clean up path normalization in configure.exe and QLibraryInfo
always use normalized path separators, except when running native commands or printing (note however that the qmake -query output will now be consistently normalized). Change-Id: I6ae920c3bc656cb517d1f4e4e5518cf79e002169 Reviewed-by: Joerg Bornemann <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -312,6 +312,8 @@ QLibraryInfo::rawLocation(LibraryLocation loc)
ret = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(ret);
@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ bool writeToFile(const char* text, const QString &filename)
Configure::Configure(int& argc, char** argv)
useUnixSeparators = false;
// Default values for indentation
optionIndent = 4;
descIndent = 25;
@ -164,7 +163,8 @@ Configure::Configure(int& argc, char** argv)
if ( | QFile::Text)) {
QTextStream stream(&syncqt_bat);
stream << "@echo off" << endl
<< "call " << fixSeparators(sourcePath) << fixSeparators("/bin/syncqt.bat -qtdir \"") << fixSeparators(buildPath) << "\" %*" << endl;
<< "call " << QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourcePath + "/bin/syncqt.bat")
<< " -qtdir \"" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(buildPath) << "\" %*" << endl;
@ -189,9 +189,9 @@ Configure::Configure(int& argc, char** argv)
defaultBuildParts << QStringLiteral("libs") << QStringLiteral("examples");
dictionary[ "QT_SOURCE_TREE" ] = fixSeparators(sourcePath);
dictionary[ "QT_BUILD_TREE" ] = fixSeparators(buildPath);
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] = fixSeparators(installPath);
dictionary[ "QT_SOURCE_TREE" ] = sourcePath;
dictionary[ "QT_BUILD_TREE" ] = buildPath;
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] = installPath;
dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ] = getenv("QMAKESPEC");
if (dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ].size() == 0) {
@ -338,19 +338,26 @@ Configure::~Configure()
QString Configure::fixSeparators(const QString &somePath, bool escape)
QString Configure::formatPath(const QString &path)
if (useUnixSeparators)
return QDir::fromNativeSeparators(somePath);
QString ret = QDir::toNativeSeparators(somePath);
return escape ? escapeSeparators(ret) : ret;
QString ret = QDir::cleanPath(path);
// This amount of quoting is deemed sufficient. ™
if (ret.contains(QLatin1Char(' '))) {
return ret;
QString Configure::escapeSeparators(const QString &somePath)
QString Configure::formatPaths(const QStringList &paths)
QString out = somePath;
out.replace(QLatin1Char('\\'), QLatin1String("\\\\"));
return out;
QString ret;
foreach (const QString &path, paths) {
if (!ret.isEmpty())
ret += QLatin1Char(' ');
ret += formatPath(path);
return ret;
// We could use QDir::homePath() + "/.qt-license", but
@ -1126,7 +1133,7 @@ void Configure::parseCmdLine()
// Ensure that QMAKESPEC exists in the mkspecs folder
const QString mkspecPath = fixSeparators(sourcePath + "/mkspecs");
const QString mkspecPath(sourcePath + "/mkspecs");
QDirIterator itMkspecs(mkspecPath, QDir::AllDirs | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDirIterator::Subdirectories);
QStringList mkspecs;
@ -1212,8 +1219,6 @@ void Configure::parseCmdLine()
useUnixSeparators = (dictionary["QMAKESPEC"] == "win32-g++");
// Allow tests for private classes to be compiled against internal builds
if (dictionary["BUILDDEV"] == "yes")
qtConfig += "private_tests";
@ -2360,10 +2365,10 @@ void Configure::generateOutputVars()
qtConfig += "accessibility";
if (!qmakeLibs.isEmpty())
qmakeVars += "LIBS += " + escapeSeparators(qmakeLibs.join(" "));
qmakeVars += "LIBS += " + formatPaths(qmakeLibs);
if (!dictionary["QT_LFLAGS_SQLITE"].isEmpty())
qmakeVars += "QT_LFLAGS_SQLITE += " + escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_LFLAGS_SQLITE"]);
qmakeVars += "QT_LFLAGS_SQLITE += " + formatPath(dictionary["QT_LFLAGS_SQLITE"]);
if (dictionary[ "OPENGL" ] == "yes")
qtConfig += "opengl";
@ -2452,25 +2457,25 @@ void Configure::generateOutputVars()
qipempty = true;
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DOCS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DOCS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/doc");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DOCS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/doc";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_HEADERS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_HEADERS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/include");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_HEADERS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/include";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_LIBS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_LIBS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/lib");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_LIBS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/lib";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/bin");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/bin";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/plugins");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/plugins";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/imports");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/imports";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ]);
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ];
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/translations");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/translations";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/examples");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/examples";
if (!dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TESTS" ].size())
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TESTS" ] = qipempty ? "" : fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/tests");
dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TESTS" ] = qipempty ? "" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] + "/tests";
bool haveHpx = false;
if (dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ].isEmpty())
@ -2478,21 +2483,21 @@ void Configure::generateOutputVars()
haveHpx = true;
if (dictionary[ "QT_HOST_BINS" ].isEmpty())
dictionary[ "QT_HOST_BINS" ] = haveHpx ? fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/bin") : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ];
dictionary[ "QT_HOST_BINS" ] = haveHpx ? dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] + "/bin" : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ];
if (dictionary[ "QT_HOST_DATA" ].isEmpty())
dictionary[ "QT_HOST_DATA" ] = haveHpx ? dictionary[ "QT_HOST_PREFIX" ] : dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ];
if (dictionary.contains("XQMAKESPEC") && dictionary[ "XQMAKESPEC" ].startsWith("linux"))
dictionary[ "QMAKE_RPATHDIR" ] = dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_LIBS" ];
qmakeVars += QString("OBJECTS_DIR = ") + fixSeparators("tmp/obj/" + dictionary[ "QMAKE_OUTDIR" ], true);
qmakeVars += QString("MOC_DIR = ") + fixSeparators("tmp/moc/" + dictionary[ "QMAKE_OUTDIR" ], true);
qmakeVars += QString("RCC_DIR = ") + fixSeparators("tmp/rcc/" + dictionary["QMAKE_OUTDIR"], true);
qmakeVars += QString("OBJECTS_DIR = ") + formatPath("tmp/obj/" + dictionary["QMAKE_OUTDIR"]);
qmakeVars += QString("MOC_DIR = ") + formatPath("tmp/moc/" + dictionary["QMAKE_OUTDIR"]);
qmakeVars += QString("RCC_DIR = ") + formatPath("tmp/rcc/" + dictionary["QMAKE_OUTDIR"]);
if (!qmakeDefines.isEmpty())
qmakeVars += QString("DEFINES += ") + qmakeDefines.join(" ");
if (!qmakeIncludes.isEmpty())
qmakeVars += QString("INCLUDEPATH += ") + escapeSeparators(qmakeIncludes.join(" "));
qmakeVars += QString("INCLUDEPATH += ") + formatPaths(qmakeIncludes);
if (!opensslLibs.isEmpty())
qmakeVars += opensslLibs;
else if (dictionary[ "OPENSSL" ] == "linked")
@ -2503,7 +2508,7 @@ void Configure::generateOutputVars()
QStringList lflagsTDS;
if (!sybase.isEmpty())
lflagsTDS += QString("-L") + fixSeparators(sybase.section("=", 1) + "/lib");
lflagsTDS += QString("-L") + formatPath(sybase.section("=", 1) + "/lib");
if (!sybaseLibs.isEmpty())
lflagsTDS += sybaseLibs.section("=", 1);
if (!lflagsTDS.isEmpty())
@ -2574,8 +2579,8 @@ void Configure::generateCachefile()
QTextStream moduleStream(&moduleFile);
moduleStream << "#paths" << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_BUILD_TREE = " << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_BUILD_TREE" ], true) << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_SOURCE_TREE = " << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_SOURCE_TREE" ], true) << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_BUILD_TREE = " << formatPath(dictionary["QT_BUILD_TREE"]) << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_SOURCE_TREE = " << formatPath(dictionary["QT_SOURCE_TREE"]) << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_BUILD_PARTS = " << buildParts.join(" ") << endl << endl;
//so that we can build without an install first (which would be impossible)
@ -2585,27 +2590,27 @@ void Configure::generateCachefile()
QString hostSpec = dictionary[ "QMAKESPEC" ];
QString targetSpec = dictionary.contains("XQMAKESPEC") ? dictionary[ "XQMAKESPEC" ] : hostSpec;
QString xmkspec_path = fixSeparators(sourcePath + "/mkspecs/" + targetSpec);
QString xmkspec_path = sourcePath + "/mkspecs/" + targetSpec;
if (QFile::exists(xmkspec_path))
moduleStream << "XQMAKESPEC = " << escapeSeparators(xmkspec_path) << endl;
moduleStream << "XQMAKESPEC = " << xmkspec_path << endl;
moduleStream << "XQMAKESPEC = " << fixSeparators(targetSpec, true) << endl;
QString mkspec_path = fixSeparators(sourcePath + "/mkspecs/" + hostSpec);
moduleStream << "XQMAKESPEC = " << targetSpec << endl;
QString mkspec_path = sourcePath + "/mkspecs/" + hostSpec;
if (QFile::exists(mkspec_path))
moduleStream << "QMAKESPEC = " << escapeSeparators(mkspec_path) << endl;
moduleStream << "QMAKESPEC = " << mkspec_path << endl;
moduleStream << "QMAKESPEC = " << fixSeparators(hostSpec, true) << endl;
moduleStream << "QMAKESPEC = " << hostSpec << endl;
if (dictionary["QT_EDITION"] != "QT_EDITION_OPENSOURCE")
moduleStream << "DEFINES *= QT_EDITION=QT_EDITION_DESKTOP" << endl;
if (dictionary["CETEST"] == "yes") {
moduleStream << "QT_CE_RAPI_INC = " << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_CE_RAPI_INC" ], true) << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_CE_RAPI_LIB = " << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "QT_CE_RAPI_LIB" ], true) << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_CE_RAPI_INC = " << formatPath(dictionary["QT_CE_RAPI_INC"]) << endl;
moduleStream << "QT_CE_RAPI_LIB = " << formatPath(dictionary["QT_CE_RAPI_LIB"]) << endl;
moduleStream << "#Qt for Windows CE c-runtime deployment" << endl
<< "QT_CE_C_RUNTIME = " << fixSeparators(dictionary[ "CE_CRT" ], true) << endl;
<< "QT_CE_C_RUNTIME = " << formatPath(dictionary["CE_CRT"]) << endl;
if (dictionary["CE_SIGNATURE"] != QLatin1String("no"))
moduleStream << "DEFAULT_SIGNATURE=" << dictionary["CE_SIGNATURE"] << endl;
@ -2663,14 +2668,14 @@ void Configure::detectArch()
QString oldpwd = QDir::currentPath();
QString newpwd = fixSeparators(QString("%1/config.tests/arch").arg(buildPath));
QString newpwd = QString("%1/config.tests/arch").arg(buildPath);
if (!QDir().exists(newpwd) && !QDir().mkpath(newpwd)) {
cout << "Failed to create directory " << qPrintable(newpwd) << endl;
cout << "Failed to create directory " << qPrintable(QDir::toNativeSeparators(newpwd)) << endl;
dictionary["DONE"] = "error";
if (!QDir::setCurrent(newpwd)) {
cout << "Failed to change working directory to " << qPrintable(newpwd) << endl;
cout << "Failed to change working directory to " << qPrintable(QDir::toNativeSeparators(newpwd)) << endl;
dictionary["DONE"] = "error";
@ -2687,9 +2692,10 @@ void Configure::detectArch()
QString subarchKey = data.subarchKey;
// run qmake
QString command =
fixSeparators(QString("%1/bin/qmake.exe -spec %2 %3/config.tests/arch/ 2>&1")
.arg(buildPath, qmakespec, sourcePath));
QString command = QString("%1 -spec %2 %3 2>&1")
.arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(buildPath + "/bin/qmake.exe"),
QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourcePath + "/config.tests/arch/"));
// compile
@ -2761,22 +2767,23 @@ bool Configure::tryCompileProject(const QString &projectPath, const QString &ext
QString oldpwd = QDir::currentPath();
QString newpwd = fixSeparators(QString("%1/config.tests/%2").arg(buildPath, projectPath));
QString newpwd = QString("%1/config.tests/%2").arg(buildPath, projectPath);
if (!QDir().exists(newpwd) && !QDir().mkpath(newpwd)) {
cout << "Failed to create directory " << qPrintable(newpwd) << endl;
cout << "Failed to create directory " << qPrintable(QDir::toNativeSeparators(newpwd)) << endl;
dictionary["DONE"] = "error";
return false;
if (!QDir::setCurrent(newpwd)) {
cout << "Failed to change working directory to " << qPrintable(newpwd) << endl;
cout << "Failed to change working directory to " << qPrintable(QDir::toNativeSeparators(newpwd)) << endl;
dictionary["DONE"] = "error";
return false;
// run qmake
QString command =
fixSeparators(QString("%1/bin/qmake.exe %2/config.tests/%3 %4 2>&1")
.arg(buildPath, sourcePath, projectPath, extraOptions));
QString command = QString("%1 %2 %3 2>&1")
.arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(buildPath + "/bin/qmake.exe"),
QDir::toNativeSeparators(sourcePath + "/config.tests/" + projectPath),
int code = 0;
QString output = Environment::execute(command, &code);
//cout << output << endl;
@ -2858,7 +2865,7 @@ void Configure::generateQConfigPri()
if (!dictionary["QMAKE_RPATHDIR"].isEmpty())
configStream << "QMAKE_RPATHDIR += " << dictionary["QMAKE_RPATHDIR"] << endl;
configStream << "QMAKE_RPATHDIR += " << formatPath(dictionary["QMAKE_RPATHDIR"]) << endl;
if (!dictionary["QT_LIBINFIX"].isEmpty())
configStream << "QT_LIBINFIX = " << dictionary["QT_LIBINFIX"] << endl;
@ -2870,12 +2877,9 @@ void Configure::generateQConfigPri()
const QString angleDir = dictionary.value(QStringLiteral("ANGLE_DIR"));
if (!angleDir.isEmpty()) {
<< fixSeparators(angleDir + QStringLiteral("/include"), true) << '\n'
<< fixSeparators(angleDir + QStringLiteral("/lib/Debug"), true) << '\n'
<< fixSeparators(angleDir + QStringLiteral("/lib/Release"), true) + '\n';
<< "QMAKE_INCDIR_OPENGL_ES2 = " << angleDir << "/include\n"
<< "QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL_ES2_DEBUG = " << angleDir << "/lib/Debug\n"
<< "QMAKE_LIBDIR_OPENGL_ES2_RELEASE = " << angleDir << "/lib/Release\n";
@ -3133,25 +3137,25 @@ void Configure::generateConfigfiles()
<< "static const char qt_configure_installation [11 + 12] = \"qt_instdate=" << QDate::currentDate().toString(Qt::ISODate) << "\";" << endl
<< endl
<< "static const char qt_configure_prefix_path_strs[][12 + 512] = {" << endl
<< " \"qt_prfxpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_PREFIX"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_docspath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_DOCS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hdrspath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_HEADERS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_libspath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_LIBS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_binspath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_BINS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_plugpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_impspath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_datapath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_DATA"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_trnspath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_xmplpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_tstspath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_TESTS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_prfxpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_PREFIX"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_docspath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_DOCS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hdrspath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_HEADERS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_libspath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_LIBS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_binspath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_BINS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_plugpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_impspath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_datapath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_DATA"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_trnspath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_xmplpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_tstspath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_TESTS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< "#ifdef QT_BUILD_QMAKE" << endl
<< " \"qt_ssrtpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["CFG_SYSROOT"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hpfxpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_HOST_PREFIX"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hbinpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_HOST_BINS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hdatpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_HOST_DATA"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_ssrtpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["CFG_SYSROOT"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hpfxpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_HOST_PREFIX"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hbinpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_HOST_BINS"]) << "\"," << endl
<< " \"qt_hdatpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_HOST_DATA"]) << "\"," << endl
<< "#endif" << endl
<< "};" << endl
//<< "static const char qt_configure_settings_path_str [256] = \"qt_stngpath=" << escapeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_SETTINGS"]) << "\";" << endl
//<< "static const char qt_configure_settings_path_str [256] = \"qt_stngpath=" << formatPath(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_SETTINGS"]) << "\";" << endl
<< endl
<< "/* strlen( \"qt_lcnsxxxx\") == 12 */" << endl
<< "#define QT_CONFIGURE_LICENSEE qt_configure_licensee_str + 12;" << endl
@ -3293,19 +3297,19 @@ void Configure::displayConfig()
sout << " SQLite2................." << dictionary[ "SQL_SQLITE2" ] << endl;
sout << " InterBase..............." << dictionary[ "SQL_IBASE" ] << endl << endl;
sout << "Sources are in.............." << dictionary[ "QT_SOURCE_TREE" ] << endl;
sout << "Build is done in............" << dictionary[ "QT_BUILD_TREE" ] << endl;
sout << "Install prefix.............." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PREFIX" ] << endl;
sout << "Headers installed to........" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_HEADERS" ] << endl;
sout << "Libraries installed to......" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_LIBS" ] << endl;
sout << "Plugins installed to........" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS" ] << endl;
sout << "Imports installed to........" << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS" ] << endl;
sout << "Binaries installed to......." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_BINS" ] << endl;
sout << "Docs installed to..........." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DOCS" ] << endl;
sout << "Data installed to..........." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_DATA" ] << endl;
sout << "Translations installed to..." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS" ] << endl;
sout << "Examples installed to......." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES" ] << endl;
sout << "Tests installed to.........." << dictionary[ "QT_INSTALL_TESTS" ] << endl;
sout << "Sources are in.............." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_SOURCE_TREE"]) << endl;
sout << "Build is done in............" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_BUILD_TREE"]) << endl;
sout << "Install prefix.............." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_PREFIX"]) << endl;
sout << "Headers installed to........" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_HEADERS"]) << endl;
sout << "Libraries installed to......" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_LIBS"]) << endl;
sout << "Plugins installed to........" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_PLUGINS"]) << endl;
sout << "Imports installed to........" << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS"]) << endl;
sout << "Binaries installed to......." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_BINS"]) << endl;
sout << "Docs installed to..........." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_DOCS"]) << endl;
sout << "Data installed to..........." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_DATA"]) << endl;
sout << "Translations installed to..." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_TRANSLATIONS"]) << endl;
sout << "Examples installed to......." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_EXAMPLES"]) << endl;
sout << "Tests installed to.........." << QDir::toNativeSeparators(dictionary["QT_INSTALL_TESTS"]) << endl;
if (dictionary.contains("XQMAKESPEC") && dictionary["XQMAKESPEC"].startsWith(QLatin1String("wince"))) {
sout << "Using c runtime detection..." << dictionary[ "CE_CRT" ] << endl;
@ -3627,10 +3631,10 @@ void Configure::generateMakefiles()
|| dictionary["VCPROJFILES"] == "yes");
while (generate) {
QString pwd = QDir::currentPath();
QString dirPath = fixSeparators(buildPath + dirName);
QString dirPath = buildPath + dirName;
QStringList args;
args << fixSeparators(buildPath + "/bin/qmake");
args << buildPath + "/bin/qmake";
if (doDsp) {
if (dictionary[ "DEPENDENCIES" ] == "no")
@ -3649,7 +3653,7 @@ void Configure::generateMakefiles()
if (!dictionary[ "QMAKEADDITIONALARGS" ].isEmpty())
args << dictionary[ "QMAKEADDITIONALARGS" ];
if (int exitCode = Environment::execute(args, QStringList(), QStringList())) {
cout << "Qmake failed, return code " << exitCode << endl << endl;
dictionary[ "DONE" ] = "error";
@ -3663,7 +3667,7 @@ void Configure::generateMakefiles()
if (it->directory == "tools/configure")
continue; // don't overwrite our own Makefile
QString dirPath = fixSeparators(it->directory + "/");
QString dirPath = it->directory + '/';
QString projectName = it->proFile;
QString makefileName = buildPath + "/" + dirPath + it->target;
@ -3674,22 +3678,23 @@ void Configure::generateMakefiles()
QStringList args;
args << fixSeparators(buildPath + "/bin/qmake");
args << QDir::toNativeSeparators(buildPath + "/bin/qmake.exe");
args << sourcePath + "/" + dirPath + projectName;
args << dictionary[ "QMAKE_ALL_ARGS" ];
cout << "For " << qPrintable(dirPath + projectName) << endl;
cout << "For " << qPrintable(QDir::toNativeSeparators(dirPath + projectName)) << endl;
args << "-o";
args << it->target;
if (!dictionary[ "QMAKEADDITIONALARGS" ].isEmpty())
args << dictionary[ "QMAKEADDITIONALARGS" ];
QFile file(makefileName);
if (! | QFile::Text)) {
printf("failed on dirPath=%s, makefile=%s\n",
qPrintable(dirPath), qPrintable(makefileName));
QTextStream txt(&file);
@ -157,9 +157,8 @@ private:
int descIndent;
int outputWidth;
bool useUnixSeparators;
QString fixSeparators(const QString &somePath, bool escape = false);
QString escapeSeparators(const QString &somePath);
QString formatPath(const QString &path);
QString formatPaths(const QStringList &paths);
bool filesDiffer(const QString &file1, const QString &file2);
bool findFile(const QString &fileName);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user