QByteArray::number(double): Extend the test

Move out and share the test data from the QString::number_double() test
and re-use it for this one.

Task-number: QTBUG-88484
Change-Id: I6502d1d360657f6077e5c46636f537ddfdde3a83
Reviewed-by: Thiago Macieira <thiago.macieira@intel.com>
This commit is contained in:
Mårten Nordheim 2021-07-28 13:27:48 +02:00
parent 861feef2bf
commit e00928e48c
3 changed files with 141 additions and 66 deletions

View File

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@
#include <limits.h>
#include <private/qtools_p.h>
#include "../shared/test_number_shared.h"
class tst_QByteArray : public QObject
@ -96,6 +98,8 @@ private slots:
void toULongLong();
void number();
void number_double_data();
void number_double();
void toShort();
void toUShort();
void toInt_data();
@ -1296,6 +1300,35 @@ void tst_QByteArray::number()
void tst_QByteArray::number_double_data()
// This function is implemented in ../shared/test_number_shared.h
add_number_double_shared_data([](NumberDoubleTestData datum) {
QByteArray ba(datum.expected.data(), datum.expected.size());
QTest::addRow("%s, format '%c', precision %d", ba.data(), datum.f, datum.p)
<< datum.d << datum.f << datum.p << ba;
if (datum.f != 'f') { // Also test uppercase format
datum.f = toupper(datum.f);
QByteArray upper = ba.toUpper();
QTest::addRow("%s, format '%c', precision %d", upper.data(), datum.f, datum.p)
<< datum.d << datum.f << datum.p << upper;
void tst_QByteArray::number_double()
QFETCH(double, value);
QFETCH(char, format);
QFETCH(int, precision);
QTEST(QByteArray::number(value, format, precision), "expected");
void tst_QByteArray::toShort()
bool ok = true; // opposite to the next expected result

View File

@ -59,6 +59,8 @@
#include <limits>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "../shared/test_number_shared.h"
#define CREATE_VIEW(string) \
const QString padded = QLatin1Char(' ') + string + QLatin1Char(' '); \
const QStringView view = QStringView{ padded }.mid(1, padded.size() - 2);
@ -5206,71 +5208,8 @@ void tst_QString::number_double_data()
constexpr double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
constexpr double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
double d;
char f;
int p;
QLatin1String expected;
} const data[] = {
{ 0.0, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("0") },
{ 0.0, 'e', 0, QLatin1String("0e+00") },
{ 0.0, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("0.0e+00") },
{ 0.0001, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("0") },
{ 0.1234, 'f', 5, QLatin1String("0.12340") },
{ -0.1234, 'f', 5, QLatin1String("-0.12340") },
{ 0.0000000314, 'f', 12, QLatin1String("0.000000031400") },
{ -0.0000000314, 'f', 12, QLatin1String("-0.000000031400") },
{ -100000, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("-100000.000000000000000") },
{ 0.5 + qSqrt(1.25), 'f', 15, QLatin1String("1.618033988749895") },
{ 0.5 + qSqrt(1.25), 'e', 15, QLatin1String("1.618033988749895e+00") },
{ std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), 'g', 10, QLatin1String("2.220446049e-16") },
{ 0.0001, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("1.0e-04") },
{ 1e8, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("1.0e+08") },
{ -1e8, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("-1.0e+08") },
{ 1.1e-8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("1.100000e-08") },
{ -1.1e-8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("-1.100000e-08") },
{ 1.1e+8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("1.100000e+08") },
{ -1.1e+8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("-1.100000e+08") },
{ 100000, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("100000") },
// Increasingly small fraction, test how/when 'g' switches to scientific notation:
{ 0.001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("0.001") },
{ 0.0001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("0.0001") },
{ 0.00001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("1e-05") },
{ 0.000001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("1e-06") },
// FloatingPointShortest is relied upon by various facilities:
{ 1.0, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("1") },
{ 0.01, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("0.01") },
{ 123.456, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("123.456") },
{ 12.12, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("12.12") },
{ 0.000001, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("1e-06") },
{ 100000, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("1e+05") },
// inf and nan testing:
{ inf, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("inf") },
{ -inf, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("-inf") },
{ nan, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("nan") },
{ inf, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("inf") },
{ -inf, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("-inf") },
{ nan, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("nan") },
{ inf, 'e', 2, QLatin1String("inf") },
{ -inf, 'e', 2, QLatin1String("-inf") },
{ nan, 'e', 2, QLatin1String("nan") },
// Negative precision (except QLocale::F.P.Shortest) defaults to 6:
{ 0.001, 'f', -50, QLatin1String("0.001000") },
{ 0.0001, 'f', -62, QLatin1String("0.000100") },
{ 0.00001, 'f', -11, QLatin1String("0.000010") },
{ 0.000001, 'f', -41, QLatin1String("0.000001") },
{ 0.0000001, 'f', -21, QLatin1String("0.000000") },
// Some rounding tests
{ 10.5, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("11") },
{ 12.05, 'f', 1, QLatin1String("12.1") },
{ 14.500000000000001, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("15") },
{ 16.5000000000000001, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("17") },
for (auto datum : data) {
// This function is implemented in ../shared/test_number_shared.h
add_number_double_shared_data([](NumberDoubleTestData datum) {
QTest::addRow("%s, format '%c', precision %d", datum.expected.data(), datum.f, datum.p)
<< datum.d << datum.f << datum.p << datum.expected.toString();
if (datum.f != 'f') { // Also test uppercase format
@ -5279,7 +5218,7 @@ void tst_QString::number_double_data()
QTest::addRow("%s, format '%c', precision %d", qPrintable(upper), datum.f, datum.p)
<< datum.d << datum.f << datum.p << upper;
void tst_QString::number_double()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
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#include <limits>
#include <QtCore/qstring.h>
#include <QtCore/qlocale.h>
struct NumberDoubleTestData
double d;
char f;
int p;
QLatin1String expected;
template<typename Fun>
inline void add_number_double_shared_data(Fun addTestRowFunction)
constexpr double nan = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
constexpr double inf = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
const static NumberDoubleTestData data[] {
{ 0.0, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("0") },
{ 0.0, 'e', 0, QLatin1String("0e+00") },
{ 0.0, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("0.0e+00") },
{ 0.0001, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("0") },
{ 0.1234, 'f', 5, QLatin1String("0.12340") },
{ -0.1234, 'f', 5, QLatin1String("-0.12340") },
{ 0.0000000314, 'f', 12, QLatin1String("0.000000031400") },
{ -0.0000000314, 'f', 12, QLatin1String("-0.000000031400") },
{ -100000, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("-100000.000000000000000") },
{ 0.5 + qSqrt(1.25), 'f', 15, QLatin1String("1.618033988749895") },
{ 0.5 + qSqrt(1.25), 'e', 15, QLatin1String("1.618033988749895e+00") },
{ std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon(), 'g', 10, QLatin1String("2.220446049e-16") },
{ 0.0001, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("1.0e-04") },
{ 1e8, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("1.0e+08") },
{ -1e8, 'e', 1, QLatin1String("-1.0e+08") },
{ 1.1e-8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("1.100000e-08") },
{ -1.1e-8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("-1.100000e-08") },
{ 1.1e+8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("1.100000e+08") },
{ -1.1e+8, 'e', 6, QLatin1String("-1.100000e+08") },
{ 100000, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("100000") },
// Increasingly small fraction, test how/when 'g' switches to scientific notation:
{ 0.001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("0.001") },
{ 0.0001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("0.0001") },
{ 0.00001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("1e-05") },
{ 0.000001, 'g', 6, QLatin1String("1e-06") },
// FloatingPointShortest is relied upon by various facilities:
{ 1.0, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("1") },
{ 0.01, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("0.01") },
{ 123.456, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("123.456") },
{ 12.12, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("12.12") },
{ 0.000001, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("1e-06") },
{ 100000, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("1e+05") },
// inf and nan testing:
{ inf, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("inf") },
{ -inf, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("-inf") },
{ nan, 'g', QLocale::FloatingPointShortest, QLatin1String("nan") },
{ inf, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("inf") },
{ -inf, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("-inf") },
{ nan, 'f', 15, QLatin1String("nan") },
{ inf, 'e', 2, QLatin1String("inf") },
{ -inf, 'e', 2, QLatin1String("-inf") },
{ nan, 'e', 2, QLatin1String("nan") },
// Negative precision (except QLocale::F.P.Shortest) defaults to 6:
{ 0.001, 'f', -50, QLatin1String("0.001000") },
{ 0.0001, 'f', -62, QLatin1String("0.000100") },
{ 0.00001, 'f', -11, QLatin1String("0.000010") },
{ 0.000001, 'f', -41, QLatin1String("0.000001") },
{ 0.0000001, 'f', -21, QLatin1String("0.000000") },
// Some rounding tests
{ 10.5, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("11") },
{ 12.05, 'f', 1, QLatin1String("12.1") },
{ 14.500000000000001, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("15") },
{ 16.5000000000000001, 'f', 0, QLatin1String("17") },
for (auto datum : data)