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""" from xml.dom import minidom from weakref import WeakValueDictionary as CacheDict import os from ldml import Error, Node, XmlScanner, Supplement, LocaleScanner from qlocalexml import Locale class CldrReader (object): def __init__(self, root, grumble = lambda msg: None, whitter = lambda msg: None): """Set up a reader object for reading CLDR data. Single parameter, root, is the file-system path to the root of the unpacked CLDR archive; its common/ sub-directory should contain dtd/, main/ and supplemental/ sub-directories. Optional second argument, grumble, is a callable that logs warnings and complaints, e.g. sys.stderr.write would be a suitable callable. The default is a no-op that ignores its single argument. Optional third argument is similar, used for less interesting output; pass sys.stderr.write for it for verbose output.""" self.root = CldrAccess(root) self.whitter, self.grumble = whitter, grumble self.root.checkEnumData(grumble) def likelySubTags(self): """Generator for likely subtag information. Yields pairs (have, give) of 4-tuples; if what you have matches the left member, giving the right member is probably sensible. Each 4-tuple's entries are the full names of a language, a script, a territory (usually a country) and a variant (currently ignored).""" skips = [] for got, use in self.root.likelySubTags(): try: have = self.__parseTags(got) give = self.__parseTags(use) except Error as e: if ((use.startswith(got) or got.startswith('und_')) and e.message.startswith('Unknown ') and ' code ' in e.message): skips.append(use) else: self.grumble(f'Skipping likelySubtag "{got}" -> "{use}" ({e})\n') continue if all(code.startswith('Any') and code[3].isupper() for code in have[:-1]): continue give = (give[0], # Substitute according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags have[1] if give[1] == 'AnyScript' else give[1], have[2] if give[2] == 'AnyTerritory' else give[2], give[3]) # AnyVariant similarly ? yield have, give if skips: # TODO: look at LDML's reserved locale tag names; they # show up a lot in this, and may be grounds for filtering # more out. pass # self.__wrapped(self.whitter, 'Skipping likelySubtags (for unknown codes): ', skips) def readLocales(self, calendars = ('gregorian',)): locales = tuple(self.__allLocales(calendars)) return dict(((k.language_id, k.script_id, k.territory_id, k.variant_code), k) for k in locales) def __allLocales(self, calendars): def skip(locale, reason): return f'Skipping defaultContent locale "{locale}" ({reason})\n' for locale in self.root.defaultContentLocales: try: language, script, territory, variant = self.__splitLocale(locale) except ValueError: self.whitter(skip(locale, 'only language tag')) continue if not (script or territory): self.grumble(skip(locale, 'second tag is neither script nor territory')) continue if not (language and territory): continue try: yield self.__getLocaleData(self.root.locale(locale), calendars, language, script, territory, variant) except Error as e: self.grumble(skip(locale, e.message)) for locale in self.root.fileLocales: try: chain = self.root.locale(locale) language, script, territory, variant = chain.tagCodes() assert language # TODO: this skip should probably be based on likely # sub-tags, instead of empty territory: if locale has a # likely-subtag expansion, that's what QLocale uses, # and we'll be saving its data for the expanded locale # anyway, so don't need to record it for itself. # See also QLocaleXmlReader.loadLocaleMap's grumble. if not territory: continue yield self.__getLocaleData(chain, calendars, language, script, territory, variant) except Error as e: self.grumble(f'Skipping file locale "{locale}" ({e})\n') import textwrap @staticmethod def __wrapped(writer, prefix, tokens, wrap = textwrap.wrap): writer('\n'.join(wrap(prefix + ', '.join(tokens), subsequent_indent=' ', width=80)) + '\n') del textwrap def __parseTags(self, locale): tags = self.__splitLocale(locale) language = next(tags) script = territory = variant = '' try: script, territory, variant = tags except ValueError: pass return tuple(p[1] for p in self.root.codesToIdName(language, script, territory, variant)) def __splitLocale(self, name): """Generate (language, script, territory, variant) from a locale name Ignores any trailing fields (with a warning), leaves script (a capitalised four-letter token), territory (either a number or an all-uppercase token) or variant (upper case and digits) empty if unspecified. Only generates one entry if name is a single tag (i.e. contains no underscores). Always yields 1 or 4 values, never 2 or 3.""" tags = iter(name.split('_')) yield next(tags) # Language try: tag = next(tags) except StopIteration: return # Script is always four letters, always capitalised: if len(tag) == 4 and tag[0].isupper() and tag[1:].islower(): yield tag try: tag = next(tags) except StopIteration: tag = '' else: yield '' # Territory is upper-case or numeric: if tag and tag.isupper() or tag.isdigit(): yield tag try: tag = next(tags) except StopIteration: tag = '' else: yield '' # Variant can be any mixture of upper-case and digits. if tag and all(c.isupper() or c.isdigit() for c in tag): yield tag tag = '' else: yield '' rest = [tag] if tag else [] rest.extend(tags) if rest: self.grumble(f'Ignoring unparsed cruft {"_".join(rest)} in {name}\n') def __getLocaleData(self, scan, calendars, language, script, territory, variant): ids, names = zip(*self.root.codesToIdName(language, script, territory, variant)) assert ids[0] > 0 and ids[2] > 0, (language, script, territory, variant) locale = Locale( language = names[0], language_code = language, language_id = ids[0], script = names[1], script_code = script, script_id = ids[1], territory = names[2], territory_code = territory, territory_id = ids[2], variant_code = variant) firstDay, weStart, weEnd = self.root.weekData(territory) assert all(day in ('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun') for day in (firstDay, weStart, weEnd)) locale.update(firstDayOfWeek = firstDay, weekendStart = weStart, weekendEnd = weEnd) iso, digits, rounding = self.root.currencyData(territory) locale.update(currencyIsoCode = iso, currencyDigits = int(digits), currencyRounding = int(rounding)) locale.update(scan.currencyData(iso)) locale.update(scan.numericData(self.root.numberSystem, self.whitter)) locale.update(scan.textPatternData()) locale.update(scan.endonyms(language, script, territory, variant)) locale.update(scan.unitData()) # byte, kB, MB, GB, ..., KiB, MiB, GiB, ... locale.update(scan.calendarNames(calendars)) # Names of days and months return locale # Note: various caches assume this class is a singleton, so the # "default" value for a parameter no caller should pass can serve as # the cache. If a process were to instantiate this class with distinct # roots, each cache would be filled by the first to need it ! class CldrAccess (object): def __init__(self, root): """Set up a master object for accessing CLDR data. Single parameter, root, is the file-system path to the root of the unpacked CLDR archive; its common/ sub-directory should contain dtd/, main/ and supplemental/ sub-directories.""" self.root = root def xml(self, *path): """Load a single XML file and return its root element as an XmlScanner. The path is interpreted relative to self.root""" return XmlScanner(Node(self.__xml(path))) def supplement(self, name): """Loads supplemental data as a Supplement object. The name should be that of a file in common/supplemental/, without path. """ return Supplement(Node(self.__xml(('common', 'supplemental', name)))) def locale(self, name): """Loads all data for a locale as a LocaleScanner object. The name should be a locale name; adding suffix '.xml' to it should usually yield a file in common/main/. The returned LocaleScanner object packages this file along with all those from which it inherits; its methods know how to handle that inheritance, where relevant.""" return LocaleScanner(name, self.__localeRoots(name), self.__rootLocale) @property def fileLocales(self, joinPath = os.path.join, listDirectory = os.listdir, splitExtension = os.path.splitext): """Generator for locale IDs seen in file-names. All *.xml other than root.xml in common/main/ are assumed to identify locales.""" for name in listDirectory(joinPath(self.root, 'common', 'main')): stem, ext = splitExtension(name) if ext == '.xml' and stem != 'root': yield stem @property def defaultContentLocales(self): """Generator for the default content locales.""" for name, attrs in self.supplement('supplementalMetadata.xml').find('metadata/defaultContent'): try: locales = attrs['locales'] except KeyError: pass else: for locale in locales.split(): yield locale def likelySubTags(self): for ignore, attrs in self.supplement('likelySubtags.xml').find('likelySubtags'): yield attrs['from'], attrs['to'] def numberSystem(self, system): """Get a description of a numbering system. Returns a mapping, with keys 'digits', 'type' and 'id'; the value for this last is system. Raises KeyError for unknown number system, ldml.Error on failure to load data.""" try: return self.__numberSystems[system] except KeyError: raise Error(f'Unsupported number system: {system}') def weekData(self, territory): """Data on the weekly cycle. Returns a triple (W, S, E) of en's short names for week-days; W is the first day of the week, S the start of the week-end and E the end of the week-end. Where data for a territory is unavailable, the data for CLDR's territory 001 (The World) is used.""" try: return self.__weekData[territory] except KeyError: return self.__weekData['001'] def currencyData(self, territory): """Returns currency data for the given territory code. Return value is a tuple (ISO4217 code, digit count, rounding mode). If CLDR provides no data for this territory, ('', 2, 1) is the default result. """ try: return self.__currencyData[territory] except KeyError: return '', 2, 1 def codesToIdName(self, language, script, territory, variant = ''): """Maps each code to the appropriate ID and name. Returns a 4-tuple of (ID, name) pairs corresponding to the language, script, territory and variant given. Raises a suitable error if any of them is unknown, indicating all that are unknown plus suitable names for any that could sensibly be added to enumdata.py to make them known. Until we implement variant support (QTBUG-81051), the fourth member of the returned tuple is always 0 paired with a string that should not be used.""" enum = self.__enumMap try: return (enum('language')[language], enum('script')[script], enum('territory')[territory], enum('variant')[variant]) except KeyError: pass parts, values = [], [language, script, territory, variant] for index, key in enumerate(('language', 'script', 'territory', 'variant')): naming, enums = self.__codeMap(key), enum(key) value = values[index] if value not in enums: text = f'{key} code {value}' name = naming.get(value) if name and value != 'POSIX': text += f' (could add {name})' parts.append(text) if len(parts) > 1: parts[-1] = 'and ' + parts[-1] assert parts raise Error('Unknown ' + ', '.join(parts), language, script, territory, variant) @staticmethod def __checkEnum(given, proper, scraps, remap = { 'å': 'a', 'ã': 'a', 'ç': 'c', 'é': 'e', 'í': 'i', 'ü': 'u'}, prefix = { 'St.': 'Saint', 'U.S.': 'United States' }, suffixes = ( 'Han', ), skip = '\u02bc'): # Each is a { code: full name } mapping for code, name in given.items(): try: right = proper[code] except KeyError: # No en.xml name for this code, but supplementalData's # parentLocale may still believe in it: if code not in scraps: yield name, f'[Found no CLDR name for code {code}]' continue if name == right: continue ok = right.replace('&', 'And') for k, v in prefix.items(): if ok.startswith(k + ' '): ok = v + ok[len(k):] while '(' in ok: try: f, t = ok.index('('), ok.index(')') except ValueError: break ok = ok[:f].rstrip() + ' ' + ok[t:].lstrip() if any(name == ok + ' ' + s for s in suffixes): continue if ''.join(ch for ch in name.lower() if not ch.isspace()) in ''.join( remap.get(ch, ch) for ch in ok.lower() if ch.isalpha() and ch not in skip): continue yield name, ok def checkEnumData(self, grumble): scraps = set() for k in self.__parentLocale.keys(): for f in k.split('_'): scraps.add(f) from enumdata import language_map, territory_map, script_map language = dict((v, k) for k, v in language_map.values() if not v.isspace()) territory = dict((v, k) for k, v in territory_map.values() if v != 'ZZ') script = dict((v, k) for k, v in script_map.values() if v != 'Zzzz') lang = dict(self.__checkEnum(language, self.__codeMap('language'), scraps)) land = dict(self.__checkEnum(territory, self.__codeMap('territory'), scraps)) text = dict(self.__checkEnum(script, self.__codeMap('script'), scraps)) if lang or land or text: grumble("""\ Using names that don't match CLDR: consider updating the name(s) in enumdata.py (keeping the old name as an alias): """) if lang: grumble('Language:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(f'{k} -> {v}' for k, v in lang.items()) + '\n') if land: grumble('Territory:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(f'{k} -> {v}' for k, v in land.items()) + '\n') if text: grumble('Script:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(f'{k} -> {v}' for k, v in text.items()) + '\n') grumble('\n') def readWindowsTimeZones(self, lookup): # For use by cldr2qtimezone.py """Digest CLDR's MS-Win time-zone name mapping. MS-Win have their own eccentric names for time-zones. CLDR helpfully provides a translation to more orthodox names. Singe argument, lookup, is a mapping from known MS-Win names for locales to a unique integer index (starting at 1). The XML structure we read has the form: """ zones = self.supplement('windowsZones.xml') enum = self.__enumMap('territory') badZones, unLands, defaults, windows = set(), set(), {}, {} for name, attrs in zones.find('windowsZones/mapTimezones'): if name != 'mapZone': continue wid, code = attrs['other'], attrs['territory'] data = dict(windowsId = wid, territoryCode = code, ianaList = attrs['type']) try: key = lookup[wid] except KeyError: badZones.add(wid) key = 0 data['windowsKey'] = key if code == '001': defaults[key] = data['ianaList'] else: try: cid, name = enum[code] except KeyError: unLands.append(code) continue data.update(territoryId = cid, territory = name) windows[key, cid] = data if unLands: raise Error('Unknown territory codes, please add to enumdata.py: ' + ', '.join(sorted(unLands))) if badZones: raise Error('Unknown Windows IDs, please add to cldr2qtimezone.py: ' + ', '.join(sorted(badZones))) return self.cldrVersion, defaults, windows @property def cldrVersion(self): # Evaluate so as to ensure __cldrVersion is set: self.__unDistinguishedAttributes return self.__cldrVersion # Implementation details def __xml(self, path, cache = CacheDict(), read = minidom.parse, joinPath = os.path.join): try: doc = cache[path] except KeyError: cache[path] = doc = read(joinPath(self.root, *path)).documentElement return doc def __open(self, path, joinPath=os.path.join): return open(joinPath(self.root, *path)) @property def __rootLocale(self, cache = []): if not cache: cache.append(self.xml('common', 'main', 'root.xml')) return cache[0] @property def __supplementalData(self, cache = []): if not cache: cache.append(self.supplement('supplementalData.xml')) return cache[0] @property def __numberSystems(self, cache = {}, joinPath=os.path.join): if not cache: for ignore, attrs in self.supplement('numberingSystems.xml').find('numberingSystems'): cache[attrs['id']] = attrs assert cache return cache @property def __weekData(self, cache = {}): if not cache: firstDay, weStart, weEnd = self.__getWeekData() # Massage those into an easily-consulted form: # World defaults given for code '001': mon, sat, sun = firstDay['001'], weStart['001'], weEnd['001'] lands = set(firstDay) | set(weStart) | set(weEnd) cache.update((land, (firstDay.get(land, mon), weStart.get(land, sat), weEnd.get(land, sun))) for land in lands) assert cache return cache def __getWeekData(self): """Scan for data on the weekly cycle. Yields three mappings from locales to en's short names for week-days; if a locale isn't a key of a given mapping, it should use the '001' (world) locale's value. The first mapping gives the day on which the week starts, the second gives the day on which the week-end starts, the third gives the last day of the week-end.""" source = self.__supplementalData for key in ('firstDay', 'weekendStart', 'weekendEnd'): result = {} for ignore, attrs in source.find(f'weekData/{key}'): assert ignore == key day = attrs['day'] assert day in ('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'), day if 'alt' in attrs: continue for loc in attrs.get('territories', '').split(): result[loc] = day yield result @property def __currencyData(self, cache = {}): if not cache: source = self.__supplementalData for elt in source.findNodes('currencyData/region'): iso, digits, rounding = '', 2, 1 try: territory = elt.dom.attributes['iso3166'].nodeValue except KeyError: continue for child in elt.findAllChildren('currency'): try: if child.dom.attributes['tender'].nodeValue == 'false': continue except KeyError: pass try: child.dom.attributes['to'] # Is set if this element has gone out of date. except KeyError: iso = child.dom.attributes['iso4217'].nodeValue break if iso: for tag, data in source.find( f'currencyData/fractions/info[iso4217={iso}]'): digits = data['digits'] rounding = data['rounding'] cache[territory] = iso, digits, rounding assert cache return cache @property def __unDistinguishedAttributes(self, cache = {}, joinPath = os.path.join): """Mapping from tag names to lists of attributes. LDML defines some attributes as 'distinguishing': if a node has distinguishing attributes that weren't specified in an XPath, a search on that XPath should exclude the node's children. This property is a mapping from tag names to tuples of attribute names that *aren't* distinguishing for that tag. Its value is cached (so its costly computation isonly done once) and there's a side-effect of populating its cache: it sets self.__cldrVersion to the value found in ldml.dtd, during parsing.""" if not cache: cache.update(self.__scanLdmlDtd()) assert cache return cache def __scanLdmlDtd(self, joinPath = os.path.join): """Scan the LDML DTD, record CLDR version Yields (tag, attrs) pairs: on elements with a given tag, attributes named in its attrs (a tuple) may be ignored in an XPath search; other attributes are distinguished attributes, in the terminology of LDML's locale-inheritance rules. Sets self.__cldrVersion as a side-effect, since this information is found in the same file.""" with self.__open(('common', 'dtd', 'ldml.dtd')) as dtd: tag, ignored, last = None, None, None for line in dtd: if line.startswith(' might be stuck on its end: self.__cldrVersion = parts[5].split('"')[1] continue # s can also be @METADATA, but not @VALUE: if '' in line or (last and '' in line): assert last is not None assert ignored is not None assert tag is not None ignored.append(last) last = None # No attribute is both value and metadata if tag and ignored: yield tag, tuple(ignored) def __enumMap(self, key, cache = {}): if not cache: cache['variant'] = {'': (0, 'This should never be seen outside ldml.py')} # They're not actually lists: mappings from numeric value # to pairs of full name and short code. What we want, in # each case, is a mapping from code to the other two. from enumdata import language_map, script_map, territory_map for form, book, empty in (('language', language_map, 'AnyLanguage'), ('script', script_map, 'AnyScript'), ('territory', territory_map, 'AnyTerritory')): cache[form] = dict((pair[1], (num, pair[0])) for num, pair in book.items() if pair[0] != 'C') # (Have to filter out the C locale, as we give it the # same (all space) code as AnyLanguage, whose code # should probably be 'und' instead.) # Map empty to zero and the any value: cache[form][''] = (0, empty) # and map language code 'und' also to (0, any): cache['language']['und'] = (0, 'AnyLanguage') return cache[key] def __codeMap(self, key, cache = {}, # Maps our name for it to CLDR's name: naming = {'language': 'languages', 'script': 'scripts', 'territory': 'territories', 'variant': 'variants'}): if not cache: root = self.xml('common', 'main', 'en.xml').root.findUniqueChild('localeDisplayNames') for dst, src in naming.items(): cache[dst] = dict(self.__codeMapScan(root.findUniqueChild(src))) assert cache return cache[key] def __codeMapScan(self, node): """Get mapping from codes to element values. Passed in node is a , , or node, each child of which is a ,