_updateObservers.append(QMacNotificationObserver(view, QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS(NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification), updateCallback));
m_updateObservers.append(QMacNotificationObserver(view, NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification, updateCallback));
m_updateObservers.append(QMacNotificationObserver(view.window, NSWindowDidChangeScreenNotification, updateCallback));
m_updateObservers.append(QMacNotificationObserver([NSApplication sharedApplication],
NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification, updateCallback));
@ -437,30 +431,6 @@ bool QCocoaGLContext::setDrawable(QPlatformSurface *surface)
return true;
void QCocoaGLContext::prepareDrawable(QCocoaWindow *platformWindow)
// We generally want high-DPI GL surfaces, unless the user has explicitly disabled them
bool prefersBestResolutionOpenGLSurface = qt_mac_resolveOption(YES,
platformWindow->window(), "_q_mac_wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface",
auto *view = platformWindow->view();
// The only case we have to opt out ourselves is when using the Apple software renderer
// in combination with surface-backed views, as these together do not support high-DPI.
if (prefersBestResolutionOpenGLSurface) {
int rendererID = 0;
[m_context getValues:&rendererID forParameter:NSOpenGLContextParameterCurrentRendererID];
bool isSoftwareRenderer = (rendererID & kCGLRendererIDMatchingMask) == kCGLRendererGenericFloatID;
if (isSoftwareRenderer && !view.layer) {
qCInfo(lcQpaOpenGLContext) << "Disabling high resolution GL surface due to software renderer";
prefersBestResolutionOpenGLSurface = false;
QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS(view.wantsBestResolutionOpenGLSurface) = prefersBestResolutionOpenGLSurface;
// NSOpenGLContext is not re-entrant. Even when using separate contexts per thread,
// view, and window, calls into the API will still deadlock. For more information
// see
@ -494,19 +464,17 @@ void QCocoaGLContext::swapBuffers(QPlatformSurface *surface)
if (QT_IGNORE_DEPRECATIONS(m_context.view).layer) {
// Flushing an NSOpenGLContext will hit the screen immediately, ignoring
// any Core Animation transactions in place. This may result in major
// visual artifacts if the flush happens out of sync with the size
// of the layer, view, and window reflected by other parts of the UI,
// e.g. if the application flushes in the resize event or a timer during
// window resizing, instead of in the expose event.
auto *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(surface);
if (cocoaWindow->geometry().size() != cocoaWindow->m_exposedRect.size()) {
qCInfo(lcQpaOpenGLContext) << "Window exposed size does not match geometry (yet)."
<< "Skipping flush to avoid visual artifacts.";
// Flushing an NSOpenGLContext will hit the screen immediately, ignoring
// any Core Animation transactions in place. This may result in major
// visual artifacts if the flush happens out of sync with the size
// of the layer, view, and window reflected by other parts of the UI,
// e.g. if the application flushes in the resize event or a timer during
// window resizing, instead of in the expose event.
auto *cocoaWindow = static_cast<QCocoaWindow *>(surface);
if (cocoaWindow->geometry().size() != cocoaWindow->m_exposedRect.size()) {
qCInfo(lcQpaOpenGLContext) << "Window exposed size does not match geometry (yet)."
<< "Skipping flush to avoid visual artifacts.";
QMutexLocker locker(&s_reentrancyMutex);
@ -259,8 +259,8 @@ bool QCocoaIntegration::hasCapability(QPlatformIntegration::Capability cap) cons
// AppKit expects rendering to happen on the main thread, and we can
// easily end up in situations where rendering on secondary threads
// will result in visual artifacts, bugs, or even deadlocks, when
// building with SDK 10.14 or higher which enbles view layer-backing.
return QMacVersion::buildSDK() < QOperatingSystemVersion(QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSMojave);
// layer-backed.
return false;
case OpenGL:
case BufferQueueingOpenGL:
@ -333,13 +333,7 @@ QPlatformBackingStore *QCocoaIntegration::createPlatformBackingStore(QWindow *wi
return nullptr;
QPlatformBackingStore *backingStore = nullptr;
if (platformWindow->view().layer)
backingStore = new QCALayerBackingStore(window);
backingStore = new QNSWindowBackingStore(window);
return backingStore;
return new QCALayerBackingStore(window);
QAbstractEventDispatcher *QCocoaIntegration::createEventDispatcher() const
@ -261,8 +261,6 @@ public: // for QNSView
bool m_inSetStyleMask;
QCocoaMenuBar *m_menubar;
bool m_needsInvalidateShadow;
bool m_frameStrutEventsEnabled;
QRect m_exposedRect;
int m_registerTouchCount;
@ -145,7 +145,6 @@ QCocoaWindow::QCocoaWindow(QWindow *win, WId nativeHandle)
, m_inSetGeometry(false)
, m_inSetStyleMask(false)
, m_menubar(nullptr)
, m_needsInvalidateShadow(false)
, m_frameStrutEventsEnabled(false)
, m_registerTouchCount(0)
, m_resizableTransientParent(false)
@ -1056,27 +1055,15 @@ void QCocoaWindow::setMask(const QRegion ®ion)
qCDebug(lcQpaWindow) << "QCocoaWindow::setMask" << window() << region;
if (m_view.layer) {
if (!region.isEmpty()) {
QCFType<CGMutablePathRef> maskPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
for (const QRect &r : region)
CGPathAddRect(maskPath, nullptr, r.toCGRect());
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
maskLayer.path = maskPath;
m_view.layer.mask = maskLayer;
} else {
m_view.layer.mask = nil;
if (!region.isEmpty()) {
QCFType<CGMutablePathRef> maskPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
for (const QRect &r : region)
CGPathAddRect(maskPath, nullptr, r.toCGRect());
CAShapeLayer *maskLayer = [CAShapeLayer layer];
maskLayer.path = maskPath;
m_view.layer.mask = maskLayer;
} else {
if (isContentView()) {
// Setting the mask requires invalidating the NSWindow shadow, but that needs
// to happen after the backingstore has been redrawn, so that AppKit can pick
// up the new window shape based on the backingstore content. Doing a display
// directly here is not an option, as the window might not be exposed at this
// time, and so would not result in an updated backingstore.
m_needsInvalidateShadow = true;
[m_view setNeedsDisplay:YES];
m_view.layer.mask = nil;
@ -43,7 +43,13 @@
- (void)initDrawing
[self updateLayerBacking];
if (qt_mac_resolveOption(-1, m_platformWindow->window(),
"_q_mac_wantsLayer", "QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER") != -1) {
qCWarning(lcQpaDrawing) << "Layer-backing is always enabled."
<< " QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER/_q_mac_wantsLayer has no effect.";
self.wantsLayer = YES;
- (BOOL)isOpaque
@ -60,40 +66,6 @@
// ----------------------- Layer setup -----------------------
- (void)updateLayerBacking
self.wantsLayer = [self layerEnabledByMacOS]
|| [self layerExplicitlyRequested]
|| [self shouldUseMetalLayer];
- (BOOL)layerEnabledByMacOS
// AppKit has its own logic for this, but if we rely on that, our layers are created
// by AppKit at a point where we've already set up other parts of the platform plugin
// based on the presence of layers or not. Once we've rewritten these parts to support
// dynamically picking up layer enablement we can let AppKit do its thing.
return QMacVersion::buildSDK() >= QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSMojave
&& QMacVersion::currentRuntime() >= QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSMojave;
- (BOOL)layerExplicitlyRequested
static bool wantsLayer = [&]() {
int wantsLayer = qt_mac_resolveOption(-1, m_platformWindow->window(),
"_q_mac_wantsLayer", "QT_MAC_WANTS_LAYER");
if (wantsLayer != -1 && [self layerEnabledByMacOS]) {
qCWarning(lcQpaDrawing) << "Layer-backing cannot be explicitly controlled on 10.14 when built against the 10.14 SDK";
return true;
return wantsLayer == 1;
return wantsLayer;
- (BOOL)shouldUseMetalLayer
// MetalSurface needs a layer, and so does VulkanSurface (via MoltenVK)
@ -146,8 +118,7 @@
qCDebug(lcQpaDrawing) << "Making" << self
<< (self.wantsLayer ? "layer-backed" : "layer-hosted")
<< "with" << layer << "due to being" << ([self layerExplicitlyRequested] ? "explicitly requested"
: [self shouldUseMetalLayer] ? "needed by surface type" : "enabled by macOS");
<< "with" << layer;
if (layer.delegate && layer.delegate != self) {
qCWarning(lcQpaDrawing) << "Layer already has delegate" << layer.delegate
@ -244,22 +215,6 @@
Q_ASSERT_X(!self.layer, "QNSView",
"The drawRect code path should not be hit when we are layer backed");
if (!m_platformWindow)
QRegion exposedRegion;
const NSRect *dirtyRects;
NSInteger numDirtyRects;
[self getRectsBeingDrawn:&dirtyRects count:&numDirtyRects];
for (int i = 0; i < numDirtyRects; ++i)
exposedRegion += QRectF::fromCGRect(dirtyRects[i]).toRect();
if (exposedRegion.isEmpty())
exposedRegion = QRectF::fromCGRect(dirtyBoundingRect).toRect();
qCDebug(lcQpaDrawing) << "[QNSView drawRect:]" << m_platformWindow->window() << exposedRegion;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user