Remove all line continuations when processing qmake syntax

We constantly had to adjust the qmake grammar to handle line
continuations (\\\n) in weird places. Instead of doing that,
just do a preprocess step to remove all the LCs like we do with
comments, and simplify the grammar not to take into account the

From some manual testing it doesn't look like we get any regressions.

Change-Id: I2017d59396004cf67b6cb54977583db65c65e7d3
Reviewed-by: Tobias Hunger <>
This commit is contained in:
Alexandru Croitor 2019-05-23 15:57:59 +02:00
parent a2e0f19b61
commit bfed22e3b7
2 changed files with 32 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -149,9 +149,12 @@ def process_qrc_file(target: str, filepath: str, base_dir: str = '') -> str:
def fixup_linecontinuation(contents: str) -> str:
contents = re.sub(r'([^\t ])\\[ \t]*\n', '\\1 \\\n', contents)
contents = re.sub(r'\\[ \t]*\n', '\\\n', contents)
# Remove all line continuations, aka a backslash followed by
# a newline character with an arbitrary amount of whitespace
# between the backslash and the newline.
# This greatly simplifies the qmake parsing grammar.
contents = re.sub(r'([^\t ])\\[ \t]*\n', '\\1 ', contents)
contents = re.sub(r'\\[ \t]*\n', '', contents)
return contents
@ -721,8 +724,6 @@ class QmakeParser:
return value
LC = add_element('LC', pp.Suppress(pp.Literal('\\\n')))
EOL = add_element('EOL', pp.Suppress(pp.LineEnd()))
Else = add_element('Else', pp.Keyword('else'))
Identifier = add_element('Identifier', pp.Word(pp.alphas + '_',
@ -763,7 +764,7 @@ class QmakeParser:
| SubstitutionValue
| BracedValue))
Values = add_element('Values', pp.ZeroOrMore(Value + pp.Optional(LC))('value'))
Values = add_element('Values', pp.ZeroOrMore(Value)('value'))
Op = add_element('OP',
pp.Literal('=') | pp.Literal('-=') | pp.Literal('+=') \
@ -771,11 +772,8 @@ class QmakeParser:
Key = add_element('Key', Identifier)
Operation = add_element('Operation',
Key('key') + pp.Optional(LC) \
+ Op('operation') + pp.Optional(LC) \
+ Values('value'))
CallArgs = add_element('CallArgs', pp.Optional(LC) + pp.nestedExpr())
Operation = add_element('Operation', Key('key') + Op('operation') + Values('value'))
CallArgs = add_element('CallArgs', pp.nestedExpr())
def parse_call_args(results):
out = ''
@ -807,8 +805,7 @@ class QmakeParser:
# ignore the whole thing...
ForLoopSingleLine = add_element(
pp.Suppress(pp.Keyword('for') + CallArgs
+ pp.Literal(':') + pp.SkipTo(EOL, ignore=LC)))
pp.Suppress(pp.Keyword('for') + CallArgs + pp.Literal(':') + pp.SkipTo(EOL)))
# ignore the whole thing...
FunctionCall = add_element('FunctionCall', pp.Suppress(Identifier + pp.nestedExpr()))
@ -823,29 +820,30 @@ class QmakeParser:
pp.ZeroOrMore(StatementLine | Scope | pp.Suppress(EOL)))
Block = add_element('Block',
pp.Suppress('{') + pp.Optional(LC | EOL)
+ StatementGroup + pp.Optional(LC | EOL)
+ pp.Suppress('}') + pp.Optional(LC | EOL))
pp.Suppress('{') + pp.Optional(EOL)
+ StatementGroup + pp.Optional(EOL)
+ pp.Suppress('}') + pp.Optional(EOL))
ConditionEnd = add_element('ConditionEnd',
+ pp.Optional(LC) + (pp.Literal(':')
| pp.Literal('{')
| pp.Literal('|')))))
+ (pp.Literal(':')
| pp.Literal('{')
| pp.Literal('|')))))
ConditionPart1 = add_element('ConditionPart1',
(pp.Optional('!') + Identifier + pp.Optional(BracedValue)))
ConditionPart2 = add_element('ConditionPart2', pp.CharsNotIn('#{}|:=\\\n'))
ConditionPart = add_element(
(ConditionPart1 ^ ConditionPart2) + pp.Optional(LC) + ConditionEnd)
(ConditionPart1 ^ ConditionPart2) + ConditionEnd)
ConditionOp = add_element('ConditionOp', pp.Literal('|') ^ pp.Literal(':'))
ConditionLC = add_element('ConditionLC',
pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(pp.White(' ') + LC + pp.White(' '))))
ConditionWhiteSpace = add_element('ConditionWhiteSpace',
pp.Suppress(pp.Optional(pp.White(' '))))
ConditionRepeated = add_element('ConditionRepeated',
pp.ZeroOrMore((ConditionOp) + ConditionLC + ConditionPart))
+ ConditionWhiteSpace + ConditionPart))
Condition = add_element('Condition', pp.Combine(ConditionPart + ConditionRepeated))
Condition.setParseAction(lambda x: ' '.join(x).strip().replace(':', ' && ').strip(' && '))
@ -859,22 +857,21 @@ class QmakeParser:
SingleLineScope = add_element('SingleLineScope',
pp.Suppress(pp.Literal(':')) + pp.Optional(LC)
+ pp.Group(Block | (Statement + EOL))('statements'))
MultiLineScope = add_element('MultiLineScope',
pp.Optional(LC) + Block('statements'))
MultiLineScope = add_element('MultiLineScope', Block('statements'))
SingleLineElse = add_element('SingleLineElse',
pp.Suppress(pp.Literal(':')) + pp.Optional(LC)
+ (Scope | Block | (Statement + pp.Optional(EOL))))
MultiLineElse = add_element('MultiLineElse', Block)
ElseBranch = add_element('ElseBranch', pp.Suppress(Else) + (SingleLineElse | MultiLineElse))
# Scope is already add_element'ed in the forward declaration above.
Scope <<= pp.Optional(LC) \
+ pp.Group(Condition('condition')
+ (SingleLineScope | MultiLineScope | ConditionEndingInFunctionCall)
+ pp.Optional(ElseBranch)('else_statements'))
Scope <<= \
+ (SingleLineScope | MultiLineScope | ConditionEndingInFunctionCall)
+ pp.Optional(ElseBranch)('else_statements'))
Grammar = StatementGroup('statements')

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@ -29,18 +29,18 @@
from pro2cmake import fixup_linecontinuation
from textwrap import dedent
def test_no_change():
input = "test \\\nline2\n line3"
output = "test line2\n line3"
result = fixup_linecontinuation(input)
assert input == result
assert output == result
def test_fix():
input = "test \\\t\nline2\\\n line3\\ \nline4 \\ \t\nline5\\\n\n\n"
output = "test line2 line3 line4 line5 \n\n"
result = fixup_linecontinuation(input)
assert 'test \\\nline2 \\\n line3 \\\nline4 \\\nline5 \\\n\n\n' == result
assert output == result