Use child/parent function in QAccessibleWidget and test.
This also uncovered a missing implementation of child for dock widgets. Change-Id: Iac4c5a51d4626769af11b277a9a345e1e31dc490 Reviewed-on: Reviewed-by: Jan-Arve Sæther <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,7 +291,6 @@ QAccessibleInterface *QAccessibleApplication::parent() const
QAccessibleInterface *QAccessibleApplication::child(int index) const
Q_ASSERT(index >= 0);
const QObjectList tlo(topLevelObjects());
if (index >= 0 && index < tlo.count())
return QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(;
@ -299,7 +298,7 @@ QAccessibleInterface *QAccessibleApplication::child(int index) const
/*! \reimp */
int QAccessibleApplication::navigate(RelationFlag relation, int entry,
int QAccessibleApplication::navigate(RelationFlag relation, int,
QAccessibleInterface **target) const
if (!target)
@ -1267,21 +1267,14 @@ QAccessibleDockWidget::QAccessibleDockWidget(QWidget *widget)
int QAccessibleDockWidget::navigate(RelationFlag relation, int entry, QAccessibleInterface **iface) const
QAccessibleInterface *QAccessibleDockWidget::child(int index) const
if (relation == Child) {
if (entry == 1) {
*iface = new QAccessibleTitleBar(dockWidget());
return 0;
} else if (entry == 2) {
if (dockWidget()->widget())
*iface = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(dockWidget()->widget());
return 0;
*iface = 0;
return -1;
if (index == 0) {
return new QAccessibleTitleBar(dockWidget());
} else if (index == 1 && dockWidget()->widget()) {
return QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(dockWidget()->widget());
return QAccessibleWidget::navigate(relation, entry, iface);
return 0;
int QAccessibleDockWidget::childAt(int x, int y) const
@ -1332,7 +1325,7 @@ QAccessible::State QAccessibleDockWidget::state(int child) const
return QAccessibleWidget::state(child);
QRect QAccessibleDockWidget::rect (int child ) const
QRect QAccessibleDockWidget::rect(int child) const
QRect rect;
bool mapToGlobal = true;
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ class QAccessibleDockWidget: public QAccessibleWidget
explicit QAccessibleDockWidget(QWidget *widget);
int navigate(RelationFlag relation, int entry, QAccessibleInterface **iface) const;
QAccessibleInterface *child(int index) const;
int indexOfChild(const QAccessibleInterface *child) const;
int childCount() const;
QRect rect (int child ) const;
@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ QAccessible::Relation QAccessibleWidget::relationTo(int child,
QRect sg = sibIface->rect(0);
if (wg.intersects(sg)) {
QAccessibleInterface *pIface = 0;
sibIface->navigate(Ancestor, 1, &pIface);
pIface = sibIface->parent();
if (pIface && !((sibIface->state(0) | state(0)) & Invisible)) {
int wi = pIface->indexOfChild(this);
int si = pIface->indexOfChild(sibIface);
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ int QAccessibleWidget::navigate(RelationFlag relation, int entry,
if (!iface)
return -1;
iface->navigate(Child, entry, target);
*target = iface->child(entry - 1);
delete iface;
if (*target)
return 0;
@ -594,8 +594,8 @@ int QAccessibleWidget::navigate(RelationFlag relation, int entry,
int sibCount = pIface->childCount();
QAccessibleInterface *sibling = 0;
for (int i = pIface->indexOfChild(this) + 1; i <= sibCount && entry; ++i) {
pIface->navigate(Child, i, &sibling);
if (!sibling || (sibling->state(0) & Invisible)) {
sibling = pIface->child(i - 1);
if (!sibling || (sibling->state() & Invisible)) {
delete sibling;
sibling = 0;
@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ int QAccessibleWidget::navigate(RelationFlag relation, int entry,
int index = pIface->indexOfChild(this);
QAccessibleInterface *sibling = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < index && entry; ++i) {
pIface->navigate(Child, i, &sibling);
sibling = pIface->child(i - 1);
if (!sibling || (sibling->state(0) & Invisible)) {
delete sibling;
@ -680,16 +680,14 @@ int QAccessibleWidget::navigate(RelationFlag relation, int entry,
int sibCount = pIface->childCount();
QAccessibleInterface *candidate = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sibCount && entry; ++i) {
const int childId = pIface->navigate(Child, i+1, &candidate);
Q_ASSERT(childId >= 0);
if (childId > 0)
candidate = pIface;
if (candidate->relationTo(childId, this, 0) & Label)
candidate = pIface->child(i);
if (candidate->relationTo(0, this, 0) & Label)
if (!entry)
if (candidate != pIface)
delete candidate;
delete candidate;
candidate = 0;
if (!candidate) {
@ -162,23 +162,22 @@ static inline int indexOfChild(QAccessibleInterface *parentInterface, QWidget *c
static int verifyHierarchy(QAccessibleInterface *iface)
int errorAt = 0;
int entry = 0;
static int treelevel = 0; // for error diagnostics
QAccessibleInterface *middleChild, *if2;
middleChild = 0;
int middle = iface->childCount()/2 + 1;
if (iface->childCount() >= 2) {
entry = iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, middle, &middleChild);
middleChild = iface->child(middle - 1);
for (int i = 0; i < iface->childCount() && !errorAt; ++i) {
entry = iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, i + 1, &if2);
if (entry == 0) {
// navigate Ancestor...
QAccessibleInterface *parent = 0;
entry = if2->navigate(QAccessible::Ancestor, 1, &parent);
EXPECT(entry == 0 && iface->object() == parent->object());
delete parent;
if2 = iface->child(i);
EXPECT(if2 != 0);
// navigate Ancestor...
QAccessibleInterface *parent = 0;
parent = if2->parent();
EXPECT(iface->object() == parent->object());
delete parent;
// navigate Sibling...
// if (middleChild) {
@ -189,13 +188,10 @@ static int verifyHierarchy(QAccessibleInterface *iface)
// EXPECT(iface->indexOfChild(middleChild) == middle);
// }
// verify children...
if (!errorAt)
errorAt = verifyHierarchy(if2);
delete if2;
} else {
// leaf nodes
// verify children...
if (!errorAt)
errorAt = verifyHierarchy(if2);
delete if2;
delete middleChild;
@ -502,9 +498,9 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::navigateGeometric()
// test invisible widget
target = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(aw);
QVERIFY(!(target->state(0) & QAccessible::Invisible));
QVERIFY(!(target->state() & QAccessible::Invisible));
QVERIFY(target->state(0) & QAccessible::Invisible);
QVERIFY(target->state() & QAccessible::Invisible);
delete target; target = 0;
aw->move(center->x() + 10, center->y());
@ -711,15 +707,14 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::navigateHierarchy()
QVERIFY(target == 0);
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Sibling, 42, &target), -1);
QVERIFY(target == 0);
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 15, &target), -1);
QVERIFY(iface->child(15) == 0);
target = iface->child(14);
QVERIFY(target == 0);
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 0, &target), -1);
QVERIFY(iface->child(-1) == 0);
target = iface->child(-1);
QVERIFY(target == 0);
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &target), 0);
target = iface->child(0);
QAccessibleInterface *interfaceW1 = iface->child(0);
QVERIFY(target != 0);
QCOMPARE(target->object(), (QObject*)w1);
QVERIFY(interfaceW1 != 0);
@ -745,7 +740,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::navigateHierarchy()
QCOMPARE(target->object(), (QObject*)w3);
delete iface; iface = 0;
QCOMPARE(target->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &iface), 0);
iface = target->child(0);
QVERIFY(iface != 0);
QCOMPARE(iface->object(), (QObject*)w31);
@ -1207,19 +1202,11 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::buttonTest()
void tst_QAccessibility::scrollBarTest()
// Test that when we hide() a slider, the PageLeft, Indicator, and PageRight also gets the
// Invisible state bit set.
enum SubControls { LineUp = 1,
PageUp = 2,
Position = 3,
PageDown = 4,
LineDown = 5
QScrollBar *scrollBar = new QScrollBar();
QScrollBar *scrollBar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal);
QAccessibleInterface * const scrollBarInterface = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(scrollBar);
QVERIFY(scrollBarInterface->state() & QAccessible::Invisible);
scrollBar->resize(200, 50);
QVERIFY(scrollBarInterface->state() ^ QAccessible::Invisible);
QVERIFY(QTestAccessibility::events().contains(QTestAccessibilityEvent(scrollBar, 0, QAccessible::ObjectShow)));
@ -1248,40 +1235,14 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::scrollBarTest()
QCOMPARE(77, scrollBar->value());
const QRect scrollBarRect = scrollBarInterface->rect();
qDebug() << scrollBarRect;
delete scrollBarInterface;
delete scrollBar;
// Test that the rects are ok.
QScrollBar *scrollBar = new QScrollBar(Qt::Horizontal);
scrollBar->resize(200, 50);
#if defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
QAccessibleInterface * const scrollBarInterface = QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface(scrollBar);
const QRect scrollBarRect = scrollBarInterface->rect(0);
// Verify that the sub-control rects are valid and inside the scrollBar rect.
for (int i = LineUp; i <= LineDown; ++i) {
const QRect testRect = scrollBarInterface->rect(i);
delete scrollBarInterface;
delete scrollBar;
@ -2262,7 +2223,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::dialogButtonBoxTest()
QStringList actualOrder;
QAccessibleInterface *child;
QAccessibleInterface *leftmost;
iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &child);
child = iface->child(0);
// first find the leftmost button
while (child->navigate(QAccessible::Left, 1, &leftmost) != -1) {
delete child;
@ -2321,7 +2282,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::dialogButtonBoxTest()
QAccessibleInterface *child;
QStringList actualOrder;
iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &child);
child = iface->child(0);
// first find the topmost button
QAccessibleInterface *other;
while (child->navigate(QAccessible::Up, 1, &other) != -1) {
@ -2597,10 +2558,10 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::tableWidgetTest()
QCOMPARE(client->role(0), QAccessible::Client);
QCOMPARE(client->childCount(), 3);
QAccessibleInterface *view = 0;
client->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &view);
view = client->child(0);
QCOMPARE(view->role(0), QAccessible::Table);
QAccessibleInterface *ifRow;
view->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 2, &ifRow);
ifRow = view->child(1);
QCOMPARE(ifRow->role(0), QAccessible::Row);
QAccessibleInterface *item;
int entry = ifRow->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &item);
@ -2810,7 +2771,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2ListTest()
QCOMPARE(iface->childCount(), 3);
QAccessibleInterface *child1 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &child1), 0);
child1 = iface->child(0);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child1), 1);
QCOMPARE(child1->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("Oslo"));
@ -2818,14 +2779,14 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2ListTest()
delete child1;
QAccessibleInterface *child2 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 2, &child2), 0);
child2 = iface->child(1);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child2), 2);
QCOMPARE(child2->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("Berlin"));
delete child2;
QAccessibleInterface *child3 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 3, &child3), 0);
child3 = iface->child(2);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child3), 3);
QCOMPARE(child3->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("Brisbane"));
@ -2916,7 +2877,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2TreeTest()
QCOMPARE(iface->childCount(), 6);
QAccessibleInterface *header1 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &header1), 0);
header1 = iface->child(0);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(header1), 1);
QCOMPARE(header1->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("Artist"));
@ -2924,7 +2885,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2TreeTest()
delete header1;
QAccessibleInterface *child1 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 3, &child1), 0);
child1 = iface->child(2);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child1), 3);
QCOMPARE(child1->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("Spain"));
@ -2933,7 +2894,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2TreeTest()
delete child1;
QAccessibleInterface *child2 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 5, &child2), 0);
child2 = iface->child(4);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child2), 5);
QCOMPARE(child2->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("Austria"));
@ -3027,15 +2988,13 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2TableTest()
// header and 2 rows (the others are not expanded, thus not visible)
QCOMPARE(iface->childCount(), 9+3+3+1); // cell+headers+topleft button
QAccessibleInterface *cornerButton = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &cornerButton), 0);
QAccessibleInterface *cornerButton = iface->child(0);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(cornerButton), 1);
QCOMPARE(cornerButton->role(0), QAccessible::Pane);
delete cornerButton;
QAccessibleInterface *child1 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 3, &child1), 0);
QAccessibleInterface *child1 = iface->child(2);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child1), 3);
QCOMPARE(child1->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("h2"));
@ -3043,8 +3002,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2TableTest()
QVERIFY(!(child1->state(0) & QAccessible::Expanded));
delete child1;
QAccessibleInterface *child2 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 11, &child2), 0);
QAccessibleInterface *child2 = iface->child(10);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child2), 11);
QCOMPARE(child2->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("1.1"));
@ -3053,8 +3011,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::table2TableTest()
QCOMPARE(cell2Iface->columnIndex(), 1);
delete child2;
QAccessibleInterface *child3 = 0;
QCOMPARE(iface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 12, &child3), 0);
QAccessibleInterface *child3 = iface->child(11);
QCOMPARE(iface->indexOfChild(child3), 12);
QCOMPARE(child3->text(QAccessible::Name, 0), QString("1.2"));
delete child3;
@ -3164,24 +3121,20 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::calendarWidgetTest()
// Navigate to the navigation bar via Child.
QAccessibleInterface *navigationBarInterface = 0;
QCOMPARE(interface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 1, &navigationBarInterface), 0);
QAccessibleInterface *navigationBarInterface = interface->child(0);
QCOMPARE(navigationBarInterface->object(), (QObject*)navigationBar);
delete navigationBarInterface;
navigationBarInterface = 0;
// Navigate to the view via Child.
QAccessibleInterface *calendarViewInterface = 0;
QCOMPARE(interface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 2, &calendarViewInterface), 0);
QAccessibleInterface *calendarViewInterface = interface->child(1);
QCOMPARE(calendarViewInterface->object(), (QObject*)calendarView);
delete calendarViewInterface;
calendarViewInterface = 0;
QAccessibleInterface *doesNotExistsInterface = 0;
QCOMPARE(interface->navigate(QAccessible::Child, 3, &doesNotExistsInterface), -1);
// Navigate from navigation bar -> view (Down).
QCOMPARE(interface->navigate(QAccessible::Down, 1, &calendarViewInterface), 0);
@ -3236,7 +3189,7 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::dockWidgetTest()
QAccessibleInterface *accDock1 = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) {
if (accMainWindow->role(i) == QAccessible::Window) {
accMainWindow->navigate(QAccessible::Child, i, &accDock1);
accDock1 = accMainWindow->child(i-1);
if (accDock1 && qobject_cast<QDockWidget*>(accDock1->object()) == dock1) {
} else {
@ -3253,15 +3206,15 @@ void tst_QAccessibility::dockWidgetTest()
globalPos.rx()+=5; //### query style
int entry = accDock1->childAt(globalPos.x(), globalPos.y()); //###
QAccessibleInterface *accTitleBar;
entry = accDock1->navigate(QAccessible::Child, entry, &accTitleBar);
QCOMPARE(entry, 1);
QAccessibleInterface *accTitleBar = accDock1->child(entry - 1);
QCOMPARE(accTitleBar->role(0), QAccessible::TitleBar);
QCOMPARE(accDock1->indexOfChild(accTitleBar), 1);
QAccessibleInterface *acc;
entry = accTitleBar->navigate(QAccessible::Ancestor, 1, &acc);
acc = accTitleBar->parent();
QCOMPARE(entry, 0);
QCOMPARE(acc->role(0), QAccessible::Window);
QCOMPARE(acc->role(), QAccessible::Window);
delete accTitleBar;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user