QTextOdfWriter: store all bulletChar()s as char16_t's

... and return them as QStringView from a file-static function so that
the conversion to QString is centralized in just one place (and we can
think of skipping the QString conversion once QXmlStreamWriter can
write QStringViews and not just QStrings).

Because the Style enum is ... weird (negative values), plaster the
code with static_asserts so that we get to detect breakage when the
enum values change.

Change-Id: I4ca89b6c2601c6a1153e202de966356bb4f51651
Reviewed-by: Mårten Nordheim <marten.nordheim@qt.io>
This commit is contained in:
Marc Mutz 2020-05-07 00:15:06 +02:00
parent e031b33ad7
commit c34efa071b

View File

@ -159,29 +159,32 @@ private:
QString manifestNS;
static QStringView bullet_char(QTextListFormat::Style style)
static_assert(int(QTextListFormat::ListDisc) == -1);
static_assert(int(QTextListFormat::ListUpperRoman) == -8);
static const char16_t chars[] = {
u'\x25cf', // bullet character
u'\x25cb', // white circle
u'\x25a1', // white square
const auto map = [](QTextListFormat::Style s) { return -int(s) - 1; };
static_assert(uint(map(QTextListFormat::ListUpperRoman)) == std::size(chars) - 1);
const auto idx = map(style);
if (idx < 0)
return nullptr;
return {chars + idx, 1};
static QString bulletChar(QTextListFormat::Style style)
switch(style) {
case QTextListFormat::ListDisc:
return QChar(0x25cf); // bullet character
case QTextListFormat::ListCircle:
return QChar(0x25cb); // white circle
case QTextListFormat::ListSquare:
return QChar(0x25a1); // white square
case QTextListFormat::ListDecimal:
return QString::fromLatin1("1");
case QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha:
return QString::fromLatin1("a");
case QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha:
return QString::fromLatin1("A");
case QTextListFormat::ListLowerRoman:
return QString::fromLatin1("i");
case QTextListFormat::ListUpperRoman:
return QString::fromLatin1("I");
case QTextListFormat::ListStyleUndefined:
return QString();
return bullet_char(style).toString();
static QString borderStyleName(QTextFrameFormat::BorderStyle style)