QProcess: Use poll instead of select on Unix platforms

Change-Id: I3386ef228ce95209f6f221e18293d991b24a7b2e
Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Louai Al-Khanji 2015-12-02 18:48:46 -08:00
parent a0f9ee5dca
commit 24642df23c
3 changed files with 87 additions and 89 deletions

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@ -122,11 +122,52 @@ QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
// so we will use 512
static const int errorBufferMax = 512;
static inline void add_fd(int &nfds, int fd, fd_set *fdset)
namespace {
struct QProcessPoller
FD_SET(fd, fdset);
if ((fd) > nfds)
nfds = fd;
QProcessPoller(const QProcessPrivate &proc);
int poll(int timeout);
pollfd &stdinPipe() { return pfds[0]; }
pollfd &stdoutPipe() { return pfds[1]; }
pollfd &stderrPipe() { return pfds[2]; }
pollfd &forkfd() { return pfds[3]; }
pollfd &childStartedPipe() { return pfds[4]; }
enum { n_pfds = 5 };
pollfd pfds[n_pfds];
QProcessPoller::QProcessPoller(const QProcessPrivate &proc)
for (int i = 0; i < n_pfds; i++)
pfds[i] = { -1, POLLIN, 0 };
stdoutPipe().fd = proc.stdoutChannel.pipe[0];
stderrPipe().fd = proc.stderrChannel.pipe[0];
if (!proc.writeBuffer.isEmpty()) {
stdinPipe().fd = proc.stdinChannel.pipe[1];
stdinPipe().events = POLLOUT;
forkfd().fd = proc.forkfd;
if (proc.processState == QProcess::Starting)
childStartedPipe().fd = proc.childStartedPipe[0];
int QProcessPoller::poll(int timeout)
const nfds_t nfds = (childStartedPipe().fd == -1) ? 4 : 5;
return qt_poll_msecs(pfds, nfds, timeout);
} // anonymous namespace
static bool qt_pollfd_check(const pollfd &pfd, short revents)
return pfd.fd >= 0 && (pfd.revents & (revents | POLLHUP | POLLERR | POLLNVAL)) != 0;
static int qt_create_pipe(int *pipe)
@ -832,10 +873,9 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForStarted(int msecs)
fd_set fds;
FD_SET(childStartedPipe[0], &fds);
if (qt_select_msecs(childStartedPipe[0] + 1, &fds, 0, msecs) == 0) {
pollfd pfd = { childStartedPipe[0], POLLIN, 0 };
if (qt_poll_msecs(&pfd, 1, msecs) == 0) {
#if defined (QPROCESS_DEBUG)
qDebug("QProcessPrivate::waitForStarted(%d) == false (timed out)", msecs);
@ -860,28 +900,10 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForReadyRead(int msecs)
forever {
fd_set fdread;
fd_set fdwrite;
int nfds = forkfd;
FD_SET(forkfd, &fdread);
if (processState == QProcess::Starting)
add_fd(nfds, childStartedPipe[0], &fdread);
if (stdoutChannel.pipe[0] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stdoutChannel.pipe[0], &fdread);
if (stderrChannel.pipe[0] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stderrChannel.pipe[0], &fdread);
if (!writeBuffer.isEmpty() && stdinChannel.pipe[1] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stdinChannel.pipe[1], &fdwrite);
QProcessPoller poller(*this);
int timeout = qt_subtract_from_timeout(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed());
int ret = qt_select_msecs(nfds + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, timeout);
int ret = poller.poll(timeout);
if (ret < 0) {
@ -891,18 +913,18 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForReadyRead(int msecs)
return false;
if (childStartedPipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(childStartedPipe[0], &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.childStartedPipe(), POLLIN)) {
if (!_q_startupNotification())
return false;
bool readyReadEmitted = false;
if (stdoutChannel.pipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stdoutChannel.pipe[0], &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stdoutPipe(), POLLIN)) {
bool canRead = _q_canReadStandardOutput();
if (currentReadChannel == QProcess::StandardOutput && canRead)
readyReadEmitted = true;
if (stderrChannel.pipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stderrChannel.pipe[0], &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stderrPipe(), POLLIN)) {
bool canRead = _q_canReadStandardError();
if (currentReadChannel == QProcess::StandardError && canRead)
readyReadEmitted = true;
@ -910,10 +932,10 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForReadyRead(int msecs)
if (readyReadEmitted)
return true;
if (stdinChannel.pipe[1] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stdinChannel.pipe[1], &fdwrite))
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stdinPipe(), POLLOUT))
if (forkfd == -1 || FD_ISSET(forkfd, &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.forkfd(), POLLIN)) {
if (_q_processDied())
return false;
@ -931,29 +953,10 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForBytesWritten(int msecs)
while (!writeBuffer.isEmpty()) {
fd_set fdread;
fd_set fdwrite;
int nfds = forkfd;
FD_SET(forkfd, &fdread);
if (processState == QProcess::Starting)
add_fd(nfds, childStartedPipe[0], &fdread);
if (stdoutChannel.pipe[0] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stdoutChannel.pipe[0], &fdread);
if (stderrChannel.pipe[0] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stderrChannel.pipe[0], &fdread);
if (!writeBuffer.isEmpty() && stdinChannel.pipe[1] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stdinChannel.pipe[1], &fdwrite);
QProcessPoller poller(*this);
int timeout = qt_subtract_from_timeout(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed());
int ret = qt_select_msecs(nfds + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, timeout);
int ret = poller.poll(timeout);
if (ret < 0) {
@ -964,21 +967,21 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForBytesWritten(int msecs)
return false;
if (childStartedPipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(childStartedPipe[0], &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.childStartedPipe(), POLLIN)) {
if (!_q_startupNotification())
return false;
if (stdinChannel.pipe[1] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stdinChannel.pipe[1], &fdwrite))
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stdinPipe(), POLLOUT))
return _q_canWrite();
if (stdoutChannel.pipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stdoutChannel.pipe[0], &fdread))
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stdoutPipe(), POLLIN))
if (stderrChannel.pipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stderrChannel.pipe[0], &fdread))
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stderrPipe(), POLLIN))
if (forkfd == -1 || FD_ISSET(forkfd, &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.forkfd(), POLLIN)) {
if (_q_processDied())
return false;
@ -997,29 +1000,10 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForFinished(int msecs)
forever {
fd_set fdread;
fd_set fdwrite;
int nfds = -1;
if (processState == QProcess::Starting)
add_fd(nfds, childStartedPipe[0], &fdread);
if (stdoutChannel.pipe[0] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stdoutChannel.pipe[0], &fdread);
if (stderrChannel.pipe[0] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stderrChannel.pipe[0], &fdread);
if (processState == QProcess::Running && forkfd != -1)
add_fd(nfds, forkfd, &fdread);
if (!writeBuffer.isEmpty() && stdinChannel.pipe[1] != -1)
add_fd(nfds, stdinChannel.pipe[1], &fdwrite);
QProcessPoller poller(*this);
int timeout = qt_subtract_from_timeout(msecs, stopWatch.elapsed());
int ret = qt_select_msecs(nfds + 1, &fdread, &fdwrite, timeout);
int ret = poller.poll(timeout);
if (ret < 0) {
@ -1029,20 +1013,20 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForFinished(int msecs)
return false;
if (childStartedPipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(childStartedPipe[0], &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.childStartedPipe(), POLLIN)) {
if (!_q_startupNotification())
return false;
if (stdinChannel.pipe[1] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stdinChannel.pipe[1], &fdwrite))
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stdinPipe(), POLLOUT))
if (stdoutChannel.pipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stdoutChannel.pipe[0], &fdread))
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stdoutPipe(), POLLIN))
if (stderrChannel.pipe[0] != -1 && FD_ISSET(stderrChannel.pipe[0], &fdread))
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.stderrPipe(), POLLIN))
if (forkfd == -1 || FD_ISSET(forkfd, &fdread)) {
if (qt_pollfd_check(poller.forkfd(), POLLIN)) {
if (_q_processDied())
return true;
@ -1052,10 +1036,8 @@ bool QProcessPrivate::waitForFinished(int msecs)
bool QProcessPrivate::waitForWrite(int msecs)
fd_set fdwrite;
FD_SET(stdinChannel.pipe[1], &fdwrite);
return qt_select_msecs(stdinChannel.pipe[1] + 1, 0, &fdwrite, msecs < 0 ? 0 : msecs) == 1;
pollfd pfd = { stdinChannel.pipe[1], POLLOUT, 0 };
return qt_poll_msecs(&pfd, 1, msecs < 0 ? 0 : msecs) == 1;
void QProcessPrivate::findExitCode()

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@ -184,4 +184,18 @@ int qt_safe_poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, const struct timespec *timeout
int qt_poll_msecs(pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout)
timespec ts, *pts = Q_NULLPTR;
if (timeout >= 0) {
ts.tv_sec = timeout / 1000;
ts.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000 * 1000;
pts = &ts;
return qt_safe_poll(fds, nfds, pts);

View File

@ -326,6 +326,8 @@ void qt_nanosleep(timespec amount);
Q_CORE_EXPORT int qt_safe_poll(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, const struct timespec *timeout_ts);
int qt_poll_msecs(struct pollfd *fds, nfds_t nfds, int timeout);
Q_CORE_EXPORT int qt_safe_select(int nfds, fd_set *fdread, fd_set *fdwrite, fd_set *fdexcept,
const struct timespec *tv);