#!/usr/bin/env python
## Copyright (C) 2012 Digia Plc and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
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## This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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## Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
## accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
## Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
## a written agreement between you and Digia. For licensing terms and
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## use the contact form at http://qt.digia.com/contact-us.
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## General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
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## GNU General Public License Usage
## Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU
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import os
import sys
import enumdata
import xpathlite
from xpathlite import DraftResolution
from dateconverter import convert_date
import re
findAlias = xpathlite.findAlias
findEntry = xpathlite.findEntry
findEntryInFile = xpathlite._findEntryInFile
findTagsInFile = xpathlite.findTagsInFile
def parse_number_format(patterns, data):
# this is a very limited parsing of the number format for currency only.
def skip_repeating_pattern(x):
p = x.replace('0', '#').replace(',', '').replace('.', '')
seen = False
result = ''
for c in p:
if c == '#':
if seen:
seen = True
seen = False
result = result + c
return result
patterns = patterns.split(';')
result = []
for pattern in patterns:
pattern = skip_repeating_pattern(pattern)
pattern = pattern.replace('#', "%1")
# according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Number_Format_Patterns
# there can be doubled or trippled currency sign, however none of the
# locales use that.
pattern = pattern.replace(u'\xa4', "%2")
pattern = pattern.replace("''", "###").replace("'", '').replace("###", "'")
pattern = pattern.replace('-', data['minus'])
pattern = pattern.replace('+', data['plus'])
return result
def parse_list_pattern_part_format(pattern):
# this is a very limited parsing of the format for list pattern part only.
result = ""
result = pattern.replace("{0}", "%1")
result = result.replace("{1}", "%2")
result = result.replace("{2}", "%3")
return result
def ordStr(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return "##########"
# the following functions are supposed to fix the problem with QLocale
# returning a character instead of strings for QLocale::exponential()
# and others. So we fallback to default values in these cases.
def fixOrdStrExp(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('e'))
def fixOrdStrPercent(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord('%'))
def fixOrdStrList(c):
if len(c) == 1:
return str(ord(c))
return str(ord(';'))
def generateLocaleInfo(path):
(dir_name, file_name) = os.path.split(path)
if not path.endswith(".xml"):
return {}
# skip legacy/compatibility ones
alias = findAlias(path)
if alias:
raise xpathlite.Error("alias to \"%s\"" % alias)
language_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/language", attribute="type")[0]
if language_code == 'root':
# just skip it
return {}
country_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/territory", attribute="type")[0]
script_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/script", attribute="type")[0]
variant_code = findEntryInFile(path, "identity/variant", attribute="type")[0]
# we do not support variants
# ### actually there is only one locale with variant: en_US_POSIX
# does anybody care about it at all?
if variant_code:
raise xpathlite.Error("we do not support variants (\"%s\")" % variant_code)
language_id = enumdata.languageCodeToId(language_code)
if language_id <= 0:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown language code \"%s\"" % language_code)
language = enumdata.language_list[language_id][0]
script_id = enumdata.scriptCodeToId(script_code)
if script_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown script code \"%s\"" % script_code)
script = enumdata.script_list[script_id][0]
# we should handle fully qualified names with the territory
if not country_code:
return {}
country_id = enumdata.countryCodeToId(country_code)
if country_id <= 0:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown country code \"%s\"" % country_code)
country = enumdata.country_list[country_id][0]
# So we say we accept only those values that have "contributed" or
# "approved" resolution. see http://www.unicode.org/cldr/process.html
# But we only respect the resolution for new datas for backward
# compatibility.
draft = DraftResolution.contributed
result = {}
result['language'] = language
result['script'] = script
result['country'] = country
result['language_code'] = language_code
result['country_code'] = country_code
result['script_code'] = script_code
result['variant_code'] = variant_code
result['language_id'] = language_id
result['script_id'] = script_id
result['country_id'] = country_id
supplementalPath = dir_name + "/../supplemental/supplementalData.xml"
currencies = findTagsInFile(supplementalPath, "currencyData/region[iso3166=%s]"%country_code);
result['currencyIsoCode'] = ''
result['currencyDigits'] = 2
result['currencyRounding'] = 1
if currencies:
for e in currencies:
if e[0] == 'currency':
tender = True
t = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'tender', e[1])
if t and t[0][1] == 'false':
tender = False;
if tender and not filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'to', e[1]):
result['currencyIsoCode'] = filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'iso4217', e[1])[0][1]
if result['currencyIsoCode']:
t = findTagsInFile(supplementalPath, "currencyData/fractions/info[iso4217=%s]"%result['currencyIsoCode']);
if t and t[0][0] == 'info':
result['currencyDigits'] = int(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'digits', t[0][1])[0][1])
result['currencyRounding'] = int(filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'rounding', t[0][1])[0][1])
numbering_system = None
numbering_system = findEntry(path, "numbers/defaultNumberingSystem")
def findEntryDef(path, xpath, value=''):
return findEntry(path, xpath)
except xpathlite.Error:
return value
def get_number_in_system(path, xpath, numbering_system):
if numbering_system:
return findEntry(path, xpath + "[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]")
except xpathlite.Error:
# in CLDR 1.9 number system was refactored for numbers (but not for currency)
# so if previous findEntry doesn't work we should try this:
return findEntry(path, xpath.replace("/symbols/", "/symbols[numberSystem=" + numbering_system + "]/"))
except xpathlite.Error:
# fallback to default
return findEntry(path, xpath)
result['decimal'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/decimal", numbering_system)
result['group'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/group", numbering_system)
result['list'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/list", numbering_system)
result['percent'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/percentSign", numbering_system)
numbering_systems = {}
for ns in findTagsInFile(cldr_dir + "/../supplemental/numberingSystems.xml", "numberingSystems"):
tmp = {}
id = ""
for data in ns[1:][0]: # ns looks like this: [u'numberingSystem', [(u'digits', u'0123456789'), (u'type', u'numeric'), (u'id', u'latn')]]
tmp[data[0]] = data[1]
if data[0] == u"id":
id = data[1]
numbering_systems[id] = tmp
result['zero'] = numbering_systems[numbering_system][u"digits"][0]
except e:
sys.stderr.write("Native zero detection problem:\n" + str(e) + "\n")
result['zero'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/nativeZeroDigit", numbering_system)
result['minus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/minusSign", numbering_system)
result['plus'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/plusSign", numbering_system)
result['exp'] = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/symbols/exponential", numbering_system).lower()
result['quotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationStart")
result['quotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/quotationEnd")
result['alternateQuotationStart'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationStart")
result['alternateQuotationEnd'] = findEntry(path, "delimiters/alternateQuotationEnd")
result['listPatternPartStart'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[start]"))
result['listPatternPartMiddle'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[middle]"))
result['listPatternPartEnd'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[end]"))
result['listPatternPartTwo'] = parse_list_pattern_part_format(findEntry(path, "listPatterns/listPattern/listPatternPart[2]"))
result['am'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[am]", draft)
result['pm'] = findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dayPeriods/dayPeriodContext[format]/dayPeriodWidth[wide]/dayPeriod[pm]", draft)
result['longDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[full]/dateFormat/pattern"))
result['shortDateFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/dateFormats/dateFormatLength[short]/dateFormat/pattern"))
result['longTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[full]/timeFormat/pattern"))
result['shortTimeFormat'] = convert_date(findEntry(path, "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/timeFormats/timeFormatLength[short]/timeFormat/pattern"))
endonym = None
if country_code and script_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code, country_code))
if not endonym and script_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, script_code))
if not endonym and country_code:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s_%s]" % (language_code, country_code))
if not endonym:
endonym = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/languages/language[type=%s]" % (language_code))
result['language_endonym'] = endonym
result['country_endonym'] = findEntryDef(path, "localeDisplayNames/territories/territory[type=%s]" % (country_code))
currency_format = get_number_in_system(path, "numbers/currencyFormats/currencyFormatLength/currencyFormat/pattern", numbering_system)
currency_format = parse_number_format(currency_format, result)
result['currencyFormat'] = currency_format[0]
result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = ''
if len(currency_format) > 1:
result['currencyNegativeFormat'] = currency_format[1]
result['currencySymbol'] = ''
result['currencyDisplayName'] = ''
if result['currencyIsoCode']:
result['currencySymbol'] = findEntryDef(path, "numbers/currencies/currency[%s]/symbol" % result['currencyIsoCode'])
display_name_path = "numbers/currencies/currency[%s]/displayName" % result['currencyIsoCode']
result['currencyDisplayName'] \
= findEntryDef(path, display_name_path) + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=zero]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=one]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=two]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=few]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=many]") + ";" \
+ findEntryDef(path, display_name_path + "[count=other]") + ";"
standalone_long_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[wide]/month"
result['standaloneLongMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
standalone_short_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[abbreviated]/month"
result['standaloneShortMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
standalone_narrow_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[stand-alone]/monthWidth[narrow]/month"
result['standaloneNarrowMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
long_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[wide]/month"
result['longMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
short_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[abbreviated]/month"
result['shortMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
narrow_month_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/months/monthContext[format]/monthWidth[narrow]/month"
result['narrowMonths'] \
= findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[1]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[2]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[3]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[4]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[5]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[6]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[7]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[8]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[9]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[10]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[11]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_month_path + "[12]") + ";"
long_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[wide]/day"
result['longDays'] \
= findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, long_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
short_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[abbreviated]/day"
result['shortDays'] \
= findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, short_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
narrow_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[format]/dayWidth[narrow]/day"
result['narrowDays'] \
= findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, narrow_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_long_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[wide]/day"
result['standaloneLongDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_long_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_short_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[abbreviated]/day"
result['standaloneShortDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_short_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
standalone_narrow_day_path = "dates/calendars/calendar[gregorian]/days/dayContext[stand-alone]/dayWidth[narrow]/day"
result['standaloneNarrowDays'] \
= findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[sun]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[mon]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[tue]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[wed]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[thu]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[fri]") + ";" \
+ findEntry(path, standalone_narrow_day_path + "[sat]") + ";"
return result
def addEscapes(s):
result = ''
for c in s:
n = ord(c)
if n < 128:
result += c
result += "\\x"
result += "%02x" % (n)
return result
def unicodeStr(s):
utf8 = s.encode('utf-8')
return "" + str(len(utf8)) + "" + addEscapes(utf8) + ""
def usage():
print "Usage: cldr2qlocalexml.py "
def integrateWeekData(filePath):
if not filePath.endswith(".xml"):
return {}
monFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunFirstDayIn = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/firstDay[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
monWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunWeekendStart = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendStart[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
monWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=mon]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
tueWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=tue]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
wedWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=wed]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
thuWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=thu]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
friWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=fri]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
satWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=sat]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
sunWeekendEnd = findEntryInFile(filePath, "weekData/weekendEnd[day=sun]", attribute="territories")[0].split(" ")
firstDayByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunFirstDayIn:
firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
weekendStartByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunWeekendStart:
weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
weekendEndByCountryCode = {}
for countryCode in monWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "mon"
for countryCode in tueWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "tue"
for countryCode in wedWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "wed"
for countryCode in thuWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "thu"
for countryCode in friWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "fri"
for countryCode in satWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sat"
for countryCode in sunWeekendEnd:
weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode] = "sun"
for (key,locale) in locale_database.iteritems():
countryCode = locale['country_code']
if countryCode in firstDayByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['firstDayOfWeek'] = firstDayByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['firstDayOfWeek'] = firstDayByCountryCode["001"]
if countryCode in weekendStartByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['weekendStart'] = weekendStartByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['weekendStart'] = weekendStartByCountryCode["001"]
if countryCode in weekendEndByCountryCode:
locale_database[key]['weekendEnd'] = weekendEndByCountryCode[countryCode]
locale_database[key]['weekendEnd'] = weekendEndByCountryCode["001"]
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
cldr_dir = sys.argv[1]
if not os.path.isdir(cldr_dir):
cldr_files = os.listdir(cldr_dir)
locale_database = {}
for file in cldr_files:
l = generateLocaleInfo(cldr_dir + "/" + file)
if not l:
sys.stderr.write("skipping file \"" + file + "\"\n")
except xpathlite.Error as e:
sys.stderr.write("skipping file \"%s\" (%s)\n" % (file, str(e)))
locale_database[(l['language_id'], l['script_id'], l['country_id'], l['variant_code'])] = l
locale_keys = locale_database.keys()
cldr_version = 'unknown'
ldml = open(cldr_dir+"/../dtd/ldml.dtd", "r")
for line in ldml:
if 'version cldrVersion CDATA #FIXED' in line:
cldr_version = line.split('"')[1]
print ""
print " " + cldr_version + ""
print " "
for id in enumdata.language_list:
l = enumdata.language_list[id]
print " "
print " " + l[0] + ""
print " " + str(id) + ""
print " " + l[1] + "
print " "
print " "
print " "
for id in enumdata.script_list:
l = enumdata.script_list[id]
print " "
print " "
print " "
for id in enumdata.country_list:
l = enumdata.country_list[id]
print " "
print " " + l[0] + ""
print " " + str(id) + ""
print " " + l[1] + "
print " "
print " "
def _parseLocale(l):
language = "AnyLanguage"
script = "AnyScript"
country = "AnyCountry"
if l == "und":
raise xpathlite.Error("we are treating unknown locale like C")
items = l.split("_")
language_code = items[0]
if language_code != "und":
language_id = enumdata.languageCodeToId(language_code)
if language_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown language code \"%s\"" % language_code)
language = enumdata.language_list[language_id][0]
if len(items) > 1:
script_code = items[1]
country_code = ""
if len(items) > 2:
country_code = items[2]
if len(script_code) == 4:
script_id = enumdata.scriptCodeToId(script_code)
if script_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown script code \"%s\"" % script_code)
script = enumdata.script_list[script_id][0]
country_code = script_code
if country_code:
country_id = enumdata.countryCodeToId(country_code)
if country_id == -1:
raise xpathlite.Error("unknown country code \"%s\"" % country_code)
country = enumdata.country_list[country_id][0]
return (language, script, country)
print " "
for ns in findTagsInFile(cldr_dir + "/../supplemental/likelySubtags.xml", "likelySubtags"):
tmp = {}
for data in ns[1:][0]: # ns looks like this: [u'likelySubtag', [(u'from', u'aa'), (u'to', u'aa_Latn_ET')]]
tmp[data[0]] = data[1]
(from_language, from_script, from_country) = _parseLocale(tmp[u"from"])
except xpathlite.Error as e:
sys.stderr.write("skipping likelySubtag \"%s\" -> \"%s\" (%s)\n" % (tmp[u"from"], tmp[u"to"], str(e)))
(to_language, to_script, to_country) = _parseLocale(tmp[u"to"])
except xpathlite.Error as e:
sys.stderr.write("skipping likelySubtag \"%s\" -> \"%s\" (%s)\n" % (tmp[u"from"], tmp[u"to"], str(e)))
# substitute according to http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/#Likely_Subtags
if to_country == "AnyCountry" and from_country != to_country:
to_country = from_country
if to_script == "AnyScript" and from_script != to_script:
to_script = from_script
print " "
print " "
print " " + from_language + ""
print " "
print " " + from_country + ""
print " "
print " "
print " " + to_language + ""
print " "
print " " + to_country + ""
print " "
print " "
print " "
print " "
print \
" \n\
%1, %2\n\
%1, %2\n\
%1, %2\n\
%1, %2\n\
EEEE, d MMMM yyyy\n\
d MMM yyyy\n\
HH:mm:ss z\n\
for key in locale_keys:
l = locale_database[key]
print " "
print " " + l['language'] + ""
print " " + l['language_endonym'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " "
print " " + l['country'] + ""
print " " + l['country_endonym'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['language_code'] + ""
print " " + l['script_code'] + ""
print " " + l['country_code'] + ""
print " " + ordStr(l['decimal']) + ""
print " " + ordStr(l['group']) + ""
print " " + fixOrdStrList(l['list']) + "
print " " + fixOrdStrPercent(l['percent']) + ""
print " " + ordStr(l['zero']) + ""
print " " + ordStr(l['minus']) + ""
print " " + ordStr(l['plus']) + ""
print " " + fixOrdStrExp(l['exp']) + ""
print " " + l['quotationStart'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['quotationEnd'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['alternateQuotationStart'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['alternateQuotationEnd'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['listPatternPartStart'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['listPatternPartMiddle'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['listPatternPartEnd'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['listPatternPartTwo'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['am'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['pm'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['firstDayOfWeek'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['weekendStart'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['weekendEnd'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['longDateFormat'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['shortDateFormat'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['longTimeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['shortTimeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['standaloneLongMonths'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " "+ l['standaloneShortMonths'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " "+ l['standaloneNarrowMonths'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['longMonths'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['shortMonths'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['narrowMonths'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['longDays'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['shortDays'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['narrowDays'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['standaloneLongDays'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['standaloneShortDays'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['standaloneNarrowDays'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['currencyIsoCode'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['currencySymbol'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['currencyDisplayName'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + str(l['currencyDigits']) + ""
print " " + str(l['currencyRounding']) + ""
print " " + l['currencyFormat'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " " + l['currencyNegativeFormat'].encode('utf-8') + ""
print " "
print " "
print ""