qmake: support incremental linking when embedding manifests

When embedding manifests we modified the EXE/DLL after linking using
the manifest tool. This breaks the incremental linking feature of MSVC.

The MS way to embed a manifest without breaking incremental linking is:
   - let the linker create the manifest file,
   - create a resource that contains the manifest file,
   - invoke the linker again to embed the resource.

The embed_manifest_{exe|dll}.prf files have been removed.
All manifest logic is now in qmake's nmake makefile generator.

With QMAKE_MANIFEST one can specify a custom manifest file that gets
embedded without disturbing incremental linking.

Task-number: QTBUG-22718
Change-Id: Idb9d2644a0577b2002cbdd2d62b695b9171b1bd5
Reviewed-by: Oswald Buddenhagen <oswald.buddenhagen@nokia.com>
This commit is contained in:
Joerg Bornemann 2012-08-15 12:18:49 +02:00 committed by Qt by Nokia
parent 15b5b28425
commit c9406bcffe
4 changed files with 72 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
!if(plugin:no_plugin_manifest):if(win32-msvc2005*|win32-msvc2008*|win32-msvc2010*|win32-msvc2012*):!static:equals(TEMPLATE, "lib") {
NOPATH_TARGET ~= s,\\\\ , ,q # Remove space escaping (NOPATH_TARGET is quoted)
NOPATH_TARGET ~= s,\\\\,/,g # Change to single type separators
NOPATH_TARGET ~= s,^(.*/)+,, # Remove all paths
QMAKE_LFLAGS += /MANIFEST $$quote(/MANIFESTFILE:\"$${MANIFEST_DIR}\\$${NOPATH_TARGET}.intermediate.manifest\")
!isEmpty(QMAKE_POST_LINK):QMAKE_POST_LINK = $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)$$QMAKE_POST_LINK
QMAKE_POST_LINK = $$quote(mt.exe -nologo -manifest $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$MANIFEST_DIR/$${NOPATH_TARGET}.intermediate.manifest)) -outputresource:$(DESTDIR_TARGET);2)$$QMAKE_POST_LINK
QMAKE_CLEAN += $$MANIFEST_DIR/$${NOPATH_TARGET}.intermediate.manifest

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
if(win32-msvc2005*|win32-msvc2008*|win32-msvc2010*|win32-msvc2012*):equals(TEMPLATE, "app") {
NOPATH_TARGET ~= s,\\\\ , ,q # Remove space escaping (NOPATH_TARGET is quoted)
NOPATH_TARGET ~= s,\\\\,/,g # Change to single type separators
NOPATH_TARGET ~= s,^(.*/)+,, # Remove all paths
QMAKE_LFLAGS += /MANIFEST $$quote(/MANIFESTFILE:\"$${MANIFEST_DIR}\\$${NOPATH_TARGET}.intermediate.manifest\")
!isEmpty(QMAKE_POST_LINK):QMAKE_POST_LINK = $$escape_expand(\\n\\t)$$QMAKE_POST_LINK
QMAKE_POST_LINK = $$quote(mt.exe -nologo -manifest $$shell_quote($$shell_path($$MANIFEST_DIR/$${NOPATH_TARGET}.intermediate.manifest)) -outputresource:$(DESTDIR_TARGET);1)$$QMAKE_POST_LINK
QMAKE_CLEAN += $$MANIFEST_DIR/$${NOPATH_TARGET}.intermediate.manifest

View File

@ -357,7 +357,8 @@ void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeImplicitRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") {
const QString templateName = project->first("TEMPLATE");
if (templateName == "aux") {
t << "first:" << endl;
t << "all:" << endl;
@ -371,12 +372,65 @@ void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
t << "\n\t" <<var("QMAKE_PRE_LINK");
if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib")) {
t << "\n\t" << "$(LIBAPP) $(LIBFLAGS) /OUT:$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<<" << "\n\t "
<< "$(OBJECTS)";
<< "$(OBJECTS)"
<< "\n<<";
} else {
t << "\n\t" << "$(LINK) $(LFLAGS) /OUT:$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<< " << "\n\t "
<< "$(OBJECTS) $(LIBS)";
const bool embedManifest = ((templateName == "app" && project->isActiveConfig("embed_manifest_exe"))
|| (templateName == "lib" && project->isActiveConfig("embed_manifest_dll")
&& !(project->isActiveConfig("plugin") && project->isActiveConfig("no_plugin_manifest"))
if (embedManifest) {
bool generateManifest = false;
const QString target = var("DEST_TARGET");
QString manifest = project->first("QMAKE_MANIFEST");
QString extraLFlags;
if (manifest.isEmpty()) {
generateManifest = true;
manifest = escapeFilePath(target + ".embed.manifest");
extraLFlags = "/MANIFEST /MANIFESTFILE:" + manifest;
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") << manifest;
const bool incrementalLinking = project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").filter(QRegExp("(/|-)INCREMENTAL:NO")).isEmpty();
if (incrementalLinking) {
// Link a resource that contains the manifest without modifying the exe/dll after linking.
QString manifest_rc = escapeFilePath(target + "_manifest.rc");
QString manifest_res = escapeFilePath(target + "_manifest.res");
QString manifest_bak = escapeFilePath(target + "_manifest.bak");
project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN") << manifest_rc << manifest_res;
t << "\n\t" << "@if not exist " << manifest_rc << " echo 1 /* CREATEPROCESS_MANIFEST_RESOURCE_ID */ 24 /* RT_MANIFEST */ " << manifest
<< ">" << manifest_rc;
if (generateManifest) {
t << "\n\tif not exist $(DESTDIR_TARGET) del " << manifest << ">NUL 2>&1";
t << "\n\tif exist " << manifest << " copy /Y " << manifest << ' ' << manifest_bak;
const QString extraInlineFileContent = "\n!IF EXIST(" + manifest_res + ")\n" + manifest_res + "\n!ENDIF";
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, extraInlineFileContent);
const QString check_manifest_bak_existence = "\n\tif exist " + manifest_bak + ' ';
t << check_manifest_bak_existence << "fc " << manifest << ' ' << manifest_bak << " && del " << manifest_bak;
t << check_manifest_bak_existence << "rc.exe /fo" << manifest_res << ' ' << manifest_rc;
t << check_manifest_bak_existence;
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, manifest_res);
t << check_manifest_bak_existence << "del " << manifest_bak;
} else {
t << "\n\t" << "rc.exe /fo" << manifest_res << " " << manifest_rc;
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags, manifest_res);
} else {
// directly embed the manifest in the executable after linking
t << "\n\t";
writeLinkCommand(t, extraLFlags);
t << "\n\t" << "mt.exe /nologo /manifest " << manifest << " /outputresource:$(DESTDIR_TARGET);1";
} else {
t << "\n\t";
t << endl << "<<";
QString signature = !project->isEmpty("SIGNATURE_FILE") ? var("SIGNATURE_FILE") : var("DEFAULT_SIGNATURE");
bool useSignature = !signature.isEmpty() && !project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") &&
!project->isEmpty("CE_SDK") && !project->isEmpty("CE_ARCH");
@ -389,4 +443,16 @@ void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t)
t << endl;
void NmakeMakefileGenerator::writeLinkCommand(QTextStream &t, const QString &extraFlags, const QString &extraInlineFileContent)
t << "$(LINK) $(LFLAGS)";
if (!extraFlags.isEmpty())
t << ' ' << extraFlags;
t << " /OUT:$(DESTDIR_TARGET) @<<\n"
<< "$(OBJECTS) $(LIBS)";
if (!extraInlineFileContent.isEmpty())
t << ' ' << extraInlineFileContent;
t << "\n<<";

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ class NmakeMakefileGenerator : public Win32MakefileGenerator
bool writeMakefile(QTextStream &);
void writeImplicitRulesPart(QTextStream &t);
void writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t);
void writeLinkCommand(QTextStream &t, const QString &extraFlags = QString(), const QString &extraInlineFileContent = QString());
void init();