QMacStyle: De-HITheme QSlider
This one uses a hybrid approach. Standalone NSSliderCell has proven to be quite useless. However, we can access the cell of a properly configured NSSlider. Then, the cell can be to render all the QSlider parts as well as getting their rects. Change-Id: Idedad3e6d80e70631b01125596ed24dae5fde6c7 Reviewed-by: Morten Johan Sørvig <morten.sorvig@qt.io>
This commit is contained in:
@ -327,6 +327,40 @@ static bool setupScroller(NSScroller *scroller, const QStyleOptionSlider *sb)
return true;
static bool setupSlider(NSSlider *slider, const QStyleOptionSlider *sl)
if (sl->minimum >= sl->maximum)
return false;
slider.frame = sl->rect.toCGRect();
slider.minValue = sl->minimum;
slider.maxValue = sl->maximum;
slider.intValue = sl->sliderPosition;
slider.enabled = sl->state & QStyle::State_Enabled;
if (sl->tickPosition != QSlider::NoTicks) {
// Set numberOfTickMarks, but TicksBothSides will be treated differently
int interval = sl->tickInterval;
if (interval == 0) {
interval = sl->pageStep;
if (interval == 0)
interval = sl->singleStep;
if (interval == 0)
interval = 1; // return false?
slider.numberOfTickMarks = 1 + ((sl->maximum - sl->minimum) / interval);
const bool ticksAbove = sl->tickPosition == QSlider::TicksAbove;
if (sl->orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
slider.tickMarkPosition = ticksAbove ? NSTickMarkAbove : NSTickMarkBelow;
slider.tickMarkPosition = ticksAbove ? NSTickMarkLeft : NSTickMarkRight;
} else {
slider.numberOfTickMarks = 0;
return true;
static bool isInMacUnifiedToolbarArea(QWindow *window, int windowY)
QPlatformNativeInterface *nativeInterface = QGuiApplication::platformNativeInterface();
@ -1788,69 +1822,6 @@ void QMacStylePrivate::drawTableHeader(const CGRect &outerBounds,
p->translate(-outerBounds.origin.x, -outerBounds.origin.y);
void QMacStylePrivate::getSliderInfo(QStyle::ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionSlider *slider,
HIThemeTrackDrawInfo *tdi, const QWidget *needToRemoveMe) const
memset(tdi, 0, sizeof(HIThemeTrackDrawInfo)); // We don't get it all for some reason or another...
tdi->version = qt_mac_hitheme_version;
tdi->reserved = 0;
tdi->filler1 = 0;
switch (aquaSizeConstrain(slider, needToRemoveMe)) {
case QStyleHelper::SizeDefault:
case QStyleHelper::SizeLarge:
tdi->kind = kThemeMediumSlider;
case QStyleHelper::SizeMini:
tdi->kind = kThemeMiniSlider;
case QStyleHelper::SizeSmall:
tdi->kind = kThemeSmallSlider;
bool usePlainKnob = slider->tickPosition == QSlider::NoTicks
|| slider->tickPosition == QSlider::TicksBothSides;
tdi->bounds = slider->rect.toCGRect();
// Fix min and max positions. HITheme seems confused when it comes to rendering
// a slider at those positions. We give it a hand by extending and offsetting
// the slider range accordingly. See also comment for CC_Slider in drawComplexControl()
tdi->min = 0;
if (slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
tdi->max = 10 * slider->rect.width();
tdi->max = 10 * slider->rect.height();
int range = slider->maximum - slider->minimum;
if (range == 0) {
tdi->value = 0;
} else if (usePlainKnob || slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
int endsCorrection = usePlainKnob ? 25 : 10;
tdi->value = (tdi->max + 2 * endsCorrection) * (slider->sliderPosition - slider->minimum) / range - endsCorrection;
} else {
tdi->value = (tdi->max + 30) * (slider->sliderPosition - slider->minimum) / range - 20;
tdi->attributes = kThemeTrackShowThumb;
if (slider->upsideDown)
tdi->attributes |= kThemeTrackRightToLeft;
if (slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
tdi->attributes |= kThemeTrackHorizontal;
tdi->enableState = (slider->state & QStyle::State_Enabled) ? kThemeTrackActive
: kThemeTrackDisabled;
if (slider->state & QStyle::QStyle::State_HasFocus)
tdi->attributes |= kThemeTrackHasFocus;
if (usePlainKnob)
tdi->trackInfo.slider.thumbDir = kThemeThumbPlain;
else if (slider->tickPosition == QSlider::TicksAbove)
tdi->trackInfo.slider.thumbDir = kThemeThumbUpward;
tdi->trackInfo.slider.thumbDir = kThemeThumbDownward;
: backingStoreNSView(nil)
@ -1963,11 +1934,11 @@ NSView *QMacStylePrivate::cocoaControl(QCocoaWidget widget) const
// at construction time, and it cannot be changed later.
bv = [[NSScroller alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 20, 200)];
else if (widget.first == QCocoaHorizontalSlider)
bv = [[NSSlider alloc] init];
bv = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 200, 20)];
else if (widget.first == QCocoaVerticalSlider)
// Cocoa sets the orientation from the view's frame
// at construction time, and it cannot be changed later.
bv = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 10, 100)];
bv = [[NSSlider alloc] initWithFrame:NSMakeRect(0, 0, 20, 200)];
bv = [[NSButton alloc] init];
@ -5443,145 +5414,117 @@ void QMacStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex
case CC_Slider:
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *slider = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(opt)) {
const bool isHorizontal = slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *sl = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(opt)) {
const bool isHorizontal = sl->orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
const auto cs = d->effectiveAquaSizeConstrain(opt, widget);
const auto cw = QCocoaWidget(isHorizontal ? QCocoaHorizontalSlider : QCocoaVerticalSlider, cs);
auto *slider = static_cast<NSSlider *>(d->cocoaControl(cw));
if (!setupSlider(slider, sl))
const bool hasTicks = sl->tickPosition != QSlider::NoTicks;
const bool hasDoubleTicks = sl->tickPosition == QSlider::TicksBothSides;
const bool drawKnob = sl->subControls & SC_SliderHandle;
const bool drawBar = sl->subControls & SC_SliderGroove;
const bool drawTicks = sl->subControls & SC_SliderTickmarks;
const bool isPressed = sl->state & State_Sunken;
HIThemeTrackDrawInfo tdi;
d->getSliderInfo(cc, slider, &tdi, widget);
if (slider->state & State_Sunken) {
if (cc == CC_Slider) {
if (slider->activeSubControls == SC_SliderHandle)
tdi.trackInfo.slider.pressState = kThemeThumbPressed;
else if (slider->activeSubControls == SC_SliderGroove)
tdi.trackInfo.slider.pressState = kThemeLeftTrackPressed;
CGRect macRect;
bool tracking = slider->sliderPosition == slider->sliderValue;
if (!tracking) {
// Small optimization, the same as q->subControlRect
QCFType<HIShapeRef> shape;
HIThemeGetTrackThumbShape(&tdi, &shape);
HIShapeGetBounds(shape, &macRect);
tdi.value = slider->sliderValue;
CGPoint pressPoint;
if (isPressed) {
const CGRect knobRect = [slider.cell knobRectFlipped:NO];
pressPoint.x = CGRectGetMidX(knobRect);
pressPoint.y = CGRectGetMidY(knobRect);
[slider.cell startTrackingAt:pressPoint inView:slider];
if (!(slider->subControls & SC_SliderHandle))
tdi.attributes &= ~kThemeTrackShowThumb;
if (!(slider->subControls & SC_SliderGroove))
tdi.attributes |= kThemeTrackHideTrack;
// Fix min and max positions. (See also getSliderInfo()
// for the slider values adjustments.)
// HITheme seems to have forgotten how to render
// a slide at those positions, leaving a gap between
// the knob and the ends of the track.
// We fix this by rendering the track first, and then
// the knob on top. However, in order to not clip the
// knob, we reduce the the drawing rect for the track.
CGRect bounds = tdi.bounds;
if (isHorizontal) {
tdi.bounds.size.width -= 2;
tdi.bounds.origin.x += 1;
if (tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir == kThemeThumbDownward)
tdi.bounds.origin.y -= 2;
else if (tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir == kThemeThumbUpward)
tdi.bounds.origin.y += 3;
} else {
tdi.bounds.size.height -= 2;
tdi.bounds.origin.y += 1;
if (tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir == kThemeThumbDownward) // pointing right
tdi.bounds.origin.x -= 4;
else if (tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir == kThemeThumbUpward) // pointing left
tdi.bounds.origin.x += 2;
// Yosemite demands its blue progress track when no tickmarks are present
if (!(slider->subControls & SC_SliderTickmarks)) {
QCocoaWidgetKind sliderKind = slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal ? QCocoaHorizontalSlider : QCocoaVerticalSlider;
QCocoaWidget cw = QCocoaWidget(sliderKind, QStyleHelper::SizeLarge);
NSSlider *sl = (NSSlider *)d->cocoaControl(cw);
sl.minValue = slider->minimum;
sl.maxValue = slider->maximum;
sl.intValue = slider->sliderValue;
sl.enabled = slider->state & QStyle::State_Enabled;
d->drawNSViewInRect(cw, sl, opt->rect, p, widget != 0, ^(CGContextRef ctx, const CGRect &rect) {
const bool isSierraOrLater = QOperatingSystemVersion::current() >= QOperatingSystemVersion::MacOSSierra;
if (slider->upsideDown) {
if (isHorizontal) {
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, rect.size.width, 0);
CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, -1, 1);
} else if (!isHorizontal && !isSierraOrLater) {
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0, rect.size.height);
CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, 1, -1);
const bool shouldFlip = isHorizontal || (slider->upsideDown && isSierraOrLater);
[sl.cell drawBarInside:NSRectFromCGRect(tdi.bounds) flipped:shouldFlip];
// No need to restore the CTM later, the context has been saved
// and will be restored at the end of drawNSViewInRect()
tdi.attributes |= kThemeTrackHideTrack;
tdi.bounds = bounds;
if (slider->subControls & SC_SliderTickmarks) {
CGRect bounds;
// As part of fixing the min and max positions,
// we need to adjust the tickmarks as well
bounds = tdi.bounds;
if (slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
tdi.bounds.size.width += 2;
tdi.bounds.origin.x -= 1;
if (tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir == kThemeThumbUpward)
tdi.bounds.origin.y -= 2;
} else {
tdi.bounds.size.height += 3;
tdi.bounds.origin.y -= 3;
tdi.bounds.origin.y += 1;
if (tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir == kThemeThumbUpward) // pointing left
tdi.bounds.origin.x -= 2;
d->drawNSViewInRect(cw, slider, opt->rect, p, widget != 0, ^(CGContextRef ctx, const CGRect &rect) {
if (isHorizontal && sl->upsideDown) {
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, rect.size.width, 0);
CGContextScaleCTM(ctx, -1, 1);
int interval = slider->tickInterval;
if (interval == 0) {
interval = slider->pageStep;
if (interval == 0)
interval = slider->singleStep;
if (interval == 0)
interval = 1;
int numMarks = 1 + ((slider->maximum - slider->minimum) / interval);
if (tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir == kThemeThumbPlain) {
// They asked for both, so we'll give it to them.
tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir = kThemeThumbDownward;
HIThemeDrawTrackTickMarks(&tdi, numMarks,
tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir = kThemeThumbUpward;
// 10.10 and above need a slight shift
if (slider->orientation == Qt::Vertical)
tdi.bounds.origin.x -= 2;
HIThemeDrawTrackTickMarks(&tdi, numMarks,
// Reset to plain thumb to be drawn further down
tdi.trackInfo.slider.thumbDir = kThemeThumbPlain;
} else {
HIThemeDrawTrackTickMarks(&tdi, numMarks,
if (hasDoubleTicks) {
// This ain't HIG kosher: eye-proved constants
if (isHorizontal)
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 0, 4);
CGContextTranslateCTM(ctx, 1, 0);
tdi.bounds = bounds;
// Since the GC is flipped, upsideDown means *not* inverted when vertical.
const bool verticalFlip = !isHorizontal && !sl->upsideDown; // FIXME: && !isSierraOrLater
HIThemeDrawTrack(&tdi, tracking ? 0 : &macRect, cg,
#if 0
// FIXME: Sadly, this part doesn't work. It seems to somehow polute the
// NSSlider's internal state and, when we need to use the "else" part,
// the slider's frame is not in sync with its cell dimensions.
const bool drawAllParts = drawKnob && drawBar && (!hasTicks || drawTicks);
if (drawAllParts && !hasDoubleTicks && (!verticalFlip || drawTicks)) {
// Draw eveything at once if we're going to, except for inverted vertical
// sliders which need to be drawn part by part because of the shadow below
// the knob. Same for two-sided tickmarks.
if (verticalFlip && drawTicks) {
// Since tickmarks are always rendered symmetrically, a vertically
// flipped slider with tickmarks only needs to get its value flipped.
slider.intValue = slider.maxValue - slider.intValue + slider.minValue;
[slider drawRect:CGRectZero];
} else
[slider calcSize];
NSSliderCell *cell = slider.cell;
const int numberOfTickMarks = slider.numberOfTickMarks;
// This ain't HIG kosher: force tick-less bar position.
if (hasDoubleTicks)
slider.numberOfTickMarks = 0;
const CGRect barRect = [cell barRectFlipped:hasTicks];
if (drawBar) {
// This ain't HIG kosher: force unfilled bar look.
if (hasDoubleTicks)
slider.numberOfTickMarks = numberOfTickMarks;
[cell drawBarInside:barRect flipped:!verticalFlip];
if (hasTicks && drawTicks) {
if (!drawBar && hasDoubleTicks)
slider.numberOfTickMarks = numberOfTickMarks;
[cell drawTickMarks];
if (hasDoubleTicks) {
// This ain't HIG kosher: just slap a set of tickmarks on each side, like we used to.
CGAffineTransform tickMarksFlip;
const CGRect tickMarkRect = [cell rectOfTickMarkAtIndex:0];
if (isHorizontal) {
tickMarksFlip = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(0, rect.size.height - tickMarkRect.size.height - 3);
tickMarksFlip = CGAffineTransformScale(tickMarksFlip, 1, -1);
} else {
tickMarksFlip = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(rect.size.width - tickMarkRect.size.width / 2, 0);
tickMarksFlip = CGAffineTransformScale(tickMarksFlip, -1, 1);
CGContextConcatCTM(ctx, tickMarksFlip);
[cell drawTickMarks];
CGContextConcatCTM(ctx, CGAffineTransformInvert(tickMarksFlip));
if (drawKnob) {
// This ain't HIG kosher: force round knob look.
if (hasDoubleTicks)
slider.numberOfTickMarks = 0;
// Draw the knob in the symmetrical position instead of flipping.
if (verticalFlip)
slider.intValue = slider.maxValue - slider.intValue + slider.minValue;
[cell drawKnob];
if (isPressed)
[slider.cell stopTracking:pressPoint at:pressPoint inView:slider mouseIsUp:NO];
@ -5618,15 +5561,16 @@ void QMacStyle::drawComplexControl(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex
const bool downPressed = sb->activeSubControls == SC_SpinBoxDown && (sb->state & State_Sunken);
const CGFloat x = CGRectGetMidX(newRect);
const CGFloat y = upPressed ? -3 : 3; // FIXME Weird coordinate shift going on
const CGPoint pressPoint = CGPointMake(x, y);
// Pretend we're pressing the mouse on the right button. Unfortunately, NSStepperCell has no
// API to highlight a specific button. The highlighted property works only on the down button.
if (upPressed || downPressed)
[cell startTrackingAt:CGPointMake(x, y) inView:d->backingStoreNSView];
[cell startTrackingAt:pressPoint inView:d->backingStoreNSView];
[cell drawWithFrame:newRect inView:d->backingStoreNSView];
if (upPressed || downPressed)
[cell stopTracking:CGPointMake(x, y) at:CGPointMake(x, y) inView:d->backingStoreNSView mouseIsUp:NO];
[cell stopTracking:pressPoint at:pressPoint inView:d->backingStoreNSView mouseIsUp:NO];
@ -5941,16 +5885,28 @@ QStyle::SubControl QMacStyle::hitTestComplexControl(ComplexControl cc,
case CC_Slider:
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *slider = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(opt)) {
HIThemeTrackDrawInfo tdi;
d->getSliderInfo(cc, slider, &tdi, widget);
ControlPartCode part;
CGPoint pos = CGPointMake(pt.x(), pt.y());
if (HIThemeHitTestTrack(&tdi, &pos, &part)) {
if (part == kControlPageUpPart || part == kControlPageDownPart)
sc = SC_SliderGroove;
sc = SC_SliderHandle;
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *sl = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(opt)) {
if (!sl->rect.contains(pt))
const bool hasTicks = sl->tickPosition != QSlider::NoTicks;
const bool isHorizontal = sl->orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
const auto cs = d->effectiveAquaSizeConstrain(opt, widget);
const auto cw = QCocoaWidget(isHorizontal ? QCocoaHorizontalSlider : QCocoaVerticalSlider, cs);
auto *slider = static_cast<NSSlider *>(d->cocoaControl(cw));
if (!setupSlider(slider, sl))
[slider calcSize];
NSSliderCell *cell = slider.cell;
const auto barRect = QRectF::fromCGRect([cell barRectFlipped:hasTicks]);
const auto knobRect = QRectF::fromCGRect([cell knobRectFlipped:NO]);
if (knobRect.contains(pt)) {
sc = SC_SliderHandle;
} else if (barRect.contains(pt)) {
sc = SC_SliderGroove;
} else if (hasTicks) {
sc = SC_SliderTickmarks;
@ -6078,30 +6034,51 @@ QRect QMacStyle::subControlRect(ComplexControl cc, const QStyleOptionComplex *op
case CC_Slider:
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *slider = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(opt)) {
HIThemeTrackDrawInfo tdi;
d->getSliderInfo(cc, slider, &tdi, widget);
CGRect macRect;
QCFType<HIShapeRef> shape;
if (sc == SC_SliderHandle) {
HIThemeGetTrackThumbShape(&tdi, &shape);
HIShapeGetBounds(shape, &macRect);
} else if (sc == SC_SliderGroove) {
HIThemeGetTrackBounds(&tdi, &macRect);
// FIXME No SC_SliderTickmarks?
ret = QRectF::fromCGRect(macRect).toRect();
if (const QStyleOptionSlider *sl = qstyleoption_cast<const QStyleOptionSlider *>(opt)) {
const bool hasTicks = sl->tickPosition != QSlider::NoTicks;
const bool isHorizontal = sl->orientation == Qt::Horizontal;
const auto cs = d->effectiveAquaSizeConstrain(opt, widget);
const auto cw = QCocoaWidget(isHorizontal ? QCocoaHorizontalSlider : QCocoaVerticalSlider, cs);
auto *slider = static_cast<NSSlider *>(d->cocoaControl(cw));
if (!setupSlider(slider, sl))
// Tweak: the dark line between the sub/add line buttons belong to only one of the buttons
// when doing hit-testing, but both of them have to repaint it. Extend the rect to cover
// the line in the cases where HIThemeGetTrackPartBounds returns a rect that doesn't.
if (slider->orientation == Qt::Horizontal) {
if (slider->direction == Qt::LeftToRight && sc == SC_ScrollBarSubLine)
ret.adjust(0, 0, 1, 0);
else if (slider->direction == Qt::RightToLeft && sc == SC_ScrollBarAddLine)
ret.adjust(-1, 0, 1, 0);
} else if (sc == SC_ScrollBarAddLine) {
ret.adjust(0, -1, 0, 1);
[slider calcSize];
NSSliderCell *cell = slider.cell;
if (sc == SC_SliderHandle) {
ret = QRectF::fromCGRect([cell knobRectFlipped:NO]).toRect();
if (isHorizontal) {
} else {
} else if (sc == SC_SliderGroove) {
ret = QRectF::fromCGRect([cell barRectFlipped:hasTicks]).toRect();
} else if (hasTicks && sc == SC_SliderTickmarks) {
const auto tickMarkRect = QRectF::fromCGRect([cell rectOfTickMarkAtIndex:0]);
if (isHorizontal)
ret = QRect(sl->rect.left(), tickMarkRect.top(), sl->rect.width(), tickMarkRect.height());
ret = QRect(tickMarkRect.left(), sl->rect.top(), tickMarkRect.width(), sl->rect.height());
// Invert if needed and extend to the actual bounds of the slider
if (isHorizontal) {
if (sl->upsideDown) {
ret = QRect(sl->rect.right() - ret.right(), sl->rect.top(), ret.width(), sl->rect.height());
} else {
} else {
if (!sl->upsideDown) {
ret = QRect(sl->rect.left(), sl->rect.bottom() - ret.bottom(), sl->rect.width(), ret.height());
} else {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user