// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include Q_LOGGING_CATEGORY(lcTests, "qt.text.tests") // #define DEBUG_WRITE_OUTPUT class tst_QTextMarkdownWriter : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void init(); void cleanup(); private slots: void testWriteParagraph_data(); void testWriteParagraph(); void testWriteList(); void testWriteEmptyList(); void testWriteCheckboxListItemEndingWithCode(); void testWriteNestedBulletLists_data(); void testWriteNestedBulletLists(); void testWriteNestedNumericLists(); void testWriteTable(); void rewriteDocument_data(); void rewriteDocument(); void fromHtml_data(); void fromHtml(); private: bool isMainFontFixed(); bool isFixedFontProportional(); QString documentToUnixMarkdown(); private: QTextDocument *document; }; void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::init() { document = new QTextDocument(); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::cleanup() { delete document; } bool tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::isMainFontFixed() { bool ret = QFontInfo(QGuiApplication::font()).fixedPitch(); if (ret) { qCWarning(lcTests) << "QFontDatabase::GeneralFont is monospaced: markdown writing is likely to use too many backticks" << QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::GeneralFont); } return ret; } bool tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::isFixedFontProportional() { bool ret = !QFontInfo(QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont)).fixedPitch(); if (ret) { qCWarning(lcTests) << "QFontDatabase::FixedFont is NOT monospaced: markdown writing is likely to use too few backticks" << QFontDatabase::systemFont(QFontDatabase::FixedFont); } return ret; } QString tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::documentToUnixMarkdown() { QString ret; QTextStream ts(&ret, QIODevice::WriteOnly); QTextMarkdownWriter writer(ts, QTextDocument::MarkdownDialectGitHub); writer.writeAll(document); return ret; } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteParagraph_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("expectedOutput"); QTest::newRow("empty") << "" << ""; QTest::newRow("spaces") << "foobar word" << "foobar word\n\n"; QTest::newRow("starting spaces") << " starting spaces" << " starting spaces\n\n"; QTest::newRow("trailing spaces") << "trailing spaces " << "trailing spaces \n\n"; QTest::newRow("tab") << "word\ttab x" << "word\ttab x\n\n"; QTest::newRow("tab2") << "word\t\ttab\tx" << "word\t\ttab\tx\n\n"; QTest::newRow("misc") << "foobar word\ttab x" << "foobar word\ttab x\n\n"; QTest::newRow("misc2") << "\t \tFoo" << "\t \tFoo\n\n"; } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteParagraph() { QFETCH(QString, input); QFETCH(QString, expectedOutput); QTextCursor cursor(document); cursor.insertText(input); const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown(); if (output != expectedOutput && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(output, expectedOutput); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteList() { QTextCursor cursor(document); QTextList *list = cursor.createList(QTextListFormat::ListDisc); cursor.insertText("ListItem 1"); list->add(cursor.block()); cursor.insertBlock(); cursor.insertText("ListItem 2"); list->add(cursor.block()); const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown(); const QString expected = QString::fromLatin1("- ListItem 1\n- ListItem 2\n"); if (output != expected && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(output, expected); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteEmptyList() { QTextCursor cursor(document); cursor.createList(QTextListFormat::ListDisc); QCOMPARE(documentToUnixMarkdown(), QString::fromLatin1("- \n")); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteCheckboxListItemEndingWithCode() { QTextCursor cursor(document); QTextList *list = cursor.createList(QTextListFormat::ListDisc); cursor.insertText("Image.originalSize property (not necessary; PdfDocument.pagePointSize() substitutes)"); list->add(cursor.block()); { auto fmt = cursor.block().blockFormat(); fmt.setMarker(QTextBlockFormat::MarkerType::Unchecked); cursor.setBlockFormat(fmt); } cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousWord, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 2); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousWord, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 4); QCOMPARE(cursor.selectedText(), QString::fromLatin1("PdfDocument.pagePointSize()")); auto fmt = cursor.charFormat(); fmt.setFontFixedPitch(true); cursor.setCharFormat(fmt); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousWord, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor, 5); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::Left, QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::PreviousWord, QTextCursor::KeepAnchor, 4); QCOMPARE(cursor.selectedText(), QString::fromLatin1("Image.originalSize")); cursor.setCharFormat(fmt); const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown(); const QString expected = QString::fromLatin1( "- [ ] `Image.originalSize` property (not necessary; `PdfDocument.pagePointSize()`\n substitutes)\n"); if (output != expected && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(output, expected); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteNestedBulletLists_data() { QTest::addColumn("checkbox"); QTest::addColumn("checked"); QTest::addColumn("continuationLine"); QTest::addColumn("continuationParagraph"); QTest::addColumn("expectedOutput"); QTest::newRow("plain bullets") << false << false << false << false << "- ListItem 1\n * ListItem 2\n + ListItem 3\n- ListItem 4\n * ListItem 5\n"; QTest::newRow("bullets with continuation lines") << false << false << true << false << "- ListItem 1\n * ListItem 2\n + ListItem 3 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a\n continuation\n- ListItem 4\n * ListItem 5 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a\n continuation\n"; QTest::newRow("bullets with continuation paragraphs") << false << false << false << true << "- ListItem 1\n\n * ListItem 2\n + ListItem 3\n\n continuation\n\n- ListItem 4\n\n * ListItem 5\n\n continuation\n\n"; QTest::newRow("unchecked") << true << false << false << false << "- [ ] ListItem 1\n * [ ] ListItem 2\n + [ ] ListItem 3\n- [ ] ListItem 4\n * [ ] ListItem 5\n"; QTest::newRow("checked") << true << true << false << false << "- [x] ListItem 1\n * [x] ListItem 2\n + [x] ListItem 3\n- [x] ListItem 4\n * [x] ListItem 5\n"; QTest::newRow("checked with continuation lines") << true << true << true << false << "- [x] ListItem 1\n * [x] ListItem 2\n + [x] ListItem 3 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a\n continuation\n- [x] ListItem 4\n * [x] ListItem 5 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a\n continuation\n"; QTest::newRow("checked with continuation paragraphs") << true << true << false << true << "- [x] ListItem 1\n\n * [x] ListItem 2\n + [x] ListItem 3\n\n continuation\n\n- [x] ListItem 4\n\n * [x] ListItem 5\n\n continuation\n\n"; } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteNestedBulletLists() { QFETCH(bool, checkbox); QFETCH(bool, checked); QFETCH(bool, continuationParagraph); QFETCH(bool, continuationLine); QFETCH(QString, expectedOutput); QTextCursor cursor(document); QTextBlockFormat blockFmt = cursor.blockFormat(); if (checkbox) { blockFmt.setMarker(checked ? QTextBlockFormat::MarkerType::Checked : QTextBlockFormat::MarkerType::Unchecked); cursor.setBlockFormat(blockFmt); } QTextList *list1 = cursor.createList(QTextListFormat::ListDisc); cursor.insertText("ListItem 1"); list1->add(cursor.block()); QTextListFormat fmt2; fmt2.setStyle(QTextListFormat::ListCircle); fmt2.setIndent(2); QTextList *list2 = cursor.insertList(fmt2); cursor.insertText("ListItem 2"); QTextListFormat fmt3; fmt3.setStyle(QTextListFormat::ListSquare); fmt3.setIndent(3); cursor.insertList(fmt3); cursor.insertText(continuationLine ? "ListItem 3 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a continuation" : "ListItem 3"); if (continuationParagraph) { QTextBlockFormat blockFmt; blockFmt.setIndent(2); cursor.insertBlock(blockFmt); cursor.insertText("continuation"); } cursor.insertBlock(blockFmt); cursor.insertText("ListItem 4"); list1->add(cursor.block()); cursor.insertBlock(); cursor.insertText(continuationLine ? "ListItem 5 with text that won't fit on one line and thus needs a continuation" : "ListItem 5"); list2->add(cursor.block()); if (continuationParagraph) { QTextBlockFormat blockFmt; blockFmt.setIndent(2); cursor.insertBlock(blockFmt); cursor.insertText("continuation"); } const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown(); #ifdef DEBUG_WRITE_OUTPUT { QFile out("/tmp/" + QLatin1String(QTest::currentDataTag()) + ".md"); out.open(QFile::WriteOnly); out.write(output.toUtf8()); out.close(); } #endif if (output != expectedOutput && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(output, expectedOutput); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteNestedNumericLists() { QTextCursor cursor(document); QTextList *list1 = cursor.createList(QTextListFormat::ListDecimal); cursor.insertText("ListItem 1"); list1->add(cursor.block()); QTextListFormat fmt2; fmt2.setStyle(QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha); fmt2.setNumberSuffix(QLatin1String(")")); fmt2.setIndent(2); QTextList *list2 = cursor.insertList(fmt2); cursor.insertText("ListItem 2"); QTextListFormat fmt3; fmt3.setStyle(QTextListFormat::ListDecimal); fmt3.setIndent(3); cursor.insertList(fmt3); cursor.insertText("ListItem 3"); cursor.insertBlock(); cursor.insertText("ListItem 4"); list1->add(cursor.block()); cursor.insertBlock(); cursor.insertText("ListItem 5"); list2->add(cursor.block()); const QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown(); // There's no QTextList API to set the starting number so we hard-coded all lists to start at 1 (QTBUG-65384) const QString expected = QString::fromLatin1( "1. ListItem 1\n 1) ListItem 2\n 1. ListItem 3\n2. ListItem 4\n 2) ListItem 5\n"); if (output != expected && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(output, expected); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::testWriteTable() { QTextCursor cursor(document); QTextTable * table = cursor.insertTable(4, 3); cursor = table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition(); // valid Markdown tables need headers, but QTextTable doesn't make that distinction // so QTextMarkdownWriter assumes the first row of any table is a header cursor.insertText("one"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("two"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("three"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("alice"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("bob"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("carl"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("dennis"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("eric"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("fiona"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("gina"); /* |one |two |three| |------|----|-----| |alice |bob |carl | |dennis|eric|fiona| |gina | | | */ QString md = documentToUnixMarkdown(); #ifdef DEBUG_WRITE_OUTPUT { QFile out("/tmp/table.md"); out.open(QFile::WriteOnly); out.write(md.toUtf8()); out.close(); } #endif QString expected = QString::fromLatin1( "\n|one |two |three|\n|------|----|-----|\n|alice |bob |carl |\n|dennis|eric|fiona|\n|gina | | |\n\n"); if (md != expected && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(md, expected); // create table with merged cells document->clear(); cursor = QTextCursor(document); table = cursor.insertTable(3, 3); table->mergeCells(0, 0, 1, 2); table->mergeCells(1, 1, 1, 2); cursor = table->cellAt(0, 0).firstCursorPosition(); cursor.insertText("a"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("b"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("c"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("d"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("e"); cursor.movePosition(QTextCursor::NextCell); cursor.insertText("f"); /* +---+-+ |a |b| +---+-+ |c| d| +-+-+-+ |e|f| | +-+-+-+ generates |a ||b| |-|-|-| |c|d || |e|f| | */ md = documentToUnixMarkdown(); #ifdef DEBUG_WRITE_OUTPUT { QFile out("/tmp/table-merged-cells.md"); out.open(QFile::WriteOnly); out.write(md.toUtf8()); out.close(); } #endif expected = QString::fromLatin1("\n|a ||b|\n|-|-|-|\n|c|d ||\n|e|f| |\n\n"); if (md != expected && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(md, expected); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::rewriteDocument_data() { QTest::addColumn("inputFile"); QTest::newRow("block quotes") << "blockquotes.md"; QTest::newRow("example") << "example.md"; QTest::newRow("list items after headings") << "headingsAndLists.md"; QTest::newRow("word wrap") << "wordWrap.md"; QTest::newRow("links") << "links.md"; QTest::newRow("lists and code blocks") << "listsAndCodeBlocks.md"; } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::rewriteDocument() { QFETCH(QString, inputFile); QTextDocument doc; QFile f(QFINDTESTDATA("data/" + inputFile)); QVERIFY(f.open(QFile::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)); QString orig = QString::fromUtf8(f.readAll()); f.close(); doc.setMarkdown(orig); QString md = doc.toMarkdown(); #ifdef DEBUG_WRITE_OUTPUT QFile out("/tmp/rewrite-" + inputFile); out.open(QFile::WriteOnly); out.write(md.toUtf8()); out.close(); #endif if (md != orig && isMainFontFixed()) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed-pitch main font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(md, orig); } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::fromHtml_data() { QTest::addColumn("input"); QTest::addColumn("expectedOutput"); QTest::newRow("long URL") << "https://www.example.com/dir/subdir/subsubdir/subsubsubdir/subsubsubsubdir/subsubsubsubsubdir/" << "*https://www.example.com/dir/subdir/subsubdir/subsubsubdir/subsubsubsubdir/subsubsubsubsubdir/*\n\n"; QTest::newRow("non-emphasis inline asterisk") << "3 * 4" << "3 * 4\n\n"; QTest::newRow("arithmetic") << "(2 * a * x + b)^2 = b^2 - 4 * a * c" << "(2 * a * x + b)^2 = b^2 - 4 * a * c\n\n"; QTest::newRow("escaped asterisk after newline") << "The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a star. * This is wrapped, but is not a bullet point." << "The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a star.\n\\* This is wrapped, but is *not* a bullet point.\n\n"; QTest::newRow("escaped plus after newline") << "The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a plus. + This is wrapped, but is not a bullet point." << "The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a plus.\n\\+ This is wrapped, but is *not* a bullet point.\n\n"; QTest::newRow("escaped hyphen after newline") << "The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a minus. - This is wrapped, but is not a bullet point." << "The first sentence of this paragraph holds 80 characters, then there's a minus.\n\\- This is wrapped, but is *not* a bullet point.\n\n"; QTest::newRow("list items with indented continuations") << "
  • bullet

    continuation paragraph

  • another bullet
    continuation line
" << "- bullet\n\n continuation paragraph\n\n- another bullet\n continuation line\n"; QTest::newRow("nested list items with continuations") << "
  • bullet

    continuation paragraph

  • another bullet
    continuation line
    • bullet

      continuation paragraph

    • another bullet
      continuation line
" << "- bullet\n\n continuation paragraph\n\n- another bullet\n continuation line\n\n - bullet\n\n continuation paragraph\n\n - another bullet\n continuation line\n"; QTest::newRow("nested ordered list items with continuations") << "
  1. item

    continuation paragraph

  2. another item
    continuation line
    1. item

      continuation paragraph

    2. another item
      continuation line
  3. another
  4. another
" << "1. item\n\n continuation paragraph\n\n2. another item\n continuation line\n\n 1. item\n\n continuation paragraph\n\n 2. another item\n continuation line\n\n3. another\n4. another\n"; QTest::newRow("thematic break") << "something
something else" << "something\n\n- - -\nsomething else\n\n"; QTest::newRow("block quote") << "

In 1958, Mahatma Gandhi was quoted as follows:

The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not for every man's greed.
" << "In 1958, Mahatma Gandhi was quoted as follows:\n\n> The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need but not for every man's\n> greed.\n\n"; QTest::newRow("image") << "\"foo\"" << "![foo](/url \"title\")\n\n"; QTest::newRow("code") << "
\n#include \"foo.h\"\n\nblock {\n    statement();\n}\n\n
" << "```pseudocode\n#include \"foo.h\"\n\nblock {\n statement();\n}\n```\n\n"; // TODO // QTest::newRow("escaped number and paren after double newline") << // "

(The first sentence of this paragraph is a line, the next paragraph has a number

13) but that's not part of an ordered list" << // "(The first sentence of this paragraph is a line, the next paragraph has a number\n\n13\\) but that's not part of an ordered list\n\n"; QTest::newRow("preformats with embedded backticks") << "
none `one` ``two``
```three``` ````four````
plain" << "``` none `one` ``two`` ```\n\n````` ```three``` ````four```` `````\n\nplain\n\n"; } void tst_QTextMarkdownWriter::fromHtml() { QFETCH(QString, input); QFETCH(QString, expectedOutput); document->setHtml(input); QString output = documentToUnixMarkdown(); #ifdef DEBUG_WRITE_OUTPUT { QFile out("/tmp/" + QLatin1String(QTest::currentDataTag()) + ".md"); out.open(QFile::WriteOnly); out.write(output.toUtf8()); out.close(); } #endif if (output != expectedOutput && (isMainFontFixed() || isFixedFontProportional())) QEXPECT_FAIL("", "fixed main font or proportional fixed font (QTBUG-103484)", Continue); QCOMPARE(output, expectedOutput); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QTextMarkdownWriter) #include "tst_qtextmarkdownwriter.moc"