/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the qmake application of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:GPL-EXCEPT$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include "mingw_make.h" #include "option.h" #include #include #include #include #include QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE QString MingwMakefileGenerator::escapeDependencyPath(const QString &path) const { QString ret = path; ret.replace('\\', "/"); // ### this shouldn't be here return MakefileGenerator::escapeDependencyPath(ret); } ProString MingwMakefileGenerator::fixLibFlag(const ProString &lib) { if (lib.startsWith("-l")) // Fallback for unresolved -l libs. return QLatin1String("-l") + escapeFilePath(lib.mid(2)); if (lib.startsWith("-L")) // Lib search path. Needed only by -l above. return QLatin1String("-L") + escapeFilePath(Option::fixPathToTargetOS(lib.mid(2).toQString(), false)); if (lib.startsWith("lib")) // Fallback for unresolved MSVC-style libs. return QLatin1String("-l") + escapeFilePath(lib.mid(3).toQString()); return escapeFilePath(Option::fixPathToTargetOS(lib.toQString(), false)); } MakefileGenerator::LibFlagType MingwMakefileGenerator::parseLibFlag(const ProString &flag, ProString *arg) { // Skip MSVC handling from Win32MakefileGenerator return MakefileGenerator::parseLibFlag(flag, arg); } bool MingwMakefileGenerator::processPrlFileBase(QString &origFile, QStringView origName, QStringView fixedBase, int slashOff) { if (origName.startsWith(u"lib")) { QString newFixedBase = fixedBase.left(slashOff) + fixedBase.mid(slashOff + 3); if (Win32MakefileGenerator::processPrlFileBase(origFile, origName, QStringView(newFixedBase), slashOff)) { return true; } } return Win32MakefileGenerator::processPrlFileBase(origFile, origName, fixedBase, slashOff); } bool MingwMakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(QTextStream &t) { writeHeader(t); if (writeDummyMakefile(t)) return true; if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app" || project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib" || project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") { if(project->isActiveConfig("create_pc") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") writePkgConfigFile(); writeMingwParts(t); return MakefileGenerator::writeMakefile(t); } else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") { writeSubDirs(t); return true; } return false; } QString MingwMakefileGenerator::installRoot() const { /* We include a magic prefix on the path to bypass mingw-make's "helpful" intervention in the environment, recognising variables that look like paths and adding the msys system root as prefix, which we don't want. Once this hack has smuggled INSTALL_ROOT into make's variable space, we can trivially strip the magic prefix back off to get the path we meant. */ return QStringLiteral("$(INSTALL_ROOT:@msyshack@%=%)"); } void MingwMakefileGenerator::writeMingwParts(QTextStream &t) { writeStandardParts(t); if (!preCompHeaderOut.isEmpty()) { QString header = project->first("PRECOMPILED_HEADER").toQString(); QString cHeader = preCompHeaderOut + Option::dir_sep + "c"; t << escapeDependencyPath(cHeader) << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(header) << " " << finalizeDependencyPaths(findDependencies(header)).join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(preCompHeaderOut) << "\n\t$(CC) -x c-header -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o " << escapeFilePath(cHeader) << ' ' << escapeFilePath(header) << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; QString cppHeader = preCompHeaderOut + Option::dir_sep + "c++"; t << escapeDependencyPath(cppHeader) << ": " << escapeDependencyPath(header) << " " << finalizeDependencyPaths(findDependencies(header)).join(" \\\n\t\t") << "\n\t" << mkdir_p_asstring(preCompHeaderOut) << "\n\t$(CXX) -x c++-header -c $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o " << escapeFilePath(cppHeader) << ' ' << escapeFilePath(header) << Qt::endl << Qt::endl; } } void MingwMakefileGenerator::init() { /* this should probably not be here, but I'm using it to wrap the .t files */ if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") project->values("QMAKE_APP_FLAG").append("1"); else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") project->values("QMAKE_LIB_FLAG").append("1"); else if(project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") { MakefileGenerator::init(); if(project->values("MAKEFILE").isEmpty()) project->values("MAKEFILE").append("Makefile"); return; } processVars(); project->values("LIBS") += project->values("RES_FILE"); if (project->isActiveConfig("dll")) { QString destDir = ""; if(!project->first("DESTDIR").isEmpty()) destDir = Option::fixPathToTargetOS(project->first("DESTDIR") + Option::dir_sep, false, false); project->values("MINGW_IMPORT_LIB").prepend(destDir + project->first("LIB_TARGET")); project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append(QString("-Wl,--out-implib,") + fileVar("MINGW_IMPORT_LIB")); } if (!project->values("DEF_FILE").isEmpty()) { QString defFileName = fileFixify(project->first("DEF_FILE").toQString()); project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append(QString("-Wl,") + escapeFilePath(defFileName)); } if (project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") project->values("QMAKE_LFLAGS").append("-static"); MakefileGenerator::init(); // precomp if (!project->first("PRECOMPILED_HEADER").isEmpty() && project->isActiveConfig("precompile_header")) { QString preCompHeader = var("PRECOMPILED_DIR") + QFileInfo(project->first("PRECOMPILED_HEADER").toQString()).fileName(); preCompHeaderOut = preCompHeader + ".gch"; project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(preCompHeaderOut + Option::dir_sep + "c"); project->values("QMAKE_CLEAN").append(preCompHeaderOut + Option::dir_sep + "c++"); preCompHeader = escapeFilePath(preCompHeader); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CC").clear(); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CC").append("$(CC) -c -include " + preCompHeader + " $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) " + var("QMAKE_CC_O_FLAG") + "$obj $src"); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP").clear(); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CC_IMP").append("$(CC) -c -include " + preCompHeader + " $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) " + var("QMAKE_CC_O_FLAG") + "$@ $<"); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CXX").clear(); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CXX").append("$(CXX) -c -include " + preCompHeader + " $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) " + var("QMAKE_CC_O_FLAG") + "$obj $src"); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP").clear(); project->values("QMAKE_RUN_CXX_IMP").append("$(CXX) -c -include " + preCompHeader + " $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCPATH) " + var("QMAKE_CC_O_FLAG") + "$@ $<"); } if(project->isActiveConfig("dll")) { project->values("QMAKE_DISTCLEAN").append(project->first("MINGW_IMPORT_LIB")); } } void MingwMakefileGenerator::writeIncPart(QTextStream &t) { t << "INCPATH = "; const ProStringList &incs = project->values("INCLUDEPATH"); QFile responseFile; QTextStream responseStream; QChar sep(' '); int totalLength = std::accumulate(incs.constBegin(), incs.constEnd(), 0, [](int total, const ProString &inc) { return total + inc.size() + 2; }); if (totalLength > project->intValue("QMAKE_RESPONSEFILE_THRESHOLD", 8000)) { const QString fileName = createResponseFile("incpath", incs, "-I"); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { t << '@' + fileName; t << Qt::endl; return; } } for (const ProString &incit: qAsConst(incs)) { QString inc = incit.toQString(); inc.replace(QRegularExpression("\\\\$"), ""); inc.replace('\\', '/'); t << "-I" << escapeFilePath(inc) << sep; } t << Qt::endl; } void MingwMakefileGenerator::writeLibsPart(QTextStream &t) { if(project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { t << "LIB = " << var("QMAKE_LIB") << Qt::endl; } else { t << "LINKER = " << var("QMAKE_LINK") << Qt::endl; t << "LFLAGS = " << var("QMAKE_LFLAGS") << Qt::endl; t << "LIBS = " << fixLibFlags("LIBS").join(' ') << ' ' << fixLibFlags("LIBS_PRIVATE").join(' ') << ' ' << fixLibFlags("QMAKE_LIBS").join(' ') << ' ' << fixLibFlags("QMAKE_LIBS_PRIVATE").join(' ') << Qt::endl; } } void MingwMakefileGenerator::writeObjectsPart(QTextStream &t) { linkerResponseFile = maybeCreateLinkerResponseFile(); if (!linkerResponseFile.isValid()) { objectsLinkLine = "$(OBJECTS)"; } else if (project->isActiveConfig("staticlib") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { // QMAKE_LIB is used for win32, including mingw, whereas QMAKE_AR is used on Unix. QString ar_cmd = var("QMAKE_LIB"); if (ar_cmd.isEmpty()) ar_cmd = "ar -rc"; objectsLinkLine = ar_cmd + ' ' + var("DEST_TARGET") + " @" + escapeFilePath(linkerResponseFile.filePath); } else { objectsLinkLine = "@" + escapeFilePath(linkerResponseFile.filePath); } Win32MakefileGenerator::writeObjectsPart(t); } void MingwMakefileGenerator::writeBuildRulesPart(QTextStream &t) { t << "first: all\n"; t << "all: " << escapeDependencyPath(fileFixify(Option::output.fileName())) << ' ' << depVar("ALL_DEPS") << ' ' << depVar("DEST_TARGET") << "\n\n"; t << depVar("DEST_TARGET") << ": " << depVar("PRE_TARGETDEPS") << " $(OBJECTS) " << depVar("POST_TARGETDEPS"); if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "aux") { t << "\n\n"; return; } if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_PRE_LINK")) t << "\n\t" <isActiveConfig("staticlib") && project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { t << "\n\t-$(DEL_FILE) $(DESTDIR_TARGET) 2>" << var("QMAKE_SHELL_NULL_DEVICE"); const ProString &objmax = project->first("QMAKE_LINK_OBJECT_MAX"); if (objmax.isEmpty() || project->values("OBJECTS").count() < objmax.toInt()) { t << "\n\t$(LIB) $(DESTDIR_TARGET) " << objectsLinkLine << " " ; } else { t << "\n\t" << objectsLinkLine << " " ; } } else { t << "\n\t$(LINKER) $(LFLAGS) " << var("QMAKE_LINK_O_FLAG") << "$(DESTDIR_TARGET) " << objectsLinkLine; if (!linkerResponseFile.isValid() || linkerResponseFile.onlyObjects) t << " $(LIBS)"; } if(!project->isEmpty("QMAKE_POST_LINK")) t << "\n\t" <first("RC_FILE").toQString()); ProStringList rcIncPaths = project->values("RC_INCLUDEPATH"); rcIncPaths.prepend(fileInfo(rc_file).path()); QString incPathStr; for (int i = 0; i < rcIncPaths.count(); ++i) { const ProString &path = rcIncPaths.at(i); if (path.isEmpty()) continue; incPathStr += QStringLiteral(" --include-dir="); if (path != "." && QDir::isRelativePath(path.toQString())) incPathStr += "./"; incPathStr += escapeFilePath(path); } if (!rc_file.isEmpty()) { ProString defines = varGlue("RC_DEFINES", " -D", " -D", ""); if (defines.isEmpty()) defines = ProString(" $(DEFINES)"); addSourceFile(rc_file, QMakeSourceFileInfo::SEEK_DEPS); const QStringList rcDeps = QStringList(rc_file) << dependencies(rc_file); t << escapeDependencyPath(var("RES_FILE")) << ": " << escapeDependencyPaths(rcDeps).join(' ') << "\n\t" << var("QMAKE_RC") << " -i " << escapeFilePath(rc_file) << " -o " << fileVar("RES_FILE") << incPathStr << defines << "\n\n"; } } QStringList &MingwMakefileGenerator::findDependencies(const QString &file) { QStringList &aList = MakefileGenerator::findDependencies(file); if (preCompHeaderOut.isEmpty()) return aList; for (QStringList::Iterator it = Option::c_ext.begin(); it != Option::c_ext.end(); ++it) { if (file.endsWith(*it)) { QString cHeader = preCompHeaderOut + Option::dir_sep + "c"; if (!aList.contains(cHeader)) aList += cHeader; break; } } for (QStringList::Iterator it = Option::cpp_ext.begin(); it != Option::cpp_ext.end(); ++it) { if (file.endsWith(*it)) { QString cppHeader = preCompHeaderOut + Option::dir_sep + "c++"; if (!aList.contains(cppHeader)) aList += cppHeader; break; } } return aList; } QT_END_NAMESPACE