include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) function(qt_run_config_test_architecture) set(QT_BASE_CONFIGURE_TESTS_VARS_TO_EXPORT "" CACHE INTERNAL "Test variables that should be exported" FORCE) # Compile test to find the target architecture and sub-architectures. set(flags "") qt_get_platform_try_compile_vars(platform_try_compile_vars) list(APPEND flags ${platform_try_compile_vars}) try_compile( _arch_result "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.tests/arch" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.tests/arch" arch CMAKE_FLAGS ${flags} ) if (NOT _arch_result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to compile architecture detection file.") endif() set(_arch_file_suffix "${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX}") # With emscripten the application entry point is a .js file (to be run with node for example), # but the real "data" is in the .wasm file, so that's where we need to look for the ABI, etc. # information. if (EMSCRIPTEN) set(_arch_file_suffix ".wasm") endif() set(_arch_file "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/config.tests/arch/architecture_test${_arch_file_suffix}") if (NOT EXISTS "${_arch_file}") message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to find compiled architecture detection executable at ${_arch_file}.") endif() message(STATUS "Extracting architecture info from ${_arch_file}.") file(STRINGS "${_arch_file}" _arch_lines LENGTH_MINIMUM 16 LENGTH_MAXIMUM 1024 ENCODING UTF-8) foreach (_line ${_arch_lines}) string(LENGTH "${_line}" lineLength) string(FIND "${_line}" "==Qt=magic=Qt== Architecture:" _pos) if (_pos GREATER -1) math(EXPR _pos "${_pos}+29") string(SUBSTRING "${_line}" ${_pos} -1 _architecture) endif() string(FIND "${_line}" "==Qt=magic=Qt== Sub-architecture:" _pos) if (_pos GREATER -1 AND ${lineLength} GREATER 33) math(EXPR _pos "${_pos}+34") string(SUBSTRING "${_line}" ${_pos} -1 _sub_architecture) string(REPLACE " " ";" _sub_architecture "${_sub_architecture}") endif() string(FIND "${_line}" "==Qt=magic=Qt== Build-ABI:" _pos) if (_pos GREATER -1) math(EXPR _pos "${_pos}+26") string(SUBSTRING "${_line}" ${_pos} -1 _build_abi) endif() endforeach() if (NOT _architecture OR NOT _build_abi) message(FATAL_ERROR "Failed to extract architecture data from file.") endif() set(TEST_architecture 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Ran the architecture test") set(TEST_architecture_arch "${_architecture}" CACHE INTERNAL "Target machine architecture") list(APPEND QT_BASE_CONFIGURE_TESTS_VARS_TO_EXPORT TEST_architecture_arch) set(TEST_subarch 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Ran machine subArchitecture test") foreach(it ${_sub_architecture}) # Equivalent to qmake's QT_CPU_FEATURES.$arch. set(TEST_arch_${TEST_architecture_arch}_subarch_${it} 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Target sub architecture result") list(APPEND QT_BASE_CONFIGURE_TESTS_VARS_TO_EXPORT TEST_arch_${TEST_architecture_arch}_subarch_${it}) endforeach() set(TEST_buildAbi "${_build_abi}" CACHE INTERNAL "Target machine buildAbi") list(APPEND QT_BASE_CONFIGURE_TESTS_VARS_TO_EXPORT TEST_buildAbi) set(QT_BASE_CONFIGURE_TESTS_VARS_TO_EXPORT ${QT_BASE_CONFIGURE_TESTS_VARS_TO_EXPORT} CACHE INTERNAL "Test variables that should be exported") list(JOIN _sub_architecture " " subarch_summary) message(STATUS "Building for: ${QT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC} (${TEST_architecture_arch}, CPU features: ${subarch_summary})") endfunction() function(qt_run_config_test_posix_iconv) set(source "#include int main(int, char **) { iconv_t x = iconv_open(\"\", \"\"); char *inp; char *outp; size_t inbytes, outbytes; iconv(x, &inp, &inbytes, &outp, &outbytes); iconv_close(x); return 0; }") check_cxx_source_compiles("${source}" HAVE_POSIX_ICONV) if(NOT HAVE_POSIX_ICONV) set(_req_libraries "${CMAKE_REQUIRE_LIBRARIES}") set(CMAKE_REQUIRE_LIBRARIES "iconv") check_cxx_source_compiles("${source}" HAVE_POSIX_ICONV) set(CMAKE_REQUIRE_LIBRARIES "${_req_libraries}") if(HAVE_POSIX_ICONV) set(TEST_iconv_needlib 1 CACHE INTERNAL "Need to link against libiconv") endif() endif() set(TEST_posix_iconv "${HAVE_POSIX_ICONV}" CACHE INTERNAL "POSIX iconv") endfunction() function(qt_run_config_test_sun_iconv) set(source "#include int main(int, char **) { iconv_t x = iconv_open(\"\", \"\"); const char *inp; char *outp; size_t inbytes, outbytes; iconv(x, &inp, &inbytes, &outp, &outbytes); iconv_close(x); return 0; }") if(DARWIN) # as per !config.darwin in configure.json set(HAVE_SUN_ICONV OFF) else() check_cxx_source_compiles("${source}" HAVE_SUN_ICONV) endif() set(TEST_sun_iconv "${HAVE_SUN_ICONV}" CACHE INTERNAL "SUN libiconv") endfunction() function(qt_run_linker_version_script_support) file(WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/" "VERS_1 { global: sym; }; VERS_2 { global: sym; } VERS_1; ") if(DEFINED CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS_SAVE ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}) else() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "") endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS} "-Wl,--version-script=\"${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/\"") check_cxx_source_compiles("int main(void){return 0;}" HAVE_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT) if(DEFINED CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS_SAVE) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS_SAVE}) endif() file(REMOVE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/") # For some reason the linker command line written by the XCode generator, which is # subsequently executed by xcodebuild, ignores the linker flag, and thus the test # seemingly succeeds. Explicitly disable the version script test on darwin platforms. if(APPLE) set(HAVE_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT OFF) endif() set(TEST_ld_version_script "${HAVE_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT}" CACHE INTERNAL "linker version script support") endfunction() function(qt_run_qtbase_config_tests) qt_run_config_test_posix_iconv() add_library(Iconv INTERFACE) if(TEST_iconv_needlib) target_link_libraries(Iconv PUBLIC iconv) endif() if(NOT TEST_posix_iconv) qt_run_config_test_sun_iconv() endif() qt_run_config_test_architecture() qt_run_linker_version_script_support() endfunction() # The qmake build of android does not perform the right architecture tests and # forcefully disables sse4 on android x86. We have to mimic this behavior # for now if (CMAKE_ANDROID_ARCH_ABI STREQUAL x86) set(QT_FEATURE_sse4_1 OFF CACHE BOOL INTERNAL FORCE) set(QT_FEATURE_sse4_2 OFF CACHE BOOL INTERNAL FORCE) set(TEST_subarch_sse4_1 FALSE CACHE BOOL INTERNAL FORCE) set(TEST_subarch_sse4_2 FALSE CACHE BOOL INTERNAL FORCE) endif() qt_run_qtbase_config_tests()