Fix "conflicting targets" warning when generating VS projects

The VS project generator never calls the Win32MakefileGenerator code
that sets up DEST_TARGET which is used for checking for conflicting
DESTDIR/TARGET combinations on Windows. Replicate the setup in

This amends commit e75aed1a.

Change-Id: I4238eb2f57615095c372cee9ada9fc961cc36133
Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <>
This commit is contained in:
Joerg Bornemann 2019-08-19 09:17:24 +02:00
parent 6a2112c28c
commit 9db230efa9

View File

@ -940,6 +940,15 @@ void VcprojGenerator::initProject()
vcProject.SccProjectName = project->first("SCCPROJECTNAME").toQString();
vcProject.SccLocalPath = project->first("SCCLOCALPATH").toQString();
vcProject.flat_files = project->isActiveConfig("flat");
// Set up the full target path for target conflict checking.
const QChar slash = QLatin1Char('/');
QString destdir = QDir::fromNativeSeparators(var("DESTDIR"));
if (!destdir.endsWith(slash))
project->values("DEST_TARGET") = ProStringList(destdir
+ project->first("TARGET")
+ project->first("TARGET_EXT"));
void VcprojGenerator::initConfiguration()