# Copyright (C) 2022 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause # This function generates LD version script for the target and uses it in the target linker line. # Function has two modes dependending on the specified arguments. # Arguments: # PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE specifies the pre-cooked content of Qt__PRIVATE_API section. # Requires the content file available at build time. function(qt_internal_add_linker_version_script target) if(WASM) return() endif() cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "" "PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE" "PRIVATE_HEADERS" ) _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) if(arg_PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE AND arg_PRIVATE_HEADERS) message(FATAL_ERROR "Both PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE and PRIVATE_HEADERS are specified.") endif() if(TEST_ld_version_script) set(contents "Qt_${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}_PRIVATE_API {\n qt_private_api_tag*;\n") if(arg_PRIVATE_HEADERS) foreach(ph ${arg_PRIVATE_HEADERS}) string(APPEND contents " @FILE:${ph}@\n") endforeach() else() string(APPEND contents "@PRIVATE_CONTENT@") endif() string(APPEND contents "};\n") set(current "Qt_${PROJECT_VERSION_MAJOR}") string(APPEND contents "${current} { *; };\n") get_target_property(type ${target} TYPE) if(NOT target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") set(property_genex "$") set(check_genex "$") string(APPEND contents "$<${check_genex}:${property_genex}>") endif() set(infile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.version.in") set(outfile "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${target}.version") file(GENERATE OUTPUT "${infile}" CONTENT "${contents}") if(NOT arg_PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE) set(arg_PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE "") endif() set(generator_command ${CMAKE_COMMAND} "-DIN_FILE=${infile}" "-DPRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE=${arg_PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE}" "-DOUT_FILE=${outfile}" -P "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtGenerateVersionScript.cmake" ) set(generator_dependencies "${arg_PRIVATE_CONTENT_FILE}" "${QT_CMAKE_DIR}/QtGenerateVersionScript.cmake" ) add_custom_command( OUTPUT "${outfile}" COMMAND ${generator_command} DEPENDS ${generator_dependencies} WORKING_DIRECTORY "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" COMMENT "Generating version linker script for target ${target}" VERBATIM ) add_custom_target(${target}_version_script DEPENDS ${outfile}) add_dependencies(${target} ${target}_version_script) target_link_options(${target} PRIVATE "-Wl,--version-script,${outfile}") endif() endfunction() function(qt_internal_add_link_flags_no_undefined target) if (NOT QT_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OR WASM) return() endif() if ((GCC OR CLANG) AND NOT MSVC) if(CLANG AND QT_FEATURE_sanitizer) return() endif() set(previous_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS "-Wl,-undefined,error") check_cxx_source_compiles("int main() {}" HAVE_DASH_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS) if(HAVE_DASH_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS) set(no_undefined_flag "-Wl,-undefined,error") endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS "-Wl,--no-undefined") check_cxx_source_compiles("int main() {}" HAVE_DASH_DASH_NO_UNDEFINED) if(HAVE_DASH_DASH_NO_UNDEFINED) set(no_undefined_flag "-Wl,--no-undefined") endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS ${previous_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS}) if (NOT HAVE_DASH_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS AND NOT HAVE_DASH_DASH_NO_UNDEFINED) message(FATAL_ERROR "Platform linker doesn't support erroring upon encountering undefined symbols. Target:\"${target}\".") endif() target_link_options("${target}" PRIVATE "${no_undefined_flag}") endif() endfunction() function(qt_internal_apply_gc_binaries_conditional target visibility) # Should only be applied when the feature is enabled, aka for static builds. if(NOT QT_FEATURE_gc_binaries) return() endif() qt_internal_apply_gc_binaries("${target}" "${visibility}") endfunction() function(qt_internal_apply_gc_binaries target visibility) set(possible_visibilities PRIVATE INTERFACE PUBLIC) list(FIND possible_visibilities "${visibility}" known_visibility) if (known_visibility EQUAL "-1") message(FATAL_ERROR "Visibitily setting must be one of PRIVATE, INTERFACE or PUBLIC.") endif() if ((GCC OR CLANG) AND NOT WASM AND NOT UIKIT AND NOT MSVC) if(APPLE) set(gc_sections_flag "-Wl,-dead_strip") elseif(SOLARIS) set(gc_sections_flag "-Wl,-z,ignore") elseif(LINUX OR BSD OR WIN32 OR ANDROID) set(gc_sections_flag "-Wl,--gc-sections") endif() endif() if(gc_sections_flag) target_link_options("${target}" ${visibility} "${gc_sections_flag}") endif() if((GCC OR CLANG) AND NOT WASM AND NOT UIKIT AND NOT MSVC) set(split_sections_flags "-ffunction-sections" "-fdata-sections") endif() if(split_sections_flags) target_compile_options("${target}" ${visibility} ${split_sections_flags}) endif() endfunction() function(qt_internal_apply_intel_cet target visibility) if(NOT QT_FEATURE_intelcet) return() endif() set(possible_visibilities PRIVATE INTERFACE PUBLIC) list(FIND possible_visibilities "${visibility}" known_visibility) if (known_visibility EQUAL "-1") message(FATAL_ERROR "Visibitily setting must be one of PRIVATE, INTERFACE or PUBLIC.") endif() if(GCC) set(flags "-mshstk") endif() if(flags) target_compile_options("${target}" ${visibility} "${flags}") endif() endfunction() function(qt_internal_library_deprecation_level result) # QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO controls which version we use as a cut-off # compiling in to the library. E.g. if it is set to QT_VERSION then no # code which was deprecated before QT_VERSION will be compiled in. if (NOT DEFINED QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO) if(WIN32) # On Windows, due to the way DLLs work, we need to export all functions, # including the inlines list(APPEND deprecations "QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO=0x040800") else() # On other platforms, Qt's own compilation does need to compile the Qt 5.0 API list(APPEND deprecations "QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO=0x050000") endif() else() list(APPEND deprecations "QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO=${QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_UP_TO}") endif() # QT_WARN_DEPRECATED_UP_TO controls the upper-bound of deprecation # warnings that are emitted. E.g. if it is set to 0x060500 then all use of # things deprecated in or before 6.5.0 will be warned against. list(APPEND deprecations "QT_WARN_DEPRECATED_UP_TO=0x070000") set("${result}" "${deprecations}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Sets the exceptions flags for the given target according to exceptions_on function(qt_internal_set_exceptions_flags target exceptions_on) set(_defs "") set(_flag "") if(exceptions_on) if(MSVC) set(_flag "/EHsc") if((MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1929) AND NOT CLANG) set(_flag ${_flag} "/d2FH4") endif() endif() else() set(_defs "QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS") if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") set(_flag "/EHs-c-" "/wd4530" "/wd4577") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "GNU|AppleClang|InteLLLVM") set(_flag "-fno-exceptions") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Clang") if (MSVC) set(_flag "/EHs-c-" "/wd4530" "/wd4577") else() set(_flag "-fno-exceptions") endif() endif() endif() target_compile_definitions("${target}" PRIVATE ${_defs}) target_compile_options("${target}" PRIVATE ${_flag}) endfunction() function(qt_skip_warnings_are_errors target) get_target_property(target_type "${target}" TYPE) if(target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") return() endif() set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES QT_SKIP_WARNINGS_ARE_ERRORS ON) endfunction() function(qt_skip_warnings_are_errors_when_repo_unclean target) if(QT_REPO_NOT_WARNINGS_CLEAN) qt_skip_warnings_are_errors("${target}") endif() endfunction() function(qt_disable_warnings target) get_target_property(target_type "${target}" TYPE) if(target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") return() endif() set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES QT_COMPILE_OPTIONS_DISABLE_WARNINGS ON) endfunction() function(qt_set_symbol_visibility_preset target value) get_target_property(target_type "${target}" TYPE) if(target_type STREQUAL "INTERFACE_LIBRARY") return() endif() set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES C_VISIBILITY_PRESET "${value}") set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET "${value}") set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES OBJC_VISIBILITY_PRESET "${value}") set_target_properties("${target}" PROPERTIES OBJCXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET "${value}") endfunction() function(qt_set_symbol_visibility_hidden target) qt_set_symbol_visibility_preset("${target}" "hidden") endfunction() function(qt_set_language_standards) ## Use the latest standard the compiler supports (same as qt_common.prf) if (QT_FEATURE_cxx2b) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 23 PARENT_SCOPE) elseif (QT_FEATURE_cxx20) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 20 PARENT_SCOPE) else() set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 17 PARENT_SCOPE) endif() set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON PARENT_SCOPE) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD 11 PARENT_SCOPE) set(CMAKE_C_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(qt_set_language_standards_interface_compile_features target) # Regardless of which C++ standard is used to build Qt itself, require C++17 when building # Qt applications using CMake (because the Qt header files use C++17 features). set(cpp_feature "cxx_std_17") target_compile_features("${target}" INTERFACE ${cpp_feature}) endfunction() function(qt_set_msvc_cplusplus_options target visibility) # For MSVC we need to explicitly pass -Zc:__cplusplus to get correct __cplusplus. # Check qt_config_compile_test for more info. if(MSVC AND MSVC_VERSION GREATER_EQUAL 1913) set(flags "-Zc:__cplusplus" "-permissive-") target_compile_options("${target}" ${visibility} "$<$,$>:${flags}>") endif() endfunction() function(qt_enable_utf8_sources target) set(utf8_flags "") if(MSVC) list(APPEND utf8_flags "$<$:-utf-8>") endif() if(utf8_flags) # Allow opting out by specifying the QT_NO_UTF8_SOURCE target property. set(opt_out_condition "$>>") # Only set the compiler option for C and C++. set(language_condition "$") # Compose the full condition. set(genex_condition "$") set(utf8_flags "$<${genex_condition}:${utf8_flags}>") target_compile_options("${target}" INTERFACE "${utf8_flags}") endif() endfunction() function(qt_internal_enable_unicode_defines) if(WIN32) set(no_unicode_condition "$>>") target_compile_definitions(Platform INTERFACE "$<${no_unicode_condition}:UNICODE;_UNICODE>") endif() endfunction() # Saves the list of known optimization flags for the current compiler in out_var. # # Mostly used for removing them before adding new ones. function(qt_internal_get_all_possible_optimization_flag_values out_var) set(flag_values "") set(vars QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_FULL QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_DEBUG QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SIZE) foreach(optimize_var ${vars}) set(value "${${optimize_var}}") if(value) list(APPEND flag_values "${value}") endif() endforeach() # Additional flag values which might not be used in qmake mkspecs, but might be set by CMake, # aka flags that are recognized by the compile which we might want to remove. if(QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_VALID_VALUES) list(APPEND flag_values ${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_VALID_VALUES}) endif() set("${out_var}" "${flag_values}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Return's the current compiler's optimize_full flags if available. # Otherwise returns the regular optimization level flag. function(qt_internal_get_optimize_full_flags out_var) set(optimize_full_flags "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_FULL}") if(NOT optimize_full_flags) set(optimize_full_flags "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE}") endif() set(${out_var} "${optimize_full_flags}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Prints the compiler and linker flags for each configuration, language and target type. # # Usually it would print the cache variables, but one may also override the variables # in a specific directory scope, so this is useful for debugging. # # Basically dumps either scoped or cached # CMAKE__FLAGS_CONFIG> and CMAKE__LINKER_FLAGS_ variables. function(qt_internal_print_optimization_flags_values) qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(languages) qt_internal_get_configs_for_flag_manipulation(configs) qt_internal_get_target_link_types_for_flag_manipulation(target_link_types) qt_internal_print_optimization_flags_values_helper( "${languages}" "${configs}" "${target_link_types}") endfunction() # Helper function for printing the optimization flags. function(qt_internal_print_optimization_flags_values_helper languages configs target_link_types) foreach(lang ${languages}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS") message(STATUS "${flag_var_name}: ${${flag_var_name}}") foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") message(STATUS "${flag_var_name}: ${${flag_var_name}}") endforeach() endforeach() foreach(t ${target_link_types}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${t}_LINKER_FLAGS") message(STATUS "${flag_var_name}: ${${flag_var_name}}") foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${t}_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}") message(STATUS "${flag_var_name}: ${${flag_var_name}}") endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Saves the list of configs for which flag manipulation will occur. function(qt_internal_get_configs_for_flag_manipulation out_var) set(configs RELEASE RELWITHDEBINFO MINSIZEREL DEBUG) # Opt into additional non-standard configs for flag removal only. if(QT_ADDITIONAL_OPTIMIZATION_FLAG_CONFIGS) list(APPEND configs ${QT_ADDITIONAL_OPTIMIZATION_FLAG_CONFIGS}) endif() set(${out_var} "${configs}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Saves the list of target link types for which flag manipulation will occur. function(qt_internal_get_target_link_types_for_flag_manipulation out_var) set(target_link_types EXE SHARED MODULE STATIC) set(${out_var} "${target_link_types}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Saves list of enabled languages for which it is safe to manipulate compilation flags. function(qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation out_var) # Limit flag modification to c-like code. We don't want to accidentally add incompatible # flags to MSVC's RC or Swift. set(languages_to_process ASM C CXX OBJC OBJCXX) get_property(globally_enabled_languages GLOBAL PROPERTY ENABLED_LANGUAGES) set(enabled_languages "") foreach(lang ${languages_to_process}) if(lang IN_LIST globally_enabled_languages) list(APPEND enabled_languages "${lang}") endif() endforeach() set(${out_var} "${enabled_languages}" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Helper function used to update compiler and linker flags further below function(qt_internal_replace_flags_impl flag_var_name match_string replace_string IN_CACHE) # This must come before cache variable modification because setting the # cache variable with FORCE will overwrite the non-cache variable, but # we need to use the original value on entry to this function. # Handle an empty input string and an empty match string as a set(). if(match_string STREQUAL "" AND "${${flag_var_name}}" STREQUAL "") set(${flag_var_name} "${replace_string}" PARENT_SCOPE) else() string(REPLACE "${match_string}" "${replace_string}" ${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}") string(STRIP "${${flag_var_name}}" ${flag_var_name}) set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endif() if(IN_CACHE) # We must not use the non-cache variable's value because toolchain files # might be appending things to the cache variable's value and storing it # in a non-cache variable (e.g. Android NDK toolchain file does this). # Work exclusively on cache variable value only. get_property(help_text CACHE "${flag_var_name}" PROPERTY HELPSTRING) # Handle an empty input string and an empty match string as a set(). if(match_string STREQUAL "" AND "$CACHE{${flag_var_name}}" STREQUAL "") set(${flag_var_name} "${replace_string}" CACHE STRING "${help_text}" FORCE) else() set(mod_flags "$CACHE{${flag_var_name}}") string(REPLACE "${match_string}" "${replace_string}" mod_flags "${mod_flags}") string(STRIP "${mod_flags}" mod_flags) set(${flag_var_name} "${mod_flags}" CACHE STRING "${help_text}" FORCE) endif() endif() endfunction() # Helper function used to update compiler and linker flags further below function(qt_internal_remove_flags_impl flag_var_name flag_values IN_CACHE) cmake_parse_arguments(arg "REGEX" "" "" ${ARGN}) set(replace_type REPLACE) if(arg_REGEX) list(PREPEND replace_type REGEX) endif() # This must come before cache variable modification because setting the # cache variable with FORCE will overwrite the non-cache variable in this # function scope, but we need to use the original value before that change. foreach(flag_value IN LISTS flag_values) string(${replace_type} "${flag_value}" " " ${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}") endforeach() string(STRIP "${${flag_var_name}}" ${flag_var_name}) set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) if(IN_CACHE) # We must not use the non-cache variable's value because toolchain files # might be appending things to the cache variable's value and storing it # in a non-cache variable (e.g. Android NDK toolchain file does this). # Work exclusively on cache variable value only. set(mod_flags $CACHE{${flag_var_name}}) foreach(flag_value IN LISTS flag_values) string(${replace_type} "${flag_value}" " " mod_flags "${mod_flags}") endforeach() string(STRIP "${mod_flags}" mod_flags) get_property(help_text CACHE ${flag_var_name} PROPERTY HELPSTRING) set(${flag_var_name} "${mod_flags}" CACHE STRING "${help_text}" FORCE) endif() endfunction() # Helper function used to update compiler and linker flags further below function(qt_internal_add_flags_impl flag_var_name flags IN_CACHE) # This must come before cache variable modification because setting the # cache variable with FORCE will overwrite the non-cache variable, but # we need to use the original value on entry to this function. set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}} ${flags}") string(STRIP "${${flag_var_name}}" ${flag_var_name}) set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) if(IN_CACHE) # We must not use the non-cache variable's value because toolchain files # might be appending things to the cache variable's value and storing it # in a non-cache variable (e.g. Android NDK toolchain file does this). # Work exclusively on cache variable value only. set(mod_flags "$CACHE{${flag_var_name}} ${flags}") string(STRIP "${mod_flags}" mod_flags) get_property(help_text CACHE ${flag_var_name} PROPERTY HELPSTRING) set(${flag_var_name} "${mod_flags}" CACHE STRING "${help_text}" FORCE) endif() endfunction() # Removes all known compiler optimization flags for the given CONFIGS, for all enabled 'safe' # languages. The flag variables are always updated in the calling scope, even if they did not # exist beforehand. # # IN_CACHE - remove them from the corresponding cache variable too. Note that the cache # variable may have a different value to the non-cache variable. # CONFIGS - should be a list of upper case configs like DEBUG, RELEASE, RELWITHDEBINFO. # LANGUAGES - optional list of languages like 'C', 'CXX', for which to remove the flags # if not provided, defaults to the list of enabled C-like languages function(qt_internal_remove_known_optimization_flags) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "IN_CACHE" "" "CONFIGS;LANGUAGES") _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) if(NOT arg_CONFIGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one configuration for which to remove the flags.") endif() if(arg_LANGUAGES) set(enabled_languages "${arg_LANGUAGES}") else() qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(enabled_languages) endif() qt_internal_get_all_possible_optimization_flag_values(flag_values) set(configs ${arg_CONFIGS}) foreach(lang ${enabled_languages}) foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") qt_internal_remove_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${flag_values}" "${arg_IN_CACHE}") set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Removes specified flags from CMAKE__FLAGS[_CONFIGS] variables # # IN_CACHE enables flags removal from CACHE # CONFIGS list of configurations that need to clear flags. Clears all configs by default if not # specified. # LANGUAGES list of LANGUAGES that need clear flags. Clears all languages by default if not # specified. # REGEX enables the flag processing as a regular expression. function(qt_internal_remove_compiler_flags flags) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 1 arg "IN_CACHE;REGEX" "" "CONFIGS;LANGUAGES" ) _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) if("${flags}" STREQUAL "") message(WARNING "qt_internal_remove_compiler_flags was called without any flags specified.") return() endif() if(arg_LANGUAGES) set(languages "${arg_LANGUAGES}") else() qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(languages) endif() if(arg_CONFIGS) set(configs "${arg_CONFIGS}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one configuration for which to remove the flags.") endif() if(arg_REGEX) list(APPEND extra_options "REGEX") endif() foreach(lang ${languages}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS") qt_internal_remove_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${flags}" "${arg_IN_CACHE}" ${extra_options} ) set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") qt_internal_remove_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${flags}" "${arg_IN_CACHE}" ${extra_options} ) set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Adds compiler flags for the given CONFIGS in the calling scope. Can also update the cache # if asked to do so. The flag variables are always updated in the calling scope, even if they # did not exist beforehand. # # FLAGS - should be a single string of flags separated by spaces. # IN_CACHE - add them to the corresponding cache variable too. Note that the cache # variable may have a different value to the non-cache variable. # CONFIGS - should be a list of upper case configs like DEBUG, RELEASE, RELWITHDEBINFO. # LANGUAGES - optional list of languages like 'C', 'CXX', for which to add the flags # if not provided, defaults to the list of enabled C-like languages function(qt_internal_add_compiler_flags) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "IN_CACHE" "FLAGS" "CONFIGS;LANGUAGES") _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) if(NOT arg_CONFIGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one configuration for which to add the flags.") endif() if(NOT arg_FLAGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one flag to add.") endif() if(arg_LANGUAGES) set(enabled_languages "${arg_LANGUAGES}") else() qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(enabled_languages) endif() set(configs ${arg_CONFIGS}) foreach(lang ${enabled_languages}) foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") qt_internal_add_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${arg_FLAGS}" "${arg_IN_CACHE}") set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Convenience function that adds compiler flags for all release configurations. # The flag variables are always updated in the calling scope, even if they did not # exist beforehand. # # FLAGS - should be a single string of flags separated by spaces. # IN_CACHE - add them to the corresponding cache variable too. Note that the cache # variable may have a different value to the non-cache variable. # LANGUAGES - optional list of languages like 'C', 'CXX', for which to add the flags # if not provided, defaults to the list of enabled C-like languages function(qt_internal_add_compiler_flags_for_release_configs) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "IN_CACHE" "FLAGS" "LANGUAGES") _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) set(args "") if(arg_LANGUAGES) set(enabled_languages "${arg_LANGUAGES}") else() qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(enabled_languages) endif() set(configs RELEASE RELWITHDEBINFO MINSIZEREL) list(APPEND args CONFIGS ${configs}) if(arg_FLAGS) list(APPEND args FLAGS "${arg_FLAGS}") endif() if(arg_IN_CACHE) list(APPEND args IN_CACHE) endif() list(APPEND args LANGUAGES ${enabled_languages}) qt_internal_add_compiler_flags(${args}) foreach(lang ${enabled_languages}) foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") set("${flag_var_name}" "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Convenience function that replaces all optimization flags with the equivalent of '-O3' # (optimize_full) flag for all release configs. # # This is the equivalent of qmake's CONFIG += optimize_full. # It is meant to be called in a subdirectory scope to enable full optimizations for a particular # Qt module, like Core or Gui. function(qt_internal_add_optimize_full_flags) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "IN_CACHE" "" "") _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) # QT_USE_DEFAULT_CMAKE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS disables forced full optimization. if(QT_USE_DEFAULT_CMAKE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS) return() endif() # Assume that FEATURE_optimize_full has higher priority. But if FEATURE_optimize_full is OFF, # flags are set by FEATURE_optimize_size should remain unchanged. if(QT_FEATURE_optimize_size AND NOT QT_FEATURE_optimize_full) return() endif() set(args "") if(arg_IN_CACHE) list(APPEND args IN_CACHE) endif() qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(enabled_languages) set(configs RELEASE RELWITHDEBINFO) if(QT_FEATURE_optimize_full) # Assume that FEATURE_optimize_full has higher priority. list(APPEND configs MINSIZEREL) endif() qt_internal_remove_known_optimization_flags(${args} CONFIGS ${configs}) # If the respective compiler doesn't have optimize_full flags, use regular optimization flags. # Mainly MSVC. qt_internal_get_optimize_full_flags(optimize_full_flags) list(APPEND args FLAGS "${optimize_full_flags}") qt_internal_add_compiler_flags_for_release_configs(${args}) foreach(lang ${enabled_languages}) foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") set("${flag_var_name}" "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Convenience function to replace a compiler flag with another one, for the given configurations # for all enabled 'safe' languages. # Essentially a glorified string(REPLACE). # Can be used to remove compiler flags. # The flag variables are always updated in the calling scope, even if they did not # exist beforehand. # # match_string - string to match # replace_string - replacement string # IN_CACHE - replace them in the corresponding cache variable too. Note that the cache # variable may have a different value to the non-cache variable. # CONFIGS - should be a list of upper case configs like DEBUG, RELEASE, RELWITHDEBINFO. # LANGUAGES - optional list of languages like 'C', 'CXX', for which to replace the flags # if not provided, defaults to the list of enabled C-like languages function(qt_internal_replace_compiler_flags match_string replace_string) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 2 arg "IN_CACHE" "" "CONFIGS;LANGUAGES") _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) if(NOT arg_CONFIGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one configuration for which to replace the flags.") endif() if(arg_LANGUAGES) set(enabled_languages "${arg_LANGUAGES}") else() qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(enabled_languages) endif() set(configs ${arg_CONFIGS}) foreach(lang ${enabled_languages}) foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") qt_internal_replace_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${match_string}" "${replace_string}" "${arg_IN_CACHE}") set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Convenience function to add linker flags, for the given configurations and target link types. # The flag variables are always updated in the calling scope, even if they did not exist beforehand. # # FLAGS - should be a single string of flags separated by spaces. # IN_CACHE - add them to the corresponding cache variable too. Note that the cache # variable may have a different value to the non-cache variable. # CONFIGS - should be a list of upper case configs like DEBUG, RELEASE, RELWITHDEBINFO. # TYPES - should be a list of target link types as expected by CMake's # CMAKE__LINKER_FLAGS_ cache variable. # e.g EXE, MODULE, SHARED, STATIC. function(qt_internal_add_linker_flags) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 0 arg "IN_CACHE" "FLAGS" "CONFIGS;TYPES") _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) if(NOT arg_TYPES) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one linker target type for which to add the flags.") endif() if(NOT arg_CONFIGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one configuration for which to add the flags.") endif() if(NOT arg_FLAGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one flag to add.") endif() set(configs ${arg_CONFIGS}) set(target_link_types ${arg_TYPES}) foreach(config ${configs}) foreach(t ${target_link_types}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${t}_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}") qt_internal_add_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${arg_FLAGS}" "${arg_IN_CACHE}") set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # Convenience function to replace a linker flag with another one, for the given configurations # and target link types. # Essentially a glorified string(REPLACE). # Can be used to remove linker flags. # The flag variables are always updated in the calling scope, even if they did not exist beforehand. # # match_string - string to match # replace_string - replacement string # IN_CACHE - replace them in the corresponding cache variable too. Note that the cache # variable may have a different value to the non-cache variable. # CONFIGS - should be a list of upper case configs like DEBUG, RELEASE, RELWITHDEBINFO. # TYPES - should be a list of target link types as expected by CMake's # CMAKE__LINKER_FLAGS_ cache variable. # e.g EXE, MODULE, SHARED, STATIC. function(qt_internal_replace_linker_flags match_string replace_string) cmake_parse_arguments(PARSE_ARGV 2 arg "IN_CACHE" "" "CONFIGS;TYPES") _qt_internal_validate_all_args_are_parsed(arg) if(NOT arg_TYPES) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one linker target type for which to replace the flags.") endif() if(NOT arg_CONFIGS) message(FATAL_ERROR "You must specify at least one configuration for which to replace the flags.") endif() set(configs ${arg_CONFIGS}) set(target_link_types ${arg_TYPES}) foreach(config ${configs}) foreach(t ${target_link_types}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${t}_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}") qt_internal_replace_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${match_string}" "${replace_string}" "${arg_IN_CACHE}") set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() endfunction() # This function finds the optimization flags set by the default CMake platform modules or toolchain # files and replaces them with flags that Qt qmake builds expect, for all the usual # CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE configurations. # This normalizes things like using -O2 for both Release and RelWithDebInfo, among other compilation # flags. Also some linker flags specific to MSVC. # See QTBUG-85992 for details. # # Note that both the calling scope and the CMake cache are updated. function(qt_internal_set_up_config_optimizations_like_in_qmake) # Allow opt out. if(QT_USE_DEFAULT_CMAKE_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS) return() endif() qt_internal_get_enabled_languages_for_flag_manipulation(enabled_languages) qt_internal_get_configs_for_flag_manipulation(configs) qt_internal_get_target_link_types_for_flag_manipulation(target_link_types) # You can set QT_DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS to see the before and after results. if(QT_DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS) message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "DEBUG: Original CMake optimization flags.\n") qt_internal_print_optimization_flags_values_helper("${enabled_languages}" "${configs}" "${target_link_types}") endif() # Remove known optimization flags. qt_internal_remove_known_optimization_flags(IN_CACHE CONFIGS ${configs}) # Re-add optimization flags as per qmake mkspecs. foreach(lang ${enabled_languages}) foreach(config ${configs}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") set(value_to_append "") # Release and RelWithDebInfo should get the same base optimization flags. if(config STREQUAL "RELEASE" AND QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE) set(value_to_append "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE}") elseif(config STREQUAL "RELWITHDEBINFO" AND QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE) set(value_to_append "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE}") # MinSizeRel should get the optimize size flag if available, otherwise the regular # release flag. elseif(config STREQUAL "MINSIZEREL") if(QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SIZE) set(value_to_append "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SIZE}") else() set(value_to_append "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE}") endif() endif() # Debug should get the OPTIMIZE_DEBUG flag if the respective feature is ON. if(config STREQUAL "DEBUG" AND QT_FEATURE_optimize_debug) set(value_to_append "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_DEBUG}") endif() set(configs_for_optimize_size RELEASE RELWITHDEBINFO) if(QT_FEATURE_optimize_size AND config IN_LIST configs_for_optimize_size) set(value_to_append "${QT_CFLAGS_OPTIMIZE_SIZE}") endif() # Check if the fake 'optimize_full' feature is enabled. # Use the max optimization level flag for all release configs, effectively # overriding any previous setting. set(configs_for_optimize RELEASE RELWITHDEBINFO MINSIZEREL) if(QT_FEATURE_optimize_full AND config IN_LIST configs_for_optimize) qt_internal_get_optimize_full_flags(optimize_full_flags) set(value_to_append "${optimize_full_flags}") endif() # Assign value to the cache entry. if(value_to_append) qt_internal_add_flags_impl(${flag_var_name} "${value_to_append}" TRUE) # Delay updating the calling scope's variables to the end of this function endif() endforeach() endforeach() if(MSVC) # Handle MSVC /INCREMENTAL flag which should not be enabled for Release configurations. # First remove them from all configs, and re-add INCREMENTAL for Debug only. set(flag_values "/INCREMENTAL:YES" "/INCREMENTAL:NO" "/INCREMENTAL") foreach(flag_value ${flag_values}) qt_internal_replace_linker_flags( "${flag_value}" "" CONFIGS ${configs} TYPES ${target_link_types} IN_CACHE) endforeach() set(flag_value "/INCREMENTAL:NO") qt_internal_add_linker_flags( FLAGS "${flag_value}" CONFIGS RELEASE RELWITHDEBINFO MINSIZEREL TYPES EXE SHARED MODULE # when linking static libraries, link.exe can't recognize this parameter, clang-cl will error out. IN_CACHE) qt_internal_remove_compiler_flags("(^| )/EH[scra-]*( |$)" LANGUAGES CXX CONFIGS ${configs} IN_CACHE REGEX) endif() # Allow opting into generating debug info in object files with a fake feature. # This would allow us to enable caching with sccache. # See QTQAINFRA-3934 for details. if(MSVC AND QT_FEATURE_msvc_obj_debug_info) qt_internal_replace_compiler_flags( "/Zi" "/Z7" CONFIGS RELWITHDEBINFO DEBUG TYPES ${target_link_types} IN_CACHE) endif() # Update all relevant flags in the calling scope foreach(config ${configs}) foreach(lang ${enabled_languages}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${config}") set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() foreach(t ${target_link_types}) set(flag_var_name "CMAKE_${t}_LINKER_FLAGS_${config}") set(${flag_var_name} "${${flag_var_name}}" PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() endforeach() if(QT_DEBUG_OPTIMIZATION_FLAGS) message(STATUS "") message(STATUS "DEBUG: Modified optimization flags to mirror qmake mkspecs.\n") qt_internal_print_optimization_flags_values_helper("${enabled_languages}" "${configs}" "${target_link_types}") endif() endfunction()