Jason McDonald 5635823e17 Remove "All rights reserved" line from license headers.
As in the past, to avoid rewriting various autotests that contain
line-number information, an extra blank line has been inserted at the
end of the license text to ensure that this commit does not change the
total number of lines in the license header.

Change-Id: I311e001373776812699d6efc045b5f742890c689
Reviewed-by: Rohan McGovern <rohan.mcgovern@nokia.com>
2012-01-30 03:54:59 +01:00

2583 lines
98 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2012 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
** Contact: http://www.qt-project.org/
** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
** License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation and
** appearing in the file LICENSE.LGPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU Lesser
** General Public License version 2.1 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
** In addition, as a special exception, Nokia gives you certain additional
** rights. These rights are described in the Nokia Qt LGPL Exception
** version 1.1, included in the file LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package.
** GNU General Public License Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 as published by the Free Software Foundation
** and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this
** file. Please review the following information to ensure the GNU General
** Public License version 3.0 requirements will be met:
** http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
** Other Usage
** Alternatively, this file may be used in accordance with the terms and
** conditions contained in a signed written agreement between you and Nokia.
#include "paintcommands.h"
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qbitmap.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qtextlayout.h>
#include <qdebug.h>
#include <QStaticText>
#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
#include <qglpixelbuffer.h>
** everything to populate static tables
const char *PaintCommands::brushStyleTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::penStyleTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::fontWeightTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::fontHintingTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::clipOperationTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::spreadMethodTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::coordinateMethodTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::sizeModeTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::compositionModeTable[] = {
const char *PaintCommands::imageFormatTable[] = {
int PaintCommands::translateEnum(const char *table[], const QString &pattern, int limit)
QByteArray p = pattern.toLatin1().toLower();
for (int i=0; i<limit; ++i)
if (p == QByteArray::fromRawData(table[i], qstrlen(table[i])).toLower())
return i;
return -1;
QList<PaintCommands::PaintCommandInfos> PaintCommands::s_commandInfoTable = QList<PaintCommands::PaintCommandInfos>();
QList<QPair<QString,QStringList> > PaintCommands::s_enumsTable = QList<QPair<QString,QStringList> >();
QMultiHash<QString, int> PaintCommands::s_commandHash;
#define DECL_PAINTCOMMAND(identifier, method, regexp, syntax, sample) \
s_commandInfoTable << PaintCommandInfos(QLatin1String(identifier), &PaintCommands::method, QRegExp(regexp), \
QLatin1String(syntax), QLatin1String(sample) );
s_commandInfoTable << PaintCommandInfos(QLatin1String(title));
#define ADD_ENUMLIST(listCaption, cStrArray) { \
QStringList list; \
for (int i=0; i<int(sizeof(cStrArray)/sizeof(char*)); i++) \
list << cStrArray[i]; \
s_enumsTable << qMakePair(QString(listCaption), list); \
void PaintCommands::staticInit()
// check if already done
if (!s_commandInfoTable.isEmpty()) return;
// populate the command list
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("comment", command_comment,
"# this is some comments",
"# place your comments here");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("import", command_import,
"import <qrcFilename>",
"import \"myfile.qrc\"");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("begin_block", command_begin_block,
"begin_block <blockName>",
"begin_block blockName");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("end_block", command_end_block,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("repeat_block", command_repeat_block,
"repeat_block <blockName>",
"repeat_block blockName");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("textlayout_draw", command_textlayout_draw,
"textlayout_draw <text> <width>",
"textlayout_draw \"your text\" 1.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("abort", command_abort,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("noop", command_noop,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setBackgroundMode", command_setBgMode,
"setBackgroundMode <OpaqueMode|TransparentMode>",
"setBackgroundMode TransparentMode");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setBackground", command_setBackground,
"setBackground <color> [brush style enum]",
"setBackground black SolidPattern");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setOpacity", command_setOpacity,
"setOpacity <opacity>\n - opacity is in [0,1]",
"setOpacity 1.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_setFillRule", command_path_setFillRule,
"path_setFillRule <pathName> [Winding|OddEven]",
"path_setFillRule pathName Winding");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setBrush", command_setBrush,
"setBrush <pixmapFileName>\nsetBrush noBrush\nsetBrush <color> <brush style enum>",
"setBrush white SolidPattern");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setBrushOrigin", command_setBrushOrigin,
"setBrushOrigin <dx> <dy>",
"setBrushOrigin 0 0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("brushTranslate", command_brushTranslate,
"brushTranslate <tx> <ty>",
"brushTranslate 0.0 0.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("brushScale", command_brushScale,
"brushScale <kx> <ky>",
"brushScale 0.0 0.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("brushRotate", command_brushRotate,
"brushRotate <angle>\n - angle in degrees",
"brushRotate 0.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("brushShear", command_brushShear,
"brushShear <sx> <sy>",
"brushShear 0.0 0.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setCompositionMode", command_setCompositionMode,
"setCompositionMode <composition mode enum>",
"setCompositionMode SourceOver");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setFont", command_setFont,
"setFont <fontFace> [size] [font weight|font weight enum] [italic] [hinting enum]\n - font weight is an integer between 0 and 99",
"setFont \"times\" 12");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setPen", command_setPen,
"setPen <color>\nsetPen <pen style enum>\nsetPen brush",
"setPen black");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setPen", command_setPen2,
"setPen brush|<color> [width] [pen style enum] [FlatCap|SquareCap|RoundCap] [MiterJoin|BevelJoin|RoundJoin]",
"setPen black 1 FlatCap MiterJoin");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("pen_setDashOffset", command_pen_setDashOffset,
"pen_setDashOffset <offset>\n",
"pen_setDashOffset 1.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("pen_setDashPattern", command_pen_setDashPattern,
"pen_setDashPattern <[ <dash_1> <space_1> ... <dash_n> <space_n> ]>",
"pen_setDashPattern [ 2 1 4 1 3 3 ]");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("pen_setCosmetic", command_pen_setCosmetic,
"pen_setCosmetic <true|false>",
"pen_setCosmetic true");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setRenderHint", command_setRenderHint,
"setRenderHint <Antialiasing|SmoothPixmapTransform> <true|false>",
"setRenderHint Antialiasing true");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("clearRenderHint", command_clearRenderHint,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_appendStop", command_gradient_appendStop,
"gradient_appendStop <pos> <color>",
"gradient_appendStop 1.0 red");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_clearStops", command_gradient_clearStops,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_setConical", command_gradient_setConical,
"gradient_setConical <cx> <cy> <angle>\n - angle in degrees",
"gradient_setConical 5.0 5.0 45.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_setLinear", command_gradient_setLinear,
"gradient_setLinear <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>",
"gradient_setLinear 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_setRadial", command_gradient_setRadial,
"gradient_setRadial <cx> <cy> <rad> <fx> <fy>\n - C is the center\n - rad is the radius\n - F is the focal point",
"gradient_setRadial 1.0 1.0 45.0 2.0 2.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_setRadialExtended", command_gradient_setRadialExtended,
"gradient_setRadialExtended <cx> <cy> <rad> <fx> <fy> <frad>\n - C is the center\n - rad is the center radius\n - F is the focal point\n - frad is the focal radius",
"gradient_setRadialExtended 1.0 1.0 45.0 2.0 2.0 45.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_setLinearPen", command_gradient_setLinearPen,
"gradient_setLinearPen <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>",
"gradient_setLinearPen 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_setSpread", command_gradient_setSpread,
"gradient_setSpread <spread method enum>",
"gradient_setSpread PadSpread");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("gradient_setCoordinateMode", command_gradient_setCoordinateMode,
"gradient_setCoordinateMode <coordinate method enum>",
"gradient_setCoordinateMode ObjectBoundingMode");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawPoint", command_drawPoint,
"drawPoint <x> <y>",
"drawPoint 10.0 10.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawLine", command_drawLine,
"drawLine <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>",
"drawLine 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawRect", command_drawRect,
"drawRect <x> <y> <w> <h>",
"drawRect 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawRoundRect", command_drawRoundRect,
"drawRoundRect <x> <y> <w> <h> [rx] [ry]",
"drawRoundRect 10 10 20 20 3 3");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawRoundedRect", command_drawRoundedRect,
"drawRoundedRect <x> <y> <w> <h> <rx> <ry> [SizeMode enum]",
"drawRoundedRect 10 10 20 20 4 4 AbsoluteSize");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawArc", command_drawArc,
"drawArc <x> <y> <w> <h> <angleStart> <angleArc>\n - angles are expressed in 1/16th of degree",
"drawArc 10 10 20 20 0 5760");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawChord", command_drawChord,
"drawChord <x> <y> <w> <h> <angleStart> <angleArc>\n - angles are expressed in 1/16th of degree",
"drawChord 10 10 20 20 0 5760");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawEllipse", command_drawEllipse,
"drawEllipse <x> <y> <w> <h>",
"drawEllipse 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawPath", command_drawPath,
"drawPath <pathName>",
"drawPath mypath");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawPie", command_drawPie,
"drawPie <x> <y> <w> <h> <angleStart> <angleArc>\n - angles are expressed in 1/16th of degree",
"drawPie 10 10 20 20 0 5760");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawPixmap", command_drawPixmap,
"\\s+(-?[\\w.]*)\\s+(-?[\\w.]*)\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?" // target rect
"\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?$", // source rect
"drawPixmap <filename> <tx> <ty> <tw> <th> <sx> <sy> <sw> <sh>"
"\n- where t means target and s means source"
"\n- a width or height of -1 means maximum space",
"drawPixmap :/images/face.png 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawImage", command_drawImage,
"\\s+(-?[\\w.]*)\\s+(-?[\\w.]*)\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?" // target rect
"\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?\\s*(-?[\\w.]*)?$", // source rect
"drawImage <filename> <tx> <ty> <tw> <th> <sx> <sy> <sw> <sh>"
"\n- where t means target and s means source"
"\n- a width or height of -1 means maximum space",
"drawImage :/images/face.png 0 0 -1 -1 0 0 -1 -1");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawPolygon", command_drawPolygon,
"drawPolygon <[ <x1> <y1> ... <xn> <yn> ]> <Winding|OddEven>",
"drawPolygon [ 1 4 6 8 5 3 ] Winding");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawConvexPolygon", command_drawConvexPolygon,
"drawConvexPolygon <[ <x1> <y1> ... <xn> <yn> ]>",
"drawConvexPolygon [ 1 4 6 8 5 3 ]");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawPolyline", command_drawPolyline,
"drawPolyline <[ <x1> <y1> ... <xn> <yn> ]>",
"drawPolyline [ 1 4 6 8 5 3 ]");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawText", command_drawText,
"drawText <x> <y> <text>",
"drawText 10 10 \"my text\"");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawStaticText", command_drawStaticText,
"drawStaticText <x> <y> <text>",
"drawStaticText 10 10 \"my text\"");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("drawTiledPixmap", command_drawTiledPixmap,
"drawTiledPixmap <tile image filename> <tx> <ty> <tx> <ty> <sx> <sy>"
"\n - where t means tile"
"\n - and s is an offset in the tile",
"drawTiledPixmap :/images/alpha.png ");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_moveTo", command_path_moveTo,
"path_moveTo <pathName> <x> <y>",
"path_moveTo mypath 1.0 1.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_lineTo", command_path_lineTo,
"path_lineTo <pathName> <x> <y>",
"path_lineTo mypath 1.0 1.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_addEllipse", command_path_addEllipse,
"path_addEllipse <pathName> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>",
"path_addEllipse mypath 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_addPolygon", command_path_addPolygon,
"path_addPolygon <pathName> <[ <x1> <y1> ... <xn> <yn> ]>",
"path_addPolygon mypath [ 1 4 6 8 5 3 ]");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_addRect", command_path_addRect,
"path_addRect <pathName> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>",
"path_addRect mypath 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_addText", command_path_addText,
"path_addText <pathName> <x> <y> <text>",
"path_addText mypath 10.0 20.0 \"some text\"");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_arcTo", command_path_arcTo,
"path_arcTo <pathName> <x> <y> <w> <h> <angleStart> <angleArc>\n - angles are expressed in degrees",
"path_arcTo mypath 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 360.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_cubicTo", command_path_cubicTo,
"path_cubicTo <pathName> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3>",
"path_cubicTo mypath 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_closeSubpath", command_path_closeSubpath,
"path_closeSubpath <pathName>",
"path_closeSubpath mypath");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_createOutline", command_path_createOutline,
"path_createOutline <pathName> <newName>",
"path_createOutline mypath myoutline");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_debugPrint", command_path_debugPrint,
"path_debugPrint <pathName>",
"path_debugPrint mypath");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("region_addRect", command_region_addRect,
"region_addRect <regionName> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>",
"region_addRect myregion 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("region_addEllipse", command_region_addEllipse,
"region_addEllipse <regionName> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2>",
"region_addEllipse myregion 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("region_getClipRegion", command_region_getClipRegion,
"region_getClipRegion <regionName>",
"region_getClipRegion myregion");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setClipRegion", command_setClipRegion,
"setClipRegion <regionName> <clip operation enum>",
"setClipRegion myregion ReplaceClip");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("path_getClipPath", command_path_getClipPath,
"path_getClipPath <pathName>",
"path_getClipPath mypath");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setClipPath", command_setClipPath,
"setClipPath <pathName> <clip operation enum>",
"setClipPath mypath ReplaceClip");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setClipRect", command_setClipRect,
"setClipRect <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <clip operation enum>",
"setClipRect 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 ReplaceClip");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setClipping", command_setClipping,
"setClipping <true|false>",
"setClipping true");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("surface_begin", command_surface_begin,
"surface_begin <x> <y> <w> <h>",
"surface_begin 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("surface_end", command_surface_end,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("restore", command_restore,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("save", command_save,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("pixmap_load", command_pixmap_load,
"pixmap_load <image filename> <pixmapName>",
"pixmap_load :/images/face.png myPixmap");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("pixmap_setMask", command_pixmap_setMask,
"pixmap_setMask <pixmapName> <bitmap filename>",
"pixmap_setMask myPixmap :/images/bitmap.png");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("bitmap_load", command_bitmap_load,
"bitmap_load <bitmap filename> <bitmapName>\n - note that the image is stored as a pixmap",
"bitmap_load :/images/bitmap.png myBitmap");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("image_convertToFormat", command_image_convertToFormat,
"image_convertToFormat <sourceImageName> <destImageName> <image format enum>",
"image_convertToFormat myImage myNewImage Indexed8");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("image_load", command_image_load,
"image_load <filename> <imageName>",
"image_load :/images/face.png myImage");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("image_setColor", command_image_setColor,
"image_setColor <imageName> <index> <color>",
"image_setColor myImage 0 black");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("image_setColorCount", command_image_setColorCount,
"image_setColorCount <imageName> <nbColors>",
"image_setColorCount myImage 128");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("resetMatrix", command_resetMatrix,
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("setMatrix", command_setMatrix,
"setMatrix <m11> <m12> <m13> <m21> <m22> <m23> <m31> <m32> <m33>",
"setMatrix 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("translate", command_translate,
"translate <tx> <ty>",
"translate 10.0 10.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("rotate", command_rotate,
"rotate <angle>\n - with angle in degrees",
"rotate 30.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("rotate_x", command_rotate_x,
"rotate_x <angle>\n - with angle in degrees",
"rotate_x 30.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("rotate_y", command_rotate_y,
"rotate_y <angle>\n - with angle in degrees",
"rotate_y 30.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("scale", command_scale,
"scale <sx> <sy>",
"scale 2.0 1.0");
DECL_PAINTCOMMAND("mapQuadToQuad", command_mapQuadToQuad,
"mapQuadToQuad <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3> <x4> <y4> <x5> <y5> <x6> <y6> <x7> <y7> <x8> <y8>"
"\n - where vertices 1 to 4 defines the source quad and 5 to 8 the destination quad",
"mapQuadToQuad 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 -1.0");
// populate the command lookup hash
for (int i=0; i<s_commandInfoTable.size(); i++) {
if (s_commandInfoTable.at(i).isSectionHeader() ||
s_commandInfoTable.at(i).identifier == QLatin1String("comment") ||
s_commandInfoTable.at(i).identifier == QLatin1String("noop"))
s_commandHash.insert(s_commandInfoTable.at(i).identifier, i);
// populate the enums list
ADD_ENUMLIST("brush styles", brushStyleTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("pen styles", penStyleTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("font weights", fontWeightTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("font hintings", fontHintingTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("clip operations", clipOperationTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("spread methods", spreadMethodTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("composition modes", compositionModeTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("image formats", imageFormatTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("coordinate modes", coordinateMethodTable);
ADD_ENUMLIST("size modes", sizeModeTable);
** utility
template <typename T> T PaintCommands::image_load(const QString &filepath)
T t(filepath);
if (t.isNull())
t = T(":images/" + filepath);
if (t.isNull())
t = T("images/" + filepath);
if (t.isNull()) {
QFileInfo fi(filepath);
QDir dir = fi.absoluteDir();
QString fileName = QString("%1/%2").arg(dir.absolutePath()).arg(fi.fileName());
t = T(fileName);
if (t.isNull() && !fileName.endsWith(".png")) {
t = T(fileName);
return t;
** setters
void PaintCommands::insertAt(int commandIndex, const QStringList &newCommands)
int index = 0;
int left = newCommands.size();
while (left--)
m_commands.insert(++commandIndex, newCommands.at(index++));
** run
void PaintCommands::runCommand(const QString &scriptLine)
if (scriptLine.isEmpty()) {
if (scriptLine.startsWith('#')) {
QString firstWord = scriptLine.section(QRegExp("\\s"), 0, 0);
QList<int> indices = s_commandHash.values(firstWord);
foreach(int idx, indices) {
const PaintCommandInfos &command = s_commandInfoTable.at(idx);
if (command.regExp.indexIn(scriptLine) >= 0) {
qWarning("ERROR: unknown command or argument syntax error in \"%s\"", qPrintable(scriptLine));
void PaintCommands::runCommands()
int width = m_painter->window().width();
int height = m_painter->window().height();
if (width <= 0)
width = 800;
if (height <= 0)
height = 800;
// paint background
if (m_checkers_background) {
QPixmap pm(20, 20);
QPainter pt(&pm);
pt.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10, QColor::fromRgba(0xffdfdfdf));
pt.fillRect(10, 10, 10, 10, QColor::fromRgba(0xffdfdfdf));
m_painter->drawTiledPixmap(0, 0, width, height, pm);
} else {
m_painter->fillRect(0, 0, width, height, Qt::white);
// run each command
m_abort = false;
for (int i=0; i<m_commands.size() && !m_abort; ++i) {
const QString &commandNow = m_commands.at(i);
m_currentCommand = commandNow;
m_currentCommandIndex = i;
** conversions
int PaintCommands::convertToInt(const QString &str)
return qRound(convertToDouble(str));
float PaintCommands::convertToFloat(const QString &str)
return float(convertToDouble(str));
double PaintCommands::convertToDouble(const QString &str)
static QRegExp re("cp([0-9])([xy])");
if (str.toLower() == "width") {
if (m_painter->device()->devType() == Qt::Widget)
return m_painter->window().width();
return 800;
if (str.toLower() == "height") {
if (m_painter->device()->devType() == Qt::Widget)
return m_painter->window().height();
return 800;
if (re.indexIn(str) >= 0) {
int index = re.cap(1).toInt();
bool is_it_x = re.cap(2) == "x";
if (index < 0 || index >= m_controlPoints.size()) {
qWarning("ERROR: control point index=%d is out of bounds", index);
return 0;
return is_it_x ? m_controlPoints.at(index).x() : m_controlPoints.at(index).y();
return str.toDouble();
QColor PaintCommands::convertToColor(const QString &str)
static QRegExp alphaColor("#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})");
static QRegExp opaqueColor("#?([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})");
if (alphaColor.indexIn(str) >= 0) {
return QColor(alphaColor.cap(2).toInt(0, 16),
alphaColor.cap(3).toInt(0, 16),
alphaColor.cap(4).toInt(0, 16),
alphaColor.cap(1).toInt(0, 16));
} else if (opaqueColor.indexIn(str) >= 0) {
return QColor(opaqueColor.cap(1).toInt(0, 16),
opaqueColor.cap(2).toInt(0, 16),
opaqueColor.cap(3).toInt(0, 16));
return QColor(str);
** command implementations
void PaintCommands::command_comment(QRegExp)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) comment: %s\n", qPrintable(m_currentCommand));
void PaintCommands::command_import(QRegExp re)
QString importFile(re.cap(1));
QFileInfo fi(m_filepath);
QDir dir = fi.absoluteDir();
QFile *file = new QFile(dir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + importFile);
if (importFile.isEmpty() || !file->exists()) {
delete file;
file = new QFile(dir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + importFile);
if (importFile.isEmpty() || !file->exists()) {
delete file;
file = new QFile(dir.absolutePath() + QDir::separator() + importFile);
if (importFile.isEmpty() || !file->exists()) {
printf(" - importing non-existing file at line %d (%s)\n", m_currentCommandIndex,
delete file;
if (!file->open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
printf(" - failed to read file: '%s'\n", qPrintable(file->fileName()));
delete file;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) importing file at line %d (%s)\n", m_currentCommandIndex,
QFileInfo fileinfo(*file);
m_commands[m_currentCommandIndex] = QString("# import file (%1) start").arg(fileinfo.fileName());
QTextStream textFile(file);
QString rawContent = textFile.readAll();
QStringList importedData = rawContent.split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
importedData.append(QString("# import file (%1) end ---").arg(fileinfo.fileName()));
insertAt(m_currentCommandIndex, importedData);
if (m_verboseMode) {
printf(" -(lance) Command buffer now looks like:\n");
for (int i = 0; i < m_commands.count(); ++i)
printf(" ---> {%s}\n", qPrintable(m_commands.at(i)));
delete file;
void PaintCommands::command_begin_block(QRegExp re)
const QString &blockName = re.cap(1);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) begin_block (%s)\n", qPrintable(blockName));
m_commands[m_currentCommandIndex] = QString("# begin block (%1)").arg(blockName);
QStringList newBlock;
int i = m_currentCommandIndex + 1;
for (; i < m_commands.count(); ++i) {
const QString &nextCmd = m_commands.at(i);
if (nextCmd.startsWith("end_block")) {
m_commands[i] = QString("# end block (%1)").arg(blockName);
newBlock += nextCmd;
if (m_verboseMode)
for (int j = 0; j < newBlock.count(); ++j)
printf(" %d: %s\n", j, qPrintable(newBlock.at(j)));
if (i >= m_commands.count())
printf(" - Warning! Block doesn't have an 'end_block' marker!\n");
m_blockMap.insert(blockName, newBlock);
void PaintCommands::command_end_block(QRegExp)
printf(" - end_block should be consumed by begin_block command.\n");
printf(" You will never see this if your block markers are in sync\n");
printf(" (noop)\n");
void PaintCommands::command_repeat_block(QRegExp re)
QString blockName = re.cap(1);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) repeating block (%s)\n", qPrintable(blockName));
QStringList block = m_blockMap.value(blockName);
if (block.isEmpty()) {
printf(" - repeated block (%s) is empty!\n", qPrintable(blockName));
m_commands[m_currentCommandIndex] = QString("# repeated block (%1)").arg(blockName);
insertAt(m_currentCommandIndex, block);
void PaintCommands::command_drawLine(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double x1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double y1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double x2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double y2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawLine((%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f))\n", x1, y1, x2, y2);
m_painter->drawLine(QLineF(x1, y1, x2, y2));
void PaintCommands::command_drawPath(QRegExp re)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawPath(name=%s)\n", qPrintable(re.cap(1)));
QPainterPath &path = m_pathMap[re.cap(1)];
void PaintCommands::command_drawPixmap(QRegExp re)
QPixmap pm;
pm = m_pixmapMap[re.cap(1)]; // try cache first
if (pm.isNull())
pm = image_load<QPixmap>(re.cap(1));
if (pm.isNull()) {
QFileInfo fi(m_filepath);
QDir dir = fi.absoluteDir();
QString fileName = QString("%1/%2").arg(dir.absolutePath()).arg(re.cap(1));
pm = QPixmap(fileName);
if (pm.isNull() && !fileName.endsWith(".png")) {
pm = QPixmap(fileName);
if (pm.isNull()) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(drawPixmap): failed to load pixmap: '%s'\n",
qreal tx = convertToFloat(re.cap(2));
qreal ty = convertToFloat(re.cap(3));
qreal tw = convertToFloat(re.cap(4));
qreal th = convertToFloat(re.cap(5));
qreal sx = convertToFloat(re.cap(6));
qreal sy = convertToFloat(re.cap(7));
qreal sw = convertToFloat(re.cap(8));
qreal sh = convertToFloat(re.cap(9));
if (tw == 0) tw = -1;
if (th == 0) th = -1;
if (sw == 0) sw = -1;
if (sh == 0) sh = -1;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawPixmap('%s' dim=(%d, %d), depth=%d, (%f, %f, %f, %f), (%f, %f, %f, %f)\n",
qPrintable(re.cap(1)), pm.width(), pm.height(), pm.depth(),
tx, ty, tw, th, sx, sy, sw, sh);
m_painter->drawPixmap(QRectF(tx, ty, tw, th), pm, QRectF(sx, sy, sw, sh));
void PaintCommands::command_drawImage(QRegExp re)
QImage im;
im = m_imageMap[re.cap(1)]; // try cache first
if (im.isNull())
im = image_load<QImage>(re.cap(1));
if (im.isNull()) {
QFileInfo fi(m_filepath);
QDir dir = fi.absoluteDir();
QString fileName = QString("%1/%2").arg(dir.absolutePath()).arg(re.cap(1));
im = QImage(fileName);
if (im.isNull() && !fileName.endsWith(".png")) {
im = QImage(fileName);
if (im.isNull()) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(drawImage): failed to load image: '%s'\n", qPrintable(re.cap(1)));
qreal tx = convertToFloat(re.cap(2));
qreal ty = convertToFloat(re.cap(3));
qreal tw = convertToFloat(re.cap(4));
qreal th = convertToFloat(re.cap(5));
qreal sx = convertToFloat(re.cap(6));
qreal sy = convertToFloat(re.cap(7));
qreal sw = convertToFloat(re.cap(8));
qreal sh = convertToFloat(re.cap(9));
if (tw == 0) tw = -1;
if (th == 0) th = -1;
if (sw == 0) sw = -1;
if (sh == 0) sh = -1;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawImage('%s' dim=(%d, %d), (%f, %f, %f, %f), (%f, %f, %f, %f)\n",
qPrintable(re.cap(1)), im.width(), im.height(), tx, ty, tw, th, sx, sy, sw, sh);
m_painter->drawImage(QRectF(tx, ty, tw, th), im, QRectF(sx, sy, sw, sh), Qt::OrderedDither | Qt::OrderedAlphaDither);
void PaintCommands::command_drawTiledPixmap(QRegExp re)
QPixmap pm;
pm = m_pixmapMap[re.cap(1)]; // try cache first
if (pm.isNull())
pm = image_load<QPixmap>(re.cap(1));
if (pm.isNull()) {
QFileInfo fi(m_filepath);
QDir dir = fi.absoluteDir();
QString fileName = QString("%1/%2").arg(dir.absolutePath()).arg(re.cap(1));
pm = QPixmap(fileName);
if (pm.isNull() && !fileName.endsWith(".png")) {
pm = QPixmap(fileName);
if (pm.isNull()) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(drawTiledPixmap): failed to load pixmap: '%s'\n",
int tx = convertToInt(re.cap(2));
int ty = convertToInt(re.cap(3));
int tw = convertToInt(re.cap(4));
int th = convertToInt(re.cap(5));
int sx = convertToInt(re.cap(6));
int sy = convertToInt(re.cap(7));
if (tw == 0) tw = -1;
if (th == 0) th = -1;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawTiledPixmap('%s' dim=(%d, %d), (%d, %d, %d, %d), (%d, %d)\n",
qPrintable(re.cap(1)), pm.width(), pm.height(), tx, ty, tw, th, sx, sy);
m_painter->drawTiledPixmap(tx, ty, tw, th, pm, sx, sy);
void PaintCommands::command_drawPoint(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
float x = convertToFloat(caps.at(1));
float y = convertToFloat(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawPoint(%.2f, %.2f)\n", x, y);
m_painter->drawPoint(QPointF(x, y));
void PaintCommands::command_drawPolygon(QRegExp re)
static QRegExp separators("\\s");
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString cap = caps.at(1);
QStringList numbers = cap.split(separators, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QPolygonF array;
for (int i=0; i + 1<numbers.size(); i+=2)
array.append(QPointF(convertToDouble(numbers.at(i)), convertToDouble(numbers.at(i+1))));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawPolygon(size=%d)\n", array.size());
m_painter->drawPolygon(array, caps.at(2).toLower() == "winding" ? Qt::WindingFill : Qt::OddEvenFill);
void PaintCommands::command_drawPolyline(QRegExp re)
static QRegExp separators("\\s");
QStringList numbers = re.cap(1).split(separators, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QPolygonF array;
for (int i=0; i + 1<numbers.size(); i+=2)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawPolyline(size=%d)\n", array.size());
void PaintCommands::command_drawRect(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
float x = convertToFloat(caps.at(1));
float y = convertToFloat(caps.at(2));
float w = convertToFloat(caps.at(3));
float h = convertToFloat(caps.at(4));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawRect(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", x, y, w, h);
m_painter->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
void PaintCommands::command_drawRoundedRect(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
float x = convertToFloat(caps.at(1));
float y = convertToFloat(caps.at(2));
float w = convertToFloat(caps.at(3));
float h = convertToFloat(caps.at(4));
float xr = convertToFloat(caps.at(5));
float yr = convertToFloat(caps.at(6));
int mode = translateEnum(sizeModeTable, caps.at(7), sizeof(sizeModeTable)/sizeof(char *));
if (mode < 0)
mode = Qt::AbsoluteSize;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawRoundRect(%f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %s)\n", x, y, w, h, xr, yr, mode ? "RelativeSize" : "AbsoluteSize");
m_painter->drawRoundedRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h), xr, yr, Qt::SizeMode(mode));
void PaintCommands::command_drawRoundRect(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(1));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int w = convertToInt(caps.at(3));
int h = convertToInt(caps.at(4));
int xs = caps.at(5).isEmpty() ? 50 : convertToInt(caps.at(5));
int ys = caps.at(6).isEmpty() ? 50 : convertToInt(caps.at(6));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawRoundRect(%d, %d, %d, %d, [%d, %d])\n", x, y, w, h, xs, ys);
m_painter->drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, xs, ys);
void PaintCommands::command_drawEllipse(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
float x = convertToFloat(caps.at(1));
float y = convertToFloat(caps.at(2));
float w = convertToFloat(caps.at(3));
float h = convertToFloat(caps.at(4));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawEllipse(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", x, y, w, h);
m_painter->drawEllipse(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
void PaintCommands::command_drawPie(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(1));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int w = convertToInt(caps.at(3));
int h = convertToInt(caps.at(4));
int angle = convertToInt(caps.at(5));
int sweep = convertToInt(caps.at(6));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawPie(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", x, y, w, h, angle, sweep);
m_painter->drawPie(x, y, w, h, angle, sweep);
void PaintCommands::command_drawChord(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(1));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int w = convertToInt(caps.at(3));
int h = convertToInt(caps.at(4));
int angle = convertToInt(caps.at(5));
int sweep = convertToInt(caps.at(6));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawChord(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", x, y, w, h, angle, sweep);
m_painter->drawChord(x, y, w, h, angle, sweep);
void PaintCommands::command_drawArc(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(1));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int w = convertToInt(caps.at(3));
int h = convertToInt(caps.at(4));
int angle = convertToInt(caps.at(5));
int sweep = convertToInt(caps.at(6));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawArc(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", x, y, w, h, angle, sweep);
m_painter->drawArc(x, y, w, h, angle, sweep);
void PaintCommands::command_drawText(QRegExp re)
if (!m_shouldDrawText)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(1));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
QString txt = caps.at(3);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawText(%d, %d, %s)\n", x, y, qPrintable(txt));
m_painter->drawText(x, y, txt);
void PaintCommands::command_drawStaticText(QRegExp re)
if (!m_shouldDrawText)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(1));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
QString txt = caps.at(3);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawStaticText(%d, %d, %s)\n", x, y, qPrintable(txt));
m_painter->drawStaticText(x, y, QStaticText(txt));
void PaintCommands::command_noop(QRegExp)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) noop: %s\n", qPrintable(m_currentCommand));
if (!m_currentCommand.trimmed().isEmpty()) {
fprintf(stderr, "unknown command: '%s'\n", qPrintable(m_currentCommand.trimmed()));
void PaintCommands::command_path_addText(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
double x = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double y = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
QString text = caps.at(4);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_addText(%s, %.2f, %.2f, text=%s\n", qPrintable(name), x, y, qPrintable(text));
m_pathMap[name].addText(x, y, m_painter->font(), text);
void PaintCommands::command_path_addEllipse(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
double x = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double y = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double w = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double h = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_addEllipse(%s, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", qPrintable(name), x, y, w, h);
m_pathMap[name].addEllipse(x, y, w, h);
void PaintCommands::command_path_addRect(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
double x = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double y = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double w = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double h = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_addRect(%s, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n", qPrintable(name), x, y, w, h);
m_pathMap[name].addRect(x, y, w, h);
void PaintCommands::command_path_addPolygon(QRegExp re)
static QRegExp separators("\\s");
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
QString cap = caps.at(2);
QStringList numbers = cap.split(separators, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QPolygonF array;
for (int i=0; i + 1<numbers.size(); i+=2)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_addPolygon(name=%s, size=%d)\n", qPrintable(name), array.size());
void PaintCommands::command_path_arcTo(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
double x = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double y = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double w = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double h = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
double angle = convertToDouble(caps.at(6));
double length = convertToDouble(caps.at(7));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_arcTo(%s, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, angle=%.2f, len=%.2f)\n", qPrintable(name), x, y, w, h, angle, length);
m_pathMap[name].arcTo(x, y, w, h, angle, length);
void PaintCommands::command_path_createOutline(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
QString newName = caps.at(2);
QPen pen = m_painter->pen();
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_createOutline(%s, name=%s, width=%d)\n",
qPrintable(name), qPrintable(newName), pen.width());
if (!m_pathMap.contains(name)) {
fprintf(stderr, "createOutline(), unknown path: %s\n", qPrintable(name));
QPainterPathStroker stroker;
m_pathMap[newName] = stroker.createStroke(m_pathMap[name]);
void PaintCommands::command_path_cubicTo(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
double x1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double y1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double x2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double y2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
double x3 = convertToDouble(caps.at(6));
double y3 = convertToDouble(caps.at(7));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_cubicTo(%s, (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f))\n", qPrintable(name), x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
m_pathMap[name].cubicTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
void PaintCommands::command_path_moveTo(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
double x1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double y1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_moveTo(%s, (%.2f, %.2f))\n", qPrintable(name), x1, y1);
m_pathMap[name].moveTo(x1, y1);
void PaintCommands::command_path_lineTo(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
double x1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double y1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_lineTo(%s, (%.2f, %.2f))\n", qPrintable(name), x1, y1);
m_pathMap[name].lineTo(x1, y1);
void PaintCommands::command_path_setFillRule(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
bool winding = caps.at(2).toLower() == "winding";
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_setFillRule(name=%s, winding=%d)\n", qPrintable(name), winding);
m_pathMap[name].setFillRule(winding ? Qt::WindingFill : Qt::OddEvenFill);
void PaintCommands::command_path_closeSubpath(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_closeSubpath(name=%s)\n", qPrintable(name));
void PaintCommands::command_path_getClipPath(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) path_closeSubpath(name=%s)\n", qPrintable(name));
m_pathMap[name] = m_painter->clipPath();
static void qt_debug_path(const QPainterPath &path, const QString &name)
const char *names[] = {
"MoveTo ",
"LineTo ",
"CurveTo ",
printf("\nQPainterPath (%s): elementCount=%d\n", qPrintable(name), path.elementCount());
for (int i=0; i<path.elementCount(); ++i) {
const QPainterPath::Element &e = path.elementAt(i);
Q_ASSERT(e.type >= 0 && e.type <= QPainterPath::CurveToDataElement);
printf(" - %3d:: %s, (%.2f, %.2f)\n", i, names[e.type], e.x, e.y);
void PaintCommands::command_path_debugPrint(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
qt_debug_path(m_pathMap[name], name);
void PaintCommands::command_region_addRect(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(3));
int w = convertToInt(caps.at(4));
int h = convertToInt(caps.at(5));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) region_addRect(%s, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", qPrintable(name), x, y, w, h);
m_regionMap[name] += QRect(x, y, w, h);
void PaintCommands::command_region_addEllipse(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(3));
int w = convertToInt(caps.at(4));
int h = convertToInt(caps.at(5));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) region_addEllipse(%s, %d, %d, %d, %d)\n", qPrintable(name), x, y, w, h);
m_regionMap[name] += QRegion(x, y, w, h, QRegion::Ellipse);
void PaintCommands::command_region_getClipRegion(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
QRegion region = m_painter->clipRegion();
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) region_getClipRegion(name=%s), bounds=[%d, %d, %d, %d]\n", qPrintable(name),
m_regionMap[name] = region;
void PaintCommands::command_resetMatrix(QRegExp)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) resetMatrix()\n");
void PaintCommands::command_restore(QRegExp)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) restore()\n");
void PaintCommands::command_rotate(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double angle = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) rotate(%.2f)\n", angle);
void PaintCommands::command_rotate_x(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double angle = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) rotate_x(%.2f)\n", angle);
QTransform transform;
transform.rotate(angle, Qt::XAxis);
m_painter->setTransform(transform, true);
void PaintCommands::command_rotate_y(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double angle = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) rotate_y(%.2f)\n", angle);
QTransform transform;
transform.rotate(angle, Qt::YAxis);
m_painter->setTransform(transform, true);
void PaintCommands::command_save(QRegExp)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) save()\n");
void PaintCommands::command_mapQuadToQuad(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double x1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double y1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double x2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double y2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double x3 = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
double y3 = convertToDouble(caps.at(6));
double x4 = convertToDouble(caps.at(7));
double y4 = convertToDouble(caps.at(8));
QPolygonF poly1(4);
poly1[0] = QPointF(x1, y1);
poly1[1] = QPointF(x2, y2);
poly1[2] = QPointF(x3, y3);
poly1[3] = QPointF(x4, y4);
double x5 = convertToDouble(caps.at(9));
double y5 = convertToDouble(caps.at(10));
double x6 = convertToDouble(caps.at(11));
double y6 = convertToDouble(caps.at(12));
double x7 = convertToDouble(caps.at(13));
double y7 = convertToDouble(caps.at(14));
double x8 = convertToDouble(caps.at(15));
double y8 = convertToDouble(caps.at(16));
QPolygonF poly2(4);
poly2[0] = QPointF(x5, y5);
poly2[1] = QPointF(x6, y6);
poly2[2] = QPointF(x7, y7);
poly2[3] = QPointF(x8, y8);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) mapQuadToQuad(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f ->\n\t"
",%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n",
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, x5, y5, x6, y6, x7, y7, x8, y8);
QTransform trans;
if (!QTransform::quadToQuad(poly1, poly2, trans)) {
qWarning("Couldn't perform quad to quad transformation!");
m_painter->setTransform(trans, true);
void PaintCommands::command_setMatrix(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double m11 = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double m12 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double m13 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double m21 = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double m22 = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
double m23 = convertToDouble(caps.at(6));
double m31 = convertToDouble(caps.at(7));
double m32 = convertToDouble(caps.at(8));
double m33 = convertToDouble(caps.at(9));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setMatrix(%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f)\n",
m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33);
QTransform trans;
trans.setMatrix(m11, m12, m13,
m21, m22, m23,
m31, m32, m33);
m_painter->setTransform(trans, true);
void PaintCommands::command_scale(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double sx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double sy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) scale(%.2f, %.2f)\n", sx, sy);
m_painter->scale(sx, sy);
void PaintCommands::command_setBackground(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QColor color = convertToColor(caps.at(1));
QString pattern = caps.at(2);
int style = translateEnum(brushStyleTable, pattern, Qt::LinearGradientPattern);
if (style < 0)
style = Qt::SolidPattern;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setBackground(%s, %s)\n", qPrintable(color.name()), qPrintable(pattern));
m_painter->setBackground(QBrush(color, Qt::BrushStyle(style)));
void PaintCommands::command_setOpacity(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double opacity = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setOpacity(%lf)\n", opacity);
void PaintCommands::command_setBgMode(QRegExp re)
QString cap = re.cap(2);
Qt::BGMode mode = Qt::TransparentMode;
if (cap.toLower() == QLatin1String("opaquemode") || cap.toLower() == QLatin1String("opaque"))
mode = Qt::OpaqueMode;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setBackgroundMode(%s)\n", mode == Qt::OpaqueMode ? "OpaqueMode" : "TransparentMode");
void PaintCommands::command_setBrush(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QPixmap pm = image_load<QPixmap>(caps.at(1));
if (!pm.isNull()) { // Assume pixmap
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setBrush(pixmap=%s, width=%d, height=%d)\n",
qPrintable(caps.at(1)), pm.width(), pm.height());
} else if (caps.at(1).toLower() == "nobrush") {
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setBrush(Qt::NoBrush)\n");
} else {
QColor color = convertToColor(caps.at(1));
QString pattern = caps.at(2);
int style = translateEnum(brushStyleTable, pattern, Qt::LinearGradientPattern);
if (style < 0)
style = Qt::SolidPattern;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setBrush(%s, %s (%d))\n", qPrintable(color.name()), qPrintable(pattern), style);
m_painter->setBrush(QBrush(color, Qt::BrushStyle(style)));
void PaintCommands::command_setBrushOrigin(QRegExp re)
int x = convertToInt(re.cap(1));
int y = convertToInt(re.cap(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setBrushOrigin(%d, %d)\n", x, y);
m_painter->setBrushOrigin(x, y);
void PaintCommands::command_brushTranslate(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double dx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double dy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) brushTranslate(%f, %f)\n", dx, dy);
QBrush new_brush = m_painter->brush();
QTransform brush_matrix = new_brush.transform();
brush_matrix.translate(dx, dy);
void PaintCommands::command_brushScale(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double sx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double sy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) brushScale(%f, %f)\n", sx, sy);
QBrush new_brush = m_painter->brush();
QTransform brush_matrix = new_brush.transform();
brush_matrix.scale(sx, sy);
void PaintCommands::command_brushRotate(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double rot = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) brushScale(%f)\n", rot);
QBrush new_brush = m_painter->brush();
QTransform brush_matrix = new_brush.transform();
void PaintCommands::command_brushShear(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double sx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double sy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) brushShear(%f, %f)\n", sx, sy);
QBrush new_brush = m_painter->brush();
QTransform brush_matrix = new_brush.transform();
brush_matrix.shear(sx, sy);
void PaintCommands::command_setClipping(QRegExp re)
bool clipping = re.cap(1).toLower() == "true";
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setClipping(%d)\n", clipping);
void PaintCommands::command_setClipRect(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
int x = convertToInt(caps.at(1));
int y = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int w = convertToInt(caps.at(3));
int h = convertToInt(caps.at(4));
int combine = translateEnum(clipOperationTable, caps.at(5), Qt::IntersectClip + 1);
if (combine == -1)
combine = Qt::ReplaceClip;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setClipRect(%d, %d, %d, %d), %s\n", x, y, w, h, clipOperationTable[combine]);
m_painter->setClipRect(x, y, w, h, Qt::ClipOperation(combine));
void PaintCommands::command_setClipPath(QRegExp re)
int combine = translateEnum(clipOperationTable, re.cap(2), Qt::IntersectClip + 1);
if (combine == -1)
combine = Qt::ReplaceClip;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setClipPath(name=%s), %s\n", qPrintable(re.cap(1)), clipOperationTable[combine]);
if (!m_pathMap.contains(re.cap(1)))
fprintf(stderr, " - setClipPath, no such path");
m_painter->setClipPath(m_pathMap[re.cap(1)], Qt::ClipOperation(combine));
void PaintCommands::command_setClipRegion(QRegExp re)
int combine = translateEnum(clipOperationTable, re.cap(2), Qt::IntersectClip + 1);
if (combine == -1)
combine = Qt::ReplaceClip;
QRegion r = m_regionMap[re.cap(1)];
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setClipRegion(name=%s), bounds=[%d, %d, %d, %d], %s\n",
m_painter->setClipRegion(m_regionMap[re.cap(1)], Qt::ClipOperation(combine));
void PaintCommands::command_setFont(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString family = caps.at(1);
int size = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
int weight = translateEnum(fontWeightTable, re.cap(3).toLower(), 5);
if (weight != -1) {
switch (weight) {
case 0: weight = QFont::Light; break;
case 1: weight = QFont::Normal; break;
case 2: weight = QFont::DemiBold; break;
case 3: weight = QFont::Bold; break;
case 4: weight = QFont::Black; break;
} else {
weight = convertToInt(re.cap(3));
bool italic = caps.at(4).toLower() == "true" || caps.at(4).toLower() == "italic";
QFont font(family, size, weight, italic);
int hinting = translateEnum(fontHintingTable, caps.at(5), 4);
if (hinting == -1)
hinting = 0;
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setFont(family=%s, size=%d, weight=%d, italic=%d hinting=%s\n",
qPrintable(family), size, weight, italic, fontHintingTable[hinting]);
void PaintCommands::command_setPen(QRegExp re)
QString cap = re.cap(1);
int style = translateEnum(penStyleTable, cap, Qt::DashDotDotLine + 1);
if (style >= 0) {
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setPen(%s)\n", qPrintable(cap));
} else if (cap.toLower() == "brush") {
QPen pen(m_painter->brush(), 0);
if (m_verboseMode) {
printf(" -(lance) setPen(brush), style=%d, color=%08x\n",
pen.brush().style(), pen.color().rgba());
} else {
QColor color = convertToColor(cap);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setPen(%s)\n", qPrintable(color.name()));
void PaintCommands::command_setPen2(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QBrush brush;
if (caps.at(1).toLower() == "brush")
brush = m_painter->brush();
brush = convertToColor(caps.at(1));
double width = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
int penStyle = translateEnum(penStyleTable, caps.at(3), Qt::DashDotDotLine + 1);
if (penStyle < 0)
penStyle = Qt::SolidLine;
Qt::PenCapStyle capStyle = Qt::SquareCap;
if (caps.at(4).toLower() == "flatcap") capStyle = Qt::FlatCap;
else if (caps.at(4).toLower() == "squarecap") capStyle = Qt::SquareCap;
else if (caps.at(4).toLower() == "roundcap") capStyle = Qt::RoundCap;
else if (!caps.at(4).isEmpty())
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: setPen, unknown capStyle: %s\n", qPrintable(caps.at(4)));
Qt::PenJoinStyle joinStyle = Qt::BevelJoin;
if (caps.at(5).toLower() == "miterjoin") joinStyle = Qt::MiterJoin;
else if (caps.at(5).toLower() == "beveljoin") joinStyle = Qt::BevelJoin;
else if (caps.at(5).toLower() == "roundjoin") joinStyle = Qt::RoundJoin;
else if (!caps.at(5).isEmpty())
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: setPen, unknown joinStyle: %s\n", qPrintable(caps.at(5)));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setPen(%s, width=%f, style=%d, cap=%d, join=%d)\n",
qPrintable(brush.color().name()), width, penStyle, capStyle, joinStyle);
m_painter->setPen(QPen(brush, width, Qt::PenStyle(penStyle), capStyle, joinStyle));
void PaintCommands::command_setRenderHint(QRegExp re)
QString hintString = re.cap(1).toLower();
bool on = re.cap(2).isEmpty() || re.cap(2).toLower() == "true";
if (hintString.contains("antialiasing")) {
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setRenderHint Antialiasing\n");
m_painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, on);
} else if (hintString.contains("smoothpixmaptransform")) {
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setRenderHint SmoothPixmapTransform\n");
m_painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, on);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(setRenderHint): unknown hint '%s'\n", qPrintable(hintString));
void PaintCommands::command_clearRenderHint(QRegExp /*re*/)
m_painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false);
m_painter->setRenderHint(QPainter::SmoothPixmapTransform, false);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) clearRenderHint\n");
void PaintCommands::command_setCompositionMode(QRegExp re)
QString modeString = re.cap(1).toLower();
int mode = translateEnum(compositionModeTable, modeString, 33);
if (mode < 0 || mode > QPainter::RasterOp_SourceAndNotDestination) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid mode: %s\n", qPrintable(modeString));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setCompositionMode: %d: %s\n", mode, qPrintable(modeString));
void PaintCommands::command_translate(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double dx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double dy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) translate(%f, %f)\n", dx, dy);
m_painter->translate(dx, dy);
void PaintCommands::command_pixmap_load(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString fileName = caps.at(1);
QString name = caps.at(2);
if (name.isEmpty())
name = fileName;
QImage im = image_load<QImage>(fileName);
QPixmap px = QPixmap::fromImage(im, Qt::OrderedDither | Qt::OrderedAlphaDither);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) pixmap_load(%s as %s), size=[%d, %d], depth=%d\n",
qPrintable(fileName), qPrintable(name),
px.width(), px.height(), px.depth());
m_pixmapMap[name] = px;
void PaintCommands::command_bitmap_load(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString fileName = caps.at(1);
QString name = caps.at(2);
if (name.isEmpty())
name = fileName;
QBitmap bm = image_load<QBitmap>(fileName);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) bitmap_load(%s as %s), size=[%d, %d], depth=%d\n",
qPrintable(fileName), qPrintable(name),
bm.width(), bm.height(), bm.depth());
m_pixmapMap[name] = bm;
void PaintCommands::command_pixmap_setMask(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QBitmap mask = image_load<QBitmap>(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) pixmap_setMask(%s, %s)\n", qPrintable(caps.at(1)), qPrintable(caps.at(2)));
if (!m_pixmapMap[caps.at(1)].isNull())
void PaintCommands::command_image_load(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString fileName = caps.at(1);
QString name = caps.at(2);
if (name.isEmpty())
name = fileName;
QImage image = image_load<QImage>(fileName);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) image_load(%s as %s), size=[%d, %d], format=%d\n",
qPrintable(fileName), qPrintable(name),
image.width(), image.height(), image.format());
m_imageMap[name] = image;
void PaintCommands::command_image_setColorCount(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
int count = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) image_setColorCount(%s), %d -> %d\n",
qPrintable(name), m_imageMap[name].colorCount(), count);
void PaintCommands::command_image_setColor(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString name = caps.at(1);
int index = convertToInt(caps.at(2));
QColor color = convertToColor(caps.at(3));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) image_setColor(%s), %d = %08x\n", qPrintable(name), index, color.rgba());
m_imageMap[name].setColor(index, color.rgba());
void PaintCommands::command_abort(QRegExp)
m_abort = true;
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_clearStops(QRegExp)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_clearStops\n");
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_appendStop(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double pos = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
QColor color = convertToColor(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_appendStop(%.2f, %x)\n", pos, color.rgba());
m_gradientStops << QGradientStop(pos, color);
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_setLinear(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double x1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double y1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double x2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double y2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_setLinear (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f), spread=%d\n",
x1, y1, x2, y2, m_gradientSpread);
QLinearGradient lg(QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x2, y2));
QBrush brush(lg);
QTransform brush_matrix = m_painter->brush().transform();
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_setLinearPen(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double x1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double y1 = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double x2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double y2 = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_setLinear (%.2f, %.2f), (%.2f, %.2f), spread=%d\n",
x1, y1, x2, y2, m_gradientSpread);
QLinearGradient lg(QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x2, y2));
QPen pen = m_painter->pen();
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_setRadial(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double cx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double cy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double rad = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double fx = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double fy = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_setRadial center=(%.2f, %.2f), radius=%.2f, focal=(%.2f, %.2f), "
cx, cy, rad, fx, fy, m_gradientSpread);
QRadialGradient rg(QPointF(cx, cy), rad, QPointF(fx, fy));
QBrush brush(rg);
QTransform brush_matrix = m_painter->brush().transform();
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_setRadialExtended(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double cx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double cy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double rad = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double fx = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
double fy = convertToDouble(caps.at(5));
double frad = convertToDouble(caps.at(6));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_setRadialExtended center=(%.2f, %.2f), radius=%.2f, focal=(%.2f, %.2f), "
"focal radius=%.2f, spread=%d\n",
cx, cy, rad, fx, fy, frad, m_gradientSpread);
QRadialGradient rg(QPointF(cx, cy), rad, QPointF(fx, fy), frad);
QBrush brush(rg);
QTransform brush_matrix = m_painter->brush().transform();
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_setConical(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double cx = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double cy = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double angle = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
if (m_verboseMode) {
printf(" -(lance) gradient_setConical center=(%.2f, %.2f), angle=%.2f\n, spread=%d",
cx, cy, angle, m_gradientSpread);
QConicalGradient cg(QPointF(cx, cy), angle);
QBrush brush(cg);
QTransform brush_matrix = m_painter->brush().transform();
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_setSpread(QRegExp re)
int spreadMethod = translateEnum(spreadMethodTable, re.cap(1), 3);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_setSpread %d=[%s]\n", spreadMethod, spreadMethodTable[spreadMethod]);
m_gradientSpread = QGradient::Spread(spreadMethod);
void PaintCommands::command_gradient_setCoordinateMode(QRegExp re)
int coord = translateEnum(coordinateMethodTable, re.cap(1), 3);
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) gradient_setCoordinateMode %d=[%s]\n", coord,
m_gradientCoordinate = QGradient::CoordinateMode(coord);
void PaintCommands::command_surface_begin(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double x = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
double y = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
double w = convertToDouble(caps.at(3));
double h = convertToDouble(caps.at(4));
if (m_surface_painter) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: surface already active");
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) surface_begin, pos=[%.2f, %.2f], size=[%.2f, %.2f]\n", x, y, w, h);
m_surface_painter = m_painter;
if (m_type == OpenGLType || m_type == OpenGLPBufferType) {
#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
m_surface_pbuffer = new QGLPixelBuffer(qRound(w), qRound(h));
m_painter = new QPainter(m_surface_pbuffer);
m_painter->fillRect(QRect(0, 0, qRound(w), qRound(h)), Qt::transparent);
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
} else if (m_type == WidgetType) {
m_surface_pixmap = QPixmap(qRound(w), qRound(h));
m_painter = new QPainter(&m_surface_pixmap);
} else {
m_surface_image = QImage(qRound(w), qRound(h), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
m_painter = new QPainter(&m_surface_image);
m_surface_rect = QRectF(x, y, w, h);
void PaintCommands::command_surface_end(QRegExp)
if (!m_surface_painter) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: surface not active");
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) surface_end, pos=[%.2f, %.2f], size=[%.2f, %.2f]\n",
delete m_painter;
m_painter = m_surface_painter;
m_surface_painter = 0;
if (m_type == OpenGLType || m_type == OpenGLPBufferType) {
#ifndef QT_NO_OPENGL
QImage image = m_surface_pbuffer->toImage();
QImage new_image(image.bits(), image.width(),
image.height(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
QPaintDevice *pdev = m_painter->device();
if (pdev->devType() == QInternal::Widget) {
QWidget *w = static_cast<QWidget *>(pdev);
static_cast<QGLWidget *>(w)->makeCurrent();
} else if (pdev->devType() == QInternal::Pbuffer) {
static_cast<QGLPixelBuffer *>(pdev)->makeCurrent();
m_painter->drawImage(m_surface_rect, new_image);
delete m_surface_pbuffer;
m_surface_pbuffer = 0;
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
} else if (m_type == WidgetType) {
m_painter->drawPixmap(m_surface_rect.topLeft(), m_surface_pixmap);
m_surface_pixmap = QPixmap();
} else {
m_painter->drawImage(m_surface_rect, m_surface_image);
m_surface_image = QImage();
m_surface_rect = QRectF();
void PaintCommands::command_image_convertToFormat(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString srcName = caps.at(1);
QString destName = caps.at(2);
if (!m_imageMap.contains(srcName)) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(convertToFormat): no such image '%s'\n", qPrintable(srcName));
int format = translateEnum(imageFormatTable, caps.at(3), QImage::NImageFormats);
if (format < 0 || format >= QImage::NImageFormats) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR(convertToFormat): invalid format %d = '%s'\n",
format, qPrintable(caps.at(3)));
QImage src = m_imageMap[srcName];
QImage dest = src.convertToFormat(QImage::Format(format),
Qt::OrderedAlphaDither | Qt::OrderedDither);
if (m_verboseMode) {
printf(" -(lance) convertToFormat %s:%d -> %s:%d\n",
qPrintable(srcName), src.format(),
qPrintable(destName), dest.format());
m_imageMap[destName] = dest;
void PaintCommands::command_textlayout_draw(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString text = caps.at(1);
double width = convertToDouble(caps.at(2));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) textlayout_draw text='%s', width=%f\n",
qPrintable(text), width);
QFont copy = m_painter->font();
QTextLayout layout(text, copy, m_painter->device());
double y_offset = 0;
while (true) {
QTextLine line = layout.createLine();
if (!line.isValid())
line.setPosition(QPointF(0, y_offset));
y_offset += line.height();
layout.draw(m_painter, QPointF(0, 0));
void PaintCommands::command_pen_setDashOffset(QRegExp re)
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
double offset = convertToDouble(caps.at(1));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) setDashOffset(%lf)\n", offset);
QPen p = m_painter->pen();
void PaintCommands::command_pen_setDashPattern(QRegExp re)
static QRegExp separators("\\s");
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString cap = caps.at(1);
QStringList numbers = cap.split(separators, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QVector<qreal> pattern;
for (int i=0; i<numbers.size(); ++i)
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) pen_setDashPattern(size=%d)\n", pattern.size());
QPen p = m_painter->pen();
void PaintCommands::command_pen_setCosmetic(QRegExp re)
QString hm = re.capturedTexts().at(1);
bool on = hm == "true" || hm == "yes" || hm == "on";
if (m_verboseMode) {
printf(" -(lance) pen_setCosmetic(%s)\n", on ? "true" : "false");
QPen p = m_painter->pen();
void PaintCommands::command_drawConvexPolygon(QRegExp re)
static QRegExp separators("\\s");
QStringList caps = re.capturedTexts();
QString cap = caps.at(1);
QStringList numbers = cap.split(separators, QString::SkipEmptyParts);
QPolygonF array;
for (int i=0; i + 1<numbers.size(); i+=2)
array.append(QPointF(convertToDouble(numbers.at(i)), convertToDouble(numbers.at(i+1))));
if (m_verboseMode)
printf(" -(lance) drawConvexPolygon(size=%d)\n", array.size());