/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:GPL-EXCEPT$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX // for geteuid() # include # include #endif #include typedef QMap QStringMap; typedef QList QIntList; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QImageWriter::ImageWriterError) Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QImage::Format) class tst_QImageWriter : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public slots: void initTestCase(); private slots: void getSetCheck(); void writeImage_data(); void writeImage(); void writeImage2_data(); void writeImage2(); void supportedFormats(); void supportedMimeTypes(); void writeToInvalidDevice(); void testCanWrite(); void supportsOption_data(); void supportsOption(); void saveWithNoFormat_data(); void saveWithNoFormat(); void saveToTemporaryFile(); void writeEmpty(); private: QTemporaryDir m_temporaryDir; QString prefix; QString writePrefix; }; // helper to skip an autotest when the given image format is not supported #define SKIP_IF_UNSUPPORTED(format) do { \ if (!QByteArray(format).isEmpty() && !QImageReader::supportedImageFormats().contains(format)) \ QSKIP('"' + QByteArray(format) + "\" images are not supported"); \ } while (0) static void initializePadding(QImage *image) { qsizetype effectiveBytesPerLine = (qsizetype(image->width()) * image->depth() + 7) / 8; qsizetype paddingBytes = image->bytesPerLine() - effectiveBytesPerLine; if (paddingBytes == 0) return; for (int y = 0; y < image->height(); ++y) { memset(image->scanLine(y) + effectiveBytesPerLine, 0, paddingBytes); } } void tst_QImageWriter::initTestCase() { QVERIFY(m_temporaryDir.isValid()); prefix = QFINDTESTDATA("images/"); if (prefix.isEmpty()) QFAIL("Can't find images directory!"); writePrefix = m_temporaryDir.path() + QLatin1Char('/'); } // Testing get/set functions void tst_QImageWriter::getSetCheck() { QImageWriter obj1; // QIODevice * QImageWriter::device() // void QImageWriter::setDevice(QIODevice *) QFile *var1 = new QFile; obj1.setDevice(var1); QCOMPARE((QIODevice *) var1, obj1.device()); // The class should possibly handle a 0-pointer as a device, since // there is a default contructor, so it's "handling" a 0 device by default. // For example: QMovie::setDevice(0) works just fine obj1.setDevice((QIODevice *)0); QCOMPARE((QIODevice *) 0, obj1.device()); delete var1; // int QImageWriter::quality() // void QImageWriter::setQuality(int) obj1.setQuality(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.quality()); obj1.setQuality(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.quality()); obj1.setQuality(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.quality()); // int QImageWriter::compression() // void QImageWriter::setCompression(int) obj1.setCompression(0); QCOMPARE(0, obj1.compression()); obj1.setCompression(INT_MIN); QCOMPARE(INT_MIN, obj1.compression()); obj1.setCompression(INT_MAX); QCOMPARE(INT_MAX, obj1.compression()); } void tst_QImageWriter::writeImage_data() { QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("lossy"); QTest::addColumn("format"); QTest::newRow("BMP: colorful") << QString("colorful.bmp") << false << QByteArray("bmp"); QTest::newRow("BMP: font") << QString("font.bmp") << false << QByteArray("bmp"); QTest::newRow("XPM: marble") << QString("marble.xpm") << false << QByteArray("xpm"); QTest::newRow("PNG: kollada") << QString("kollada.png") << false << QByteArray("png"); QTest::newRow("PPM: teapot") << QString("teapot.ppm") << false << QByteArray("ppm"); QTest::newRow("PBM: ship63") << QString("ship63.pbm") << true << QByteArray("pbm"); QTest::newRow("XBM: gnus") << QString("gnus.xbm") << false << QByteArray("xbm"); QTest::newRow("JPEG: beavis") << QString("beavis.jpg") << true << QByteArray("jpeg"); QTest::newRow("ICO: App") << QString("App.ico") << true << QByteArray("ico"); } void tst_QImageWriter::writeImage() { QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(bool, lossy); QFETCH(QByteArray, format); SKIP_IF_UNSUPPORTED(format); QImage image; { QImageReader reader(prefix + fileName); image = reader.read(); QVERIFY2(!image.isNull(), qPrintable(reader.errorString())); } { QImageWriter writer(writePrefix + "gen-" + fileName, format); QVERIFY(writer.write(image)); } { bool skip = false; #if defined(Q_OS_UNIX) if (::geteuid() == 0) skip = true; #endif if (!skip) { // Shouldn't be able to write to read-only file QFile sourceFile(writePrefix + "gen-" + fileName); QFile::Permissions permissions = sourceFile.permissions(); QVERIFY(sourceFile.setPermissions(QFile::ReadOwner | QFile::ReadUser | QFile::ReadGroup | QFile::ReadOther)); QImageWriter writer(writePrefix + "gen-" + fileName, format); QVERIFY(!writer.write(image)); QVERIFY(sourceFile.setPermissions(permissions)); } } QImage image2; { QImageReader reader(writePrefix + "gen-" + fileName); image2 = reader.read(); QVERIFY(!image2.isNull()); } if (!lossy) { QCOMPARE(image, image2); } else { QCOMPARE(image.format(), image2.format()); QCOMPARE(image.depth(), image2.depth()); } } void tst_QImageWriter::writeImage2_data() { QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("format"); QTest::addColumn("image"); static const QLatin1String formats[] = { QLatin1String("bmp"), QLatin1String("xpm"), QLatin1String("png"), QLatin1String("ppm"), QLatin1String("ico"), // QLatin1String("jpeg"), }; QImage image0(70, 70, QImage::Format_RGB32); image0.fill(QColor(Qt::red).rgb()); QImage::Format imgFormat = QImage::Format_Mono; while (imgFormat != QImage::NImageFormats) { QImage image = image0.convertToFormat(imgFormat); initializePadding(&image); for (QLatin1String format : formats) { const QString fileName = QLatin1String("solidcolor_") + QString::number(imgFormat) + QLatin1Char('.') + format; QTest::newRow(fileName.toLatin1()) << writePrefix + fileName << QByteArray(format.data(), format.size()) << image; } imgFormat = QImage::Format(int(imgFormat) + 1); } } /* Workaround for the equality operator for indexed formats (which fails if the colortables are different). Images must have the same format and size. */ static bool equalImageContents(const QImage &image1, const QImage &image2) { switch (image1.format()) { case QImage::Format_Mono: case QImage::Format_Indexed8: for (int y = 0; y < image1.height(); ++y) for (int x = 0; x < image1.width(); ++x) if (image1.pixel(x, y) != image2.pixel(x, y)) return false; return true; default: return (image1 == image2); } } void tst_QImageWriter::writeImage2() { QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(QByteArray, format); QFETCH(QImage, image); //we reduce the scope of writer so that it closes the associated file // and QFile::remove can actually work { QImageWriter writer(fileName, format); QVERIFY(writer.write(image)); } QImage written; //we reduce the scope of reader so that it closes the associated file // and QFile::remove can actually work { QImageReader reader(fileName, format); QVERIFY(reader.read(&written)); } written = written.convertToFormat(image.format()); if (!equalImageContents(written, image)) { qDebug() << "image" << image.format() << image.width() << image.height() << image.depth() << image.pixelColor(0, 0); qDebug() << "written" << written.format() << written.width() << written.height() << written.depth() << written.pixelColor(0, 0); } QVERIFY(equalImageContents(written, image)); QVERIFY(QFile::remove(fileName)); } namespace { // C++98-library version of C++11 std::is_sorted template bool is_sorted(const C &c) { return std::adjacent_find(c.begin(), c.end(), std::greater_equal()) == c.end(); } } void tst_QImageWriter::supportedFormats() { QList formats = QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats(); // check that the list is sorted QVERIFY(is_sorted(formats)); // check that the list does not contain duplicates QVERIFY(std::unique(formats.begin(), formats.end()) == formats.end()); } void tst_QImageWriter::supportedMimeTypes() { QList mimeTypes = QImageWriter::supportedMimeTypes(); // check that the list is sorted QVERIFY(is_sorted(mimeTypes)); // check the list as a minimum contains image/bmp QVERIFY(mimeTypes.contains("image/bmp")); // check that the list does not contain duplicates QVERIFY(std::unique(mimeTypes.begin(), mimeTypes.end()) == mimeTypes.end()); } void tst_QImageWriter::writeToInvalidDevice() { QLatin1String fileName("/these/directories/do/not/exist/001.png"); { QImageWriter writer(fileName); QVERIFY(!writer.canWrite()); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), QImageWriter::DeviceError); } { QImageWriter writer(fileName); writer.setFormat("png"); QVERIFY(!writer.canWrite()); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), QImageWriter::DeviceError); } { QImageWriter writer(fileName); QImage im(10, 10, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QVERIFY(!writer.write(im)); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), QImageWriter::DeviceError); } { QImageWriter writer(fileName); writer.setFormat("png"); QImage im(10, 10, QImage::Format_ARGB32); QVERIFY(!writer.write(im)); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), QImageWriter::DeviceError); } } void tst_QImageWriter::testCanWrite() { { // device is not set QImageWriter writer; QVERIFY(!writer.canWrite()); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), QImageWriter::DeviceError); } { // check if canWrite won't leave an empty file QTemporaryDir dir; QVERIFY2(dir.isValid(), qPrintable(dir.errorString())); QString fileName(dir.path() + QLatin1String("/001.garble")); QVERIFY(!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()); QImageWriter writer(fileName); QVERIFY(!writer.canWrite()); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), QImageWriter::UnsupportedFormatError); QVERIFY(!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()); } } void tst_QImageWriter::supportsOption_data() { QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("options"); QTest::newRow("png") << QString("gen-black.png") << (QIntList() << QImageIOHandler::Gamma << QImageIOHandler::Description << QImageIOHandler::Quality << QImageIOHandler::CompressionRatio << QImageIOHandler::Size << QImageIOHandler::ScaledSize); } void tst_QImageWriter::supportsOption() { SKIP_IF_UNSUPPORTED(QTest::currentDataTag()); QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(QIntList, options); static constexpr QImageIOHandler::ImageOption allOptions[] = { QImageIOHandler::Size, QImageIOHandler::ClipRect, QImageIOHandler::Description, QImageIOHandler::ScaledClipRect, QImageIOHandler::ScaledSize, QImageIOHandler::CompressionRatio, QImageIOHandler::Gamma, QImageIOHandler::Quality, QImageIOHandler::Name, QImageIOHandler::SubType, QImageIOHandler::IncrementalReading, QImageIOHandler::Endianness, QImageIOHandler::Animation, QImageIOHandler::BackgroundColor, }; QImageWriter writer(writePrefix + fileName); for (auto option : allOptions) { QCOMPARE(writer.supportsOption(option), options.contains(option)); } } void tst_QImageWriter::saveWithNoFormat_data() { QTest::addColumn("fileName"); QTest::addColumn("format"); QTest::addColumn("error"); QTest::newRow("garble") << writePrefix + QString("gen-out.garble") << QByteArray("jpeg") << QImageWriter::UnsupportedFormatError; QTest::newRow("bmp") << writePrefix + QString("gen-out.bmp") << QByteArray("bmp") << QImageWriter::ImageWriterError(0); QTest::newRow("xbm") << writePrefix + QString("gen-out.xbm") << QByteArray("xbm") << QImageWriter::ImageWriterError(0); QTest::newRow("xpm") << writePrefix + QString("gen-out.xpm") << QByteArray("xpm") << QImageWriter::ImageWriterError(0); QTest::newRow("png") << writePrefix + QString("gen-out.png") << QByteArray("png") << QImageWriter::ImageWriterError(0); QTest::newRow("ppm") << writePrefix + QString("gen-out.ppm") << QByteArray("ppm") << QImageWriter::ImageWriterError(0); QTest::newRow("pbm") << writePrefix + QString("gen-out.pbm") << QByteArray("pbm") << QImageWriter::ImageWriterError(0); } void tst_QImageWriter::saveWithNoFormat() { QFETCH(QString, fileName); QFETCH(QByteArray, format); QFETCH(QImageWriter::ImageWriterError, error); SKIP_IF_UNSUPPORTED(format); QImage niceImage(64, 64, QImage::Format_ARGB32); memset(niceImage.bits(), 0, niceImage.sizeInBytes()); QImageWriter writer(fileName /* , 0 - no format! */); if (error != 0) { QVERIFY(!writer.write(niceImage)); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), error); return; } QVERIFY2(writer.write(niceImage), qPrintable(writer.errorString())); QImageReader reader(fileName); QCOMPARE(reader.format(), format); QVERIFY(reader.canRead()); QImage outImage = reader.read(); QVERIFY2(!outImage.isNull(), qPrintable(reader.errorString())); } void tst_QImageWriter::saveToTemporaryFile() { QImage image(prefix + "kollada.png"); QVERIFY(!image.isNull()); { // 1) Via QImageWriter's API, with a standard temp file name QTemporaryFile file; QVERIFY2(file.open(), qPrintable(file.errorString())); QImageWriter writer(&file, "PNG"); if (writer.canWrite()) QVERIFY(writer.write(image)); else qWarning() << file.errorString(); QCOMPARE(QImage(writer.fileName()), image); } { // 2) Via QImage's API, with a standard temp file name QTemporaryFile file; QVERIFY2(file.open(), qPrintable(file.errorString())); QVERIFY(image.save(&file, "PNG")); file.reset(); QImage tmp; QVERIFY(tmp.load(&file, "PNG")); QCOMPARE(tmp, image); } { // 3) Via QImageWriter's API, with a named temp file QTemporaryFile file(writePrefix + QLatin1String("tempXXXXXX")); QVERIFY2(file.open(), qPrintable(file.errorString())); QImageWriter writer(&file, "PNG"); QVERIFY(writer.write(image)); QCOMPARE(QImage(writer.fileName()), image); } { // 4) Via QImage's API, with a named temp file QTemporaryFile file(writePrefix + QLatin1String("tempXXXXXX")); QVERIFY2(file.open(), qPrintable(file.errorString())); QVERIFY(image.save(&file, "PNG")); file.reset(); QImage tmp; QVERIFY(tmp.load(&file, "PNG")); QCOMPARE(tmp, image); } } void tst_QImageWriter::writeEmpty() { // check writing a null QImage errors gracefully QTemporaryDir dir; QVERIFY2(dir.isValid(), qPrintable(dir.errorString())); QString fileName(dir.path() + QLatin1String("/testimage.bmp")); QVERIFY(!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()); QImageWriter writer(fileName); QVERIFY(!writer.write(QImage())); QCOMPARE(writer.error(), QImageWriter::InvalidImageError); QVERIFY(!QFileInfo(fileName).exists()); } QTEST_MAIN(tst_QImageWriter) #include "tst_qimagewriter.moc"