#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) 2021 The Qt Company Ltd. # SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0 """Convert CLDR data to QLocaleXML The CLDR data can be downloaded from CLDR_, which has a sub-directory for each version; you need the ``core.zip`` file for your version of choice (typically the latest). This script has had updates to cope up to v38.1; for later versions, we may need adaptations. Unpack the downloaded ``core.zip`` and check it has a common/main/ sub-directory: pass the path of that root of the download to this script as its first command-line argument. Pass the name of the file in which to write output as the second argument; either omit it or use '-' to select the standard output. This file is the input needed by ``./qlocalexml2cpp.py`` When you update the CLDR data, be sure to also update src/corelib/text/qt_attribution.json's entry for unicode-cldr. Check this script's output for unknown language, territory or script messages; if any can be resolved, use their entry in common/main/en.xml to append new entries to enumdata.py's lists and update documentation in src/corelib/text/qlocale.qdoc, adding the new entries in alphabetic order. While updating the locale data, check also for updates to MS-Win's time zone names; see cldr2qtimezone.py for details. All the scripts mentioned support --help to tell you how to use them. .. _CLDR: https://unicode.org/Public/cldr/ """ from pathlib import Path import sys import argparse from cldr import CldrReader from qlocalexml import QLocaleXmlWriter def main(out, err): all_calendars = ['gregorian', 'persian', 'islamic'] # 'hebrew' parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Generate QLocaleXML from CLDR data.', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('cldr_path', help='path to the root of the CLDR tree') parser.add_argument('out_file', help='output XML file name', nargs='?', metavar='out-file.xml') parser.add_argument('--calendars', help='select calendars to emit data for', nargs='+', metavar='CALENDAR', choices=all_calendars, default=all_calendars) args = parser.parse_args() root = Path(args.cldr_path) root_xml_path = 'common/main/root.xml' if not root.joinpath(root_xml_path).exists(): parser.error('First argument is the root of the CLDR tree: ' f'found no {root_xml_path} under {root}') xml = args.out_file if not xml or xml == '-': emit = out elif not xml.endswith('.xml'): parser.error(f'Please use a .xml extension on your output file name, not {xml}') else: try: emit = open(xml, 'w') except IOError as e: parser.error(f'Failed to open "{xml}" to write output to it') # TODO - command line options to tune choice of grumble and whitter: reader = CldrReader(root, err.write, err.write) writer = QLocaleXmlWriter(emit.write) writer.version(reader.root.cldrVersion) writer.enumData(reader.root.englishNaming) writer.likelySubTags(reader.likelySubTags()) writer.locales(reader.readLocales(args.calendars), args.calendars) writer.close(err.write) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main(sys.stdout, sys.stderr))