Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/5.15.0' into 5.15

Change-Id: I1b46a9485d86f4d8ea104df31366fb6ad16a4654
This commit is contained in:
Qt Forward Merge Bot 2020-04-30 18:03:53 +02:00
commit 5ed024a5da
4 changed files with 234 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -788,17 +788,34 @@ static QCborValue::Type convertToExtendedType(QCborContainerPrivate *d)
// The data is supposed to be US-ASCII. If it isn't (contains UTF-8),
// QDateTime::fromString will fail anyway.
dt = QDateTime::fromString(b->asLatin1(), Qt::ISODateWithMs);
} else if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t) && e.type == QCborValue::Integer) {
dt = QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(e.value, Qt::UTC);
} else if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t) && e.type == QCborValue::Double) {
dt = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(qint64(e.fpvalue() * 1000), Qt::UTC);
} else if (tag == qint64(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t)) {
qint64 msecs;
bool ok = false;
if (e.type == QCborValue::Integer) {
// we don't have a fast 64-bit mul_overflow implementation on
// 32-bit architectures.
ok = !mul_overflow(e.value, qint64(1000), &msecs);
static const qint64 Limit = std::numeric_limits<qint64>::max() / 1000;
ok = (e.value > -Limit && e.value < Limit);
if (ok)
msecs = e.value * 1000;
} else if (e.type == QCborValue::Double) {
ok = convertDoubleTo(round(e.fpvalue() * 1000), &msecs);
if (ok)
dt = QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(msecs, Qt::UTC);
if (dt.isValid()) {
QByteArray text = dt.toString(Qt::ISODateWithMs).toLatin1();
replaceByteData(text, text.size(), Element::StringIsAscii);
e.type = QCborValue::String;
d->elements[0].value = qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString);
return QCborValue::DateTime;
if (!text.isEmpty()) {
replaceByteData(text, text.size(), Element::StringIsAscii);
e.type = QCborValue::String;
d->elements[0].value = qint64(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString);
return QCborValue::DateTime;
@ -810,9 +827,11 @@ static QCborValue::Type convertToExtendedType(QCborContainerPrivate *d)
// normalize to a short (decoded) form, so as to save space
QUrl url(e.flags & Element::StringIsUtf16 ?
b->asQStringRaw() :
QByteArray encoded = url.toString(QUrl::DecodeReserved).toUtf8();
replaceByteData(encoded, encoded.size(), {});
b->toUtf8String(), QUrl::StrictMode);
if (url.isValid()) {
QByteArray encoded = url.toString(QUrl::DecodeReserved).toUtf8();
replaceByteData(encoded, encoded.size(), {});
return QCborValue::Url;

View File

@ -763,8 +763,6 @@ static void updateSystemPrivate()
const ushort group = res.toString().at(0).unicode();
if (group != globalLocaleData.m_decimal)
globalLocaleData.m_group = group;
else if (group == globalLocaleData.m_group)
qWarning("System-supplied decimal and grouping character are both 0x%hx", group);
res = sys_locale->query(QSystemLocale::ZeroDigit, QVariant());

View File

@ -184,7 +184,10 @@ QCocoaTouch::getCurrentTouchPointList(NSEvent *event, bool acceptSingleTouch)
if (_touchCount != _currentTouches.size()) {
// Remove all instances, and basically start from scratch:
for (QCocoaTouch *qcocoaTouch : _currentTouches) {
// Deleting touch points will remove them from current touches,
// so we make a copy of the touches before iterating them.
const auto currentTouchesSnapshot = _currentTouches;
for (QCocoaTouch *qcocoaTouch : currentTouchesSnapshot) {
if (!_updateInternalStateOnly) {
qcocoaTouch->_touchPoint.state = Qt::TouchPointReleased;
touchPoints.insert(qcocoaTouch->, qcocoaTouch->_touchPoint);

View File

@ -106,6 +106,8 @@ private slots:
void fromCborStreamReaderIODevice();
void validation_data();
void validation();
void extendedTypeValidation_data();
void extendedTypeValidation();
void hugeDeviceValidation_data();
void hugeDeviceValidation();
void recursionLimit_data();
@ -118,6 +120,84 @@ private slots:
void streamVariantSerialization();
namespace SimpleEncodeToCbor {
inline size_t lengthOf(int)
return 1; // encode as byte
template <unsigned N> inline size_t lengthOf(const char (&)[N])
return N - 1;
inline size_t lengthOf(const char *str)
return strlen(str);
template <typename T> inline size_t lengthOf(T)
return sizeof(T);
static void encodeOneAt(char *ptr, int v, size_t)
// encode as byte
*ptr = char(v);
static void encodeOneAt(char *ptr, const char *v, size_t size)
memcpy(ptr, v, size);
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T>::value>::type
encodeOneAt(char *ptr, T v, size_t)
qToBigEndian(v, ptr);
template <typename T>
static typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value ||
std::is_same<T, qfloat16>::value>::type
encodeOneAt(char *ptr, T v, size_t)
typename QIntegerForSizeof<T>::Unsigned u;
memcpy(&u, &v, sizeof(u));
qToBigEndian(u, ptr);
static char *encodeAt(char *ptr)
return ptr;
template <typename Arg0, typename... Args>
static char *encodeAt(char *ptr, Arg0 a0, Args... a)
encodeOneAt(ptr, a0, lengthOf(a0));
return encodeAt(ptr + lengthOf(a0), a...);
} // namespace SimpleEncodetoCbor
template <typename... Args>
static QByteArray encode(Args... a)
// this would be much easier with C++17 fold expressions...
using namespace SimpleEncodeToCbor;
using namespace std;
size_t lengths[] = { lengthOf(a)... };
size_t total = accumulate(begin(lengths), end(lengths), size_t(0), plus<size_t>{});
QByteArray result(QByteArray::size_type(total), Qt::Uninitialized);
char *ptr =;
encodeAt(ptr, a...);
return result;
// Get the validation data from TinyCBOR (see src/3rdparty/tinycbor/tests/parser/data.cpp)
#include "data.cpp"
@ -1714,6 +1794,15 @@ void tst_QCborValue::fromCbor_data()
QTest::newRow("DateTime:NoMilli") << QCborValue(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(1515565477, Qt::UTC))
<< raw("\xc0\x74" "2018-01-10T06:24:37Z");
// date-only is only permitted local time
QTest::newRow("DateTime:NoTime:Local") << QCborValue(QDateTime(QDate(2020, 4, 15), QTime(0, 0), Qt::LocalTime))
<< raw("\xc0\x6a" "2020-04-15");
QTest::newRow("DateTime:24:00:00") << QCborValue(QDateTime(QDate(2020, 4, 16), QTime(0, 0), Qt::UTC))
<< raw("\xc0\x74" "2020-04-15T24:00:00Z");
QTest::newRow("DateTime:+00:00") << QCborValue(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1515565477125, Qt::UTC))
<< raw("\xc0\x78\x1d" "2018-01-10T06:24:37.125+00:00");
QTest::newRow("DateTime:+01:00") << QCborValue(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1515565477125, Qt::OffsetFromUTC, 60*60))
<< raw("\xc0\x78\x1d" "2018-01-10T07:24:37.125+01:00");
QTest::newRow("UnixTime_t:Integer") << QCborValue(QDateTime::fromSecsSinceEpoch(1515565477, Qt::UTC))
<< raw("\xc1\x1a\x5a\x55\xb1\xa5");
QTest::newRow("UnixTime_t:Double") << QCborValue(QDateTime::fromMSecsSinceEpoch(1515565477125, Qt::UTC))
@ -1882,6 +1971,117 @@ void tst_QCborValue::validation()
void tst_QCborValue::extendedTypeValidation_data()
// QDateTime currently stores time in milliseconds, so make sure
// we don't overflow
quint64 limit = std::numeric_limits<quint64>::max() / 1000;
<< encode(0xc1, 0x1b, limit + 1)
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t, qint64(limit) + 1);
<< encode(0xc1, 0x3b, limit)
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t, -qint64(limit) - 1);
double fplimit = std::numeric_limits<qint64>::min() / (-1000.); // 2^63 ms
<< encode(0xc1, 0xfb, fplimit)
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t, fplimit);
<< encode(0xc1, 0xfb, -fplimit)
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t, -fplimit);
// But in fact, QCborValue stores date/times as their ISO textual
// representation, which means it can't represent dates before year 1 or
// after year 9999.
QDateTime dt(QDate(-1, 1, 1), QTime(0, 0), Qt::UTC);
<< encode(0xc1, 0x3b, quint64(-dt.toSecsSinceEpoch()) - 1)
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t, dt.toSecsSinceEpoch());
dt.setDate(QDate(10000, 1, 1));
<< encode(0xc1, 0x1b, quint64(dt.toSecsSinceEpoch()))
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::UnixTime_t, dt.toSecsSinceEpoch());
// Invalid ISO date/time strings
auto add = [](const char *tag, const char *str) {
QByteArray raw;
if (strlen(str) < 0x18)
raw = encode(0xc0, 0x60 + int(strlen(str)), str);
raw = encode(0xc0, 0x78, quint8(strlen(str)), str);
QTest::addRow("DateTime:%s", tag)
<< raw << QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString, QString(str));
// tst_QDateTime::fromStringDateFormat has more tests
add("junk", "jjj");
add("zoned-date-only", "2020-04-15Z");
add("month-13", "2020-13-01T00:00:00Z");
add("negative-month", "2020--1-01T00:00:00Z");
add("jan-32", "2020-01-32T00:00:00Z");
add("apr-31", "2020-04-31T00:00:00Z");
add("feb-30", "2020-02-30T00:00:00Z");
add("feb-29-nonleap", "2021-02-29T00:00:00Z");
add("negative-day", "2020-01--1T00:00:00Z");
add("bad-separator", "2020-04-15j13:30:59Z");
add("hour-25", "2020-04-15T25:00:00Z");
add("negative-hour", "2020-04-15T-1:00:00Z");
add("minute-60", "2020-04-15T23:60:00Z");
add("negative-minute", "2020-04-15T23:-1:00Z");
add("second-60", "2020-04-15T23:59:60Z"); // not a leap second
add("negative-second", "2020-04-15T23:59:-1Z");
add("negative-milli", "2020-04-15T23.59:59.-1Z");
// walking null
char dt[] = "2020-04-15T17:33:32.125Z";
quint8 len = strlen(dt);
for (int i = 0; i < int(len); ++i) {
char c = '\0';
qSwap(c, dt[i]);
QTest::addRow("DateTime:Null-at-%d", i)
<< encode(0xc0, 0x78, len) + QByteArray(dt, len)
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::DateTimeString, QLatin1String(dt, len));
qSwap(c, dt[i]);
// Improperly-encoded URLs
const char badurl[] = "%zz";
<< encode(0xd8, int(QCborKnownTags::Url), 0x60 + int(strlen(badurl)), badurl)
<< QCborValue(QCborKnownTags::Url, QLatin1String(badurl));
void tst_QCborValue::extendedTypeValidation()
QFETCH(QByteArray, data);
QFETCH(QCborValue, expected);
QCborParserError error;
QCborValue decoded = QCborValue::fromCbor(data, &error);
QVERIFY2(error.error == QCborError(), qPrintable(error.errorString()));
QCOMPARE(error.offset, data.size());
QCOMPARE(decoded, expected);
QByteArray encoded = decoded.toCbor();
// behavior change, see qdatetime.cpp:fromIsoTimeString
QEXPECT_FAIL("DateTime:Null-at-19", "QDateTime parsing fixed, but only in 6.0", Abort);
QCOMPARE(encoded, data);
void tst_QCborValue::hugeDeviceValidation_data()
addValidationHugeDevice(MaxByteArraySize + 1, MaxStringSize + 1);