QObject test: check that throwing from a child's constructor works

A check "just in case" -- we don't want leaks nor crashes
due to double deletions, and so on.

Change-Id: I24f1a486f0d438595bbe352ab780b07c5d53acbd
Reviewed-by: Olivier Goffart (Woboq GmbH) <ogoffart@woboq.com>
This commit is contained in:
Giuseppe D'Angelo 2016-09-22 23:04:37 +02:00 committed by Marc Mutz
parent eaa9d9ef09
commit 6ea626a32f

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@ -6333,6 +6333,29 @@ signals:
CountedStruct mySignal(const CountedStruct &s1, CountedStruct s2);
class CountedExceptionThrower : public QObject
explicit CountedExceptionThrower(bool throwException, QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)
: QObject(parent)
if (throwException)
throw ObjectException();
static int counter;
int CountedExceptionThrower::counter = 0;
void tst_QObject::exceptions()
@ -6394,6 +6417,59 @@ void tst_QObject::exceptions()
QCOMPARE(countedStructObjectsCount, 0);
// Child object reaping in case of exceptions thrown by constructors
QCOMPARE(CountedExceptionThrower::counter, 0);
try {
class ParentObject : public QObject {
explicit ParentObject(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)
: QObject(parent)
new CountedExceptionThrower(false, this);
new CountedExceptionThrower(false, this);
new CountedExceptionThrower(true, this); // throws
ParentObject p;
QFAIL("Exception not thrown");
} catch (const ObjectException &) {
} catch (...) {
QFAIL("Wrong exception thrown");
QCOMPARE(CountedExceptionThrower::counter, 0);
try {
QObject o;
new CountedExceptionThrower(false, &o);
new CountedExceptionThrower(false, &o);
new CountedExceptionThrower(true, &o); // throws
QFAIL("Exception not thrown");
} catch (const ObjectException &) {
} catch (...) {
QFAIL("Wrong exception thrown");
QCOMPARE(CountedExceptionThrower::counter, 0);
try {
QObject o;
CountedExceptionThrower c1(false, &o);
CountedExceptionThrower c2(false, &o);
CountedExceptionThrower c3(true, &o); // throws
QFAIL("Exception not thrown");
} catch (const ObjectException &) {
} catch (...) {
QFAIL("Wrong exception thrown");
QCOMPARE(CountedExceptionThrower::counter, 0);
QSKIP("Needs exceptions");