/**************************************************************************** ** ** Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd. ** Contact: https://www.qt.io/licensing/ ** ** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit. ** ** $QT_BEGIN_LICENSE:GPL-EXCEPT$ ** Commercial License Usage ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms ** and conditions see https://www.qt.io/terms-conditions. For further ** information use the contact form at https://www.qt.io/contact-us. ** ** GNU General Public License Usage ** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU ** General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation with exceptions as appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL3-EXCEPT ** included in the packaging of this file. Please review the following ** information to ensure the GNU General Public License requirements will ** be met: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html. ** ** $QT_END_LICENSE$ ** ****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dragwidget.h" #include static QTextStream &operator<<(QTextStream &str, const QRect &r) { str << r.width() << 'x' << r.height() << forcesign << r.x() << r.y() << noforcesign; return str; } class DemoContainerBase { public: DemoContainerBase() = default; virtual ~DemoContainerBase() = default; QString name() { return option().names().constFirst(); } virtual QCommandLineOption &option() = 0; virtual void makeVisible(bool visible, QWidget *parent) = 0; QWidget *widget() const { return m_widget; } protected: QWidget *m_widget = nullptr; }; using DemoContainerList = QVector; template class DemoContainer : public DemoContainerBase { public: DemoContainer(const QString &optionName, const QString &description) : m_option(optionName, description) { } ~DemoContainer() { delete m_widget; } QCommandLineOption &option() override { return m_option; } void makeVisible(bool visible, QWidget *parent) override { if (visible && !m_widget) { m_widget = new T; m_widget->installEventFilter(parent); } if (m_widget) m_widget->setVisible(visible); } private: QCommandLineOption m_option; }; class LabelSlider : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: LabelSlider(QObject *parent, const QString &text, QGridLayout *layout, int row) : QObject(parent) { QLabel *textLabel = new QLabel(text); m_slider = new QSlider(); m_slider->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); m_slider->setMinimum(1); m_slider->setMaximum(40); m_slider->setValue(10); m_slider->setTracking(false); m_slider->setTickInterval(5); m_slider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); m_label = new QLabel("1.0"); // set up layouts layout->addWidget(textLabel, row, 0); layout->addWidget(m_slider, row, 1); layout->addWidget(m_label, row, 2); // handle slider position change connect(m_slider, &QSlider::sliderMoved, this, &LabelSlider::updateLabel); connect(m_slider, &QSlider::valueChanged, this, &LabelSlider::valueChanged); } void setValue(int scaleFactor) { m_slider->setValue(scaleFactor); updateLabel(scaleFactor); } private slots: void updateLabel(int scaleFactor) { // slider value is scale factor times ten; qreal scalefactorF = qreal(scaleFactor) / 10.0; // update label, add ".0" if needed. QString number = QString::number(scalefactorF); if (!number.contains(QLatin1Char('.'))) number.append(".0"); m_label->setText(number); } signals: void valueChanged(int scaleFactor); private: QSlider *m_slider; QLabel *m_label; }; static qreal getScreenFactorWithoutPixelDensity(const QScreen *screen) { // this is a hack that relies on knowing the internals of QHighDpiScaling static const char *scaleFactorProperty = "_q_scaleFactor"; QVariant screenFactor = screen->property(scaleFactorProperty); return screenFactor.isValid() ? screenFactor.toReal() : 1.0; } static inline qreal getGlobalScaleFactor() { QScreen *noScreen = nullptr; return QHighDpiScaling::factor(noScreen); } class DemoController : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: DemoController(DemoContainerList demos, QCommandLineParser *parser); ~DemoController(); protected: bool eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) override; void closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) override { QCoreApplication::quit(); } private slots: void handleButton(int id, bool toggled); private: DemoContainerList m_demos; QButtonGroup *m_group; }; DemoController::DemoController(DemoContainerList demos, QCommandLineParser *parser) : m_demos(std::move(demos)) { setWindowTitle("screen scale factors"); setObjectName("controller"); // make WindowScaleFactorSetter skip this window auto layout = new QGridLayout(this); int layoutRow = 0; LabelSlider *globalScaleSlider = new LabelSlider(this, "Global scale factor", layout, layoutRow++); globalScaleSlider->setValue(int(getGlobalScaleFactor() * 10)); connect(globalScaleSlider, &LabelSlider::valueChanged, [](int scaleFactor){ // slider value is scale factor times ten; qreal scalefactorF = qreal(scaleFactor) / 10.0; QHighDpiScaling::setGlobalFactor(scalefactorF); }); // set up one scale control line per screen const auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); for (QScreen *screen : screens) { // create scale control line QSize screenSize = screen->geometry().size(); QString screenId = screen->name() + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::number(screenSize.width()) + QLatin1Char(' ') + QString::number(screenSize.height()); LabelSlider *slider = new LabelSlider(this, screenId, layout, layoutRow++); slider->setValue(getScreenFactorWithoutPixelDensity(screen) * 10); // handle slider value change connect(slider, &LabelSlider::valueChanged, [screen](int scaleFactor){ // slider value is scale factor times ten; qreal scalefactorF = qreal(scaleFactor) / 10.0; // set scale factor for screen qreal oldFactor = QHighDpiScaling::factor(screen); QHighDpiScaling::setScreenFactor(screen, scalefactorF); qreal newFactor = QHighDpiScaling::factor(screen); qDebug() << "factor was / is" << oldFactor << newFactor; }); } m_group = new QButtonGroup(this); m_group->setExclusive(false); for (int i = 0; i < m_demos.size(); ++i) { DemoContainerBase *demo = m_demos.at(i); QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(demo->name()); button->setToolTip(demo->option().description()); button->setCheckable(true); layout->addWidget(button, layoutRow++, 0, 1, -1); m_group->addButton(button, i); if (parser->isSet(demo->option())) { demo->makeVisible(true, this); button->setChecked(true); } } connect(m_group, QOverload::of(&QButtonGroup::buttonToggled), this, &DemoController::handleButton); } DemoController::~DemoController() { qDeleteAll(m_demos); } bool DemoController::eventFilter(QObject *object, QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == QEvent::Close) { for (int i = 0; i < m_demos.size(); ++i) { DemoContainerBase *demo = m_demos.at(i); if (demo->widget() == object) { m_group->button(i)->setChecked(false); break; } } } return false; } void DemoController::handleButton(int id, bool toggled) { m_demos.at(id)->makeVisible(toggled, this); } class PixmapPainter : public QWidget { public: PixmapPainter(); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; private: QPixmap pixmap1X; QPixmap pixmap2X; QPixmap pixmapLarge; QImage image1X; QImage image2X; QImage imageLarge; QIcon qtIcon; }; PixmapPainter::PixmapPainter() { pixmap1X = QPixmap(":/qticon32.png"); pixmap2X = QPixmap(":/qticon32@2x.png"); pixmapLarge = QPixmap(":/qticon64.png"); image1X = QImage(":/qticon32.png"); image2X = QImage(":/qticon32@2x.png"); imageLarge = QImage(":/qticon64.png"); qtIcon.addFile(":/qticon32.png"); qtIcon.addFile(":/qticon32@2x.png"); } void PixmapPainter::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size()), QBrush(Qt::gray)); int pixmapPointSize = 32; int y = 30; int dy = 90; int x = 10; int dx = 40; // draw at point // qDebug() << "paint pixmap" << pixmap1X.devicePixelRatio(); p.drawPixmap(x, y, pixmap1X); x+=dx;p.drawPixmap(x, y, pixmap2X); x+=dx;p.drawPixmap(x, y, pixmapLarge); x+=dx*2;p.drawPixmap(x, y, qtIcon.pixmap(QSize(pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize))); x+=dx;p.drawImage(x, y, image1X); x+=dx;p.drawImage(x, y, image2X); x+=dx;p.drawImage(x, y, imageLarge); // draw at 32x32 rect y+=dy; x = 10; p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize), pixmap1X); x+=dx;p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize), pixmap2X); x+=dx;p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize), pixmapLarge); x+=dx;p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize), qtIcon.pixmap(QSize(pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize))); x+=dx;p.drawImage(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize), image1X); x+=dx;p.drawImage(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize), image2X); x+=dx;p.drawImage(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize), imageLarge); // draw at 64x64 rect y+=dy - 50; x = 10; p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize * 2, pixmapPointSize * 2), pixmap1X); x+=dx * 2; p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize * 2, pixmapPointSize * 2), pixmap2X); x+=dx * 2; p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize * 2, pixmapPointSize * 2), pixmapLarge); x+=dx * 2; p.drawPixmap(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize * 2, pixmapPointSize * 2), qtIcon.pixmap(QSize(pixmapPointSize, pixmapPointSize))); x+=dx * 2; p.drawImage(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize * 2, pixmapPointSize * 2), image1X); x+=dx * 2; p.drawImage(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize * 2, pixmapPointSize * 2), image2X); x+=dx * 2; p.drawImage(QRect(x, y, pixmapPointSize * 2, pixmapPointSize * 2), imageLarge); } class TiledPixmapPainter : public QWidget { public: TiledPixmapPainter(); void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; private: QPixmap pixmap1X; QPixmap pixmap2X; QPixmap pixmapLarge; }; TiledPixmapPainter::TiledPixmapPainter() { pixmap1X = QPixmap(":/qticon32.png"); pixmap2X = QPixmap(":/qticon32@2x.png"); pixmapLarge = QPixmap(":/qticon64.png"); } void TiledPixmapPainter::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { Q_UNUSED(event); QPainter p(this); int xoff = 10; int yoff = 10; int tiles = 4; int pixmapEdge = 32; int tileAreaEdge = pixmapEdge * tiles; // Expected behavior for both 1x and 2x dislays: // 1x pixmap : 4 x 4 tiles // large pixmap: 2 x 2 tiles // 2x pixmap : 4 x 4 tiles // // On a 2x display the 2x pixmap tiles // will be drawn in high resolution. p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(xoff, yoff, tileAreaEdge, tileAreaEdge), pixmap1X); yoff += tiles * pixmapEdge + 10; p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(xoff, yoff, tileAreaEdge, tileAreaEdge), pixmapLarge); yoff += tiles * pixmapEdge + 10; p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(xoff, yoff, tileAreaEdge, tileAreaEdge), pixmap2X); // Again, with an offset. The offset is in // device-independent pixels. QPoint offset(40, 40); // larger than the pixmap edge size to exercise that code path yoff = 10; xoff = 20 + tiles * pixmapEdge ; p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(xoff, yoff, tileAreaEdge, tileAreaEdge), pixmap1X, offset); yoff += tiles * pixmapEdge + 10; p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(xoff, yoff, tileAreaEdge, tileAreaEdge), pixmapLarge, offset); yoff += tiles * pixmapEdge + 10; p.drawTiledPixmap(QRect(xoff, yoff, tileAreaEdge, tileAreaEdge), pixmap2X, offset); } class Labels : public QWidget { public: Labels(); private: QPixmap pixmap1X; QPixmap pixmap2X; QPixmap pixmapLarge; QIcon qtIcon; }; Labels::Labels() { pixmap1X = QPixmap(":/qticon32.png"); pixmap2X = QPixmap(":/qticon32@2x.png"); pixmapLarge = QPixmap(":/qticon64.png"); qtIcon.addFile(":/qticon32.png"); qtIcon.addFile(":/qticon32@2x.png"); setWindowIcon(qtIcon); setWindowTitle("Labels"); QLabel *label1x = new QLabel(); label1x->setPixmap(pixmap1X); QLabel *label2x = new QLabel(); label2x->setPixmap(pixmap2X); QLabel *labelIcon = new QLabel(); labelIcon->setPixmap(qtIcon.pixmap(QSize(32,32))); QLabel *labelLarge = new QLabel(); labelLarge->setPixmap(pixmapLarge); QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); layout->addWidget(label1x); //expected low-res on high-dpi displays layout->addWidget(label2x); //expected high-res on high-dpi displays layout->addWidget(labelIcon); //expected high-res on high-dpi displays layout->addWidget(labelLarge); // expected large size and low-res setLayout(layout); } class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: MainWindow(); QMenu *addNewMenu(const QString &title, int itemCount = 5); private slots: void maskActionToggled(bool t); private: QIcon qtIcon; QIcon qtIcon1x; QIcon qtIcon2x; QToolBar *fileToolBar; QAction *m_maskAction; int menuCount = 0; }; MainWindow::MainWindow() { // beware that QIcon auto-loads the @2x versions. qtIcon1x.addFile(":/qticon16.png"); qtIcon2x.addFile(":/qticon32.png"); setWindowIcon(qtIcon); setWindowTitle("MainWindow"); fileToolBar = addToolBar(tr("File")); // fileToolBar->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon); fileToolBar->addAction(new QAction(qtIcon1x, QString("1x"), this)); fileToolBar->addAction(new QAction(qtIcon2x, QString("2x"), this)); addNewMenu("&Edit"); addNewMenu("&Build"); addNewMenu("&Debug", 4); QMenu *menu = addNewMenu("&Transmogrify", 7); menu->addSeparator(); m_maskAction = menu->addAction("Mask"); m_maskAction->setCheckable(true); connect(m_maskAction, &QAction::toggled, this, &MainWindow::maskActionToggled); fileToolBar->addAction(m_maskAction); addNewMenu("T&ools"); addNewMenu("&Help", 2); } QMenu *MainWindow::addNewMenu(const QString &title, int itemCount) { QMenu *menu = menuBar()->addMenu(title); for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) { menuCount++; QString s = "Menu item " + QString::number(menuCount); if (i == 3) { QMenu *subMenu = menu->addMenu(s); for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) subMenu->addAction(QString::fromLatin1("SubMenu item %1.%2").arg(menuCount).arg(j)); } else { menu->addAction(s); } } return menu; } void MainWindow::maskActionToggled(bool t) { if (t) { QVector upperLeftTriangle; upperLeftTriangle << QPoint(0, 0) << QPoint(width(), 0) << QPoint(0, height()); setMask(QRegion(QPolygon(upperLeftTriangle))); } else { clearMask(); } } class StandardIcons : public QWidget { public: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override { int x = 10; int y = 10; int dx = 50; int dy = 50; int maxX = 500; for (uint iconIndex = QStyle::SP_TitleBarMenuButton; iconIndex < QStyle::SP_MediaVolumeMuted; ++iconIndex) { QIcon icon = qApp->style()->standardIcon(QStyle::StandardPixmap(iconIndex)); QPainter p(this); p.drawPixmap(x, y, icon.pixmap(dx - 5, dy - 5)); if (x + dx > maxX) y+=dy; x = ((x + dx) % maxX); } } }; class Caching : public QWidget { public: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override { QSize layoutSize(75, 75); QPainter widgetPainter(this); widgetPainter.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), this->size()), Qt::gray); { const qreal devicePixelRatio = this->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio(); QPixmap cache(layoutSize * devicePixelRatio); cache.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio); QPainter cachedPainter(&cache); cachedPainter.fillRect(QRect(0,0, 75, 75), Qt::blue); cachedPainter.fillRect(QRect(10,10, 55, 55), Qt::red); cachedPainter.drawEllipse(QRect(10,10, 55, 55)); QPainter widgetPainter(this); widgetPainter.drawPixmap(QPoint(10, 10), cache); } { const qreal devicePixelRatio = this->windowHandle()->devicePixelRatio(); QImage cache = QImage(layoutSize * devicePixelRatio, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); cache.setDevicePixelRatio(devicePixelRatio); QPainter cachedPainter(&cache); cachedPainter.fillRect(QRect(0,0, 75, 75), Qt::blue); cachedPainter.fillRect(QRect(10,10, 55, 55), Qt::red); cachedPainter.drawEllipse(QRect(10,10, 55, 55)); QPainter widgetPainter(this); widgetPainter.drawImage(QPoint(95, 10), cache); } } }; class Style : public QWidget { public: Style() { row1 = new QHBoxLayout(this); button = new QPushButton(); button->setText("Test Button"); row1->addWidget(button); lineEdit = new QLineEdit(); lineEdit->setText("Test Lineedit"); row1->addWidget(lineEdit); slider = new QSlider(); row1->addWidget(slider); row1->addWidget(new QSpinBox); row1->addWidget(new QScrollBar); auto tab = new QTabBar(); tab->addTab("Foo"); tab->addTab("Bar"); row1->addWidget(tab); } private: QPushButton *button; QLineEdit *lineEdit; QSlider *slider; QHBoxLayout *row1; }; class Fonts : public QWidget { public: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override { QPainter painter(this); // Points int y = 10; for (int fontSize = 6; fontSize < 18; fontSize += 2) { QFont font; font.setPointSize(fontSize); QString string = QString(QStringLiteral("This text is in point size %1")).arg(fontSize); painter.setFont(font); y += (painter.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()); painter.drawText(10, y, string); } // Pixels y += painter.fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); for (int fontSize = 6; fontSize < 18; fontSize += 2) { QFont font; font.setPixelSize(fontSize); QString string = QString(QStringLiteral("This text is in pixel size %1")).arg(fontSize); painter.setFont(font); y += (painter.fontMetrics().lineSpacing()); painter.drawText(10, y, string); } } }; template void apiTestdevicePixelRatioGetter() { if (0) { T *t = nullptr; t->devicePixelRatio(); } } template void apiTestdevicePixelRatioSetter() { if (0) { T *t = nullptr; t->setDevicePixelRatio(2.0); } } void apiTest() { // compile call to devicePixelRatio getter and setter (verify spelling) apiTestdevicePixelRatioGetter(); apiTestdevicePixelRatioGetter(); apiTestdevicePixelRatioGetter(); apiTestdevicePixelRatioGetter(); apiTestdevicePixelRatioSetter(); apiTestdevicePixelRatioGetter(); apiTestdevicePixelRatioSetter(); } // Request and draw an icon at different sizes class IconDrawing : public QWidget { public: IconDrawing() { const QString tempPath = m_temporaryDir.path(); const QString path32 = tempPath + "/qticon32.png"; const QString path32_2 = tempPath + "/qticon32-2.png"; const QString path32_2x = tempPath + "/qticon32@2x.png"; QFile::copy(":/qticon32.png", path32_2); QFile::copy(":/qticon32.png", path32); QFile::copy(":/qticon32@2x.png", path32_2x); iconHighDPI.reset(new QIcon(path32)); // will auto-load @2x version. iconNormalDpi.reset(new QIcon(path32_2)); // does not have a 2x version. } void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override { int x = 10; int y = 10; int dx = 50; int dy = 50; int maxX = 600; int minSize = 5; int maxSize = 64; int sizeIncrement = 5; // Disable high-dpi icons QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, false); // normal icon for (int size = minSize; size < maxSize; size += sizeIncrement) { QPainter p(this); p.drawPixmap(x, y, iconNormalDpi->pixmap(size, size)); if (x + dx > maxX) y+=dy; x = ((x + dx) % maxX); } x = 10; y+=dy; // high-dpi icon for (int size = minSize; size < maxSize; size += sizeIncrement) { QPainter p(this); p.drawPixmap(x, y, iconHighDPI->pixmap(size, size)); if (x + dx > maxX) y+=dy; x = ((x + dx) % maxX); } x = 10; y+=dy; // Enable high-dpi icons QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps, true); // normal icon for (int size = minSize; size < maxSize; size += sizeIncrement) { QPainter p(this); p.drawPixmap(x, y, iconNormalDpi->pixmap(size, size)); if (x + dx > maxX) y+=dy; x = ((x + dx) % maxX); } x = 10; y+=dy; // high-dpi icon (draw point) for (int size = minSize; size < maxSize; size += sizeIncrement) { QPainter p(this); p.drawPixmap(x, y, iconHighDPI->pixmap(size, size)); if (x + dx > maxX) y+=dy; x = ((x + dx) % maxX); } x = 10; y+=dy; } private: QTemporaryDir m_temporaryDir; QScopedPointer iconHighDPI; QScopedPointer iconNormalDpi; }; // Icons on buttons class Buttons : public QWidget { public: Buttons() { QIcon icon; icon.addFile(":/qticon16@2x.png"); QPushButton *button = new QPushButton(this); button->setIcon(icon); button->setText("16@2x"); QTabBar *tab = new QTabBar(this); tab->addTab(QIcon(":/qticon16.png"), "16@1x"); tab->addTab(QIcon(":/qticon16@2x.png"), "16@2x"); tab->addTab(QIcon(":/qticon16.png"), ""); tab->addTab(QIcon(":/qticon16@2x.png"), ""); tab->move(10, 100); tab->show(); auto toolBar = new QToolBar(this); toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/qticon16.png"), "16"); toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/qticon16@2x.png"), "16@2x"); toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/qticon32.png"), "32"); toolBar->addAction(QIcon(":/qticon32@2x.png"), "32@2x"); toolBar->move(10, 200); toolBar->show(); } }; class LinePainter : public QWidget { public: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; private: QPoint lastMousePoint; QVector linePoints; }; void LinePainter::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); p.fillRect(QRect(QPoint(0, 0), size()), QBrush(Qt::gray)); // Default antialiased line p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); p.drawLines(linePoints); // Cosmetic 1 antialiased line QPen pen; pen.setCosmetic(true); pen.setWidth(1); p.setPen(pen); p.translate(3, 3); p.drawLines(linePoints); // Aliased cosmetic 1 line p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); p.translate(3, 3); p.drawLines(linePoints); } void LinePainter::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { lastMousePoint = event->pos(); } void LinePainter::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) { lastMousePoint = QPoint(); } void LinePainter::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (lastMousePoint.isNull()) return; QPoint newMousePoint = event->pos(); if (lastMousePoint == newMousePoint) return; linePoints.append(lastMousePoint); linePoints.append(newMousePoint); lastMousePoint = newMousePoint; update(); } class CursorTester : public QWidget { public: CursorTester() = default; inline QRect getRect(int idx) const { int h = height() / 2; return QRect(10, 10 + h * (idx - 1), width() - 20, h - 20); } void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override { QPainter p(this); QRect r1 = getRect(1); QRect r2 = getRect(2); p.fillRect(r1, QColor(200, 200, 250)); p.drawText(r1, "Drag from here to move a window based on QCursor::pos()"); p.fillRect(r2, QColor(250, 200, 200)); p.drawText(r2, "Drag from here to move a window based on mouse event position"); if (moving) { p.setPen(Qt::darkGray); QFont f = font(); f.setPointSize(8); p.setFont(f); p.drawEllipse(mousePos, 30,60); QPoint pt = mousePos - QPoint(0, 60); QPoint pt2 = pt - QPoint(30,10); QPoint offs(30, 0); p.drawLine(pt, pt2); p.drawLine(pt2 - offs, pt2 + offs); p.drawText(pt2 - offs, "mouse pos"); p.setPen(QColor(50,130,70)); QPoint cursorPos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); pt = cursorPos - QPoint(0, 30); pt2 = pt + QPoint(60, -20); p.drawEllipse(cursorPos, 60, 30); p.drawLine(pt, pt2); p.drawLine(pt2 - offs, pt2 + offs); p.drawText(pt2 - offs, "cursor pos"); } } void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override { if (moving) return; QRect r1 = getRect(1); QRect r2 = getRect(2); moving = r1.contains(e->pos()) || r2.contains(e->pos()); if (!moving) return; useCursorPos = r1.contains(e->pos()); if (!moveLabel) moveLabel = new QLabel(this,Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint|Qt::FramelessWindowHint|Qt::Window ); if (useCursorPos) moveLabel->setText("I'm following QCursor::pos()"); else moveLabel->setText("I'm following QMouseEvent::globalPos()"); moveLabel->adjustSize(); mouseMoveEvent(e); moveLabel->show(); } void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) override { if (moveLabel) moveLabel->hide(); update(); moving = false; } void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override { if (!moving) return; QPoint pos = useCursorPos ? QCursor::pos() : e->globalPos(); pos -= moveLabel->rect().center(); moveLabel->move(pos); mousePos = e->pos(); update(); } private: QLabel *moveLabel = nullptr; QPoint mousePos; bool useCursorPos = false; bool moving = false; }; class ScreenDisplayer : public QWidget { public: ScreenDisplayer() = default; void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) override { update(); } void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) override { if (!moveLabel) moveLabel = new QLabel(this,Qt::BypassWindowManagerHint|Qt::FramelessWindowHint|Qt::Window ); moveLabel->setText("Hello, Qt this is a label\nwith some text"); moveLabel->show(); } void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override { if (!moveLabel) return; moveLabel->move(e->pos() / scaleFactor); QString str; QDebug dbg(&str); dbg.setAutoInsertSpaces(false); dbg << moveLabel->geometry(); moveLabel->setText(str); } void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) override { if (moveLabel) moveLabel->hide(); } void showEvent(QShowEvent *) override { refreshTimer.start(300, this); } void hideEvent(QHideEvent *) override { refreshTimer.stop(); } void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) override { QPainter p(this); QRectF total; const auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); for (const QScreen *screen : screens) total |= screen->geometry(); if (total.isEmpty()) return; scaleFactor = qMin(width()/total.width(), height()/total.height()); p.fillRect(rect(), Qt::black); p.scale(scaleFactor, scaleFactor); p.translate(-total.topLeft()); p.setPen(QPen(Qt::white, 10)); p.setBrush(Qt::gray); for (const QScreen *screen : screens) { p.drawRect(screen->geometry()); QFont f = font(); f.setPixelSize(screen->geometry().height() / 8); p.setFont(f); p.drawText(screen->geometry(), Qt::AlignCenter, screen->name()); } p.setBrush(QColor(200,220,255,127)); const auto topLevels = QApplication::topLevelWidgets(); for (QWidget *widget : topLevels) { if (!widget->isHidden()) p.drawRect(widget->geometry()); } QPolygon cursorShape; cursorShape << QPoint(0,0) << QPoint(20, 60) << QPoint(30, 50) << QPoint(60, 80) << QPoint(80, 60) << QPoint(50, 30) << QPoint(60, 20); cursorShape.translate(QCursor::pos()); p.drawPolygon(cursorShape); } private: QLabel *moveLabel = nullptr; qreal scaleFactor = 1; QBasicTimer refreshTimer; }; class PhysicalSizeTest : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: PhysicalSizeTest() = default; void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) override { qreal ppi = window()->windowHandle()->screen()->physicalDotsPerInchX(); QSizeF s = size(); if (!m_ignoreResize) m_physicalSize = s / ppi; } bool event(QEvent *event) override { if (event->type() == QEvent::ScreenChangeInternal) { // we will get resize events when the scale factor changes m_ignoreResize = true; QTimer::singleShot(100, this, &PhysicalSizeTest::handleScreenChange); } return QWidget::event(event); } public slots: void handleScreenChange() { qreal ppi = window()->windowHandle()->screen()->physicalDotsPerInchX(); QSizeF newSize = m_physicalSize * ppi; resize(newSize.toSize()); m_ignoreResize = false; } private: QSizeF m_physicalSize; bool m_ignoreResize = false; }; void PhysicalSizeTest::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter p(this); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing); qreal ppi = window()->windowHandle()->screen()->physicalDotsPerInchX(); qreal ppmm = ppi / 25.4; qreal h = 15 * ppmm; QRectF rulerRect(0,0, width(), h); rulerRect.moveCenter(rect().center()); QFont f = font(); f.setPixelSize(18); p.setFont(f); // draw a rectangle in (Qt) pixel coordinates, for comparison QRect pixelRect(0, 0, 300, 50); pixelRect.moveTopLeft(QPoint(5 * ppmm, rulerRect.bottom() + 5 * ppmm)); p.fillRect(pixelRect, QColor(199,222,255)); p.drawText(pixelRect, "This rectangle is 300x50 pixels"); f.setPixelSize(4 * ppmm); p.setFont(f); QRectF topRect(0, 0, width(), rulerRect.top()); p.drawText(topRect, Qt::AlignCenter, "The ruler is drawn in physical units.\nThis window tries to keep its physical size\nwhen moved between screens."); // draw a ruler in real physical coordinates p.fillRect(rulerRect, QColor(255, 222, 111)); QPen linePen(Qt::black, 0.3 * ppmm); p.setPen(linePen); f.setBold(true); p.setFont(f); qreal vCenter = rulerRect.center().y(); p.drawLine(0, vCenter, width(), vCenter); // cm for (int i = 0;;) { i++; qreal x = i * ppmm; if (x > width()) break; qreal y = rulerRect.bottom(); qreal len; if (i % 5) len = 2 * ppmm; else if (i % 10) len = 3 * ppmm; else len = h / 2; p.drawLine(QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x, y - len)); if (i % 10 == 5) { QRectF textR(0, 0, 5 * ppmm, h / 2 - 2 * ppmm); textR.moveTopLeft(QPointF(x, vCenter)); int n = i / 10 + 1; if (n % 10 == 0) p.setPen(Qt::red); p.drawText(textR, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(n)); p.setPen(linePen); } } //inches for (int i = 0;;) { i++; qreal x = i * ppi / 16; if (x > width()) break; qreal y = rulerRect.top(); qreal d = h / 10; qreal len; if (i % 2) len = 1 * d; else if (i % 4) len = 2 * d; else if (i % 8) len = 3 * d; else if (i % 16) len = 4 * d; else len = h / 2; p.drawLine(QPointF(x, y), QPointF(x, y + len)); if (i % 16 == 12) { QRectF textR(0, 0, 0.25 * ppi, h / 2 - 2 * d); textR.moveBottomLeft(QPointF(x, vCenter)); p.drawText(textR, Qt::AlignCenter, QString::number(1 + i/16)); } } } class GraphicsViewCaching : public QGraphicsView { public: GraphicsViewCaching() { auto scene = new QGraphicsScene(0, 0, 400, 400); QGraphicsTextItem *item = scene->addText("NoCache"); item->setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::NoCache); item->setPos(10, 10); item = scene->addText("ItemCoordinateCache"); item->setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::ItemCoordinateCache); item->setPos(10, 30); item = scene->addText("DeviceCoordinateCache"); item->setCacheMode(QGraphicsItem::DeviceCoordinateCache); item->setPos(10, 50); setScene(scene); } }; class MetricsTest : public QWidget { QPlainTextEdit *m_textEdit; public: MetricsTest() { qDebug() << R"( MetricsTest Relevant environment variables are: QT_FONT_DPI=N QT_SCALE_FACTOR=n QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING=0|1 QT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI=0|1 QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=N;N;N or QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS=name:N QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY=Round|Ceil|Floor|RoundPreferFloor|PassThrough QT_DPI_ADJUSTMENT_POLICY=AdjustDpi|DontAdjustDpi|AdjustUpOnly)"; resize(480, 360); auto layout = new QVBoxLayout(this); m_textEdit = new QPlainTextEdit; m_textEdit->setReadOnly(true); layout->addWidget(m_textEdit); } void updateMetrics() { QString text; QTextStream str(&text); auto currentScreen = windowHandle()->screen(); const auto screens = QGuiApplication::screens(); for (int i = 0, size = screens.size(); i < size; ++i) { auto screen = screens.at(i); auto platformScreen = screen->handle(); str << "Screen #" << i << " \"" << screen->name() << '"'; if (screen == currentScreen) str << " [current]"; if (screen == QGuiApplication::primaryScreen()) str << " [primary]"; str << "\n screen geometry: " << screen->geometry() << "\n platform screen geometry: " << platformScreen->geometry() << "\n platform screen logicalDpi: " << platformScreen->logicalDpi().first; #ifdef HAVE_SCREEN_BASE_DPI str << "\n platform screen logicalBaseDpi: " << platformScreen->logicalBaseDpi().first; #endif str << "\n platform screen devicePixelRatio: " <devicePixelRatio() << "\n platform screen physicalDpi: " << screen->physicalDotsPerInch() << "\n\n"; } str << "widget devicePixelRatio: " << this->devicePixelRatioF() << "\nwidget logicalDpi: " << this->logicalDpiX() << "\n\nQT_FONT_DPI: " << qgetenv("QT_FONT_DPI") << "\nQT_SCALE_FACTOR: " << qgetenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR") << "\nQT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING: " << qgetenv("QT_ENABLE_HIGHDPI_SCALING") << "\nQT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS: " << qgetenv("QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS") << "\nQT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI: " << qgetenv("QT_USE_PHYSICAL_DPI") << "\nQT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY: " << qgetenv("QT_SCALE_FACTOR_ROUNDING_POLICY") << "\nQT_DPI_ADJUSTMENT_POLICY: " << qgetenv("QT_DPI_ADJUSTMENT_POLICY") << '\n'; m_textEdit->setPlainText(text); } void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *ev) override { // We get a paint event on screen change, so this is a convenient place // to update the metrics, at the possible risk of doing something else // than painting in a paint event. updateMetrics(); QWidget::paintEvent(ev); } }; int main(int argc, char **argv) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QCoreApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps); QCoreApplication::setApplicationVersion(QT_VERSION_STR); QCommandLineParser parser; parser.setApplicationDescription("High DPI tester. Pass one or more of the options to\n" "test various high-dpi aspects. \n" "--interactive is a special option and opens a configuration" " window."); parser.addHelpOption(); parser.addVersionOption(); QCommandLineOption controllerOption("interactive", "Show configuration window."); parser.addOption(controllerOption); DemoContainerList demoList; demoList << new DemoContainer("pixmap", "Test pixmap painter"); demoList << new DemoContainer("tiledpixmap", "Test tiled pixmap painter"); demoList << new DemoContainer("label", "Test Labels"); demoList << new DemoContainer("mainwindow", "Test QMainWindow"); demoList << new DemoContainer("standard-icons", "Test standard icons"); demoList << new DemoContainer("caching", "Test caching"); demoList << new DemoContainer