After 1d961491d8
, palettes are different
if they either have different brush data, or a different private. Two
privates can share data, but still must generate different cache keys.
The cacheKey has so far been composted of the serial number of the Data
struct, and a detach number that is incremented when we detach the
This failed for two reasons:
- the implicit copy constructor of the Data class copied the serial
number, when it should have incremented it. Fix that by member-
initializing the serial number rather than doing it only in the default
constructor. The member initialization is also executed for the copy
- the detach_no logic as it was implemented does not guarantee that two
copies of the same palette that share data, but have different resolve
masks (and thus different privates) have different detach_no values.
Use a static serial counter for that number as well.
Amend the test case to verfiy that cache keys, and the elements of the
cache keys, change when they are expected to.
Fixes: QTBUG-106984
Pick-to: 6.2 6.4
Change-Id: I84d7055ce8bfe0d42f1f8e9766f3f1ad610f4ec8
Reviewed-by: Timur Pocheptsov <timur.pocheptsov@qt.io>
326 lines
12 KiB
326 lines
12 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2016 The Qt Company Ltd.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR GPL-3.0-only WITH Qt-GPL-exception-1.0
#include <QTest>
#include "qpalette.h"
class tst_QPalette : public QObject
private Q_SLOTS:
void roleValues_data();
void roleValues();
void resolve();
void copySemantics();
void moveSemantics();
void setBrush();
void isBrushSet();
void setAllPossibleBrushes();
void noBrushesSetForDefaultPalette();
void cannotCheckIfInvalidBrushSet();
void checkIfBrushForCurrentGroupSet();
void cacheKey();
void tst_QPalette::roleValues_data()
QTest::newRow("QPalette::WindowText") << int(QPalette::WindowText) << 0;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Button") << int(QPalette::Button) << 1;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Light") << int(QPalette::Light) << 2;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Midlight") << int(QPalette::Midlight) << 3;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Dark") << int(QPalette::Dark) << 4;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Mid") << int(QPalette::Mid) << 5;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Text") << int(QPalette::Text) << 6;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::BrightText") << int(QPalette::BrightText) << 7;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::ButtonText") << int(QPalette::ButtonText) << 8;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Base") << int(QPalette::Base) << 9;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Window") << int(QPalette::Window) << 10;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Shadow") << int(QPalette::Shadow) << 11;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Highlight") << int(QPalette::Highlight) << 12;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::HighlightedText") << int(QPalette::HighlightedText) << 13;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::Link") << int(QPalette::Link) << 14;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::LinkVisited") << int(QPalette::LinkVisited) << 15;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::AlternateBase") << int(QPalette::AlternateBase) << 16;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::NoRole") << int(QPalette::NoRole) << 17;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::ToolTipBase") << int(QPalette::ToolTipBase) << 18;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::ToolTipText") << int(QPalette::ToolTipText) << 19;
QTest::newRow("QPalette::PlaceholderText") << int(QPalette::PlaceholderText) << 20;
// Change this value as you add more roles.
QTest::newRow("QPalette::NColorRoles") << int(QPalette::NColorRoles) << 21;
void tst_QPalette::roleValues()
QFETCH(int, role);
QFETCH(int, value);
QCOMPARE(role, value);
void tst_QPalette::resolve()
QPalette p1;
p1.setBrush(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::green);
p1.setBrush(QPalette::Button, Qt::green);
QVERIFY(p1.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText));
QVERIFY(p1.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Button));
QPalette p2;
p2.setBrush(QPalette::WindowText, Qt::red);
QVERIFY(p2.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText));
QVERIFY(!p2.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Button));
QPalette p1ResolvedTo2 = p1.resolve(p2);
// p1ResolvedTo2 gets everything from p1 and nothing copied from p2 because
// it already has a WindowText. That is two brushes, and to the same value
// as p1.
QCOMPARE(p1ResolvedTo2, p1);
QVERIFY(p1ResolvedTo2.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText));
QCOMPARE(p1.windowText(), p1ResolvedTo2.windowText());
QVERIFY(p1ResolvedTo2.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Button));
QCOMPARE(p1.button(), p1ResolvedTo2.button());
QPalette p2ResolvedTo1 = p2.resolve(p1);
// p2ResolvedTo1 gets the WindowText set, and to the same value as the
// original p2, however, Button gets set from p1.
QVERIFY(p2ResolvedTo1.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText));
QCOMPARE(p2.windowText(), p2ResolvedTo1.windowText());
QVERIFY(p2ResolvedTo1.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Button));
QCOMPARE(p1.button(), p2ResolvedTo1.button());
QVERIFY(p2ResolvedTo1 != p1);
QVERIFY(p2ResolvedTo1 != p2);
QPalette p3;
// ensure the resolve mask is full
for (int r = 0; r < QPalette::NColorRoles; ++r)
p3.setBrush(QPalette::All, QPalette::ColorRole(r), Qt::red);
const QPalette::ResolveMask fullMask = p3.resolveMask();
QPalette p3ResolvedToP1 = p3.resolve(p1);
QPalette p4;
QCOMPARE(p4.resolveMask(), QPalette::ResolveMask{});
// resolve must detach even if p4 has no mask
p4 = p4.resolve(p3);
QCOMPARE(p3.resolveMask(), fullMask);
static void compareAllPaletteData(const QPalette &firstPalette, const QPalette &secondPalette)
QCOMPARE(firstPalette, secondPalette);
// For historical reasons, operator== compares only brushes, but it's not enough for proper
// comparison after move/copy, because some additional data can also be moved/copied.
// Let's compare this data here.
QCOMPARE(firstPalette.resolveMask(), secondPalette.resolveMask());
QCOMPARE(firstPalette.currentColorGroup(), secondPalette.currentColorGroup());
void tst_QPalette::copySemantics()
QPalette src(Qt::red), dst;
const QPalette control = src; // copy construction
QVERIFY(src != dst);
compareAllPaletteData(src, control);
dst = src; // copy assignment
compareAllPaletteData(dst, src);
compareAllPaletteData(dst, control);
dst = QPalette(Qt::green);
QVERIFY(dst != src);
QVERIFY(dst != control);
compareAllPaletteData(src, control);
void tst_QPalette::moveSemantics()
QPalette src(Qt::red), dst;
const QPalette control = src;
QVERIFY(src != dst);
compareAllPaletteData(src, control);
dst = std::move(src); // move assignment
QVERIFY(!dst.isCopyOf(src)); // isCopyOf() works on moved-from palettes, too
compareAllPaletteData(dst, control);
src = control; // check moved-from 'src' can still be assigned to (doesn't crash)
QPalette dst2(std::move(src)); // move construction
compareAllPaletteData(dst2, control);
// check moved-from 'src' can still be destroyed (doesn't crash)
void tst_QPalette::setBrush()
QPalette p(Qt::red);
const QPalette q = p;
// Setting a different brush will detach
p.setBrush(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Button, Qt::green);
QVERIFY(q != p);
// Check we only changed what we said we would
for (int i = 0; i < QPalette::NColorGroups; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < QPalette::NColorRoles; j++) {
const auto g = QPalette::ColorGroup(i);
const auto r = QPalette::ColorRole(j);
const auto b = p.brush(g, r);
if (g == QPalette::Disabled && r == QPalette::Button)
QCOMPARE(b, QBrush(Qt::green));
QCOMPARE(b, q.brush(g, r));
const QPalette pp = p;
void tst_QPalette::isBrushSet()
QPalette p;
// Set only one color group
p.setBrush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Mid, QBrush(Qt::red));
QVERIFY(p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Mid));
QVERIFY(!p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::Mid));
QVERIFY(!p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::Mid));
// Set all color groups
p.setBrush(QPalette::LinkVisited, QBrush(Qt::green));
QVERIFY(p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::LinkVisited));
QVERIFY(p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Inactive, QPalette::LinkVisited));
QVERIFY(p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Disabled, QPalette::LinkVisited));
// Don't set flag when brush doesn't change (and also don't detach - QTBUG-98762)
QPalette p2;
QPalette p3;
QVERIFY(!p2.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Dark));
p2.setBrush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Dark, p2.brush(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Dark));
QVERIFY(!p3.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Dark));
QVERIFY(p2.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Dark));
void tst_QPalette::setAllPossibleBrushes()
QPalette p;
QCOMPARE(p.resolveMask(), QPalette::ResolveMask(0));
for (int r = 0; r < QPalette::NColorRoles; ++r) {
p.setBrush(QPalette::All, QPalette::ColorRole(r), Qt::red);
for (int r = 0; r < QPalette::NColorRoles; ++r) {
for (int g = 0; g < QPalette::NColorGroups; ++g) {
QVERIFY(p.isBrushSet(QPalette::ColorGroup(g), QPalette::ColorRole(r)));
void tst_QPalette::noBrushesSetForDefaultPalette()
QCOMPARE(QPalette().resolveMask(), QPalette::ResolveMask(0));
void tst_QPalette::cannotCheckIfInvalidBrushSet()
QPalette p(Qt::red);
QVERIFY(!p.isBrushSet(QPalette::All, QPalette::LinkVisited));
QVERIFY(!p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Active, QPalette::NColorRoles));
void tst_QPalette::checkIfBrushForCurrentGroupSet()
QPalette p;
p.setBrush(QPalette::Current, QPalette::Link, QBrush(Qt::yellow));
QVERIFY(p.isBrushSet(QPalette::Current, QPalette::Link));
void tst_QPalette::cacheKey()
const QPalette defaultPalette;
// precondition: all palettes are expected to have contrasting text on base
QVERIFY(defaultPalette.base() != defaultPalette.text());
const auto defaultCacheKey = defaultPalette.cacheKey();
const auto defaultSerNo = defaultCacheKey >> 32;
const auto defaultDetachNo = defaultCacheKey & 0xffffffff;
QPalette copyDifferentData(defaultPalette);
QPalette copyDifferentMask(defaultPalette);
QPalette copyDifferentMaskAndData(defaultPalette);
QCOMPARE(defaultPalette.cacheKey(), copyDifferentData.cacheKey());
// deep detach of both private and data
copyDifferentData.setBrush(QPalette::Base, defaultPalette.text());
const auto differentDataKey = copyDifferentData.cacheKey();
const auto differentDataSerNo = differentDataKey >> 32;
const auto differentDataDetachNo = differentDataKey & 0xffffffff;
QCOMPARE_NE(copyDifferentData.cacheKey(), defaultCacheKey);
QCOMPARE(defaultPalette.cacheKey(), defaultCacheKey);
// shallow detach, both privates reference the same data
const auto differentMaskKey = copyDifferentMask.cacheKey();
const auto differentMaskSerNo = differentMaskKey >> 32;
const auto differentMaskDetachNo = differentMaskKey & 0xffffffff;
QCOMPARE(differentMaskSerNo, defaultSerNo);
QCOMPARE_NE(differentMaskSerNo, defaultDetachNo);
QCOMPARE_NE(differentMaskKey, defaultCacheKey);
QCOMPARE_NE(differentMaskKey, differentDataKey);
// shallow detach, both privates reference the same data
const auto modifiedCacheKey = copyDifferentMaskAndData.cacheKey();
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedCacheKey, copyDifferentMask.cacheKey());
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedCacheKey, defaultCacheKey);
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedCacheKey, copyDifferentData.cacheKey());
QCOMPARE_NE(copyDifferentMask.cacheKey(), defaultCacheKey);
// full detach - both key elements are different
copyDifferentMaskAndData.setBrush(QPalette::Base, defaultPalette.text());
const auto modifiedAllKey = copyDifferentMaskAndData.cacheKey();
const auto modifiedAllSerNo = modifiedAllKey >> 32;
const auto modifiedAllDetachNo = modifiedAllKey & 0xffffffff;
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedAllSerNo, defaultSerNo);
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedAllDetachNo, defaultDetachNo);
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedAllKey, copyDifferentMask.cacheKey());
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedAllKey, defaultCacheKey);
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedAllKey, differentDataKey);
QCOMPARE_NE(modifiedAllKey, modifiedCacheKey);
#include "tst_qpalette.moc"