rhi: metal: Share semaphore code within the backend

Change-Id: I5b52cb8ccac303c4532651553101f381568eba2d
Reviewed-by: Qt CI Bot <qt_ci_bot@qt-project.org>
Reviewed-by: Andy Nichols <andy.nichols@qt.io>
This commit is contained in:
Laszlo Agocs 2023-03-17 18:39:24 +01:00
parent 2305f8af9f
commit c0182c7817
2 changed files with 36 additions and 27 deletions

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@ -2237,22 +2237,24 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiMetal::beginFrame(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain, QRhi::BeginF
QMetalSwapChain *swapChainD = QRHI_RES(QMetalSwapChain, swapChain);
// This is a bit messed up since for this swapchain we want to wait for the
// commands+present to complete, while for others just for the commands
// (for this same frame slot) but not sure how to do that in a sane way so
// wait for full cb completion for now.
for (QMetalSwapChain *sc : std::as_const(swapchains)) {
dispatch_semaphore_t sem = sc->d->sem[swapChainD->currentFrameSlot];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
if (sc != swapChainD)
currentSwapChain = swapChainD;
currentFrameSlot = swapChainD->currentFrameSlot;
if (swapChainD->ds)
swapChainD->ds->lastActiveFrameSlot = currentFrameSlot;
// If we are too far ahead, block. This is also what ensures that any
// resource used in the previous frame for this slot is now not in use
// anymore by the GPU.
dispatch_semaphore_wait(swapChainD->d->sem[currentFrameSlot], DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
// Do this also for any other swapchain's commands with the same frame slot
// While this reduces concurrency, it keeps resource usage safe: swapchain
// A starting its frame 0, followed by swapchain B starting its own frame 0
// will make B wait for A's frame 0 commands, so if a resource is written
// in B's frame or when B checks for pending resource releases, that won't
// mess up A's in-flight commands (as they are not in flight anymore).
for (QMetalSwapChain *sc : std::as_const(swapchains)) {
if (sc != swapChainD)
sc->waitUntilCompleted(currentFrameSlot); // wait+signal
[d->captureScope beginScope];
@ -2274,6 +2276,9 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiMetal::beginFrame(QRhiSwapChain *swapChain, QRhi::BeginF
swapChainD->rtWrapper.d->fb.hasStencil = swapChainD->ds ? true : false;
swapChainD->rtWrapper.d->fb.depthNeedsStore = false;
if (swapChainD->ds)
swapChainD->ds->lastActiveFrameSlot = currentFrameSlot;
@ -2335,14 +2340,9 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiMetal::beginOffscreenFrame(QRhiCommandBuffer **cb, QRhi:
currentFrameSlot = (currentFrameSlot + 1) % QMTL_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT;
for (QMetalSwapChain *sc : std::as_const(swapchains)) {
// wait+signal is the general pattern to ensure the commands for a
// given frame slot have completed (if sem is 1, we go 0 then 1; if
// sem is 0 we go -1, block, completion increments to 0, then us to 1)
dispatch_semaphore_t sem = sc->d->sem[currentFrameSlot];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
for (QMetalSwapChain *sc : std::as_const(swapchains))
d->ofr.active = true;
*cb = &d->ofr.cbWrapper;
@ -2395,9 +2395,7 @@ QRhi::FrameOpResult QRhiMetal::finish()
// beginFrame decremented sem already and going to be signaled by endFrame
dispatch_semaphore_t sem = sc->d->sem[i];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
@ -5964,8 +5962,7 @@ void QMetalSwapChain::destroy()
for (int i = 0; i < QMTL_FRAMES_IN_FLIGHT; ++i) {
if (d->sem[i]) {
// the semaphores cannot be released if they do not have the initial value
dispatch_semaphore_wait(d->sem[i], DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
d->sem[i] = nullptr;
@ -6084,6 +6081,17 @@ void QMetalSwapChain::chooseFormats()
d->rhiColorFormat = QRhiTexture::BGRA8;
void QMetalSwapChain::waitUntilCompleted(int slot)
// wait+signal is the general pattern to ensure the commands for a
// given frame slot have completed (if sem is 1, we go 0 then 1; if
// sem is 0 we go -1, block, completion increments to 0, then us to 1)
dispatch_semaphore_t sem = d->sem[slot];
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sem, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
bool QMetalSwapChain::createOrResize()

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@ -308,6 +308,7 @@ struct QMetalSwapChain : public QRhiSwapChain
virtual QRhiSwapChainHdrInfo hdrInfo() override;
void chooseFormats();
void waitUntilCompleted(int slot);
QWindow *window = nullptr;
QSize pixelSize;