Windows QPA: Output more information when initializing tablets

Add a debug operator for the LOGCONTEXT.

Change-Id: I93d567692f35c69687709800d80bc93487c8f906
Reviewed-by: Shawn Rutledge <>
This commit is contained in:
Friedemann Kleint 2018-03-07 14:33:35 +01:00
parent ac6590e0fc
commit 52fede55b8

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@ -111,6 +111,61 @@ inline QPointF QWindowsTabletDeviceData::scaleCoordinates(int coordX, int coordY
return QPointF(x, y);
template <class Stream>
static void formatOptions(Stream &str, unsigned options)
if (options & CXO_SYSTEM)
str << " CXO_SYSTEM";
if (options & CXO_PEN)
str << " CXO_PEN";
if (options & CXO_MESSAGES)
str << " CXO_MESSAGES";
if (options & CXO_MARGIN)
str << " CXO_MARGIN";
if (options & CXO_MGNINSIDE)
str << " CXO_MGNINSIDE";
if (options & CXO_CSRMESSAGES)
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QWindowsTabletDeviceData &t)
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d << "TabletDevice id:" << t.uniqueId << " pressure: " << t.minPressure
<< ".." << t.maxPressure << " tan pressure: " << t.minTanPressure << ".."
<< t.maxTanPressure << " area:" << t.minX << t.minY <<t.minZ
<< ".." << t.maxX << t.maxY << t.maxZ << " device " << t.currentDevice
<< " pointer " << t.currentPointerType;
return d;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const LOGCONTEXT &lc)
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d << "LOGCONTEXT(\"" << QString::fromWCharArray(lc.lcName) << "\", options=0x"
<< hex << lc.lcOptions << dec;
formatOptions(d, lc.lcOptions);
d << ", status=0x" << hex << lc.lcStatus << ", device=0x" << lc.lcDevice
<< dec << ", PktRate=" << lc.lcPktRate
<< ", PktData=" << lc.lcPktData << ", PktMode=" << lc.lcPktMode
<< ", MoveMask=0x" << hex << lc.lcMoveMask << ", BtnDnMask=0x" << lc.lcBtnDnMask
<< ", BtnUpMask=0x" << lc.lcBtnUpMask << dec << ", SysMode=" << lc.lcSysMode
<< ", InOrg=(" << lc.lcInOrgX << ", " << lc.lcInOrgY << ", " << lc.lcInOrgZ
<< "), InExt=(" << lc.lcInExtX << ", " << lc.lcInExtY << ", " << lc.lcInExtZ
<< ") OutOrg=(" << lc.lcOutOrgX << ", " << lc.lcOutOrgY << ", "
<< lc.lcOutOrgZ << "), OutExt=(" << lc.lcOutExtX << ", " << lc.lcOutExtY
<< ", " << lc.lcOutExtZ
<< "), Sens=(" << lc.lcSensX << ", " << lc.lcSensX << ", " << lc.lcSensZ
<< ") SysOrg=(" << lc.lcSysOrgX << ", " << lc.lcSysOrgY
<< "), SysExt=(" << lc.lcSysExtX << ", " << lc.lcSysExtY
<< "), SysSens=(" << lc.lcSysSensX << ", " << lc.lcSysSensY << "))";
return d;
QWindowsWinTab32DLL QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL;
@ -186,6 +241,7 @@ QWindowsTabletSupport *QWindowsTabletSupport::create()
// build our context from the default context
QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, &lcMine);
qCDebug(lcQpaTablet) << "Default: " << lcMine;
// Go for the raw coordinates, the tablet event will return good stuff
lcMine.lcPktData = lcMine.lcMoveMask = PACKETDATA;
@ -194,6 +250,7 @@ QWindowsTabletSupport *QWindowsTabletSupport::create()
lcMine.lcOutExtX = lcMine.lcInExtX;
lcMine.lcOutOrgY = 0;
lcMine.lcOutExtY = -lcMine.lcInExtY;
qCDebug(lcQpaTablet) << "Requesting: " << lcMine;
const HCTX context = QWindowsTabletSupport::m_winTab32DLL.wTOpen(window, &lcMine, true);
if (!context) {
qCDebug(lcQpaTablet) << __FUNCTION__ << "Unable to open tablet.";
@ -215,7 +272,7 @@ QWindowsTabletSupport *QWindowsTabletSupport::create()
} // mismatch
qCDebug(lcQpaTablet) << "Opened tablet context " << context << " on window "
<< window << "changed packet queue size " << currentQueueSize
<< "->" << TabletPacketQSize;
<< "->" << TabletPacketQSize << "\nobtained: " << lcMine;
return new QWindowsTabletSupport(window, context);
@ -238,17 +295,23 @@ QString QWindowsTabletSupport::description() const
WORD specificationVersion = 0;
m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_SPECVERSION, &specificationVersion);
const unsigned opts = options();
QString result = QString::fromLatin1("%1 specification: v%2.%3 implementation: v%4.%5 options: 0x%6")
.arg(specificationVersion >> 8).arg(specificationVersion & 0xFF)
.arg(implementationVersion >> 8).arg(implementationVersion & 0xFF)
.arg(opts, 0, 16);
if (opts & CXO_MESSAGES)
result += QLatin1String(" CXO_MESSAGES");
result += QLatin1String(" CXO_CSRMESSAGES");
WORD devices = 0;
m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_NDEVICES, &devices);
WORD cursors = 0;
m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_NCURSORS, &cursors);
WORD extensions = 0;
m_winTab32DLL.wTInfo(WTI_INTERFACE, IFC_NEXTENSIONS, &extensions);
QString result;
QTextStream str(&result);
str << '"' << QString::fromWCharArray(
<< "\" specification: v" << (specificationVersion >> 8)
<< '.' << (specificationVersion & 0xFF) << " implementation: v"
<< (implementationVersion >> 8) << '.' << (implementationVersion & 0xFF)
<< ' ' << devices << " device(s), " << cursors << " cursor(s), "
<< extensions << " extensions" << ", options: 0x" << hex << opts << dec;
formatOptions(str, opts);
if (m_tiltSupport)
result += QLatin1String(" tilt");
str << " tilt";
return result;
@ -306,20 +369,6 @@ static inline QTabletEvent::PointerType pointerType(unsigned currentCursor)
return QTabletEvent::UnknownPointer;
QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QWindowsTabletDeviceData &t)
QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
d << "TabletDevice id:" << t.uniqueId << " pressure: " << t.minPressure
<< ".." << t.maxPressure << " tan pressure: " << t.minTanPressure << ".."
<< t.maxTanPressure << " area:" << t.minX << t.minY <<t.minZ
<< ".." << t.maxX << t.maxY << t.maxZ << " device " << t.currentDevice
<< " pointer " << t.currentPointerType;
return d;
QWindowsTabletDeviceData QWindowsTabletSupport::tabletInit(qint64 uniqueId, UINT cursorType) const
QWindowsTabletDeviceData result;