Before reading the configuration of a docker machine, the machine shall be created and started. Otherwise, the docker command will complain about "cannot connect to the Docker daemon". If the docker machine has not been created, the make check will be immediately terminated, and then print the error message. If its status is not running, the machine will be turned on by a start command. Change-Id: I7f4c322e7bdf29e4e4203e0e1bbc2e5c8cf677be Reviewed-by: Jędrzej Nowacki <jedrzej.nowacki@qt.io>
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# Integrating docker-based test servers into Qt Test framework
# This file adds support for docker-based test servers built by testcase
# projects that need them. To enable this feature, any automated test can
# include testserver.pri in its project file. This instructs qmake to insert
# additional targets into the generated Makefile. The 'check' target then brings
# up test servers before running the testcase, and shuts them down afterwards.
# - Contains the path of docker-compose file
# This configuration file defines the services used for autotests. It tells the
# docker engine how to build up the docker images and containers. In qtbase, a
# shared docker-compose file is located in the tests folder.
# $$dirname(_QMAKE_CONF_)/tests/testserver/docker-compose.yml
# The user must run the provisioning scripts in advance before attempting to
# build the test servers. The docker_testserver.sh script is used to build up
# the docker images into the docker-cache. It handles the immutable parts of the
# server installation that rarely need adjustment, such as downloading packages.
# Example: qt5/coin/provisioning/.../testserver/docker_testserver.sh
# - A list of test servers to bring up for this testcase
# These test servers should be defined in $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE. Each
# testcase can define the test servers it depends on.
# Example: QT_TEST_SERVER_LIST = apache2 squid vsftpd ftp-proxy danted
# Pre-processor defines needed for the application:
# - A preprocessor macro used for testcase to change testing parameters at
# compile time
# This macro is predefined for docker-based test servers and is passed as a
# compiler option (-DQT_TEST_SERVER). The testcase can then check whether
# docker-based servers are in use and change the testing parameters, such as
# host name or port number, at compile time. An example can be found in
# network-settings.h.
# Example:
# #if defined(QT_TEST_SERVER)
# Change the testing parameters at compile time
# #endif
# - A preprocessor macro that holds the server domain name
# Provided for the helper functions in network-settings.h. Use function
# serverDomainName() in your application instead.
# Additional make targets:
# 1. check_network - A renamed target from the check target of testcase feature.
# 2. testserver_clean - Clean up server containers/images and tidy away related
# files.
TESTSERVER_VERSION = $$system(docker-compose --version)
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Windows)|isEmpty(TESTSERVER_VERSION) {
# Make check with server "qt-test-server.qt-test-net" as a fallback
message("testserver: qt-test-server.qt-test-net")
} else {
# Make check with test servers
equals(QMAKE_HOST.os, Darwin) {
# There is no docker bridge on macOS. It is impossible to ping a container.
# Docker docs recommends using port mapping to connect to a container;
# but it causes a port conflict if the user is running a service that
# binds the same port on the host. An alternative solution is to deploy
# the docker environment into VirtualBox using docker-machine.
# The connection configuration for the target machine
MACHINE_CONFIG = $(shell docker-machine config qt-test-server)
# The environment variables passed to the docker-compose file
TEST_ENV = 'MACHINE_IP=$(shell docker-machine ip qt-test-server)'
} else {
TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE = $$dirname(_QMAKE_CONF_)/tests/testserver/docker-compose.yml
# Ensure that the docker-compose file is provided. It is a configuration
# file which is mandatory for all docker-compose commands. You can get more
# detail from the description of TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE above. There is
# also an example showing how to configure it manually.
FILE_PRETEST_MSG = "Project variable 'TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE' is not set"
testserver_pretest.commands = $(info "testserver:" $$TESTSERVER_VERSION)
testserver_pretest.commands += $(if $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE,,$(error $$FILE_PRETEST_MSG))
# Make sure docker-machine is both created and running. The docker_machine
# script is used to deploy the docker environment into VirtualBox.
# Example: qt5/coin/provisioning/common/shared/testserver/docker_machine.sh
MACHINE_LIST_CMD = docker-machine ls -q --filter "Name=^qt-test-server$"
MACHINE_LIST_MSG = "Docker machine qt-test-server not found"
testserver_pretest.commands += \
$(if $(shell $$MACHINE_LIST_CMD),,$(error $$MACHINE_LIST_MSG))
docker-machine ls -q --filter "State=Running" --filter "Name=^qt-test-server$"
MACHINE_START_CMD = docker-machine start qt-test-server
testserver_pretest.commands += \
$(if $(shell $$MACHINE_STATE_CMD),,$(shell $$MACHINE_START_CMD > /dev/null))
# Before starting the test servers, it requires the user to run the setup
# script (coin/provisioning/.../testserver/docker_testserver.sh) in advance.
IMAGE_PRETEST_CMD = docker $$MACHINE_CONFIG images -aq "qt-test-server-*"
IMAGE_PRETEST_MSG = "Docker image qt-test-server-* not found"
testserver_pretest.commands += $(if $(shell $$IMAGE_PRETEST_CMD),,$(error $$IMAGE_PRETEST_MSG))
# The domain name is relevant to https keycert (qnetworkreply/crts/qt-test-net-cacert.pem).
DNSDOMAIN = test-net.qt.local
# Rename the check target of testcase feature
check.target = check_network
testserver_test.target = check
# Pretesting test servers environment
testserver_test.depends = testserver_pretest
# Bring up test servers and make sure the services are ready.
!isEmpty(TEST_ENV): testserver_test.commands = env $$TEST_ENV
testserver_test.commands += docker-compose $$MACHINE_CONFIG -f $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE up \
--detach --force-recreate --timeout 1 $${QT_TEST_SERVER_LIST} &&
# Check test cases with docker-based test servers.
testserver_test.commands += $(MAKE) check_network;
# Stop and remove test servers after testing.
testserver_test.commands += docker-compose $$MACHINE_CONFIG -f $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE down \
--timeout 1
# Destroy test servers and tidy away related files.
testserver_clean.commands = docker-compose $$MACHINE_CONFIG -f $$TESTSERVER_COMPOSE_FILE down \
--rmi all
QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += testserver_pretest testserver_test testserver_clean