QColor: move contents of qcolor_p.cpp into qcolor.cpp

The functions defined there are used almost exclusively in
qcolor.cpp, so give the compiler the whole picture.

Also fixes the non-standard naming of the files: qcolor_p.h
should have been qcolor_p_p.h, since it declared functions
defined in qcolor_p.cpp.

Change-Id: I06e61232a906fd0d98d5adcfe4af5881985367d8
Reviewed-by: Edward Welbourne <edward.welbourne@qt.io>
Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Marc Mutz 2016-08-19 08:49:46 +02:00
parent 8cfac7fba6
commit 6e64008e69
3 changed files with 323 additions and 370 deletions

View File

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ SOURCES += \
painting/qblittable.cpp \ painting/qblittable.cpp \
painting/qbrush.cpp \ painting/qbrush.cpp \
painting/qcolor.cpp \ painting/qcolor.cpp \
painting/qcolor_p.cpp \
painting/qcompositionfunctions.cpp \ painting/qcompositionfunctions.cpp \
painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp \ painting/qcosmeticstroker.cpp \
painting/qcssutil.cpp \ painting/qcssutil.cpp \

View File

@ -43,12 +43,335 @@
#include "qdatastream.h" #include "qdatastream.h"
#include "qvariant.h" #include "qvariant.h"
#include "qdebug.h" #include "qdebug.h"
#include "private/qtools_p.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> #include <limits.h>
If s[0..1] is a valid hex number, returns its integer value,
otherwise returns -1.
static inline int hex2int(const char *s)
const int hi = QtMiscUtils::fromHex(s[0]);
if (hi < 0)
return -1;
const int lo = QtMiscUtils::fromHex(s[1]);
if (lo < 0)
return -1;
return (hi << 4) | lo;
If s is a valid hex digit, returns its integer value,
multiplied by 0x11, otherwise returns -1.
static inline int hex2int(char s)
const int h = QtMiscUtils::fromHex(s);
return h < 0 ? h : (h << 4) | h;
bool qt_get_hex_rgb(const char *name, QRgb *rgb)
if (name[0] != '#')
return false;
int len = qstrlen(name);
int a, r, g, b;
a = 255;
if (len == 12) {
r = hex2int(name);
g = hex2int(name + 4);
b = hex2int(name + 8);
} else if (len == 9) {
r = hex2int(name);
g = hex2int(name + 3);
b = hex2int(name + 6);
} else if (len == 8) {
a = hex2int(name);
r = hex2int(name + 2);
g = hex2int(name + 4);
b = hex2int(name + 6);
} else if (len == 6) {
r = hex2int(name);
g = hex2int(name + 2);
b = hex2int(name + 4);
} else if (len == 3) {
r = hex2int(name[0]);
g = hex2int(name[1]);
b = hex2int(name[2]);
} else {
r = g = b = -1;
if ((uint)r > 255 || (uint)g > 255 || (uint)b > 255 || (uint)a > 255) {
*rgb = 0;
return false;
*rgb = qRgba(r, g ,b, a);
return true;
bool qt_get_hex_rgb(const QChar *str, int len, QRgb *rgb)
if (len > 13)
return false;
char tmp[16];
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
tmp[i] = str[i].toLatin1();
tmp[len] = 0;
return qt_get_hex_rgb(tmp, rgb);
CSS color names = SVG 1.0 color names + transparent (rgba(0,0,0,0))
#ifdef rgb
# undef rgb
#define rgb(r,g,b) (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b)
static const struct RGBData {
const char name[21];
uint value;
} rgbTbl[] = {
{ "aliceblue", rgb(240, 248, 255) },
{ "antiquewhite", rgb(250, 235, 215) },
{ "aqua", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "aquamarine", rgb(127, 255, 212) },
{ "azure", rgb(240, 255, 255) },
{ "beige", rgb(245, 245, 220) },
{ "bisque", rgb(255, 228, 196) },
{ "black", rgb( 0, 0, 0) },
{ "blanchedalmond", rgb(255, 235, 205) },
{ "blue", rgb( 0, 0, 255) },
{ "blueviolet", rgb(138, 43, 226) },
{ "brown", rgb(165, 42, 42) },
{ "burlywood", rgb(222, 184, 135) },
{ "cadetblue", rgb( 95, 158, 160) },
{ "chartreuse", rgb(127, 255, 0) },
{ "chocolate", rgb(210, 105, 30) },
{ "coral", rgb(255, 127, 80) },
{ "cornflowerblue", rgb(100, 149, 237) },
{ "cornsilk", rgb(255, 248, 220) },
{ "crimson", rgb(220, 20, 60) },
{ "cyan", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "darkblue", rgb( 0, 0, 139) },
{ "darkcyan", rgb( 0, 139, 139) },
{ "darkgoldenrod", rgb(184, 134, 11) },
{ "darkgray", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkgreen", rgb( 0, 100, 0) },
{ "darkgrey", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkkhaki", rgb(189, 183, 107) },
{ "darkmagenta", rgb(139, 0, 139) },
{ "darkolivegreen", rgb( 85, 107, 47) },
{ "darkorange", rgb(255, 140, 0) },
{ "darkorchid", rgb(153, 50, 204) },
{ "darkred", rgb(139, 0, 0) },
{ "darksalmon", rgb(233, 150, 122) },
{ "darkseagreen", rgb(143, 188, 143) },
{ "darkslateblue", rgb( 72, 61, 139) },
{ "darkslategray", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkslategrey", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkturquoise", rgb( 0, 206, 209) },
{ "darkviolet", rgb(148, 0, 211) },
{ "deeppink", rgb(255, 20, 147) },
{ "deepskyblue", rgb( 0, 191, 255) },
{ "dimgray", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dimgrey", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dodgerblue", rgb( 30, 144, 255) },
{ "firebrick", rgb(178, 34, 34) },
{ "floralwhite", rgb(255, 250, 240) },
{ "forestgreen", rgb( 34, 139, 34) },
{ "fuchsia", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "gainsboro", rgb(220, 220, 220) },
{ "ghostwhite", rgb(248, 248, 255) },
{ "gold", rgb(255, 215, 0) },
{ "goldenrod", rgb(218, 165, 32) },
{ "gray", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "green", rgb( 0, 128, 0) },
{ "greenyellow", rgb(173, 255, 47) },
{ "grey", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "honeydew", rgb(240, 255, 240) },
{ "hotpink", rgb(255, 105, 180) },
{ "indianred", rgb(205, 92, 92) },
{ "indigo", rgb( 75, 0, 130) },
{ "ivory", rgb(255, 255, 240) },
{ "khaki", rgb(240, 230, 140) },
{ "lavender", rgb(230, 230, 250) },
{ "lavenderblush", rgb(255, 240, 245) },
{ "lawngreen", rgb(124, 252, 0) },
{ "lemonchiffon", rgb(255, 250, 205) },
{ "lightblue", rgb(173, 216, 230) },
{ "lightcoral", rgb(240, 128, 128) },
{ "lightcyan", rgb(224, 255, 255) },
{ "lightgoldenrodyellow", rgb(250, 250, 210) },
{ "lightgray", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightgreen", rgb(144, 238, 144) },
{ "lightgrey", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightpink", rgb(255, 182, 193) },
{ "lightsalmon", rgb(255, 160, 122) },
{ "lightseagreen", rgb( 32, 178, 170) },
{ "lightskyblue", rgb(135, 206, 250) },
{ "lightslategray", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightslategrey", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightsteelblue", rgb(176, 196, 222) },
{ "lightyellow", rgb(255, 255, 224) },
{ "lime", rgb( 0, 255, 0) },
{ "limegreen", rgb( 50, 205, 50) },
{ "linen", rgb(250, 240, 230) },
{ "magenta", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "maroon", rgb(128, 0, 0) },
{ "mediumaquamarine", rgb(102, 205, 170) },
{ "mediumblue", rgb( 0, 0, 205) },
{ "mediumorchid", rgb(186, 85, 211) },
{ "mediumpurple", rgb(147, 112, 219) },
{ "mediumseagreen", rgb( 60, 179, 113) },
{ "mediumslateblue", rgb(123, 104, 238) },
{ "mediumspringgreen", rgb( 0, 250, 154) },
{ "mediumturquoise", rgb( 72, 209, 204) },
{ "mediumvioletred", rgb(199, 21, 133) },
{ "midnightblue", rgb( 25, 25, 112) },
{ "mintcream", rgb(245, 255, 250) },
{ "mistyrose", rgb(255, 228, 225) },
{ "moccasin", rgb(255, 228, 181) },
{ "navajowhite", rgb(255, 222, 173) },
{ "navy", rgb( 0, 0, 128) },
{ "oldlace", rgb(253, 245, 230) },
{ "olive", rgb(128, 128, 0) },
{ "olivedrab", rgb(107, 142, 35) },
{ "orange", rgb(255, 165, 0) },
{ "orangered", rgb(255, 69, 0) },
{ "orchid", rgb(218, 112, 214) },
{ "palegoldenrod", rgb(238, 232, 170) },
{ "palegreen", rgb(152, 251, 152) },
{ "paleturquoise", rgb(175, 238, 238) },
{ "palevioletred", rgb(219, 112, 147) },
{ "papayawhip", rgb(255, 239, 213) },
{ "peachpuff", rgb(255, 218, 185) },
{ "peru", rgb(205, 133, 63) },
{ "pink", rgb(255, 192, 203) },
{ "plum", rgb(221, 160, 221) },
{ "powderblue", rgb(176, 224, 230) },
{ "purple", rgb(128, 0, 128) },
{ "red", rgb(255, 0, 0) },
{ "rosybrown", rgb(188, 143, 143) },
{ "royalblue", rgb( 65, 105, 225) },
{ "saddlebrown", rgb(139, 69, 19) },
{ "salmon", rgb(250, 128, 114) },
{ "sandybrown", rgb(244, 164, 96) },
{ "seagreen", rgb( 46, 139, 87) },
{ "seashell", rgb(255, 245, 238) },
{ "sienna", rgb(160, 82, 45) },
{ "silver", rgb(192, 192, 192) },
{ "skyblue", rgb(135, 206, 235) },
{ "slateblue", rgb(106, 90, 205) },
{ "slategray", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "slategrey", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "snow", rgb(255, 250, 250) },
{ "springgreen", rgb( 0, 255, 127) },
{ "steelblue", rgb( 70, 130, 180) },
{ "tan", rgb(210, 180, 140) },
{ "teal", rgb( 0, 128, 128) },
{ "thistle", rgb(216, 191, 216) },
{ "tomato", rgb(255, 99, 71) },
{ "transparent", 0 },
{ "turquoise", rgb( 64, 224, 208) },
{ "violet", rgb(238, 130, 238) },
{ "wheat", rgb(245, 222, 179) },
{ "white", rgb(255, 255, 255) },
{ "whitesmoke", rgb(245, 245, 245) },
{ "yellow", rgb(255, 255, 0) },
{ "yellowgreen", rgb(154, 205, 50) }
static const int rgbTblSize = sizeof(rgbTbl) / sizeof(RGBData);
#undef rgb
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC) && _MSC_VER < 1600
inline bool operator<(const RGBData &data1, const RGBData &data2)
{ return qstrcmp(data1.name, data2.name) < 0; }
inline bool operator<(const char *name, const RGBData &data)
{ return qstrcmp(name, data.name) < 0; }
inline bool operator<(const RGBData &data, const char *name)
{ return qstrcmp(data.name, name) < 0; }
static bool get_named_rgb(const char *name_no_space, QRgb *rgb)
const RGBData *r = std::lower_bound(rgbTbl, rgbTbl + rgbTblSize, name_no_space);
if ((r != rgbTbl + rgbTblSize) && !(name_no_space < *r)) {
*rgb = r->value;
return true;
return false;
bool qt_get_named_rgb(const char *name, QRgb* rgb)
int len = int(strlen(name));
if (len > 255)
return false;
char name_no_space[256];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (name[i] != '\t' && name[i] != ' ')
name_no_space[pos++] = QChar::toLower(name[i]);
name_no_space[pos] = 0;
return get_named_rgb(name_no_space, rgb);
bool qt_get_named_rgb(const QChar *name, int len, QRgb *rgb)
if (len > 255)
return false;
char name_no_space[256];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if (name[i] != QLatin1Char('\t') && name[i] != QLatin1Char(' '))
name_no_space[pos++] = name[i].toLower().toLatin1();
name_no_space[pos] = 0;
return get_named_rgb(name_no_space, rgb);
QStringList qt_get_colornames()
int i = 0;
QStringList lst;
for (i = 0; i < rgbTblSize; i++)
lst << QLatin1String(rgbTbl[i].name);
return lst;
bool qt_get_named_rgb(const char *, QRgb*)
return false;
QStringList qt_get_colornames()
return QStringList();
/*! /*!
\class QColor \class QColor
\brief The QColor class provides colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values. \brief The QColor class provides colors based on RGB, HSV or CMYK values.

View File

@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/
** This file is part of the QtGui module of the Qt Toolkit.
** Commercial License Usage
** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further
** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL3 included in the
** packaging of this file. Please review the following information to
** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 requirements
** will be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
** General Public License version 2.0 or (at your option) the GNU General
** Public license version 3 or any later version approved by the KDE Free
** Qt Foundation. The licenses are as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3
** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following
** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will
** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html and
** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html.
#include "qglobal.h"
#include "qrgb.h"
#include "qstringlist.h"
#include "private/qtools_p.h"
#include <algorithm>
If s[0..1] is a valid hex number, returns its integer value,
otherwise returns -1.
static inline int hex2int(const char *s)
const int hi = QtMiscUtils::fromHex(s[0]);
if (hi < 0)
return -1;
const int lo = QtMiscUtils::fromHex(s[1]);
if (lo < 0)
return -1;
return (hi << 4) | lo;
If s is a valid hex digit, returns its integer value,
multiplied by 0x11, otherwise returns -1.
static inline int hex2int(char s)
const int h = QtMiscUtils::fromHex(s);
return h < 0 ? h : (h << 4) | h;
bool qt_get_hex_rgb(const char *name, QRgb *rgb)
if(name[0] != '#')
return false;
int len = qstrlen(name);
int a, r, g, b;
a = 255;
if (len == 12) {
r = hex2int(name);
g = hex2int(name + 4);
b = hex2int(name + 8);
} else if (len == 9) {
r = hex2int(name);
g = hex2int(name + 3);
b = hex2int(name + 6);
} else if (len == 8) {
a = hex2int(name);
r = hex2int(name + 2);
g = hex2int(name + 4);
b = hex2int(name + 6);
} else if (len == 6) {
r = hex2int(name);
g = hex2int(name + 2);
b = hex2int(name + 4);
} else if (len == 3) {
r = hex2int(name[0]);
g = hex2int(name[1]);
b = hex2int(name[2]);
} else {
r = g = b = -1;
if ((uint)r > 255 || (uint)g > 255 || (uint)b > 255 || (uint)a > 255) {
*rgb = 0;
return false;
*rgb = qRgba(r, g ,b, a);
return true;
bool qt_get_hex_rgb(const QChar *str, int len, QRgb *rgb)
if (len > 13)
return false;
char tmp[16];
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
tmp[i] = str[i].toLatin1();
tmp[len] = 0;
return qt_get_hex_rgb(tmp, rgb);
CSS color names = SVG 1.0 color names + transparent (rgba(0,0,0,0))
#ifdef rgb
# undef rgb
#define rgb(r,g,b) (0xff000000 | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b)
static const struct RGBData {
const char name[21];
uint value;
} rgbTbl[] = {
{ "aliceblue", rgb(240, 248, 255) },
{ "antiquewhite", rgb(250, 235, 215) },
{ "aqua", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "aquamarine", rgb(127, 255, 212) },
{ "azure", rgb(240, 255, 255) },
{ "beige", rgb(245, 245, 220) },
{ "bisque", rgb(255, 228, 196) },
{ "black", rgb( 0, 0, 0) },
{ "blanchedalmond", rgb(255, 235, 205) },
{ "blue", rgb( 0, 0, 255) },
{ "blueviolet", rgb(138, 43, 226) },
{ "brown", rgb(165, 42, 42) },
{ "burlywood", rgb(222, 184, 135) },
{ "cadetblue", rgb( 95, 158, 160) },
{ "chartreuse", rgb(127, 255, 0) },
{ "chocolate", rgb(210, 105, 30) },
{ "coral", rgb(255, 127, 80) },
{ "cornflowerblue", rgb(100, 149, 237) },
{ "cornsilk", rgb(255, 248, 220) },
{ "crimson", rgb(220, 20, 60) },
{ "cyan", rgb( 0, 255, 255) },
{ "darkblue", rgb( 0, 0, 139) },
{ "darkcyan", rgb( 0, 139, 139) },
{ "darkgoldenrod", rgb(184, 134, 11) },
{ "darkgray", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkgreen", rgb( 0, 100, 0) },
{ "darkgrey", rgb(169, 169, 169) },
{ "darkkhaki", rgb(189, 183, 107) },
{ "darkmagenta", rgb(139, 0, 139) },
{ "darkolivegreen", rgb( 85, 107, 47) },
{ "darkorange", rgb(255, 140, 0) },
{ "darkorchid", rgb(153, 50, 204) },
{ "darkred", rgb(139, 0, 0) },
{ "darksalmon", rgb(233, 150, 122) },
{ "darkseagreen", rgb(143, 188, 143) },
{ "darkslateblue", rgb( 72, 61, 139) },
{ "darkslategray", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkslategrey", rgb( 47, 79, 79) },
{ "darkturquoise", rgb( 0, 206, 209) },
{ "darkviolet", rgb(148, 0, 211) },
{ "deeppink", rgb(255, 20, 147) },
{ "deepskyblue", rgb( 0, 191, 255) },
{ "dimgray", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dimgrey", rgb(105, 105, 105) },
{ "dodgerblue", rgb( 30, 144, 255) },
{ "firebrick", rgb(178, 34, 34) },
{ "floralwhite", rgb(255, 250, 240) },
{ "forestgreen", rgb( 34, 139, 34) },
{ "fuchsia", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "gainsboro", rgb(220, 220, 220) },
{ "ghostwhite", rgb(248, 248, 255) },
{ "gold", rgb(255, 215, 0) },
{ "goldenrod", rgb(218, 165, 32) },
{ "gray", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "green", rgb( 0, 128, 0) },
{ "greenyellow", rgb(173, 255, 47) },
{ "grey", rgb(128, 128, 128) },
{ "honeydew", rgb(240, 255, 240) },
{ "hotpink", rgb(255, 105, 180) },
{ "indianred", rgb(205, 92, 92) },
{ "indigo", rgb( 75, 0, 130) },
{ "ivory", rgb(255, 255, 240) },
{ "khaki", rgb(240, 230, 140) },
{ "lavender", rgb(230, 230, 250) },
{ "lavenderblush", rgb(255, 240, 245) },
{ "lawngreen", rgb(124, 252, 0) },
{ "lemonchiffon", rgb(255, 250, 205) },
{ "lightblue", rgb(173, 216, 230) },
{ "lightcoral", rgb(240, 128, 128) },
{ "lightcyan", rgb(224, 255, 255) },
{ "lightgoldenrodyellow", rgb(250, 250, 210) },
{ "lightgray", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightgreen", rgb(144, 238, 144) },
{ "lightgrey", rgb(211, 211, 211) },
{ "lightpink", rgb(255, 182, 193) },
{ "lightsalmon", rgb(255, 160, 122) },
{ "lightseagreen", rgb( 32, 178, 170) },
{ "lightskyblue", rgb(135, 206, 250) },
{ "lightslategray", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightslategrey", rgb(119, 136, 153) },
{ "lightsteelblue", rgb(176, 196, 222) },
{ "lightyellow", rgb(255, 255, 224) },
{ "lime", rgb( 0, 255, 0) },
{ "limegreen", rgb( 50, 205, 50) },
{ "linen", rgb(250, 240, 230) },
{ "magenta", rgb(255, 0, 255) },
{ "maroon", rgb(128, 0, 0) },
{ "mediumaquamarine", rgb(102, 205, 170) },
{ "mediumblue", rgb( 0, 0, 205) },
{ "mediumorchid", rgb(186, 85, 211) },
{ "mediumpurple", rgb(147, 112, 219) },
{ "mediumseagreen", rgb( 60, 179, 113) },
{ "mediumslateblue", rgb(123, 104, 238) },
{ "mediumspringgreen", rgb( 0, 250, 154) },
{ "mediumturquoise", rgb( 72, 209, 204) },
{ "mediumvioletred", rgb(199, 21, 133) },
{ "midnightblue", rgb( 25, 25, 112) },
{ "mintcream", rgb(245, 255, 250) },
{ "mistyrose", rgb(255, 228, 225) },
{ "moccasin", rgb(255, 228, 181) },
{ "navajowhite", rgb(255, 222, 173) },
{ "navy", rgb( 0, 0, 128) },
{ "oldlace", rgb(253, 245, 230) },
{ "olive", rgb(128, 128, 0) },
{ "olivedrab", rgb(107, 142, 35) },
{ "orange", rgb(255, 165, 0) },
{ "orangered", rgb(255, 69, 0) },
{ "orchid", rgb(218, 112, 214) },
{ "palegoldenrod", rgb(238, 232, 170) },
{ "palegreen", rgb(152, 251, 152) },
{ "paleturquoise", rgb(175, 238, 238) },
{ "palevioletred", rgb(219, 112, 147) },
{ "papayawhip", rgb(255, 239, 213) },
{ "peachpuff", rgb(255, 218, 185) },
{ "peru", rgb(205, 133, 63) },
{ "pink", rgb(255, 192, 203) },
{ "plum", rgb(221, 160, 221) },
{ "powderblue", rgb(176, 224, 230) },
{ "purple", rgb(128, 0, 128) },
{ "red", rgb(255, 0, 0) },
{ "rosybrown", rgb(188, 143, 143) },
{ "royalblue", rgb( 65, 105, 225) },
{ "saddlebrown", rgb(139, 69, 19) },
{ "salmon", rgb(250, 128, 114) },
{ "sandybrown", rgb(244, 164, 96) },
{ "seagreen", rgb( 46, 139, 87) },
{ "seashell", rgb(255, 245, 238) },
{ "sienna", rgb(160, 82, 45) },
{ "silver", rgb(192, 192, 192) },
{ "skyblue", rgb(135, 206, 235) },
{ "slateblue", rgb(106, 90, 205) },
{ "slategray", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "slategrey", rgb(112, 128, 144) },
{ "snow", rgb(255, 250, 250) },
{ "springgreen", rgb( 0, 255, 127) },
{ "steelblue", rgb( 70, 130, 180) },
{ "tan", rgb(210, 180, 140) },
{ "teal", rgb( 0, 128, 128) },
{ "thistle", rgb(216, 191, 216) },
{ "tomato", rgb(255, 99, 71) },
{ "transparent", 0 },
{ "turquoise", rgb( 64, 224, 208) },
{ "violet", rgb(238, 130, 238) },
{ "wheat", rgb(245, 222, 179) },
{ "white", rgb(255, 255, 255) },
{ "whitesmoke", rgb(245, 245, 245) },
{ "yellow", rgb(255, 255, 0) },
{ "yellowgreen", rgb(154, 205, 50) }
static const int rgbTblSize = sizeof(rgbTbl) / sizeof(RGBData);
#undef rgb
#if defined(Q_CC_MSVC) && _MSC_VER < 1600
inline bool operator<(const RGBData &data1, const RGBData &data2)
{ return qstrcmp(data1.name, data2.name) < 0; }
inline bool operator<(const char *name, const RGBData &data)
{ return qstrcmp(name, data.name) < 0; }
inline bool operator<(const RGBData &data, const char *name)
{ return qstrcmp(data.name, name) < 0; }
static bool get_named_rgb(const char *name_no_space, QRgb *rgb)
const RGBData *r = std::lower_bound(rgbTbl, rgbTbl + rgbTblSize, name_no_space);
if ((r != rgbTbl + rgbTblSize) && !(name_no_space < *r)) {
*rgb = r->value;
return true;
return false;
bool qt_get_named_rgb(const char *name, QRgb* rgb)
int len = int(strlen(name));
if(len > 255)
return false;
char name_no_space[256];
int pos = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if(name[i] != '\t' && name[i] != ' ')
name_no_space[pos++] = QChar::toLower(name[i]);
name_no_space[pos] = 0;
return get_named_rgb(name_no_space, rgb);
bool qt_get_named_rgb(const QChar *name, int len, QRgb *rgb)
if(len > 255)
return false;
char name_no_space[256];
int pos = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if(name[i] != QLatin1Char('\t') && name[i] != QLatin1Char(' '))
name_no_space[pos++] = name[i].toLower().toLatin1();
name_no_space[pos] = 0;
return get_named_rgb(name_no_space, rgb);
QStringList qt_get_colornames()
int i = 0;
QStringList lst;
for (i = 0; i < rgbTblSize; i++)
lst << QLatin1String(rgbTbl[i].name);
return lst;
bool qt_get_named_rgb(const char *, QRgb*)
return false;
QStringList qt_get_colornames()
return QStringList();