Extend array operations tests with extra cases
Extended existing tests with QArrayData's allocation options Added extra tests on array operations covering append, insert, emplace, erase and truncate. "Raw" QArrayDataPointer is used instead of test-specific SimpleVector to check the behavior without some custom logic in-between The change targets future updates to array operations in the light of prepend optimization: as the array operations would become more complex, these tests should give a much better coverage (specifically due to likely non-trivial implementation details and optimizations) Task-number: QTBUG-84320 Change-Id: I6581e2cb48f81b82ee5052d1dcea3da2819df47a Reviewed-by: Sona Kurazyan <sona.kurazyan@qt.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -50,22 +50,22 @@ public:
explicit SimpleVector(size_t n)
: d(Data::allocate(n))
explicit SimpleVector(size_t n, typename Data::ArrayOptions f = Data::DefaultAllocationFlags)
: d(Data::allocate(n, f))
if (n)
SimpleVector(size_t n, const T &t)
: d(Data::allocate(n))
SimpleVector(size_t n, const T &t, typename Data::ArrayOptions f = Data::DefaultAllocationFlags)
: d(Data::allocate(n, f))
if (n)
d->copyAppend(n, t);
SimpleVector(const T *begin, const T *end)
: d(Data::allocate(end - begin))
SimpleVector(const T *begin, const T *end, typename Data::ArrayOptions f = Data::DefaultAllocationFlags)
: d(Data::allocate(end - begin, f))
if (end - begin)
d->copyAppend(begin, end);
@ -33,6 +33,19 @@
#include "simplevector.h"
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
// A wrapper for a test function. Calls a function, if it fails, reports failure
#define RUN_TEST_FUNC(test, ...) \
do { \
test(__VA_ARGS__); \
if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) \
QFAIL("Test case " #test "(" #__VA_ARGS__ ") failed"); \
} while (false)
class tst_QArrayData : public QObject
@ -50,8 +63,12 @@ private slots:
void alignment();
void typedData();
void gccBug43247();
void arrayOps_data();
void arrayOps();
void arrayOps2_data();
void arrayOps2();
void arrayOpsExtra_data();
void arrayOpsExtra();
void fromRawData_data();
void fromRawData();
void literals();
@ -732,10 +749,36 @@ struct CountedObject
static size_t liveCount;
bool operator==(const CountedObject &lhs, const CountedObject &rhs)
return lhs.id == rhs.id; // TODO: anything better than this?
size_t CountedObject::liveCount = 0;
void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps_data()
QTest::newRow("default-alloc") << QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::DefaultAllocationFlags);
QTest::newRow("grows-forward") << QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::GrowsForward);
QTest::newRow("grows-backwards") << QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::GrowsBackwards);
<< QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::GrowsForward | QArrayData::GrowsBackwards);
<< QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::CapacityReserved);
<< QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::GrowsForward | QArrayData::CapacityReserved);
<< QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::GrowsBackwards | QArrayData::CapacityReserved);
<< QArrayData::ArrayOptions(QArrayData::GrowsForward | QArrayData::GrowsBackwards
| QArrayData::CapacityReserved);
void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps()
QFETCH(QArrayData::ArrayOptions, allocationOptions);
CountedObject::LeakChecker leakChecker; Q_UNUSED(leakChecker);
const int intArray[5] = { 80, 101, 100, 114, 111 };
@ -758,9 +801,9 @@ void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps()
// copyAppend (I)
SimpleVector<int> vi(intArray, intArray + 5);
SimpleVector<QString> vs(stringArray, stringArray + 5);
SimpleVector<CountedObject> vo(objArray, objArray + 5);
SimpleVector<int> vi(intArray, intArray + 5, allocationOptions);
SimpleVector<QString> vs(stringArray, stringArray + 5, allocationOptions);
SimpleVector<CountedObject> vo(objArray, objArray + 5, allocationOptions);
QCOMPARE(CountedObject::liveCount, size_t(10));
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
@ -786,9 +829,9 @@ void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps()
QString referenceString = QLatin1String("reference");
CountedObject referenceObject;
vi = SimpleVector<int>(5, referenceInt);
vs = SimpleVector<QString>(5, referenceString);
vo = SimpleVector<CountedObject>(5, referenceObject);
vi = SimpleVector<int>(5, referenceInt, allocationOptions);
vs = SimpleVector<QString>(5, referenceString, allocationOptions);
vo = SimpleVector<CountedObject>(5, referenceObject, allocationOptions);
QCOMPARE(vi.size(), size_t(5));
QCOMPARE(vs.size(), size_t(5));
@ -899,15 +942,21 @@ void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps()
void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps2_data()
void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps2()
QFETCH(QArrayData::ArrayOptions, allocationOptions);
CountedObject::LeakChecker leakChecker; Q_UNUSED(leakChecker);
// appendInitialize
SimpleVector<int> vi(5);
SimpleVector<QString> vs(5);
SimpleVector<CountedObject> vo(5);
SimpleVector<int> vi(5, allocationOptions);
SimpleVector<QString> vs(5, allocationOptions);
SimpleVector<CountedObject> vo(5, allocationOptions);
QCOMPARE(vi.size(), size_t(5));
QCOMPARE(vs.size(), size_t(5));
@ -1039,6 +1088,423 @@ void tst_QArrayData::arrayOps2()
void tst_QArrayData::arrayOpsExtra_data()
void tst_QArrayData::arrayOpsExtra()
QFETCH(QArrayData::ArrayOptions, allocationOptions);
CountedObject::LeakChecker leakChecker; Q_UNUSED(leakChecker);
constexpr size_t inputSize = 5;
const std::array<int, inputSize> intArray = { 80, 101, 100, 114, 111 };
const std::array<QString, inputSize> stringArray = {
QLatin1String("just"), QLatin1String("for"), QLatin1String("testing"), QLatin1String("a"),
const std::array<CountedObject, inputSize> objArray;
QVERIFY(!QTypeInfo<int>::isComplex && QTypeInfo<int>::isRelocatable);
QVERIFY(QTypeInfo<QString>::isComplex && QTypeInfo<QString>::isRelocatable);
QVERIFY(QTypeInfo<CountedObject>::isComplex && !QTypeInfo<CountedObject>::isRelocatable);
QCOMPARE(CountedObject::liveCount, inputSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
QCOMPARE(objArray[i].id, i);
const auto setupDataPointers = [&allocationOptions] (size_t capacity, size_t initialSize = 0) {
const qsizetype alloc = qsizetype(capacity);
QArrayDataPointer<int> i(QTypedArrayData<int>::allocate(alloc, allocationOptions));
QArrayDataPointer<QString> s(QTypedArrayData<QString>::allocate(alloc, allocationOptions));
QArrayDataPointer<CountedObject> o(QTypedArrayData<CountedObject>::allocate(alloc, allocationOptions));
if (initialSize) {
// assign unique values
std::generate(i.begin(), i.end(), [] () { static int i = 0; return i++; });
std::generate(s.begin(), s.end(), [] () { static int i = 0; return QString::number(i++); });
std::generate(o.begin(), o.end(), [] () { return CountedObject(); });
return std::make_tuple(i, s, o);
const auto cloneArrayDataPointer = [] (auto &dataPointer, size_t capacity) {
using ArrayPointer = std::decay_t<decltype(dataPointer)>;
using Type = std::decay_t<typename ArrayPointer::parameter_type>;
ArrayPointer copy(QTypedArrayData<Type>::allocate(qsizetype(capacity), dataPointer.flags()));
copy->copyAppend(dataPointer.begin(), dataPointer.end());
return copy;
// Test allocation first
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(inputSize);
QVERIFY(intData.size == 0);
QVERIFY(intData.d_ptr() != nullptr);
QVERIFY(intData.constAllocatedCapacity() >= inputSize);
QVERIFY(intData.data() != nullptr);
QVERIFY(strData.size == 0);
QVERIFY(strData.d_ptr() != nullptr);
QVERIFY(strData.constAllocatedCapacity() >= inputSize);
QVERIFY(strData.data() != nullptr);
QVERIFY(objData.size == 0);
QVERIFY(objData.d_ptr() != nullptr);
QVERIFY(objData.constAllocatedCapacity() >= inputSize);
QVERIFY(objData.data() != nullptr);
// copyAppend (iterator version)
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
const auto testCopyAppend = [&] (auto &dataPointer, auto first, auto last) {
const size_t originalSize = dataPointer.size;
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
const size_t distance = std::distance(first, last);
dataPointer->copyAppend(first, last);
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), originalSize + distance);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < originalSize; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
for (; i < size_t(dataPointer.size); ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], *(first + (i - originalSize)));
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(inputSize * 2, inputSize / 2);
// empty range
const std::array<int, 0> emptyIntArray{};
const std::array<QString, 0> emptyStrArray{};
const std::array<CountedObject, 0> emptyObjArray{};
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, emptyIntArray.begin(), emptyIntArray.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, emptyStrArray.begin(), emptyStrArray.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, emptyObjArray.begin(), emptyObjArray.end());
// from arbitrary iterators
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, intArray.begin(), intArray.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, stringArray.begin(), stringArray.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, objArray.begin(), objArray.end());
// from self
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, intData.begin() + 3, intData.begin() + 5);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, strData.begin() + 3, strData.begin() + 5);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, objData.begin() + 3, objData.begin() + 5);
// append to full
const size_t intDataFreeSpace = intData.constAllocatedCapacity() - intData.size;
QVERIFY(intDataFreeSpace > 0);
const size_t strDataFreeSpace = strData.constAllocatedCapacity() - strData.size;
QVERIFY(strDataFreeSpace > 0);
const size_t objDataFreeSpace = objData.constAllocatedCapacity() - objData.size;
QVERIFY(objDataFreeSpace > 0);
const std::vector<int> intVec(intDataFreeSpace, int(55));
const std::vector<QString> strVec(strDataFreeSpace, QLatin1String("filler"));
const std::vector<CountedObject> objVec(objDataFreeSpace, CountedObject());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, intVec.begin(), intVec.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, strVec.begin(), strVec.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, objVec.begin(), objVec.end());
QCOMPARE(size_t(intData.size), intData.constAllocatedCapacity());
QCOMPARE(size_t(strData.size), strData.constAllocatedCapacity());
QCOMPARE(size_t(objData.size), objData.constAllocatedCapacity());
// copyAppend (value version)
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
const auto testCopyAppend = [&] (auto &dataPointer, size_t n, auto value) {
const size_t originalSize = dataPointer.size;
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
dataPointer->copyAppend(n, value);
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), originalSize + n);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < originalSize; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
for (; i < size_t(dataPointer.size); ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], value);
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(inputSize * 2, inputSize / 2);
// no values
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, 0, int());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, 0, QString());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, 0, CountedObject());
// several values
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, inputSize, int(5));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, inputSize, QLatin1String("42"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, inputSize, CountedObject());
// from self
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, 2, intData.data()[3]);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, 2, strData.data()[3]);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, 2, objData.data()[3]);
// append to full
const size_t intDataFreeSpace = intData.constAllocatedCapacity() - intData.size;
QVERIFY(intDataFreeSpace > 0);
const size_t strDataFreeSpace = strData.constAllocatedCapacity() - strData.size;
QVERIFY(strDataFreeSpace > 0);
const size_t objDataFreeSpace = objData.constAllocatedCapacity() - objData.size;
QVERIFY(objDataFreeSpace > 0);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, intData, intDataFreeSpace, int(-1));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, strData, strDataFreeSpace, QLatin1String("foo"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testCopyAppend, objData, objDataFreeSpace, CountedObject());
QCOMPARE(size_t(intData.size), intData.constAllocatedCapacity());
QCOMPARE(size_t(strData.size), strData.constAllocatedCapacity());
QCOMPARE(size_t(objData.size), objData.constAllocatedCapacity());
// moveAppend
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
// now there's only one version that accepts "T*" as input parameters
const auto testMoveAppend = [&] (auto &dataPointer, const auto &source)
const size_t originalSize = dataPointer.size;
const size_t addedSize = std::distance(source.begin(), source.end());
auto sourceCopy = source;
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
dataPointer->moveAppend(sourceCopy.data(), sourceCopy.data() + sourceCopy.size());
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), originalSize + addedSize);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < originalSize; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
for (; i < size_t(dataPointer.size); ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], source[i - originalSize]);
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(inputSize * 2, inputSize / 2);
// empty range
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, intData, std::array<int, 0>{});
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, strData, std::array<QString, 0>{});
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, objData, std::array<CountedObject, 0>{});
// non-empty range
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, intData, intArray);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, strData, stringArray);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, objData, objArray);
// append to full
const size_t intDataFreeSpace = intData.constAllocatedCapacity() - intData.size;
QVERIFY(intDataFreeSpace > 0);
const size_t strDataFreeSpace = strData.constAllocatedCapacity() - strData.size;
QVERIFY(strDataFreeSpace > 0);
const size_t objDataFreeSpace = objData.constAllocatedCapacity() - objData.size;
QVERIFY(objDataFreeSpace > 0);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, intData, std::vector<int>(intDataFreeSpace, int(55)));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, strData,
std::vector<QString>(strDataFreeSpace, QLatin1String("barbaz")));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testMoveAppend, objData,
std::vector<CountedObject>(objDataFreeSpace, CountedObject()));
QCOMPARE(size_t(intData.size), intData.constAllocatedCapacity());
QCOMPARE(size_t(strData.size), strData.constAllocatedCapacity());
QCOMPARE(size_t(objData.size), objData.constAllocatedCapacity());
// truncate
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
const auto testTruncate = [&] (auto &dataPointer, size_t newSize)
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), newSize);
for (size_t i = 0; i < newSize; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(inputSize, inputSize);
// truncate one
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testTruncate, intData, inputSize - 1);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testTruncate, strData, inputSize - 1);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testTruncate, objData, inputSize - 1);
// truncate all
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testTruncate, intData, 0);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testTruncate, strData, 0);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testTruncate, objData, 0);
// insert
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
const auto testInsertRange = [&] (auto &dataPointer, size_t pos, auto first, auto last)
const size_t originalSize = dataPointer.size;
const size_t distance = std::distance(first, last);
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
dataPointer->insert(dataPointer.begin() + pos, first, last);
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), originalSize + distance);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < pos; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
for (; i < pos + distance; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], *(first + (i - pos)));
for (; i < size_t(dataPointer.size); ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i - distance]);
const auto testInsertValue = [&] (auto &dataPointer, size_t pos, size_t n, auto value)
const size_t originalSize = dataPointer.size;
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
dataPointer->insert(dataPointer.begin() + pos, n, value);
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), originalSize + n);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < pos; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
for (; i < pos + n; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], value);
for (; i < size_t(dataPointer.size); ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i - n]);
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(100, 10);
// empty ranges
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, intData, 0, intArray.data(), intArray.data());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, strData, 0, stringArray.data(), stringArray.data());
// RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, objData, 0, objArray.data(), objArray.data()); // ### crashes
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, intData, 1, 0, int());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, strData, 1, 0, QString());
// RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, objData, 1, 0, CountedObject()); // ### crashes
// insert at the beginning
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, intData, 0, intArray.data(), intArray.data() + 1);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, strData, 0, stringArray.data(), stringArray.data() + 1);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, objData, 0, objArray.data(), objArray.data() + 1);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, intData, 0, 1, int(-100));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, strData, 0, 1, QLatin1String("12"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, objData, 0, 1, CountedObject());
// insert into the middle (with the left part of the data being smaller)
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, intData, 1, intArray.data() + 2, intArray.data() + 4);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, strData, 1, stringArray.data() + 2, stringArray.data() + 4);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, objData, 1, objArray.data() + 2, objArray.data() + 4);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, intData, 2, 2, int(11));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, strData, 2, 2, QLatin1String("abcdefxdeadbeef"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, objData, 2, 2, CountedObject());
// insert into the middle (with the right part of the data being smaller)
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, intData, intData.size - 1, intArray.data(),
intArray.data() + intArray.size());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, strData, strData.size - 1, stringArray.data(),
stringArray.data() + stringArray.size());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertRange, objData, objData.size - 1, objArray.data(),
objArray.data() + objArray.size());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, intData, intData.size - 3, 3, int(512));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, strData, strData.size - 3, 3, QLatin1String("foo"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, objData, objData.size - 3, 3, CountedObject());
// insert at the end (generic and movable operations allow it in value case)
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, strData, strData.size, 1, QLatin1String("hello, world"));
// RUN_TEST_FUNC(testInsertValue, objData, objData.size, 1, CountedObject()); // ### crashes
// emplace
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
// testing simple case when emplacing a copy of the same type
const auto testEmplace = [&] (auto &dataPointer, size_t pos, auto value)
const size_t originalSize = dataPointer.size;
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
dataPointer->emplace(dataPointer.begin() + pos, value);
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), originalSize + 1);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < pos; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i++], value);
for (; i < size_t(dataPointer.size); ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i - 1]);
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(20, 5);
// emplace at the beginning
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, intData, 0, int(2));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, strData, 0, QLatin1String("foo"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, objData, 0, CountedObject());
// emplace into the middle (with the left part of the data being smaller)
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, intData, 1, int(-1));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, strData, 1, QLatin1String("bar"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, objData, 1, CountedObject());
// emplace into the middle (with the right part of the data being smaller)
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, intData, intData.size - 2, int(42));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, strData, strData.size - 2, QLatin1String("baz"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, objData, objData.size - 2, CountedObject());
// emplace at the end
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, intData, intData.size, int(123));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, strData, strData.size, QLatin1String("bak"));
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testEmplace, objData, objData.size, CountedObject());
// erase
CountedObject::LeakChecker localLeakChecker; Q_UNUSED(localLeakChecker);
const auto testErase = [&] (auto &dataPointer, auto first, auto last)
const size_t originalSize = dataPointer.size;
const size_t distance = std::distance(first, last);
const size_t pos = std::distance(dataPointer.begin(), first);
auto copy = cloneArrayDataPointer(dataPointer, dataPointer.size);
dataPointer->erase(first, last);
QCOMPARE(size_t(dataPointer.size), originalSize - distance);
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < pos; ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i]);
for (; i < size_t(dataPointer.size); ++i)
QCOMPARE(dataPointer.data()[i], copy.data()[i + distance]);
auto [intData, strData, objData] = setupDataPointers(100, 100);
// erase chunk from the beginning
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, intData, intData.begin(), intData.begin() + 10);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, strData, strData.begin(), strData.begin() + 10);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, objData, objData.begin(), objData.begin() + 10);
// erase chunk from the end
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, intData, intData.end() - 10, intData.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, strData, strData.end() - 10, strData.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, objData, objData.end() - 10, objData.end());
// erase the middle chunk
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, intData, intData.begin() + (intData.size / 2) - 5,
intData.begin() + (intData.size / 2) + 5);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, strData, strData.begin() + (strData.size / 2) - 5,
strData.begin() + (strData.size / 2) + 5);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, objData, objData.begin() + (objData.size / 2) - 5,
objData.begin() + (objData.size / 2) + 5);
// erase chunk in the left part of the data
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, intData, intData.begin() + 1, intData.begin() + 6);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, strData, strData.begin() + 1, strData.begin() + 6);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, objData, objData.begin() + 1, objData.begin() + 6);
// erase chunk in the right part of the data
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, intData, intData.end() - 6, intData.end() - 1);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, strData, strData.end() - 6, strData.end() - 1);
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, objData, objData.end() - 6, objData.end() - 1);
// erase all
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, intData, intData.begin(), intData.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, strData, strData.begin(), strData.end());
RUN_TEST_FUNC(testErase, objData, objData.begin(), objData.end());
struct ResetOnDtor
Reference in New Issue
Block a user