flake8 was used to evaluate the file, with a couple of exeptions:
black was used to reformat the code automatically
The changes were:
* Added a README that explains how to use pipenv and pip,
* Remove unnecessary return statements,
* Remove '\' from the end of the lines,
* Use f-strings (>= 3.6) since we are requiring Python 3.7,
* Commenting unused variables,
* Adding assert when Python >= 3.7 is not being used,
* Wrapping long lines to 100 (Qt Style),
* Re-factoring some lines,
* Re-ordering imports,
* Naming `except` for sympy (SympifyError, TypeError)
Change-Id: Ie05f754e7d8ee4bf427117c58e0eb1b903202933
Reviewed-by: Alexandru Croitor <alexandru.croitor@qt.io>